>Game sequels all change the artstyle.
Besides Shantae, what games do this shit?
>Game sequels all change the artstyle.
Besides Shantae, what games do this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
I would fuck all of them. Design wise, WW is perfection given form.
Fucking Halo is the absolute best example of this.
>no image of best ww from the dcau
>didn't post wonderloli
Why even make this thread?
>mfw this character was made to appeal to the artist's BDSM fetish
that biopic about his lesbian wives is basically softcore porn
I actually like the bottom right one, it's a nice combination of nu-stylized shit and the older DC cartoons
What the fuck is this and how did they miss the shot when his literally lying still?
Just post Bumblebee dammit
Model sucked but the original design was perfect. Can't belive they got rid of her glasses.
This. Holy shit
Heroes of Might and Magic
Anyone got the comic page where she tries to do bdsm with the nigger and he's not into it for reasons?
I want to fuck bottom right.
This reminds me of how Halo 4 took Halo 3s designs and said
>What if we overcomplicated the fuck out of everythings design so hard the frame rate shits the bed.
>pretending top right isnt the best
Funny how WW always had a solid design, even when they put pants on her, how the fuck is that possible
ODST was the best looking Halo.
>"how did they miss the shot when his literally lying still?"
>women drivers
You mean Halo 3, honestly Halo CE-3 all looked good, ODST messed up Halo 3's art with the annoying film grain.
What's funny is that Metroid and Halo's art style changes are mostly canon in some capacity.
Serious Sam
God of War
Zero Escape
Dark Souls
Resident Evil
Samus looks different in every Metroid game if that counts.
>Mostly Canon
Do you ever wonder if Master Chief ever thought to himself,
>Why did my armor get progressively worse looking after I killed the flood?
Yeah that design is from Justice League action. It has one of the best styles I've seen in a long time, too bad it was canceled.
why american cartoon is always like this, and why they cant make a cartoon that is not stylized one with strong perspective just like anime is doing
super deformed stylization with plain 2D perspective = easy to animate but lazy
'tis a pity. They're all shit.
>leaving out the best one
But I liked the original Mark VI.
justice league/justice league ultimate is still top tier
i need to finish batman animated series before i will watch all justic league cartoons
just use google
Anime overly relies on 3D models.
She fucks black guys
Fucking Christ, failed all four times.
She fucks black guys
Just look at those vagina muscles
they're called vagina bones, dingus
1) that camera zoom through the back window/rearview/sunglasses was pretty cool
2) what the -fuck- is the advantage of an invisible car
Wtf did she open the door on that guy
Vaginas don't have bones, dummy.
Yoshi franchise
I hope they'll eventually get Stargirl in whatever comes along to replace it. Assuming that live action series doesn't tank 8 ways to Sunday.
vaginas don't have muscles or skin either and yet here we are.
>it's a 'girl with a ponytail has her hair come undone in the middle of a fight' episode
>vaginas don't have muscles
Fucking yikes. I hate artsy shit like this. So pretentious.
Bottom right is so fucking hot, holy shit she is like the most perfect version of women.
My mom made sure I knew how vaginas work, idiot.
woops looks like you accidentally posted the wrong image, don't worry I got you covered
>current year
>no wonder woman game
Yes they do, they don't in fact have an extra rib though.
Even better
Remember that DC moba? I bet you don't.
Why do brunettes never get the attention they deserve, all the "good" girls are always blond or have light hair
I still wonder why we never really got a a Justice League equivelent of Ultimate Alliance. Throwing in spiderwebbing triggers to lead different scenarios would really hit for Wonder Woman. At least she would pass all interrogation scenes just using the lasso.
I love this place
I want to fist that robot
Who knows. DC has always seemed pretty inept at doing anything with their characters outside of comics and cartoons.
Zelda is one of the best examples, excluding MM and the WW style ds games
I guess because fiction is supposed to be interesting. Black hair is the single variable feature that humans most commonly have. Moreso than brown eyes or penises.
>WW looks good in any incarnation
>consistently has great body
>cast a holocaust survivor in movies
Fucking jews.
Ep3 looks great. Except her attire.
Dark Souls? Really? DaS games are pretty consistent.
