I don't get it. I seriously don't fucking get it. How does one even become an Annfag? Seriously...

I don't get it. I seriously don't fucking get it. How does one even become an Annfag? Seriously, she is for the filthy casuals. From a design standpoint, Ann is literally the most generic, cookie cutter interpretation of 'hot bimbo' that one could ever come up with. She looks like EVERY single pin-up girl or sports illustrated swimsuit model EVER combined into an anime character. Literally Kate Upton turned Nip. Is this a bad thing? No. I agree, she is conventionally attractive to pretty much every player. She has blonde, flowing hair, ocean blue eyes and the long, slender physique. Absolutely, she is an attractive character - I will never dispute this. BUT how, as men (and maybe women) of fine taste with niche interests, have we allowed her to become a waifu??? Ann is the human equivalent of pizza. Sure, everyone likes pizza, loves pizza, in-fact. But if I were to ask you, "user, what is your favourite food?" and you were to respond with fucking pizza, it would indicate to me that you are nothing but swine with an unrefined palate. Her entire personality and character arc can be summarized with one word - model. And last time I checked, model is a fucking job description not a character trait.

Listen, I can tolerate literally every ship & -fag variant. I sympathize with Kawakami-fags, despite their obvious mother issues. I understand how Inari X Futaba's autistic chemistry could be interpreted as a ship. Hell, even Groo-fags and their yaoi joker x goro cousins make complete sense; I mean he is a little feminine with that gay suitcase and all. And to be honest, I don't even hate Ann! She's not a terrible character. She has some funny moments in the game, and has decent chemistry with the other phantoms thieves. But by picking the most uncreative, the most OBVIOUS character and making her your waifu...well, you betray a simple truth about yourself.

you are a plebian. and you are a person *clap* with *clap* shit * clap* tastes *clap*

Attached: 1520181491327.png (872x632, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gosh I really like bimbos.

The same way someone becomes a Harufag or a Hifumifag. Having the blandest most basic bitch taste imaginable.

You didn't even mention her sucking the teacher of like the dirty whore she is.

I love Makoto because she's autistic!

Attached: 1558646682410.jpg (900x1200, 152K)

Well thats the lovers arcana in a nutshell, they're hot bimbos, or in Yukari's case, a bitch.

What's wrong with haru?
Can't say it's good character design, but she is the only character I liked at least a little bit.

A hot bitch.

And there's literally nothing wrong with that

Attached: image.jpg (640x848, 54K)

Why though? She's the only character that manages to have less of a character than Ann?

No character>being a shitty character aka most of P5's cast

>both annoying and has shit taste in video games
Wow Makoto, you're so smart.

Not really, at least being a shitty character gives you reasons to talk about them and find what you do like. Haru and Ann may as well be Mannequins.

Pretty much this She is the girl without much personality other than her gardening hobby, but she didn't do anything to annoy me either.

Go back to twitter you disgusting tranny

Nice Copypasta. Saved.

C’mon its pride month. Have a bit more respect....least call them trans scum.

Good thing Ann isn't one then.

I want to build elaborate logo sets with Makoto and then fuck her in the ass!

Attached: 1495512986166.webm (1920x1080, 325K)

please don't tell me you're OP talking shit about ann when you like haru

Attached: yikes.gif (498x498, 1.28M)

i'm thinking he's based

Attached: 1558801533479.jpg (853x1000, 98K)

Anne is the love of my life and I could not care less what you think about her.

Attached: 41.jpg (1080x1440, 301K)

I am.

Attached: queen.png (849x258, 71K)

what if I like bimbos and I just wanna fuck one silly?

She has no ass and no personality.

Your wife sucks.

anne and the rest of the lovers girls are just wishfulfillment for people who wanna date "the most popular girl" at school

You suck.

I hate you.



is there an anne thread on /c/? if not can this become the anne image dump?

Yeah but it's filled with a lot of shitty art.

okay can this be the designated anne image dump thread, then?

yeah sure, why not?

Attached: Ann 7.png (633x1024, 554K)

Even if I say no I can't exactly stop you from doing so.

Fuck off back to /pg/, false-flagging Annefag.

Take your /pg/shit and shove them up your ass.

All of the P5 girls fucking suck except for that cougar doctor

Is P5R gonna have 4K support on the pro?

Makoto is a tumor on p5s story and the entire experience would be improved if she were erased outright.

Ann has smelly feet!

I love my wife Anne, I don’t see how anyone could dislike her.

It's pretty simple user, mixed japanese (With another country) girls are cute af.

This is exactly how I feel about Isabellefags

There’s nothing wrong with liking the popular girl, although Anne has no friends other than Shiho starting out in P5.


Attached: airhead.png (1600x900, 1.75M)

Kamoshida's cumrag.

Anne's my wife and I love her unconditionally.

Attached: 1547967505395.jpg (1000x1200, 162K)

I love Ann. I even watch a terrible TV show for her.

Attached: persona-5-the-animation-04-17.jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

>Seriously, she is for the filthy casuals
Never played P5, but I can say most people who play video games are filthy casuals.

Imagine being this butthurt over someone who would never talk to you anyway.

>muh Ann-dono
>I want to buttfuck all the girls
I miss the new Atlus mascot.

>tfw you have pizza, a shit turd, some rat feces and a puddle of vomit as alternatives to eat

Yep, that would summarize your post, my dude

Were there more shots of her butt in the anime or was this the only one?

