Why do boomers get so butthurt about zoomers hearing old music in videogames...

Why do boomers get so butthurt about zoomers hearing old music in videogames? Shouldn't they be happy more people are discovering "their" music? Why does it even matter?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What song?


Night Moves by Bob Seger. It was in GTA V

It's not just boomers. Everyone likes to think they experienced something the "right" way. When I was in high school kids would act high and mighty when they were the ones who knew about a band before they were on MTV or read an author before they got popular. People just like to pat themselves on the back.

>american """""""""""""""music""""""""""""""""

That's music purists and they are insufferable regardless of their age.
In fact, the younger ones who've only recently caught up are the most cancerous.

Do you have the tism?

well you guys get butthurt about how we like to experience video games now.

Damn, now THAT'S boomer.

You'll empathize with the boomer when it happens to you
>Love the old Atari arcade game Tempest
>Apparently Tempest was featured as part of some stupid plot element in Ready Player One
>It became a reddit meme game for like two months based solely on throwaway lines from RPO paraded around by people who didn't care about the game itself

I would not give a shit

now that's a top tier boomer

Pokemon go came and went and I didn't give a shit.

>Gatekeeping one of the most well known songs ever

Yeah but you like Pokemon so you're not really human to begin with no offense

fuck off gramps, the outside world is shit

Yea Forums does the exact same thing.
Most boomers associate this song with movies.


It hurts to be a Ween fan after Ocean Man became a retarded leddit meme. Ruined that song for me.

>modern video game takes a classic song and turns it into shitty nu-buttrock
>people in the comments actually pretend this is good

>he upvotes Youtube comments
Hoo boy

i think this one is pretty good

If glam rock and glam metal existed today, neo-Yea Forums would unironically call it tranny music

Why do you get butthurt about zoomers doing the floss dance or the Carlton because of Fortnite?
Same reason.

This but with Jojo

This I understand.

>Many people first heard this song as they were being carted off to die in a jungle in Vietnam, playing it as a bit of irony to their bleak, miserable existence.

and what game?

Seems pretty based to me.
>listen to a Dio song
>first comment is about how much they love the song

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Unironically go outside, have sex.

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I'd like to point how none of the zoomers in both this thread and the screenshot actually know how to spell video games properly. This new generation of animals is so ignorant it's scary.

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>reading YouTube comments
you HAVE to go back

CCR has much better songs
Long as I can See the Light is the best.

That's fine. But to sperg out like the poster in OP's image is unsightly. I also think ORAORA XDD JOJO REF???? shit is cancerous as fuck but I don't let it stop my enjoyment of the series.
Based mods

Honestly you deserve it shonenfag. Get better taste casual


I remember some angry boomers when this song got slightly relevant when Alan Wake came out

That guy is wrong. Video was Night Moves by Bob Seger. It was in GTA V.

>listen to Apocalyptica - Path for years and years
>Death Stranding uses it in their new trailer
>suddenly the youtube video for Apocalyptica - Path flooded with "BASED KOJIMA" and "death stranding anyone?"
I can see why his mad.

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>>Many people first heard this song as they were being carted off to die in a jungle in Vietnam, playing it as a bit of irony to their bleak, miserable existence.
see even that is basically appropriating shit because despite what the funny robin williams movie tells you, the US army did not play fucking counterculture rock to the troops, you fucking imbecile

Imagine posting a .gif from The Shining and someone says "Oh look, it's the spooky hotel from Ready Player One! I love that movie!"

Being a shonenfag > being a moeshitter tranny
Kill yourself

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>reading youtube comments

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no you fucking faggot, you just want to be a hipster cunt because "I'VE KNOWN THIS SHIT WAY BEFORE ANYONE ELSE OR BEFORE IT GOT POPULAR"
kill yourself

I still get mad when every comment in the music videos I watch is some stupid jojo meme. Fuck off. You're not funny.

That doesn't even say if I like JoJo or not, get some reading comprehension.

