Looks like its time for me to switch to AMD

Looks like its time for me to switch to AMD

Attached: amd.png (519x726, 597K)

Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/core-i7-8th-gen-intel-core-i7-8700k/p/N82E16819117827?Description=intel i7 8700k&cm_re=intel_i7_8700k-_-19-117-827-_-Product

gamers rise up

>not supporting a company that is clearly trying to take advantage of gays by making their logo rainbow and changing nothing else about how they operate

more like GAY force


Attached: 1559308172994.jpg (1024x777, 73K)

oy vey

Attached: gaming gear.png (1064x698, 337K)

Imagine being more butthurt than people who literally get fucked in the ass.

>he waited this long to take the AMD pill
Shame on you user.



it's too late user. you waited too long and now you're gay and trans

Attached: 1444428420427.jpg (714x714, 73K)

Imagine thinking companies give a shit about you

Oh shit, son, a complete non sequitur, you sure showed me.

>I'm okay with corporations monetizing political stances, but only if they're the ones I agree with
you are a slave

News flash, if you had any RGB at all you were already gay in the first place.

The only thing you'd be defending here is Nvidea, unless you're admitting you're a faggot

sounds like gays

i'd prefer they keep out of politics entirely

Do it shoot out rainbows that make you gay?

I don't give a shit about Nvidia or the gays, I just think you're a butthurt faggot.

Black man here. Y'all need to grow up.

glad we've cleared up you're taking it in the ass then

Imagine if they did this for things like schizophrenia

More like the ones that aren't filth

United.... in killing all faggots and trannies and removing them from gaming by killing them.

non faggot black man here
ignore this nig

funnily enough if you look around twitter right about now you'll find the gays complaining about brands doing this sort of thing

and i reckon i'd find plenty supporting it too, saying things like "it shows how far we've come" etc etc

You're just upset that gays have a longer month than you.

my month is twice as large
gay retard

newegg.com/core-i7-8th-gen-intel-core-i7-8700k/p/N82E16819117827?Description=intel i7 8700k&cm_re=intel_i7_8700k-_-19-117-827-_-Product

Is this a good deal?

Incel is the new faggot

>we like the gays inability to see us shill our product while we pretend to give a fuck about them as they are just a useful, dumb commodity

united through our buttholes

Attached: 1466597563911.jpg (834x640, 51K)

I dont get why companies do this I thought the whole point of the gay rights movement was that they weren't different or anything special.
Also can people decide already if it's okay to be proud of arbitrary shit if blacks can proud and gays can why cant whites?

Another Black man here. Ignore this negro.

That looks really low effort. Like they didn't even try and just said fuck it put some rainbow glare on it.

>Yea Forums posts traps every day
>still pretends they're not in the closet

>porn addicted trannies post traps everyday
>therefore all of Yea Forums is porn addicted trannies


this place was the gayest place 10 years ago. there were constant trap threads and jokes about if you were on Yea Forums eventually you'd turn into a faggot. no one really gave a shit otherwise.

when the site quadrupled in size from the flood of normalfags obsessed with politics back in 2015, it all went to shit and now there's all this constant retarded fox news comment tier nonsense everywhere falseflagging and being retarded. it's so fucking annoying.

just because i fap to drawings doesn't mean i support your degeneracy

go post on twitter about spoopy cat trans girls or some shit

Judging by how many trannies and fags have money problems enough to plug their donation sites, I'd say they've performed a worthless gesture.

>just because I have this cock in my mouth doesn't mean I'm gay

yes it does

It's less politics and more posturing for control freaks who want to be pat on the back for existing.

>I have this cock in my mouth
they're lines and colours
fuck off

Look at all those homos

Sure about that?

Attached: IMG-20190602-WA0011.jpg (578x644, 56K)

Just admit you're a closet homo

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been 20 years "in the closet" not leaving it anytime soon

based amd supporting fag haters