What future for MG?

What future for MG?
We knows Survive was mostly made by secondary guys with a low budget, and mostly was a small project for the team to experiment on the fox engine, the big guys still at Konami like Murata or the rising writer must be working on something, but what?
A remake?
a rising 2?
a new main title (a solid one, not a spin off)?

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>rising 2

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say what you want but it literally have more chance to happen now than ever
>Producer of Rising is now the general MG producer
>Writer confirmed still at Konami, wasn't working on Survive
>Director at plat still interested a lot in MG, says he work on an "unknown project", using the MGR1 ost to get motivated
>One of the two artist work as a freelance for both plat and Konami (he even did some Survive gears)
>all the Konami crew who worked on Rising are still at Konami, same for plat.
>Konami actually seem to try getting better, like Capcom did before
I'm betting a MGR2 before 2021. MGR1 anniversary also was advertized on the MG twitter when they didn't do it for the other years (beside the 2 years) , there's also a shitload of weapons from Rising in Survive, the other weapons are either from V or just new.

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Rising 2 announcement would be more hype than DMC5 announcement for me, and DMC5's announcement was the hypest shit ever.

if they do Raiden had better play like Sam

In 6 or so years, Konami will attempt to either reboot the series with a outsourced team (depending of how successful other stealth games are during those six years) or just resell the original MGS in a new "HD" pack or nostalgia collection (like the Castlevania one) to gauge interest in the series.

>rising 2

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isnt the director of mgr directing astral chain tho?

Plat is already making 3 games at once though

The perfect shit would be having the choice to use Raiden or Sam sword.
Raiden sword = Raiden moveset
Sam sword = Sam moveset
I doubt it user, Konami actually created a new studio just for games last year.
but a reboot could also happen, we just need a Rising 2 to end Raiden's story. and maybe a game with The Boss.
They could either do a soft reboot with a new cast and a bullshit explanation for a new snake (call him Plasma Snake or Liquidus Snake or fucking Gas Snake i don't know.), or a full reboot.

bayo 3, astral chain and what else?

Nope, Astral chain is directed by Takahisa Taura, MGRR is directed by Kenji Saito
Probably Babylon's fall.
But again, Plat are good at making games very quickly, MGR1 started development in late 2011 (we knows that even by E3 2011 MGS:R was still a thing.) to release at early 2013.

>seamless weapon switching
>all weapons from 1 with expanded movesets
>Sam's sword has its own moveset inspired by Sam's fighting style
>Raiden's Sword and Sam's Sword Dual-wielding weapon that combines the two styles
>Pugilist mode where you just punch and kick shit like in the Armstrong boss button-mashing events

>Not having Sam to just return as a cyborg
guy would be the strongest MG character.
As a normal human in a fucking suit he managed to beat a fucking ray with a sword and almost got Armstrong, cyborg sam would be op as fuck.
>have a coop mode with the other player as Bladewolf

I wonder how Raiden will turns out, in the codec of the later levels, Raiden literally says some shit mirroring the boss, but in the post credit scene, he seem to go rogue like a weird mix of Solidus and Big Boss.

>Sam returning after the kino that was MGR
No thanks, it's much more based that Raiden just starts using Sam's fighting style considering Raiden literally got Based and Redpilled by the end of the game.

the best antagonist for a MGR2 would be a cyborg of the Boss using the Boss IA.
would go full circle to end the canon, and have a reboot for the next game, and some remakes.
Adult chico would also be pretty cool tho, have some cyborg shit mixed with parasite shit, he would just be 55 years old at the time of Rising, same age as Gray fox in MGS1.

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Raiden will be the antagonist of MGR2.we will play as an adult version of his son, Little John.The story mirroring MGS3 and the final battle mirroring MGS2 final battle, with Raiden using Solidus stance and the two swords..

You can already play as Chico

Just a mod, and the model look really weird.
this model is more accurate to the concept arts.
Someone should somehow try to port the survive melee combat system in V for a better mod.

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I want a Metal Gear Rising starring Gray Fox. Takes place between Metal Gear 2 & MGS1. Basically explaining how he escaped Dr Clark and what he was up to in the leadup to MGS1

Kojima wanted that, but then again, he wanted nanomachine zombies in it.
The nanomachine zombies idea was then used again for Survive, and honestly i'm glad it's the case.
Gray fox is a good assassin but can't do crazy shit like Raiden does. He could be better for a solid game than a Rising game.

Yeah but he has moves that the SKULLS use

A sword mod featuring three new staff members:
-Chi(Parasite Ninja Chico)
-Gray Fox(roughly based on his Portable Ops appearance)

To access the new uniques and their respective sword combat, you must assign them to your combat unit first. Find them as S++ combat staff member at the top of Combat Suitability.

These 'new' staff members are replacements of 'Golden Fox', 'The Eye' and 'The Finger'. Sword gameplay is restricted to using these staff members.

Gray Fox's combat serves as a lighter, less buggy, CQC-compatible alternative. Chi's combat is based off of Skulls motions.

Attack = SQUARE/X/Spacebar
Evade = Squat + R2/RT/RMB
Sprint Attack = Sprint + R2/RT/RMB

>implying we won't play as COWABUNGA

>Cowabunga literally says in his intro "i'm named george, just like the president (solidus)"
Oh fuck you are right
And the fucker probably will fuck an adult Sunny

Nice threat Snakebabs

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He also have a cyborg arm, just like Sam, so he could use the sword.
If done well i'm open to the ideas, and use Little john for a MGS6 as a protagonist, a sort of soft reboot with only Sunny and Otacon as returning old characters.


>you just punch and kick shit like in the Armstrong boss
Fucking this, they made a whole moveset more fleshed out than two thirds of the subweapons and it's only used as a debuff during the final boss? Madmen.

Rising have a shitload of contents, it's almost More a MG than V.
It even have 6 hours and a half of codecs, and the conversation are quite interesting, talking about old events and new shit.
Bladewolf also says the Patriots maybe weren't lying in MGS2.

>Bladewolf also says the Patriots maybe weren't lying in MGS2.
What would they even be lying about? They were right.

He says that to Raiden because he still refuse to believe the truth.