What game are you playing on this fine Sunday, Yea Forums?

What game are you playing on this fine Sunday, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1555237553702.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Other urls found in this thread:


where am i

Who am I?

I want some pancakes

WHAT am I?

why are we still here?

Maam can you please stop bumping my leg under the table I'm trying to eat breakfast

Attached: 4L_WkR2mnMM.jpg (680x422, 70K)

Those eyes are off-putting

Attached: 1555237326886.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

What's the name of this slideshow gallery?

>bacon on my plate


Would fuck both...

free cities

Attached: 1548496092749.jpg (538x526, 27K)

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Attached: 1548833418600.png (1693x1039, 672K)

don't post shit like this and not drop the name of the game faggot

>soulless gingers

>being this retarded


Attached: 112928_5safXO4.jpg (1600x900, 158K)

sauce me

is that your sister?
should've been flat

Dishonored 2 because it's actually good game

This makes me uneasy feeling as if I were looking at an image of Lindsey Lohan


Elder Scrolls Online, and some Picross S.

Attached: B27608E6-FA6A-46FB-A0AE-AA1435638D9A.jpg (667x1000, 603K)


to the pile of unfinished patreon games

These games never get finished, don't want to bother playing a .02, then a year later it's only up to .14...so they can milk their patreon gains for as long as possible

Attached: 112927_aIQdvyU.jpg (1600x900, 143K)

Chaosbane, MTGarena, WoW: TBC

>tfw making a porn game can bank you the same salary as a brain surgeon

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Whoever is posting these images please just give me the mom kissing the daughter please that's all I need

She used to be so fine, RIP.

Attached: Lindsay-Lohan- .jpg (1300x975, 172K)

literally how?
his art is fucking terrible, all granny faces
and he doesn't even appeal to the incest "niche" anymore

It's 19h and I only just wake up. Gonna fap and then sleep another 12h.

What actual game is this?

reincarnotica. it'll probably never be finished since it's being funded by means of patreon which permits the author to gain bucks by baiting retards like op. Also, just google image next time, retard.

I want to fuck that Hindu chick so bad.

the virgin dollar is strong user, especially in numbers

she looks like a methhead roastie now. sad.

Attached: DB5CJl2.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

Attached: index.jpg (242x208, 8K)

>he's in this for the long run!
>he's doing jack shit and making half a million a year!

Attached: 1557093786166m.jpg (1024x573, 47K)

>western 3D models

Attached: 1486582845977.jpg (1192x738, 104K)

any futa in this?

I recognize ren'py trash anywhere

get this shit out of my face. I bet it probably hasn't gotten an update in over a year and the author has a patreon with 1000+ people despite that

A true thinking man's game

Attached: dating my daughter.jpg (480x360, 31K)

Both fuck black men

you won 2 dollars on your bet, user.

Is this incest or not?

That game haven't been updated in 10 years


looks dead to me

Attached: Untitled.png (948x64, 8K)

the new one is kino


Probably died when Patreon banned incest content in your fictional porn games

>game hasn't been updated since mid 2018
Does it at least have enough content to let fap a round or two?


that's $50,000 split between multiple staff members

Playing Kingdom Hearts Recoded. Pretty fun game, but I think I'll get sick of the glitch levels at some point. It's nice revisiting Disney Worlds. Just got to Wonderland, and Alice a cute. She got little to no screen time in the previous games, so it's good to see.

I'm surprised they got a game of decent scale on the DS.
Don't do drugs, kids. Or, at the very least, know when to stop.