June....I am forgotten

June....I am forgotten

Attached: 3540570-3512577-stadia-logo-promo-2.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Doesn't help that your product's name sounds like some artifical sweetener lmao

Attached: mfw.gif (150x240, 328K)

announced new platform streaming
announce 0 games.

you look like you fuck niggers

I hope it stays that way. Stadia is literally the worst thing that can happen to gaming.

you sound like you get fucked by niggers

normalfags don't care about input delay
they play video games to literally turn their brain off and look at pretty colours
so yes expect this to take off and become the future of gaming

Can't wait for games to be pulled because of licensing disputes. Can't play the games you've purchased cause fuck you.

It was forgotten the next day.

>to literally turn their brain off
what brain