>that guy who listens video game soundtracks instead of listening real music
That guy who listens video game soundtracks instead of listening real music
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That's because I don't take the time to explore music anymore, and the only exposition I get to music anymore comes from things I watch or play.
So at the end of the day, that's what I'm going to be listening to.
Guilty.. it's good music... music is music, as far as im concerned. R-right guys?
Video game soundtracks are real music.
I do both.
If they let you know that then they didn't hide that well
what are you gonna do about it faggot?
>hey user! What are you listening?
>it's literally the minecraft soundtrack
I don't even remember what i said
>"hey user what's your favorite music?"
>"oh... you probably don't know... it's Japanese JRPG Panty Desu Quest Kawaii Fantasy XVIIXV Battle Theme"
>that guy who listen to the Yea Forums soundtrack
Yeah I usually like instrumental music. Video games have lot of those
post the most recent album you extensively listened to then
OP, you coulda just asked what we were listening to instead of opening with some quarter-assed bait
>6th grade
>did my music report on a VGM
>get a bad grade because teacher said music without lyrics is meaningless
>everyone in class thinks I'm a weirdo because I listen to "noise"
fucking normalfags cannot appreciate jazzy NYC
lol wrong link
I do listen to real music but why are VGMs are much better than real ones?
Sounds pretty based to me
Better than real music?, because in that case they aren't.
They are
Sounds gud 5/5
Like which ones?
Lyrics in music are 99% of the time the same utterly meaningless normalfag bullshit.
>real music
>implying that game music isn't real
so I'm just imagining the deets and doots? it doesn't exist?
>get a bad grade because teacher said music without lyrics is meaningless
that's what a brainless pleb would say, not a teacher, isn't the whole thing about music is expressing feelings through sounds?
what is he going to tell me something like the entertainer or la campanella have no meaning because they go without lyrics?
might as well just listen to some guy talking alone if lyrics is all that matters
I can’t even count them
Do you even play video games?
Of course I do, but in my experience real music is better than vidya music.
Basically this. 90% of “real” music is ruined by trashy lyrics.
>that weeb sissy who thinks his opinion matters
>the slavshit who drops articles instead of using the language correctly
Your teacher is actually retarded.
What about instrumental covers of vidya music?
Destiny's soundtrack had some bangers
I listen to the TLMC exclusively.
>Noo you cant like bideo bame music, its not REAL music!!
Le basedface.mp3
>that guy who posts fan made lyrics in the comment section
What do you consider "real music" OP?
Destiny 2 has some great tracks too
Real music right here.
At least they're better than those anime x hip-hop mashups you see on youtube.
but crippled bitches' soundtrack is great
video game music has experiences attached to it, it's not some faggy shit talking about heartbreak or drugs