Sekiro: the easiest fromsoftware game

This game wasn’t hard, I rage quit every fromsoftware game but finished sekiro in 2 days. You have one button that wins the game, 2 moves to lightly farm for and one robotic arm ability that auto wins half the game. Why was this the hill that game journalists wanted to die on?

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And before anyone asks you first play though was rice loli ending

I dunno user, you can cheese all FromSoft games really with if you use the right tools. I really found only the first one of them I played hard, the second one hard by the end and then all the rest easy.

I still love them though. It's not like I get tons of good alternative 3d exploration games with an interesting story that aren't interrupted by dialogue and cutscenes every two seconds.

Posture is a huge game changer, I won almost every fight but ogre with posture, you get ashina arts and master patterns, it’s way easier than avoiding 3 story hit boxes or insta deaths. I lost to regular enemies in bloodborn I never did in sekiro

epic gamer

Wow dude you must be really good at video games!

Well, I don't think the basic enemies were supposed to be hard. Especially when you can stealth them. That's why there are so many mini-bosses. I found the boss fights slightly harder than in Bloodborne but it was never a case with any of those like the first time I played a FromSoft game which was Dark Souls 1. I actually considered dropping the game at a few points then like with O & S and Manus (dropping the DLC at least in this case). Never had this much trouble ever again.

So honestly user, who cares. This is your experience, some people had a different one. I cheesed my way through the game easily and beat Isshin in about three tries. Some people dropped the game on Ogre.

In the end who cares? What matters is if you enjoyed the game despite it being easy. For me difficulty doesn't really matter, a small challenge is fine but I enjoyed the game a lot for other aspects like the mostly non-intrusive storytelling, setting, art design, level design and exploration.

>Some people dropped the game on Ogre

He gave me a lot of trouble
Until I decided not to autolock on him, which is the 1st enemy in the game where not autolocking tremendously helps


I thought DS3 was the easiest From game i played. Like you said, it varies quite a lot individually. Bloodborne gave me the hardest time of them all.

For me DS3 was the hardest after DS1. Fried gave me quite a bit of trouble now that I remember. Bitch is fast.

It was certainly more boring than the rest. Weightless sword swinging combined with too many DS3 reject bosses.

because journalists couldn't into deflect timings

I got filtered by Guardian Ape. I know exactly how to beat him, but it’s just too boring a fight to see it through. I’m not exactly babbytier either, I platinumed Bloodborne. Probably pick up Sekiro again in a few months with a fresh set of eyes.

Overall it's easier once you get the hang of it.
Once you stop playing like a pussy.
But the entry is more difficult.
Like many people i got stuck at the first mini-boss in Hirata for some time.
Once you start getting aggressive a lot of issues solve themselves, except for a few fights.
Also, fuck Dual Wield Monkeys and fuck Strawhat Naginata guys.

Same. I felt legitimately helpless against most mobs in Ds3, felt like the majority of them were made to be avoided rather than fought.

>Guardian Ape
Let me guess you're running in circles around him waiting for him to exhaust his combo to hit him once or twice?

>strawhat naginata
Oh, those fuckers who magically fly through the air at you, and magically turn their weapons into buzzsaws? Yeah, those pieces of shit are op as hell

>this 100%
Ds3 on my first playthrough stopped being fun because the aggressive, overpowered mobs always discouraged exploration and I usually ran past most of them especially in anor londo, irythyll, and irythil dungeon, cathedral of the deep. Bosses in Ds3 were on the easier side though

I’m a 38 year old partially blind cripple who hasn’t been top 2000 in a competitive game since halo 2, I’m about as epic as a comatose hamster, if you can play ddr you can master sekiro

not him, but that's pretty much how I beat Ape's first form
I had gotten the deflect timings down on a few of the combos, but I mostly ran around like a lunatic
was still a lot of fun though
second form is easier because everything is so easily telegraphed

I’ve tried just about every tactic, and can reliably get him to the second phase. Then I inevitably get caught in a thrust combo (because Sekiro staggers for a half century before he fucking recovers), and die. Honestly it’s not the games fault, I just have mediocre timing and have problems parrying non-human enemies. Genichiro wasn’t much trouble, but the Ape is tough.

