When will he come back?

When will he come back?

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Other urls found in this thread:


probably never, if they moved somewhere cheaper that their patreon can cover theyll just work on the game and stream


hopefully never, he and julian weren't that funny

>youtube friend simulator drama

Zach and Tomar is the best combo.

his game looks pretty fun from what he's shown on stream

shitty drama queen, hope he fucks off for good

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it's zach and cory

Zach is one hundred times better than Dreamcast Autist.

Out of all the regular/non-guest combos this is correct.

It's true. Chris and Zach plus anyone else is better.

their original re2 lets play is still one of the best

>the first new episode with Zach has a comment by the editor saying not to get too excited cause Zach didn't film too much

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My fucking man

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reminder that julian sucked

reminder that julian and ding dong's roomate spied on them fucking

I want more of Zach

julian was NEVER funny

he was just a live audience laugh track nothing more, plus i hated how fat he sounds fucking slob


Brat Watson

oney plays w/ jon, zach, cory and matt watson

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Julian is holding DingDong back, as someone who was trapped in a near-exact parallel of their relationship I can spot an emotionally abusive fatass who refuses to address his personal childhood problems a mile away and Julian fits that bill to a T.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best haha

I just hope he's doing well and is happy because he's my favourite and has a good hearted soul

a reference to something I know
that time they spent an episode describing mike and melissa was great

tfw he never got his map

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Why do you fags care so much about him again? I don't understand why you would make so many threads about someone you dislike. At least other eceleb threads revolve around someone that everyone loves or hates, this guy is just boring and a bit weird, just another furfag on the internet.

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i really liked their illbleed playthrough, too bad they didnt finish it though

I haven't watched OneyPlays since Zach left

Who else /lyle/ here?


literally nobody lol

I didn't get my map and I'm still upset about it. I still do have the comic book though, in rather tatty condition.

>e celeb thread

Attached: sniff.webm (638x360, 971K)

He's back

*makes Yea Forumscore joke*

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I know you're takin the piss, but makin "funny random noises" is tougher than you'd think it is. Your voice and laugh has to be so infectious for it to work. Chris just has one of those voices. Same with Zach.

>implying any joke Yea Forums makes is anywhere close to his level

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with Ding Dong? Holy fuck

dingus and joolian are such a cute couple

>Was excited for the New Vegas playthrough
>It's just Mick and Tomar telling Chris what to do and where to go

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Hey Tomar, what if Adolf Hitler came back from the dead and raped your wife to death
>I dunno I'd be mildly perturbed I guess

Was it ever revealed as to why he has that voice?

Daddy Tomar is the best

Ding dong is alright, but he's a part of a duo with Julian, so it's kind of a deal breaker. It's over anyway, they've decided that they want to spend their days making a game that will never be released because they are simply too slow.

Chris will have released his game long before they have made anything, because Chris can actually sit himself down and spend hours working on something autistically.

It doesn't matter anyway, Zach, Tomar and Chris is the best combo. It's the golden age of newgrounds games and shitty steam games, but it won't be around for long.

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Linkara. The great Linkara, right?

>it's a Chris do a impersonation of Linkara episode

>Game grumps
>successfuly produce and release multiple games

>literally any other eceleb
>can't even reach alpha

Get dabbed on your corpse Dingaling

Hopefully never. i dont wnna see this band of furries on youtube ever again

Zach can pull comedy gold out of anybody with his goblin magic.

>chris says literally anything
>Zach: "Who is this character, tell us more about him"


>no more julian
>no more amin
This channel's getting better.

>Game Grumps
>use star power to throw money at slaves to make your game for you
>Play 3 hours of a game a day for content.
>"Write" and "Direct" your team the other 7 hours a day
>Have an editor do all your shit for you

Arin got fucking lucky. Period.

Why do these threads get 5000 more replies than ones actually about video games?

Why are you a faggot?

It's so fucking weird how these letsplay fags have an entire studio production and background crew, even literally who channels like "Speedrun fails" hire a guy to edit their videos and manage the channel

he never left

Attached: ding dong and julian.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

Post the threads about videogame that are up on Yea Forums right now and I will reply to them.

Why do you find teenage girl level gossip entertaining?

what do you think the core audience is? where do you think they lurk when they aren't working?

Why do you suck brown dicks behind Autozone?

He and Julian are not coming back

Also fuck you guys I love Julian

Probably scrubbing toilets at adult swim

reddit, zach says he uses reddit when he's taking a shit

Yes, Ding Dong, we know.


I'm pretty sure Zach is and avid poster of Yea Forums

I wish so many other LP groups had a Tomar. His wise energy is so needed when the crazier boys go off track in the game. Seriously, count the times in OneyPlays when Tomar is the only one who has any idea what's going on in the game and when he suggests doing something they should be doing.

