>nintendo has 21 games ready to be announced for E3
>PS4 has more than 20 games to be also announced
>Xbox has a little less
well Yea Forums?
will E3 2019 be the E3 that rules them all?
>nintendo has 21 games ready to be announced for E3
>PS4 has more than 20 games to be also announced
>Xbox has a little less
well Yea Forums?
will E3 2019 be the E3 that rules them all?
Other urls found in this thread:
>a little less
so the 14 games microsoft mentioned is literally all they are gonna show
What the fuck xbros? This can't be true.
But sony isn't even showing up at E3
they're already stealing thunder from the show
nobody cares about e3 anymore lmao
Why do these lies always get peddled all around. Everyone is going to get in 1-2 to good games to their presentation, maybe 3-4 if it's really good. Most of the xbox one's will be multiplat. Why do fags always gotta concoct these "20+ game" That Kid fantasies?
3rd party games shown in the conferences that are also coming to PS4 along with either Xbox or Switch such as Doom Eternal and Minecraft Dungeons, Sony having a few more than MS means that some of these games(most likely the Square Enix ones) aren't coming to Xbox.
When are they gonna announce them all?
20+ games being shown isn't exactly crazy, but yeah only 4 will actually be notable
These include the EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft and Square Enix presentations too. These are totally reasonable numbers with every presentation included.
>Gen is almost done
>The game flood is coming now of all times
Buying a console at launch is pratically a fucking con these days.
Sony isnt even attending Shit3 and they're still winning
21 is a bigger number than 20 user
>more than 20 games to be also announced for PS4
>takes up half your titles
over 20 means 20 user, twitter users are that retarded
>OVER 20 PS4 games listed
>ABOUT 21 new NSW stock
>One of the titles being a $200 bundle
*takes up your entire State of Play*
and we can't read the ones on the left or see the prices, some of those could be special editions too
>Switch and PS4 will unironically win E3 again
Imagine being an Xcuck in this day and age. Imagine.
>two winners
you are a cuck and a retard.
Indies don't and have never counted.
Since when did there have to be only one?
there's gonna be like 3 or 4 games out of the 50+ that will be shown, i hope people dont actually hype themselves for E3 anymore
since the beginning of games and the concept of winning and losing. there cannot be multiple winners unless they are part of a team.
But the XBox event last year was objectivly the best show at E3 2018
no way its actually called the fucking TOY CON, LMAO
I mean a shovelware $30 port is still goijg to show up on their list
Likely every game they're getting is either previously announced or Switch/PS4, Xbone/PS4/PC, or PC/PS4
>there cannot be multiple winners unless they are part of a team.
Well thankfully Nintendo and Microsoft are basically friends/lovers now and not going at each others' throats.
>not understanding the concept of a tie
imagine being this much of a brainlet
what about pc?
Yeah, 20 indie games.
What will happen:
>All Multiplats
>But wait we have one more game
>Last of Us 2
>So(n)yggers pretend this is the reason Sony won everything because they announced a movie
Isn't actually MS being a turboslut since they're partnering with Sony too?
And both are more interesting than your average Inside Cuckbox.
Damn, E3 is so much fucking fun. I can't wait.
They usually suck but that's also because every other thing shown at the Sony and Microsoft shows will already be playable on PC.
>Xnigger leeching again
Nintenbro here. Fuck off. Can't wait to give the Eggsbocks and its retard apologists another whipping in a week.
>tfw just bought a PS4, already had a Switch and PC
Bros gaming is gonna he so fucking comfy...
Fucking kill yourself. The Switch is by far the most game deprived console.
You're probably falseflagging
I'm sad to say this will be the very last E3
>Nintenbro here. Fuck off. Can't wait to give the Eggsbocks and its retard apologists another whipping in a week.
Haha yeah dude
Oh by the way, which company is worth more?
Was it Nintendo, or Microsoft?
>game company vs it company
Unlikely. How much of that shit is crossover? Multiplats are fucking terrible but MS and sony keep paying them for marketing rights and making it seem like the game is actually made for the system, and you know, might run well, but instead it ends up being a multiplat. Look at KH3 last year, they literally both paid squenix to premiere a world at their conference, and people counted the game in both conferences.
