Anime on Yea Forums

Why the hell do I see so much weeb shit on Yea Forums? When I was a newfag it was the very thing that drove me away from this board, what relevance does it have to video games? Call me an idiot I don't care, I just fail to see how it's a relevant factor.

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>local man doesn't who where he is
ebin thread, bro

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did you ever wonder why Yea Forums is called Yea Forums

based kong poster

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>When I was a newfag

ah yes, a month ago.

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>he doesn't know

>When I was a newfag it was the very thing that drove me away from this board

Anime confirmed for keeping pleb faggots out of Yea Forums

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Mad, cuck OP?

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Just go back to wherever you came from already. Yea Forums is not for you.

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Where the fuck do you think you are?

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Go to another site. People like you are why this website is so shitty now.

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What's wrong with anime?
I don't even watch it that much but it's clearly the superior form of animation and drawn art

They're reaction images, user. simmer down, as long as they aren't avatarfagging it's fine

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oh no, here it comes!

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>when I was a newfag
You still are, election transplant.

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anime and vidya goes together like my dick and your mouth
Get over it

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what seems to be the problem?

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>what are anime games
>how did this site originate
You're worse than just a newfag.


Wait a minute

Shoo, shoo.

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Have sex
With lolis

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