Raven black hair is very striking though, and in wonder woman's case, paired with blue eyes.
Gadot is on the the lean side but at least she does good in the role.
Yeah, and maybe Archie is better off with Veronica... but I'm trying to be as reductive as I can to imagine why one or another color has been popping up almost a century in the comics format.
I'd be talking out of my ass if I tried to say I knew for certain.
I guess blonde is girly girl hair and anything darker is for tomboys.
How did bats get away with this? Surely Talia and Selena would object.
I love my wife Wonder Woman.
god i wish that was me
tfw no hawkloli and wonderloli gangbang
Justice league action wasn't given a fair chance to survive.
Not just to appeal to it, to promote it.
>porncommunity takes over
check the DC original animated movies. The recent Batman vs TMNT was really good.
This is my fetish.
Never thought bruce timm would give me ryona tendencies.
Where's me aquaman game. There was one for gamecube but is sucked balls.
American comics are boring because the heroes always a) survive or b) are brought back through some bullshit
Fire Emblem mostly.
this is her best look by far
How else would you write an ongoing series that's supposed to span for years on end? Kill a hero without bringing him back and you just ended an entire series. You're stupid.
she is pretty af
>Gail Simone
Such a shame.
That's gonna be a "yikes" from me, m'sir
How's Judge Dread these days you fucking corker?
The fuck? This actually happened?
>no answers just memes
Good job proving your stupidity.
Puyo Puyo's artstyle changing based on who's directing the art/handling character design each game is pretty noticable.
Yeah. God forbid we make a series with a beginning, middle, and end for a set amount and don't just milk the fuck out of a series until it's boring and lame.
Yeah man.
Joker gets turned into a snake.
Melee Ness is based on his Mother 2 clay model. In Smash 4 and Ultimate he’s based off his banpresto figure.
why the FUCK does this make me horny
God FUCK I want to fuck a musclegirl and just lick her everywhere
So you have a problem with all media as a whole nowadays then?
Those are called runs and they exist in American comics. Try reading shit before criticizing them.
Donny's proportions are freaking me the fuck out
Is it wrong that if I was a superhero I would have trouble helping Wonder Woman in this fight because my dick would be hard the whole time?
I hate Yea Forums mods
What the hell?
Technically that'd be Alan Moore.
Not at all.
There's a reason why Batman, Superman and Spiderman are more well known worldwide than any of your japshit characters and I'll give you a hint it's called continuity.
>resetting the continuity every 8-10 years is somehow considered continuity
Harley NO!
How exactly is Mr Freeze getting mutated here?
I mean sure but the Harley and the DeeDees are all his.
Smash 4 pic I made for reference, just because
Don't worry about it.
the choreography was pretty good in this one
Dude they return to normal?
Have the turtles learned nothing from Splinter? They should be all attacking at once, not 1v1'ing the obviously overpowered motherfucker.
they stopped giving a fuck when they realized what they transformed into cant be explained away
besides it's just how the ooze works
How is Batman so bullshit?
nu-52 WW is shit.
OP top left is best WW because she doesn't afraid of anything.
I mean they could can add 50 frames to have his facebowl punched in.
He's Batman.
The power of money and autism from a young age.
You wouldn't be a superhero at all
Getting a constant erection is not a qualification for being a supervillain
The animation is good and all it just that some of the impact like the kicks and elbow blow looks too light. They even make a point of showing the impact when the the girl's face hit the floor which is bufling why they can't do those for the other blows.
>intentionally putting your fingers inside the mouth of a beast man
Batman, no. This is stupid.
For me, it's Superwoman.
Did we not? I remember it not being very good.
great fights
No it's the qualification for being a superincel.
where are their fucking snouts? just looking like ugly green featureless men is all kinds of wrong
Resident Evil
Speaking of superheroes getting constant erections how do teenage superheroes/sidekicks handle puberty? How the fuck does Shazam handle being around WW when he's in the Justice League?
It always bothered me how they all look fucking different on each game. Like not just older, they look either like a close, or a distant relative of the character they were supposed to be; but looking like a different fucking person all the same.
Why the fuck do they do this? I mean, just look at Christ in RE7. Why the fuck?
