Have you ever had a heated gaming moment?
Have you ever had a heated gaming moment?
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I could never be a streamer, I say nigger and faggot too liberally when I get pissed off
Apparently you can't even say "retard" anymore.
What did you think insulting people in front of a live audience would get you? Praise? Even if you don't really mean it, it leaves an awful impression and people will hate you.
That's retarded, I hate how people get their feelings hurt at words that don't even apply to them. I blame the education system and fluoride in the water supply.
t. Pussy
JonTron said it on his video just yesterday though.
He actually streams?I'd expect him to have thousands of viewers but I've never seen him.Is he not on Twitch?But then I don't browse much.
>implying that it's bad to be black
>implying that it's bad to be homosexual
>implying that it's bad to be liberal
Just say it's not an insult.
just wait a while
people will start bitching soon enough
He used too fairly often but after he said the no-no word he basically got banned from doing it.
I keep saying retard in my YT videos and explain that by saying that retard is meant as an insult and actually disabled people are that: disabled, not retarded.
He got banned from twitch. If he streams, it's on dlive.
But retard means disabled you retard
it's an insult wherein you're calling the other person mentally disabled
>playing gears of war with my half black friend
>he says something I didn't like (can't remember what it was)
>I call him a nigger
>he says that he'll beat my ass (weird at the time because we were decent friends)
>I log off and freak out
>cry because I've never called someone I know personally a nigger and felt really bad
>I call him up and apologize for what I said. He said it's cool and there's no issue
That was a stressful 20 minutes.
That would make you a great streamer.
Its capitalism.
When there is a hole in the market the one who fills it gets a bunch of money.
it's like saying fag or gay though. one is meant as an insult, the other is a fact, you faggot retard
wtf I'm going to be the next Ninja now
What a cuck
>Walking around town with some friends back in HS
>One of them is black
>Casually say "nigger" out loud
>Everyone looks at me and then the black dude
>He just laughs and said "It's cool, just don't call me that"
>We all laugh and continue on
>this is your brain on le pewdiepie XD
>tfw am retarded
Do I get an R-pass? If Etika can say "nigga" on stream, can I call people retarded?
>implying I watch that faggy wannabe
you smell like reddit with your ironic shitposting technique
Depends on the platform he's on. It would fill the hole if Twitch was a gaming site and not a camsite run by beta incels. If he was streaming on youtube? Could probably get away with it.
Etika was a pretty cool guy until he flipped his shit honestly, didn't believe "the oh dreaded N-Word" was bad, he was good in that regard. Now, his mental breakdown may just solidify that his dumbass reactions were real.
How sheltered you have to be to think the only people who get angry when doing something are the people who play video games? youtube.com
Be honest user, were you raised by the internet? did you grow up socially isolated?
Only faggots, niggers, retards and women would care.
Because those words accurately incapsulate both my frustration at the game and my contempt for those groups of people
So like 90% of the twitch demographic
Only a FAGGOT COCKSUCKER MARXIST PIECE OF SHIT would get offended by other people being called names.
Being offended and "muh feelings" are the new form of censorship.
suck my cock.