what is the Shepard's canon class? in first 2 he seem to be a Soldier, but in the third ones cover art he's an infiltrator.
What is the Shepard's canon class? in first 2 he seem to be a Soldier...
He's a renegade soldier
why does he have the tech arm thing, a pistol and a sniper rifle? on his back
Definitely not a biotic. I hated that having biotic powers meant that you were one of a couple dozen humans that went through very specific training and augmentation and at no point is it ever mentioned or you get any special dialogue with other biotic humans.
Probably should have been an early warning sign that Bioware was incapable of creating a multi-part saga that gave even the slightest shit about the player's choices in the end.
Mass Effect 3 is a fever dream made by indoctrination, nothing makes sense. Just don't think about it too much.
is the whole game that bad?
haven't played 3 yet
I'd like to think he started out as a Soldier, then Cerberus basically re-grown him from the ground up they've added some Ezo magic juice for biotic classes if you play as those.
Gameplay is the best of the series, really fun abilities all around. Cover shooting is a little simpler so always play on max difficulty. Other than that quests are just, go here shoot here, go here shoot here take this go here shoot here take this shoot here go here ad nauseum. There's much less roleplay and the story takes a nosedive with characters like the Illusive Man becoming cartoon villain and a Sasuke character named Kai Leng. The real bummer is the ending.
Even after saying everything I've said above... You should play it, the Citadel DLC for example is really good, fun and heartwarming fanservice.
Reminder that CONTROL is the true ending we deserve
renegade infiltrator femshep
Also Ash is canon
It's unforgivably bad, from the VERY START. There are two points that still have the correct impact and are worth experiencing though. Tuchanka, and the Citadel dlc. Everything else is a god damn mess.
Aprt from multiplayer I guess, it's actually pretty fun, though I doubt it has a playerbase anymore.
Ishnt Ash a dude?
Post proof of it that isn't an edit or comparing her to a shemale that doesn't match her at all
how is he an infiltrator, just because he's holding one of the sniper rifles? The Soldier class can use any gun it wants. Default Shepard is always the male soldier handsome buzzcut guy
that mech arm thing is what engineers and infiltrators have
>mech arm thing
Every class has an omni-blade, user. Literally in the tutorial.
the "mech arm thing" is their omni tool, every character has one, the tech savy classes just use theirs more frequently and to better effect. Even if you skip all the cutscenes and never see them use it, the soldier will deploy theirs with a big knife on it for their heavy melee
those classes have certain skills related to it but everybody has an omni tool, and that in particular is the omni blade which is the default melee attack since Mass effect 3
why do people think cover art is canon? they just try to make him look cool.
Here! Pick your canon femShep! Your voice counts!
Where is classic femShep?
My Shepard was a Vanguard. His instructors always told him to rely on traditional biotic techniques like Warp and that other gay shit. Instead in live-fire combat he throws out Biotic Charges like a mad man and punches enemies to death if they survive.
5 looks the most like the real femshep.
i dont know the class but canon Shepard is female
I've not played 3 since release but IIRC all classes either had the Omniblade or a Biotic melee attack, so a Soldier would totally have it. That and in 3 you could use any weapon on any class, but they had different weights and the more total weight the slower your skills would recharge, so Biotics and the like had incentive to keep it to just one or two.
Ash is ash*
My autism was really triggered that she didn't have a more military look in the default for 3. Caked on whore makeup and hair not pulled back was awful.
But Shep was retired at the start of 3, and was never legally reinstated
You have an omni-tool as part of the canon, soldiers can turn it into a blade.
They can also use every weapon. Which is why he's holding a pistol and a sniper rifle.