>have sex outside

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it aint me

with marcille

The only people more pathetic than youtube commenters is those who actively read youtube comments.

hold up

Do you really think they had counter-culture rock blasting from helicopters as they flew into the vietnam jungle? Like your arrival would be underlined with a fucking theme song? Like that was just the standard for the US military at the time and not a movie thing?

Spotted the RPO retard

They're obnoxious by posting literally the same shit a million times just to feed their circlejerk.
>here from (eceleb)
>cloud in smash!!

He clearly means people listen to the music before getting drafted you ding dong.

Ofcourse. She won't need any convincing.

haven't even seen that movie, try harder

Yes plaease

suck lead shithead

>He actually thinks I meant they played it in the Hueys as they were dropping into the jungle
Zoom zoom.

mfw my boomer song hasn't been ruined by zoomers (yet)

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fucking it ain't me of all songs

I would be happy people learned about something that played a part in my life.
Not everyone is a jaded hipster like you user.

Is Yea Forums any better than YouTube comments at this point?


>reading comprehension
You ain't a fortunate one either.

>suck lead shithead
That's probably the most autistic insult I've ever heard.

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Yikes, looks like someone touched a nerve.

Anthony did nothing wrong.

I'm unironically a Senator's son. : ^ )


not having upvotes or likes helps, but the general low quality is about the same

this twisted sister song fucking stank anyway
this cover is god awful and it sounds corny as fuck with the singer trying to make these cheesefest lyrics work over a basic deathcore track

Fortunate Son is basically the Vietnam song. It's featured in pretty much every single game or movie with a Vietnam setting. Also, the song is overplayed to hell so you'll probably hear it at least once a week if you go out enough. This dude's a fucking idiot and some other retarded boomer could make the case that since he heard it in some run down bar in the early 70's while shitfaced he is the ultimate gatekeeper of the song and Anthony W is a pleb.

how did you know?

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>It ain't me starts playing
Always reminds me of pic related

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cats: meow meow
dogs: bark bark
retards: 2019? 2019?

You're mad jealous of my banter don't lie but I might decide to license it out soon so don't sweat it

It's not though.


Literally the only Vietnam movie it was in was Forrest Gump.

>Edit: Woah guys, thank you all for so many (You)s!
I hope that day never happens

That guy is being an asshole but you know, I know, and everyone in this thread knows that if we could go back in time and do it all again we would stay the everloving fuck away from videogames and spend our time playing sports and shit instead. The fact that I spent thousands of hours of my teenage years playing an MMO or some stupid shit in my room is something I can never take back. I could have been out there beating up prime teen pussy but instead I ended up here arguing about loser shit with you guys.

Tell me I'm wrong, I fucking dare you. If I ever have a child (I don't want to), I'm making sure he stays the fuck away from video games at all costs.

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>Shouldn't they be happy more people are discovering "their" music?
I watched Spidermeme yesterday. I was happy to hear a Spoon song.
You'd have to be a real grognard to not be happy when others can enjoy shit you enjoy.

Cool pic bro where did you get it from?

You're wrong. If you would've stayed away from vidya, you'd be just as pathetic as you are now. Stop pretending vidya is the culprit of your shitty life choices. You had fuckups all throughout history, and you'd be one in every lifetime.

Stop making excuses, faggot.

People like that don't really have anything going for them. They're not competent at anything, and work menial jobs while never doing something they can be proud of. So they have to get their self worth from stuff like this.
>muh memories

My only respite is that the world is going to end because of global warning and the zoomers will be the ones to take the full brunt of it

I definitely wasn't in that thread when the screenshot was made. Got it from some random faggot on Yea Forums.

sure reddit kun

Not true, you could replace the time spent on video games with literally anything else and it would be more productive. Reading, exersize, socializing, practicing an actual skill, working on some tangible accomplishment, fucking anything. If you think this isn't true you're delusional. I mean, I guess if you replaced video games with TV or something equally useless than sure, but other than that, you're gaurentee'd to be better off in the long run doing ANYTHING else.

