Why did you hate it?
Why did you hate it?
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I don't hate anything.
But i liked it, needer to make its side missions content more palpatable.
last one i played was MW2 mate.
unironically the best eighth gen cod
why it took them three games to actually do something with a sci fi setting i dont know
I didn't. Best CoD compaign. They should make a sequel with a mass-effect scale
I unironically enjoyed the campaign on veteran.
Why did no-one tell me that blops 4 is actually fun? Haven't played a cod game since WaW and i think it's the best value for money purchase I've made recently, humble subscription actually brought something good this time
People including myself just assumed it was a turd like advanced warfare and pretty much everything past MW but it was easily top 3 in the entire series. Ended up getting it for $10 on amazon in preparation for BO4 and it was so good I knew BO4 would be shit by comparison so I didn't buy BO4.
Campaign was actually pretty good. I mean, it's COD, you know more or less what you're getting. But the space setting was cool, as was choosing the order of missions, doing optional levels and what not.
Another IW slop-job on PC, 90FPS cap, listenservers, no anti-cheat, aim-assist.
Interestingly, Beenox is doing the PC version of Modern Warfare this year so we may see the first decent IW CoD on PC since 4.
Because titanfall 2 is a superior game and fuck respawn for releasing it around that and bf1 and fuck you people for not giving titanfall 2 a chance
Great haven'r played a good campaign since Black Ops 2
Pretty weak
It's alright, but specialists, health changes, and lack of combat records + leaderboards ruined it. Easily Treyarch's worst game and an average CoD game at best.
The gameplay is fine, its dumb mindless fun despite little skill or depth to it, If there is anything to hate about Call of Duty its Activision's nickel and diming.
I doubt it won't have aim assist, that would mean either removing controller support or making them unusable.
I wish they would straight up steal the infantry combat out of Titanfall and slap it in a CoD game because the bots and titans absolutely ruined what was the most fun infantry combat ever created.
They removed it in BO4, so there's a chance, but you're probably right since there will be crossplay this year.
There's a pilot vs pilot mode on titanfall 2
>Because titanfall 2 is a superior game and fuck respawn for releasing it around that and bf1
that was EA's decision.
Fun single player but everything else was bad. I remember the net code was fucked for ages
I know, it was always dead though.
Its not though attrition and pvp are the most played
1. When I first got it, it had jetpacks and I hated the jetpacks
2. I didn't play the campaign
3. I had to get it ot get MWR (a fantastic remaster).
I went back and played the campaign earlier this year. Holy shit that is a honest to goodness 10/10 hard scifi story. It had so much shit in it that was cool.
Nobody likes that stupid 90's movement in shooters. Its why shooters back then were piss and shit.
I bought it on PC around launch after playing it at a friends house and loved it, its a fucking shame that it bombed hard at the time and people only came back to it after Apex released
Nah, their implementation was clunky at best in each of the games that tried it. Also, CoD didn't die.
blackout is great but multiplayer is the worst ever
I liked it way better than the last two cod games. BO4 is such a garbage fire I haven't even bothered getting the season pass.
>Nobody likes that stupid 90's movement in shooters
I do. It's what makes firefights engaging at close range beyond who shoots first.
> fix all the bo3 specialist bullshit (except synaptic rig)
> the best advanced movement COD
> smooth jetpacks
> Good advanced movement COD story
> People hate it because "muh boots on the ground"
Is a solid game released in the wrong year
this. wonder what the next iteration could’ve been like if the backlash hadn’t been so huge
I never played it because CoD never seemed worth playing past Black Ops.
Best COD desu.
>I don't like advanced movement because I'm bad
reminder that call of duty has its own general on /vg/ if you ever want to discuss the series after this thread dies
>titanfall 2 is a superior game
Unironically this game is a better halo game than halo 5
Why did you keep pushing this as a good game? On Yea Forums nonetheless? This game is merely okay
I can't help but wonder how good it would be if it was a real game and not an AAA
Infinity war was the last cod campaign I played. I played on medium and it was too easy on it if anyone wants to play then do it on hard or higher.
On medium mode it became run and game with enemies not doing any damage.
Campaign was fun though but ending was not.
Yeah the ending is shit. I wish devs wouldn't do this gauntlet crap.
I loved the campaign actually. I thought it was the best COD campaign since BO2. And is probably in my top 3 COD campaigns. The zombies was fun for what it was, but I'm not a big zombie guy. But again that was my favorite one since BO2. The mp in the otherhand was hot garbage. You can easily tell it was rush job by Raven and they just copied BO3 mp but made it worse. And I hated BO3 mp.... 7/10 would be higher if the mp wasn't complete shit.
here's your gun, lass
I think it was the best one of this gen, fite me.
the only bullshit thing was that one bugged multiplayer trophy that requires a VPN to unlock properly
I really wish they'd used the setting for zombies. They could have gone with the machine uprising stuff. Or an alien invasion, cosmic horror, tailor it to the setting. Instead it's literally just generic black ops zombies with regular zombies.
>good campaign
Literally how, it was just the same boring gagbage as every other CoD but with nicer looking skyboxes
>good use of the new mechanics throughout
>actual tactical gameplay instead of setpieces
>variety with interesting side missions, zero G sections, space dogfighting
only crime is that its too short.
>good use of the new mechanics throughout
Give examples, all I remember seeing was the occasional designated parkour hallway that's about as interesting as a regular hallway
>actual tactical gameplay instead of setpieces
Explain what you mean by this, all I saw were the usual hallways and setpieces
>variety with interesting side missions, zero G sections, space dogfighting
The space helicopter bits were awful and the rest were your usual shallow gimmicks CoD loves
>nuh uh
kys. zero g in this is the closest we'll get to a proper SH2
>spouts buzzwords
>doesn't explain anything
oh cool how epic kid
Destroyed the FPS genre
I have not even played it, I can't possibly hate it yet.
Also I only hate niggers.
Specialist/Hero/whatever the fuck they call them once again ruined it, multiplayer actually was fun after a while. AW was still the better of the three though but I'd say AW > IW > BO3.
>fuck respawn for releasing it around that and bf1
DICE delayed Battlefield 1 from May.
And anyway, audiences don't care how a game plays, they just play the next big thing. Also Respawn is doing pretty fine after all.
Infinity Ward really put their all into this game. The campaign is kinda good, the SDF are one of the best antagonists. And zombies is cool too.
But the time to kill in multiplayer is so fucking low and people are so good that you just die from a guy you barely saw in half a second. I had to give up on it because there was no point.
get good. this is a real call of duty game not a run and gun arena shooter.
>series that regularly sells 10 million copies on launch day
The worst thing is that it's not even this user that's retarded: the whole fucking industry and the media covering is pushing this idea that not making a billion fucking dollars on launch day for anything means it's a failure. fuck this gay earth
I don't care about getting good anymore. If a game ain't fun I ain't playin' it. There's other stuff to play and I don't give a shit about having a large e-peen to show off to neckbeards.
I will say that what they did with specialist difficulty is nothing short of absolutely remarkable. I haven't seen shit like that since the original Deus Ex!