It should only count exclusive titles, cause otherwise what's the fucking point? They'll release a better trailer without the marketing garbage on their youtube channel after the event.
Fuck off retard. Psvr is easy better fuckin faggot
Based tripfag
>the attached picture
what's the possibility of a switch mini being in there?
Nintendo already said there won't be new hardware announced
>Outing himself
Fuck off Xnigger.
Pls be monolith soft
their new ip that they were working on for the last few years is definitely possible, not the Zelda that they just started hiring for though.
Real talk, has this e3 lost even more appeal than usual with sony not being there?
no it lost it's appeal with EA not being there since we won't get enough funny cringe jokes. Sony typically just showed games we saw at the MS conference with a few first party titles, last year especially was retarded
Considering that most people follow E3 to see Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, when one them is a no-show then the event loses 33% of its relevance
There's also the fact that this gen is a wrap, nothing can happen at this E3 that can cause as much stir as 2013, 2015 or 2016
I'm convinced they are working on an mmo so it will take a while.
>Nintendo Online exclusive
I doubt it.
It's no secret that Nintendo online isn't selling, imagine how many people would pay for it for access to an otherwise truly free mmo. Bear in mind having paid online to begin with probably was more about pleasing shareholders than making money from it, the shareholders mostly won't realise if the mmo ends up costing so much to make it eats all the paid online profits.
I think it's more just gonna be a traditional medieval action game with a shit ton of sidequests with a massive open world.
just trying to imagine how the servers will run is enough to make this seem like a joke
So, like E3 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
He's right, though
If you're going be a console warrior, you have to acknowledge that Microsoft can't actually lose
June 11th bros, idk what im going to do until this direct man, i can't wait.
You know I hadn't considered that. If I am right and it is indeed an mmo it's gonna be dead on arrival because Nintendo servers.
imagine caring about new games this much, they all just suck
Yes they can, they can lose the console war, but that doesn't mean that they'll lose their company
>Bad Games
what the fuck are you talking about, Nintendo has never made a bad game, their worst game is decent. get some taste snoyboy.
>PS4 games are multiplat and exclusive weebshit
I sleep
>mmo where 90% of the players are on coffee shop wi-fi
if it was an mmo I don't see it being anything other than Japan only since they're the only place that would be able to run it efficiently
And they still won.
>immediately overshadowed by the new CoD game
Also, it's coming to PC later, so stop pretending it's exclusive
>will E3 2019 be the E3 that rules them all?
This E3 will be lame because it's the year before a new console launch. Next one will be fun.
they'll still have their "Days of Play" thing during E3, so expect announcements via youtube streams or something
>CoD sells more than a Kojima
Wtf how is this allowed????
Also exclusively not on Xshit.
So it's jackshit outside of the SE titles then.
What's stopping them from doing a presentation around the same time
Xfats BTFO
Source? Didn't they already say they weren't doing that at all?
Days of Play is happening
What Days of Play? They already announced the discounts and the limited edition slim for the event.
>their worst game is decent
And what, pray tell, might that game be, user?
>Nintenbros as manlet
Fuck you, Xcuck
It's E3 2018 all over again. 90% of the shown games at MS conference will be on PS4 aswell.
>The city of xniggies and rscottyg
Does't old much water when your system is known for its yearly 5 EA sport shit, Ubisoft multiplats (probably 3-4 like every year), and "remasters".
>20 PS4 games
its gonna be 15 indie titles that they announce in the STATE of play
So PC wins again?
Seems like every year since e3 began, PC sneaks in under the radar and wins because unlike consoles you don't have brainwashed corporate whores saying how their dell is better than your acer.
Pc loses by default because their show is hosted by epic
Thats OK, epic provide free games for everyone.
The other day they paid for me to get world war z and soon they'll be giving me borderlands 3.
>nintendo has 21 rehashes ready to be re-proposed for E3
>PS4 has more than 20 movies to be also VCR'ed
>Xbox has
well Yea Forums
will E3 2019 be the same E3 that always sucked dicks?
I expect Microsoft to win it like they did the last two years. You can hate on Microsoft all you want, but you can't fucking tell me those motherfuckers didn't make GAMES the focus of their E3 presentations lately.
Sony's presentations are too fucking pretentious. I don't even know what Nintendo shows. They have a lame ass 1 hour conference that's forgettable as shit.