Bless the power of Tomar and the Tomar Emeralds.

Niall falls over is the funniest shit on the channel

Most LP guys have a Tomar as their manager

He was okay sometimes, otherwise it wasn't like him being there was an issue

yeah protip don't talk about or mention Yea Forums irl ever. there's a reason rules 1 and 2 were made.

you'd be surprised who uses Yea Forums regularly.

Chris goes pretty well but sometimes his humour can be a little cringy when it's just random noises and funny words
Like the name of his game is a bit silly I think

he barely plays video games though. do you think he's the kind of person that cares about console war shit or game journalist drama? whenever chris brings it up on sleepy cabin or an lp zach has no idea what hes talking about. What makes you think he browses this board?

Lyle gets pretty annoying desu, but every once in a while he pulls out some funny shit like "my head is a peanut" in spiderman 2 I lost my shit

>my name is scott pilgrim

yeah I feel like if anything chris would be the one to browse here, but if he does it's probably not much at all

>Are you in Spiderman?
>I'm inside your green asshole
That whole bit is hilarious

I think something to do with his nose or nasal passage or something
apparently he's said before he has had the opportunity to get surgery to correct it but he decided not to do it because he likes his voice and it makes for funny voice acting and stuff



>I think something to do with his nose or nasal passage or something
Wow, his nasal voice has something to do with his nose. That's fucking brilliant. Thank God, our father who art in heaven, that you were here to illuminate this for us.

Him and Chris had good chemistry. It's not like he wasn't at all present short of laughing.

the worst part is they don't even know what's going on exactly

Mick and tomar combo is okay but not great, mick can be pretty annoying. Jeff and Cory on sonic was absolutely kino, but I don't think they'll be on anymore.
I'd like to see more of Nial and Zach or Niall and tomar would probably be okay

it definitely is to do with his naval passage. I have a friend with the exact same problem and it always just sounds like he has a blocked nose


Deviated septum you raging retard

lol niall got deported

>calling anyone a retard when is here

>try to play it twice
>fail to make it an hour in both times
Why do they even bother?

>have the same deviated septum problem Zach has
>I just sound like a nasal bored autist rather than a funny goblin
I'm getting a surgery tho, wish me luck

I'll deviate your septum you crayon chewer

>naval passage
I heard something about that. His sub collided with a sandbar in the Strait of Hormuz--crumpled his nose like it crumpled the nose of his sub.

It's already deviated

They really should have, it's an amazing game


He gives me the gooseboils

>started watching a year ago
>really like Chris
>tolerate dingdong and julian
>come to love them over time
>genuinely crushed when they leave
>find myself missing them weekly

That being said Julian is still an unfunny, dumb faggot. But hes entertaining.

>the floating stock image old man head comes into frame
i've never been caught so off guard by a game like that before. It fucking destroyed me

Who are some letsplayers who are actually good at videogames?

Bonus points if they are not total autismos

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>please get a refund please get a refund
>don't give that guy money~
>don't give that guy money~

based blessed chosen people. so this is the power of being jewish

just watch speedrunnners if u want skill


Quiet down Nathan Drake, i know your the biggest Atop the Fourth Wall fan there is

and fucked


I can't believe he fucking pulled his gun on that guy

I can't believe he literally sent that guy's family to a siberian death camp

DD is good at most games he plays on the channel. Chris is good at certain games like DS and RE4. Mick is good at Binding of Isaac and Bloodborne.


>Ding Dong
What year is this?

2019. He streamed the other day.

Supermega if they count as let's players


>actually good at videogames
Is that a joke

They're terrible at games. wtf?

I was watching.. I was watching in various places, Linkara the Great Linkara: And he was talking about the famous Power Rangers rant and he was saying it will be out when it's out and we like that, it'll be out when it's out

e3 stream with tbg

Real talk

Does Jerma count as a Let's Player?

what's mobility mary's problem?

i've noticed that zach always makes a video sound funnier then it actually is

I prefer Zach and Lyle tbqh

>tfw sent that video of the black lady killing a rat for stealing her peanut butter to friends, and they were horrified and wondering what was wrong with me

watched 1 video but she seems like an old lady that just wants to talk to people, the comments make it sound like she's a huge cunt

i like ding dong because he's good at video games and doesn't make the video unbearable to watch

I saw one where she was giving some sass to pedestrians who were in her way, but the comments seemed to be calling out bigger issues like you said. Maybe after watching enough some personality patterns emerge, even though with one video it just looks like an old worrying lady

Whatever I guess

Does chris unironically like doug walker, or just ironically?

I've seen tons of old people do stuff like that, 99% of the time they're fucking around but people take it way too seriously

He unironically watches all his shit. I think he actually does find him legitimately funny/entertaining IIRC. Like laughing at the slow kid.
