>"yo, user, little buddy! wanna come over to my house and play videogames? I only have Madden and FIFA, but you can bring something and teach me how to play it"
"yo, user, little buddy! wanna come over to my house and play videogames? I only have Madden and FIFA...
Other urls found in this thread:
I will bring New Vegas and I shall instruct you on why the Independent Vegas is the best, you will follow my instruction to the letter and maybe we can scrounge up a decent ending.....
I don't get the Chad hate. The football guys with the exception of the ugly lanklet who was benched all the time were super nice guys. Guys who get pussy and have social status generally aren't mean people in my experience. I don't get why they're always portrayed as bad in fiction.
nobody hates chad.
Manliness is bad. But yeah the football guys were probably the coolest people around except for the one fuckhead who would get into fights over the smallest shit.
American Chad wouldn't have FIFA he'd have MLB with Madden
Do you think Chad would like Katamari? I've never met anyone that doesn't.
This was always my experience with Chads, they're really great guys more often than not.
>I don't get the Chad hate. The football guys with the exception of the ugly lanklet who was benched all the time were super nice guys
80s and 90s movies instilled people with the conception that Jocks are asses, They are usually just upbeat simple guys.
It is the posers and rebels that are the true assholes of highschool.
Because in reality the kids who become "artists" are the true bullies. Chads like to dunk on self-important faggots who act superior to regular people.
>mfw going home to chad and then he starts touching me
my best friend at college was a chad
As someone who was in football it depended on the person.
Chad was cool it was the wannabe Chad's who were fucking assholes. There was this emo androgynous boy who was wide receiver and some of the team picked on him because when we were in the showers we always slapped his ass and called him a girl. It got to him one day because he quit the team.
Yeah, everyone like Katamari
There is always that one guy.
If you're socially not a retard, chads can be the best friends ever. I feel like a lot of the people who tear down "chads" are just filled with jealousy.
I was a fucking nerd. All my best friends In school were turbo Chad football players that helped me get pussy and would take me drinking. I don't get it either
>chads are cool
>chads are assholes to teammate
>"huh, we don't understand why we have a bad rep, bros"
>Yo sure wanna play some melee?
Hit the showers
I was bullied pretty much 24/7 in middle and highschool
I can safely say that the Chads were pretty okay and for the most part didn't do petty shit. It was the niggers, wiggers, poor kids, and druggies
Druggies. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about highschool potheads.
I've never seen a real asshole chad, but back in my second highschool my autism and paranoia made me think their jokes at my expense were them being assholes. In my first highschool there weren't really any chads as far as I could see and the entire student populace were bitter, angry assholes except maybe some of the weird kids but they were assholes who made fun of everyone constantly.
There's a difference between real Chad and a wannabe Chad. Wannabe Chad's are usually the bullies. You gotta experience it firsthand.
normalfags are usually assholes, the big sports chads are usually nice to everyone
True, if anything, I was part of the asshole group that would make fun of everyone while also acting buddy buddy.
>Everyone here was bullied
How the hell did you deal with it and get over it bros. I never got over it and my self esteem is shit. Every accomplishment I don't feel happy. I'm a complete cynical asshole who thinks everyone is shit.
I'm 24 now and still can't look people in the eyes and say a simple hello.
i was a stoner-gamer in highschool and the sports chads were always bro-tier to me. the redneck mechanic/shop kids were the scumbags
I have recovered slightly, mostly because I found my personality in College.
But good lord am I going to have trust ans self esteem issues for the rest of my life.
I wasn't actually bullied too bad despite being the fatkid there were wierder kids that jacked off under their desk and stuff.
Yeah it be like that sometimes
chads in my experience are always down to try bew things
>this is how I lost my virginity
I dunno man, I was a dumb kid in middle school and got bullied relentlessly for 3 whole years, then HS went really smoothly and made some good friends but after I was done with it I became that dumb kid again, insecure, trust issues and avoidant. It's like it was dormant
Easiest way to become confident is to pretend that you’re confident until it becomes natural
Self-reflection. Think about what people see in you that makes them want to be mean to you. If you appear as the weird dude and you do a bunch of weird shit, then it's no wonder you're getting bullied. You are showing weakness, and that is a bad thing around people with insecurities.
Working out pretty much fixed all of my issues with social anxiety, and then the rest fixed itself. Thankfully I got a grip early on.
