Enemy can turn invisible

>Enemy can turn invisible

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pitbulls should be outlawed. change my mind.

>Companion can turn hostile towards you

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>awwww he's smiling! :)

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McDonald's kills more people per year and isn't outlawed.

Mother wolves do this with their pups and wolves are based.

McDonald's should be outlawed too, change my mind

Eating 20 hambugers per day is a choice. Getting attacked by a pitbull is not.

Addiction is hardly a choice.

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Owning a pitbull and being a shitty owner is also a choice.

literally all breeds of dogs will act aggressively to a little shitter dog annoying them.

A choice that affects other people. I don't give a shit if you want to kill yourself by going to McDonald's everyday but keep your fucking nigger dog away from me.

can anyone tell me why pitbulls are defended by whites so hard? is it because they mentally know they're basically the black version of dogs and they feel the urge to defend them?

Sugar kills more people than literally everything else combined, yet it's still legal.

Damn, we truly are living in a society...

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>is it because they mentally know they're basically the black version of dogs and they feel the urge to defend them?

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nice whataboutism

no one shoves a burger in my mouth but out of nowhere a pitbull can shove my arm in his mouth

>still spamming nigger dogs

White Man's Burden applies to all savages, no matter the species.

Pitbulls are more human than niggers.


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