Games where you can save children?

Games where you can save children?

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Metal gear rising

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>It's real
Derek why

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How did Daddy Derek get away with it?

LOL I love pewds to, brofist bro!!!

>Derek Savage returns
>To make a Cool Cat movie about School Shooting featuring Pwediepie
Holy shit what is up with 2019?


Am I really on Yea Forums?

user, this is 4channel

>all these people crying "pewdiepie" only cry because they watch his videos and thus know about it
easiest way to out yourselves

Games where as a child you kill everyone?

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I knew this place went to shit when people who actually watch this faggot started posting here.


Why are incels so fascinated with this shitty movie?

Games where you can sleep with children?

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MJ's Moonwalker

I prefer the Mumkey Jones version

It's a fun concept


Same reason why they love the Joker movie. They think it's relatable because muh society

They don't love the Joker, all this SOCIETY and Veronica meme is them making fun of the unaware teen agers that they used to be. That meme got old fast

You're literally retarded

haven't you heard? mumkey jones is an asshole, so all his stuff that he made previously is forfeit

Didn't they essentially stop this from happening in the first movie?

>Movie will star a literal autist and a literal potato
>It features Pewdiepie

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Butch wasn't gonna shoot up the school, he was just going to show the gun off

>'''a''' Derek Savage Movie

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I'm pretty sure this was some crowdfunding thing where he just pocketed the money and never made it

>Amerifat entertainment

>mumkey jones is an asshole
how is that news

like seriously why are people so surprised that a dude most known for hanging out with lolicons and wife beaters doesn't have the best moral compass

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He realized he achieved meme status and wanted to cash in

I've seen you in four threads already this morning, would you fuck off with your obsession

because he's funny and funny people can't be bad, right?

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A Hideo Kojima co product

I don't think there's such a thing as a mentally/emotionally well-off comedian that's genuinely funny. At least from my personal experience.