People have said it before but sekiro is a rhythmic game if you can master the hit 2 deflect 3 combo isshin becomes easier than ogre, I found stage one father owl harder than most of the other bosses because the camera and how much range he has, isshin is a matter of realizing bigger weapon does not mean deflecting doesn’t work

Honestly, I think from software games, the difficulty and enjoyment varies between each people. I too didn't find sekiro as hard as DS3 and BB but I found it more fun and it's my favorite from game so far. DS3 started out easy but ramped up in difficulty as it went on, Gael was such a bitch that I had to respect my character, it was still fun and the levels were great. This may sound bad to Yea Forums but I didn't like BB as much as the other games, I can't really explain properly why eithier it was fun but it was also equally frustrating and joy killing. Dropped DS2 and I have the same opinion on DS1 like most people

Fireworks and long spark upgrade makes both ape fights super easy, it also makes pretty much every fight that you can use it on easy

I've never replayed a souls game before, but after beating sekiro I immediately went in for the second playthrough
the deflect based system is far more enjoyable for me

I agree

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Congrats. Now that you've cleared easy mode you can play on normal without Kuro's Charm on NG+ and with Bell Demon in inventory.

I kinda want the dlc to be more adventure and not just a boss rush, I find the story more interesting than the gameplay, once you git gud at deflects and have late game power, only bb bosses like demon of hatred feel like a challenge

That's how I beat Ape and then every boss after him basically.

I think why people find isshin hard is all the “cheese isshin” guides just deflect his shit and you can perfect him atleast in the first form, it’s not a dodge hit fight it’s a sword duel


Will sekiro get to kiss kuro in the dlc? Or rice loli possessed by kuro? I’m
Cool with ether one

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I thought him traditionally first phase but cheesed him the second and third. Didn't use a guide, it's just obvious how to do it if you ever fought any gun enemies.

I tried the umbrella stray for him
To 3rd phase ran out of emblems and died, I sword fought him all 3 phases and won on the 2nd try, if you can get him a in mikiri counter loop it’s easy peasy

is a dlc confirmed ?

Yeah and unlike in DeS-DkS3 you have no more fun things to do once you beat the PvE easily
Forgettable trash/10

The one thing I liked about this game is you end having a lot of respect for isshin and owl, genchiro is a whiny bitch but the rest? I felt bad killing them

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Dlc or sequel, the ending sets it up too well especially rice loli ending where it’s literally a journey to the west

Guys I'm on my 1st playthrough and suck ass
Everyone was sick with the dragon shit, but I was happy to obtain some dragon blood thing to cure everyone
However I used it rightaway in my inventory and it didn't do shit. And it auto-saved so it's gone forever
What the FUCK is that bullshit??? When do I get another one? (Just beat chained ogre)

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I just used a tanto knife.

You end up getting like 5 of them, just use them whenever, it only matters on a few side quests and the entire world can be sick and it won’t effect ending, keep your persimmons though

Yea I had that but found it easier just to bait his thrust

this game is only defended by zoomer fromdrones, you can tell because any criticism of it is met by claim that you didn't actually beat it even though the game isn't particularly hard if you've played other action games in your life besides fromshit

Yea tried playing Ds3 again with my friend the other day. It just felt clunky in comparison, I missed moving fast and deflecting. We eventually gave up cause it didn't feel right. I need to finish the Shira ending but I'm taking a break now

By the end you'll get a million of them. But they aren't really necessary anyways, the characters can't die from the curse.

Anyone claiming it's the easiest From game has not gone back and replayed the older titles.

Play on ng+ without Kuro’s charm and tell me it’s easy. You get punished hard for blocking and spamming deflect. If only we knew we were playing on easy mode all along.

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Chill user. It's not the difficulty that's the drive of those game imo. It's just that they're some of the few games nowadays with a cool story that actually let you play a game most of the time.

>i-i-it's really hard if you gimp yourself
Fromcucks are among the most pathetic retards imaginable.

This fanbase is so tiring.

you didn't even play sekiro. why are you here?

>feeling bad killing owl
what the fuck?

NG without Kuro's Charm is the real hard mode

this. OP is a colossal faggot. These games are not rated high just for "muh challenge" alone queers.

>That's why there are so many mini-bosses.
but souls 1 and 2 has tons of mini boss tier encounters as well

It does? I guess they never stood out to me as much as in Sekiro because of the mechanics.

I guess I didn’t seek out mini bosses in ds and bb like I did sekiro, got to get all those beads and charms

You miss the point, “the dark souls of Tetris” meme aside no journa fag was asking for a easy mode on dark souls but sekiro due to not be able to dodge hit spam was the one they called ableist for not being easy enough

Owl only back stabbed you cause he knew you wouldn’t break the code and what’s wrong with letting your ninja dad live forever? Cute shota dom aside, having the most skilled swordsmen ever be immortal would have been pretty bad ass for the future of ashina

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It has a somewhat steeper learning curve, but once you get over it the game becomes plainly easier than Miyazaki's other work.
It's also too short, the prosthetic tools are useless, Kuro's charm should have been a NG option, the mikiri's frames are too forgiving, and everything about drgonrot is a disappointment that was clearly changed last minute to avoid alienating newcomers to Miyazaki hack and slash games.