How much damage could a super strong erection do to a woman?
I mean it's not the erection: It's the super-strength thrusting that would be a problem.
Oh fuck, they're all hot, especially scarecrow-crow, possibly excluding freeze
Shazam is too innocent to fuck a women. I'm thinking more about his body's constant erections that adulthood would bring on to someone who's normally prepubescent.
who would not get a boner with batgirl. just look at her body
Though yeah I guess that's a parallel game. But there was no selecting and managing an AI team, wasn't a fifth as expansive at that. Also didn't have character specific elements. The relevant ones would swoop in as their plots need it. I think the lego games handle that better.
I mean if you cock-slapped some girl in the face but you've got super strength, what happens? Is she dead? Do you ejaculate with increased amounts of force, like a dolphin?
it was also almost entirely a falsehood
I want PG to bully me
this is microsoft clip art now, feeling old yet?
SG just stop. You are not match for mommy.
This is why you wear baggy pants when you're a hero, don't want anyone to see your massive boner.
Aww, poor Robin
Image how embarrassing it must be for him
Baggy pants don't seem to be a hero staple though, it's basically spandex as far as the eye can see.
Are they?
Dammit, people will see my boner.
Attempts to have physics make sense have most superstrong people actually project fields of energy to either disperse the force they produce on objects evenly or provide them with improved stability to withsand that energy. That's why they can catch people falling at terminal velocity inches before the ground and be fine. Also why they generally can catch huge things without them breaking under their own weight.
So going by that: having super strength and fucking a girl might just give them reciprocal superpowers for the duration, allowing them to survive it.
Except anime in general is heavily stylized.
Bug whatever magic savvy hero you know about underwear with space expansion.
Or own up to your boner and make it part of your image.
>own up to your boner and make it part of your image
I'm going with this.
But, and hear me out here
>Power of Zeus
That's no fun. What's the point in having super strength if you can't force a woman's ovaries out through her nostrils with the sheer force of your ejaculate?
why is she a nigger
>gain the powers Zeus has shown in all his sexcapades
Everyone is fucked. Literally.
Fairness. Allowing normies to fuck Powergirl without being unable to retract their dick from her vicegripina.
Amazons are a part of Greek stories
Greeks are niggers
I genuinely really like the way this is animated/drawn, God damn.
Super strong vaginas would just forcefully suck the semen right out of your nuts with a single contraction. Hell, they'd probably just rip your nuts right out through your dick. God forbid you're inside one when they orgasm.
Don't tease me
Xenoblade, if you didn't know you would assume none of them are related
Bless you ano-
Dick Grayson has come into his own by screwing everything with a pulse and a pussy. So he probably can't get an erection for several hours out of the day.
It is also quite possible that the end result is something we've never seen before, something so out of left field because there's no precedent for it. All we know is that it will end in jackhammer sensations all over your crotch as well as excruciating pain.
Nigga I'm talking about 12-13 year old Dick. He wasn't fucking anyone but his hand.
He's been trained by the world's greatest ninja assassin. He has the ability to sneak in a nut or two, even when his target is standing in the middle of a crowd in broad daylight.
Am I really expected to believe that all four of them together couldn't land a single minor would on Bats with no intel on them? I get that he's broken, but TMNT are pretty good too.
>movie literally breaks continuity with DCAU because there are Green Lanterns in Batman Beyond
>trying to stealth masturbate in house owned by the world's greatest detective
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>Batman Beyond
Huh? I have you assume you mean "Legion Time" but there aren't. That's the entire reason why they sent Emerald Empress into the past.
>that horrifying moment when you realize that Batman has every single fap session you've had on tape
>he also knows what you've been fapping to
It makes a noise like in hentai. Similar to when Star Platinum punches something.
I think the neatest thing this movie did was focus on how DC is littered with Greek inspired architecture.
>he gives you a thumbs up and says "I've taught you well. Good tastes"
Kek I can just picture Robin using the computer in the batcave to look up porn.
>Dick, during a routine blacklighting of the whole manor I discovered your room glowing brighter than the sun. Care to explain?
fucking newfags I swear
>Wonder Woman hates necks
I love the perpetual post-sex hair that JL Action WW has.
