Take his jukebox, fuck this kid

>Take his jukebox, fuck this kid

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watched that episode today. what are the odds

what is it?

Oh shit is that Team AVO?

team avo, minecraft griefing

I don't get it.

take me back

What the fuck is team avo?

A group deserving of ice cream.

>"it says 'property of Sean M Rice' on the front of it"
Krysk still livestreams with warchamp and jade every once in a while. Storm is off at his job but regularly posts on reddit because he is a dirty nigger. Krysk revealed Nyu or whatever the bitch they let join later on tried to get with storm. Unknowngamer had a lot of medical issues but i think they said he was doing okay now.

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it's too bad AVO split up. krysk grew further apart from griefing because of an incident where storm took it really far and made a kid cry over skype- that was basically when they were done.
in protest of using code for malicious intent, krysk forced himself to forget how to program, too.

t. guy who asked krysk years ago
hope you found this interesting

Krysk programs for a living. Also any other sources on that story about the kid? Anytime they brought up griefing on stream, warchamp and krysk always just say they got sick of being dicks to people.

sorry, I mean to say that I asked him years ago about java coding and he said he totally forgot. I was marginally interested in being a script kiddie that month and it is why I sought him out.
my source for the kid story is just something he directly told to me over steam- I added him and said I used to watch avo as a kid, and asked what was up now.
he said storm's harshness on the kid made him take a step back and feel disgusted about everything they were doing.

however, quite a while after I talked to krysk he started hosting a MC server, so I figure he's into programming with MC again if it's plugins or whatever.

additionally, I asked him if I could see the source code for Reliant since it's ancient history now, and he let me- but had extreme difficulty finding a copy.
he basically had no intent to try retaining what he made during his griefing days. eventually he found the client, but it was outdated and incomplete, a few minecraft versions behind avo's last mc video.

what a fucking shame

Here's a nice quick rundown of all their shenanigans in this nice little documentary of them which I also enjoyed

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Here's a golden video of them playing jailbreak, which got removed probably because of music strikes.

Which video/series was your favorite anons? For me it was this one youtu.be/ux5Rmj56LeQ

dunkleshreken was my favorite AVO

>team avo...
>now THOSE were griefers

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The birthday stream just because I was there for it. Allnaturalx's legal threats is a close second.

What's with griefing groups only existing around the 2010s or earlier, with all of them breaking up in some way somewhere around 2014? Haven't really heard of any groups as of late

what happened to stgggs?

Plugin protections up the ass that make playing normally annoying.