Want to fuck Amicia

>Want to fuck Amicia

Am I a pedophile?

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No, but you certainly are a retard.

Kind of. She looks mature, so that's probably why. But if you like her only because she's underage then yeah..

It would be legal to fuck her in much of modern Europe, including her homeland where age of consent is 15.

Yes. It's easy, do you want to fuck someone that is underage? If the answer is yes then you're a pedophile.

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That's not how it works, retard.

Attached: amicia.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

Civilized countries have civilized laws about it.

Attached: age-of-consent-europe.jpg (1800x1800, 742K)

Anyone knows if jer face is modeled after someone famous?
For some reason her face look so familiar.especially the eyes and eye brows

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Wrong pic

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That's a right pic there, buddy

Nah I think you had the right pic the first time.
I think we know what was going on through your mind at the moment.

Enjoy your party v&

Spain used to be 13, similar to Portugal.

>13 if penetration is not involved
That's some good shit.
>brainwashing and having consensual sex with your 14 yo students
Truly progressive country.

>under 18
>somehow not pedo
Are Europeans really this retarded and morally bankrupt?

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What makes 18 such a magical numer? What about a 17 year, 11 months old?

If you fuck a 17 year old, you should be hung from a tree.

Stop talking to ameritard memers

But her birthday is next week

For me, its sarah

>17 year olds can fuck 12 year olds in Hungary
what the fuck dude

So that's why /pol/ loves them so much

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