If you disagree with this, I want you to explain exactly why. However, I'm unironically leaving now to go do some yardwork but I will leave this thread open and read your shit when I come back in later.

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Are you genuinely retarded? Why the fuck would a screencap of a random (I'm guessing) Yea Forums post be on Reddit? The only way you'd know is if you'd frequent it you faggot.

Because it's cringe. There's nothing worse than going to listen to an old song on YT and seeing all the comments are from autistic Jojofags.

Forrest Gump, Born on the Fourth of July, Tropic Thunder, The Post and there's probably 30+ other cases of it being used as a backdrop in other media Vietnam War related. If there's a stereotypical song to anything, Fortunate Son is exactly that to the Vietnam War. It's really inarguable.

Yeah that's why history was full of succesful people, because they didn't have vidya to waste their time on.
No user, you'd waste your time in a different way and be equally pathetic as you are now.

>People need to spend their time shitposting in YouTube comments like I do, not having fun playing video games!

I'm not even convinced this is an actual Boomer. It's just as likely one of those obnoxious "born in le wrong generation" Zoomers.

It feels like every E3 we get some somber, soft verision of an older song.

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Look at the filename you mutt.

>reading youtube comments in the first place

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user social outcasts and losers existed long before video games

I never edit filenames, I have my images as thumbnails. What's wrong with it? Also not a Mutt, but nice try.

>Born on the Fourth of July, Tropic Thunder, The Post
Fortunate Son was not in any of those movies.

Literally the only movie it was in was Forrest Gump. You just THINK it was in more movies because you've seen parodies of Forrest Gump. It's a fake memory.

Post your favorite dadrock albums, Yea Forums

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why do zoinkers zigzag whenever badongers razzledazzle their hoola hoops? am i the only one who thinks good?

>the "right" way.
Most people agree that being cooped up in your room all day playing video games is not healthy. When most of your life experience and cultural enrichment comes from video games, is that not also unhealthy?

wtf is experiencing life anyway?

go out with a bunch of friends to a bar and drink your depressive life away?
work 40 hour weeks and then just laze around at home because by the end of the week you're exhausted?

>being mad about some idiotic youtube comment and making an entire thread about it
What is your problem OP? Are you a zoomer? Do you get upset when your dad throws a full monster can at your head because you think Dave & Busters is an arcade?

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have sex

>this twisted sister song fucking stank anyway

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>He thinks sex is more important than his hobby
>blames his hobby on lack of skills and time management
You are wrong

>If glam rock and glam metal existed today, neo-Yea Forums would unironically call it tranny music
It's almost like different time periods and different context are important in understanding culture.

boy that boomer is lucky he hasn't found out about /wsg/ war webms and nam nostalgia

Classic rock fans are some of the most close-minded people you will ever meet. Show them something that isn't classic rock and their response is almost like they have a phobia of other music.

nah i dont feel like it

Probably this. He's living in his own fantasy world and doesn't want it challenged.

how do you usually get 'cultural enrichment'? Fly to every concert of every band you like and never listen to something on your PC or phone? I bet you also go to watch the making of a movie instead of watching the final product on a screen.

desu the day I hear vaporwave in a videogame I'm gonna have to stop liking the genre. watch dogs 2 got super fucking close by having Skylar Spence aka saint pepsi songs in their game, but luckily they didn't grab the vaporwave songs by the dude, just some of his newer indie pop songs with no sampling

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Just by posting that stupid image you've proven yourself wrong.

have sex

>european music

>Not true, you could replace the time spent on _____ it would be more productive

You could say that about nearly all entertainment. Everything you do leads to some sort of self growth. The fact of the matter is video games aren't even the issue with what you're referring to. There isn't just one single thing you can point at in someone's life and claim to be THE issue. If you think you can do that then you clearly don't know enough about that person.
More like, what made them feel like they needed to do them in the fist place.

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>tfw I listened to the classic rock station in V because they were the only songs I knew.
I think the only one I didn't really know and kept listening to was The Cult - Rain

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Okay, bend over