Fireworks is the only good one, rest are ethier one boss weakness or utterly useless, they changed some boss fights to make you use them but that also came down to “get fireworks”

I found sekiro easier personally because in souls I was the fag that always blocked everything with a greatshield and would practice letting go of blocking to regain stamina and tap block for attacks and combos so I ended up retroactively knowing how to deflect in sekiro since the window is very generous and reactionary

I actually had more trouble with bloodborne than sekiro because you are utterly defenceless and can only focus on regain and quickstep

>yeah bro just die lol who cares ecksdee

hear yourself dingus. murder is murder and he doesnt challenge you he straight up shoves his dick in your ass

I sucked at it because it's almost like a rhythm game with the deflecting and I suck at those.

Don't know. Bloodborne can be really trivialised by grinding and stats.

this may be a dumb question that's answered in a different ending; only sever under my belt
why was Isshin inside Genichiro?

Genchiro isn’t whiny what the funk is wrong with you he gave his heart and soul to defend his country but Sekiro shot him down at every attempt which is why all of Ashona was invaded and destroyed by shinobi if he was the main character you wouldnt be saying that

Genchiro wants immortality cause he knows he isn’t good enough to survive without it, sekiro only got dragon blooded because shota master secret loves.... I mean needs you to protect him. Genchiro is a bitch who needs to fit gud

Black Mortal Blade

If you were as good as he thinks you are it wouldn’t have happened, owl doesn’t have mercy for plebs

Yep the black one is a gate to the underworld and genchiros final wish is to get his grand daddy

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Which backstory is hidden in a chest outside isshins room.
I don't know if the chest only spawns later or if I'm blind, but i certainly missed it the first time up there.
Basically the counterpart to the red mortal blade.

Someone make a lewd trainer game based off sekiro, Kuro made me gay and isshin gave me daddy fantasies

>implying being good at videos games has any impact whatsoever in real life.

I'm guessing you're 15? Still waiting to be discovered and picked up for the roster of your favorite e-sports team?

Again I’m
38 years old and have rage quit ever single fromsoftware game, I’m bad at the vidja, sekiro is still easy. I couldn’t even get past father Greg in bb

can't quite place my finger on what it is or even if it's one single thing, but I agree it's very easy, even when taking into account combat arts and prosthetics really aren't a game changer. they make things easier and can be great situationally, but overall they kinda fall flat.
it's not really cheese if you just deflect and attack and that's almost always the most straightforward way to win a fight without much effort.

Most games from From Software are easy. When people meme about them being "hard" it isn't because of the content or the strength of the bosses. Dark Souls in specific is "difficult" because of the shitty controls. The games are overrated and meme'd too often. Once you master the shitty controls you'll breeze through them with ease.

That's not a gimp, it's a difficulty level.
A gimp is giving yourself rules like a no dodging or no mikiri counter run.

The biggest enemy in sekiro was a the stupid camera

are you the "platinumed bloodborne in 10 days" guy

Sekiro was a fun game for me. The game made me problem solve like no other game has before. It was very interesting thinking about which moves make the enemy more vulnerable and which ninja tool or item might give me the upper hand. It sorta plays like punchout in a way. Highly enjoyable experience.
I never beat Dark Souls 1 or 2. I thought they were too hard. I did however beat Sekiro in a week.

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how does Dark Souls have shitty controls? its basic as fuck

After coming back from Sekiro Dark Souls feels sluggish and outdated.

I didn’t even see the second boss in ds3, sekiro is DDR with swords

This game was really hard on PS4 and then i switched to PC and it was pretty easy. Makes me think everyone would find Bloodborne easy if it was on pc and you had high frame rate/a functional camera

My biggest issue with blood born is I want more games in a innsmouth setting and we never get any

This. From games are now basically a meme for redditors who want to look hardcore. Dark souls was never that special, and ripped off a lot of what western rpgs had already done, but added “lol can’t animation cancel” to pad the difficulty.

What I find amusing is a traditional dog with tons of dialogue and box interaction would actually satisfy people who want to know what the fuck is going on In Formsoftware games but would piss off the core user base. Bb has a popular two hour lore video because people go wtf after that game

Im ng+2 on isshin swords spears and had to turn it off because I'm giving up smoking. I nearly threw my pad through my tv. I haven't felt like that for years.