Yes, She is my Waifu

Yes, She is my Waifu

Is there any problem about that?

Attached: Waifu.jpg (724x712, 80K)

I love ugly women in video games so much, they feel so empowering

She doesn't love you back and she never will

That's fine, but her qt Mediterranean friend is better.

>is there any problem with that
yes that you have shit taste

Attached: suffering.jpg (369x290, 9K)

You obsess over some fictional dyke that sucks face with beak nosed kikes

Ellie is quite pretty.
But Sarah is just pure sex. Her cute face makes me wanna do things to her.

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Why does she look worse then the first game

>Ugly wife no good. Face matches quality of food.

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Post her porn

>his waifu is a lesbian

lmao cuck.

>implying lesbians are real
cmeon now

She looked hotter in the first game. What age is she in the new one? She was like what 17 or 18 in the first one?

>17 or 18
She was 13-14

Oh right. Well disregard what I said in my previous message so. I was only joking

she looks like a female hugh jackman, pretty hot desu

Last hope for humanity died for this.


humans are literally still alive
it's not her responsibility to die for others
Joel managed for 20+ years after shit went down
his brother is living life the best he can, married and started a settlement
humanity is fine

ugly women who don't shower are fine, but fat chicks need to pay

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Legit man face