Batman Beyond, m8. You're aware this movie was set in the DCAU, right?
Season 1 of Arrow was so good.
this shit again
Not gonna lie, I thought that was Kain in the thumbnail.
this show was fucking kino
>roger that.
Is this the episode where Kal-El is given a fake life to experience?
it still hurts
If this can happen why not a TMNT crossover?
which movie was this?
Wonder Woman (2009)
Thanks gonna watch it now or later
fuck of to Yea Forums soi filled faggots
Duh, you fucking retard.
Not earlier? Fucking Linear Timelets
All Wonder Women are built for breeding but any with a ponytail have even more sex appeal
>Xenosaga 1: Moe
>Xenosaga 2: Tries way too hard to go for a more realistic look
>Xenosaga 3: Hits a nice sweetspot but the series died because of how bad the previous was lol
KOSMOS was probably a worse offender than Shion. Xenosaga 2 gave her a lightbulb body and fiber optic hair
Insane, did they do Alien as well.
lose the skirt
God really simplistic cartoony art styles get my dick rock hard and I don't known why.
>same game made by different company uses vastly better artstyle
What is her name, Yea Forums?
>Blue cowl, yellow emblem
Fuck that, black cowl and emblem is the best.
>but I'm trying to be as reductive as I can
It helps noone to be reductive.
Source/artist twitter
Fuck off, pedos. Go grab kids at your local pride parade.
Who would win
All wonder woman incarnations or one magical genocidal girl
These links never seem to work for me anymore. I change what i need to but it tells me its gone or has been moved
Yeah I only get a panda picture :(
she did lose too easily
Always remember Wonder woman goes for the Neck
considering magical genocide girl doesnt have any magic anymore what so ever its not even a contest.
move on Disney shit
can we all agree dc has better character then marvel, its just that retards were given their movie rights
Better is debatable but I find them more likable for sure.
>Not a single post has said Rayman
Guess I'll fix that
Wonder Woman's theme song.
I disagree. I like Marvel characters better but I think DC has better stories.
idk user, I like both.
Wishing the xgirls would get some spotlight again.
DC owns their own movie rights. What really fucked them was thinking Snyder knew shit about comic books that aren't Watchmen, and him wanting comics to be more like Watchmen.
Watchmen is not typical of comics, and that's why it's good. If everything is Watchmen then Watchmen stops being Watchmen. We literally learned EXACTLY FUCKING THIS in the late 80s/early 90s but apparently Snyder needed his own special lesson to be told to him specifically. Thank fucking GOD it never got Azrael Batman or Red/Blue Superman level stupid, because that's damn near unrecoverable.
Quality B-lister
Now that Disney owns FOX it's only a matter of time. Look at Psylocke's sexy ass in MUA3.
get banned shitposter
I’m not fucking it up like you, newfag. This is different.
I will leave this here.
I think he's saying that she's from even way further in the future than Batman Beyond.
That doesn't really matter because they killed the Green Lantern power source in the present day, meaning there should be no power source by the time Batman Beyond happens.
Unironically this, I have no clue why I like it so much but I just do. Anyone have that Raven redesign from that special where they had like fuckin Fall Out Boy and Cee-Lo Green?
There's already a TMNT crossover. The turtles almost gets beaten by batman.
If you lose the skirt you lose the upskirt.
I miss Justice League and Justice League Unlimited bros.
I think there's a deleted scene from that Hancock film with Will Smith where he fucks a girl, then throws her off as he cums, and it shows him shooting holes in the ceiling.
I miss Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Justice League Action bros.
Look at the comment he's replying to, and then the comments that one is replying to.
Good times.
God I wish that were me
You have to go back, r*ddit.
JLA Action had some nice things going on with it.
im pretty sure green lantern is a A-lister user
>goes for a german suplex instead of a flying neckbreaker
not my WW
>not liking superior german wrestling throws
whats wrong with you? are you a jew?
that's not how you pet the kitty, Diana
>credits for that episode say Paul Dini is married to Fifi
>Paul Dini marries a IRL Zatanna
son of a bitch
Please post a screenshot or webm of Harley after the transformation.
I need it for certain reasons, thanks.
Lucky for you I'm a dog lover.