I liked Takemi, Kawakami, Futaba and Haru

Attached: 1898163_1696629037225311_3897982238117432296_n.png (640x776, 231K)


Ann is for mating press

Attached: Untitled8.png (918x536, 286K)

There was a lot of them. A LOT. I think there was some like every episode. In few rare times though, sadly, replaced with shot of Makoto's ass.
I am thinking of making a collection of them.

Attached: persona-5-the-animation-09-6.jpg (1280x720, 258K)

Based Annon

Attached: 1532199116735.jpg (2560x1440, 364K)

I... just finished the game for the first time last week. Christ, when will i stop feeling so... empty... inside?
Also what the fuck this end song. It even had a happy ending i still felt sad when seeing it.

You wouldn't mind posting more would you?


I almost thought you were halfway intelligent.


why is this the fucking part that got me

Yeah it was a bittersweet ending, very good though I shed a few tears. You should play some more Persona and SMT games next.

Attached: 1525303316125.png (1073x1474, 421K)

You don't understand. I already played P2-P4 and the whole essential ps2, ds smt core and offspins. And this is still the first time when i feel so "empty" inside. Even Door-kun didn't hit me this much.

Oh nice, those are some pretty good games. Yeah I agree, I felt more sad for P5 since I liked it more than P3. Joker's sacrifice hit me a little harder too after the casino palace. You should try out P1 since it's linked to P2 sometime.

Attached: 1539368107156.jpg (2480x4013, 3.98M)

Ummm... no thanks.

Probably because it reminds you of that stupid ms paint picture of Haru's forehead being used as the screen for the projector.

>no cleavage
Wanna know how i know this was done by an american "artist"?

Dear diary, Makoto-chan here!

I fucking love autistic Makoto stories


It’s good and you’ll like it if you played P2
It’s still cute


Cease immediately.


Attached: Makoto_Diary.jpg (1882x4977, 1.85M)

I have never played the game and know close to nothing about the plot or characters but out of all the ones her and punk doctor are my favorites

I wish my dick were in place of that lollipop.

Good taste user
You should play P5

Even if this post is bait or ironic, it's still 100% true.

I don't have a playstation

i just think she's neat it's not that deep dude

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Happy Fuuka.jpg (512x512, 25K)

Emulate the ps3 version.

Anyone who likes Persona 5 has at least half their brain missing. That should answer your question.

>complains about her
>uses her reaction image as if it were her complaining
Are you stupid?

Sounds like you got a case of shit taste flu.

Shut the fuck up.

I like the idea of Kaneshiros bad ending traumatizing Makoto and needing recovery and therapy

Lack thereof actually.

Ending up as a used, dried up jizzrag is really all she's good for.

Really, how the fuck does anyone like Makoto, she is literally Plank from Ed, Edd & Eddy wearing a skin tight latex suit, i really don´t get it, HOW THE FUCK CAN A HUMAN BEING LIKE MAKOTO I´M SO FUCKING MAD

Attached: Not a perfect world 2.png (1588x1056, 789K)

This is not a perfect world since Makoto is in it.

Mizuki Nana


Erika Harlacher.

You don't want an autistic gf user trust me

Is the nice dollsome wifely girl trope less bland?

Honestly I just like Ann’a hair

There is something hot in fucking a sperger in the ass

Shut up. Don't talk that way about pizza.

Ann is good fap material but not much else

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Her hair is very pretty

Attached: 1525382993590.png (560x543, 350K)

she's hot

Attached: 1524924130022.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

Annebros are multiplying these days

Attached: 1546353718571.jpg (1500x2045, 339K)

I’m pretty sure Makoto is the casual’s choice at this point.


Praise FuukaFriend

Attached: Winnie.gif (498x300, 1.15M)

someone post confused ann

Your taste is utter trash.

Probably because her love story is surprisingly sweet? She genuinely seems to like the MC, and even falls in love with him. And when she says forever, you believe her.

ur fault

Attached: 1559367628786.png (1712x2328, 804K)

Kind of close

Attached: Anne shock mad.webm (1280x720, 3M)


Autistic virgins are afraid of alpha women like Anne

Attached: D6HZTiKW0AIA02m.jpg (1200x675, 155K)

This is true.

gimme that Adachi okay hand

yep my attention span is long gone and im just going to reply assuming whatever your post contains. I don't know, I guess Ann is just that bland and unassuming that anybody can mold her to there fetishes. She doesnt really have any personality beyond being a bimbo. She is indeed kind of kinky and slutty. Thats fine. She is the person used to introduce you to the social link system. Its fine that she is a bimbo. Hell, she is supposed to be a bimbo, thats what the lovers arcana is all about. its fine that she is 2D. She is supposed to be that way. I guess some people prefer an uninteresting mate. Whatever it is that attracts people to Ann, just make sure Annfag doesn't see your post. That faggot will derail any and all persona related stuff he sees.
Unless of course you are actually Annfag in disguise. Then you should fucking kill yourself

Takemi is more my speed but these Ann threads make me appreciate her a lot.
I want to be her very badly because of anons in these threads...

Because Nana wills it.


I want to be Ann because of how horny people get for her.

be who? Ann or Tae?

Well I'd love to be Tae too, more even, people just seem to be bigger fans of Ann.


Tae is bae

I agree, I love her very much. Being the milf goth gf would be the most fun.