Funny irony of chads vs nerds. Most nerds rip on people who lift, yet dicksuck superheroes who ALL look like they lift.
>when we were in the showers we always slapped his ass and called him a girl.
I'd punch them right in the face if they molested me.
i was a fat fuck too, but i found that if you just accept being fat and indulge in self-deprecating humor people will generally like and want to hang out with you. i even got a tall, near anorexic 6/10 gf for a few years
You know, jocks like this are actually really sweet, chill dudes. Probably would get a kick out of some fighters and action RPGs, then take you to a bar and help you get laid.
>implying you wouldn't get a boner like the fag you are
lmao you ain't fooling anyone queer
Chads were almost always super nice and gentle with me, it was usually the maladjusted guys that just happened to be big and didn't have many social connections that were assholes.
it depends on how hard they need to try to do it
chads are way better than normalfags brads etc
I haven't fully recovered and it was severe enough I've been agoraphobic shut in up to now, I'm 24 like you. The little recovery I have made was thanks to meeting an actual decent Chad type online who kind of rubbed off on me.
In the 7th grade two 8th grade football players literally tried to murder me and a friend right there in the fucking hallway. Broke my friend's arm and bashed his skull open, stabbed me several times with a knife. I only won the fight because I got a lucky punch and rocked one bad enough to knock him over, and the other guy got spooked and ran. When questioned, eventually, by the cops, do you know why they attacked us? They said "we were in their spot." In front of our own lockers. On a floor of the school 8th graders weren't even supposed to be on.
And the fucking principal tried to cover it up as a minor scuffle, and attempted to blackmail my mother with threats of fucking with my grades if we went to the police to report anything, because the two that attacked us were stars of the football team. If the vice principal hadn't been so disgusted he leaked the whole thing to the cops for us, I might have been expelled from my school for being the VICTIM of a botched murder by fucking 13 year olds.
So I have a pretty fucking negative view of sports players. They get freedom to do whatever the fuck they want and the people around them are happy to let them do it, because they're GOOD AT PLAYING A CHILDREN'S GAME.
I was a twink with long hair, went proto trap emo, the chads flirted with me, I ended up giving one a bj during a MARIO Kart session and instantly becoming the secret blow job gamer till senior year, over all it was fun, as I got older I became a bisexual slut and ended up straight with a kid, I mean if your a thin cute thing bullies aren’t that bad
you never know. its not like dickheads dont exist, and if a dickhead plays football, theres a better chance they're strong enough to back up being a dickhead to whomever they want. theres also probably a correlation between full-contact competitive sports and the desire for physical dominance
ive never really had that problem, though. when i was a skeleton, occasionally people like that would say something dickish but wouldnt actively bully me. then when i started lifting they showed me a lot of respect. all in all, i dont think there are many people who have anything other than anecdotal experience on the subject
I know this is fucking cliche, but it starts with learning to accept and forgive yourself. Realize those bullies and those days don’t define you.
>Ok chad! I'll bring my copy of Guilty Gear XRD Revelator 2!!
I wasn't bullied, I think people might have thought I would be a school shooter if they fucked with me too hard
Because what most people think is a Chad is actually a Brad.
>Forgive yourself
I didn't do anything wrong. I was just a white quiet kid who didn't want to talk to anyone.
>the secret blow job gamer
The what?
>stabbed several times with a knife
This story is a lie then, those kids go straight to juvie until graduations, There is no school fuckery that gets you out of that.
Maybe the directors who made all those highschool movies were just seething nerds
It affects you because you can't forgive yourself.
You know in your heart they don't even remember you.
I daydream about beating up the people who bullied me, and proving myself better than the people who disrespected me in the past.
Secret trap gfs weren’t yet a thing so I was the secret Proto trap blow job person you played vidja with
Where did you get my picture?
They went to juvie, but only because the vice principal pulled my ass out of the fire. My principal was attempting to keep the police from ever even finding out the details of the fight.
>tfw homeschooled my whole life
My social skills are complete shit and I have barely any friends, but I didn't get bullied at least. Did I miss out or dodge a bullet?
Dynasty Warriors. Dead serious, jocks love Dynasty Warriors, they don't care about the hammy dialogue because they like Michael Bay movies and they love the rythmic combo memorization while beating the shit out of hundreds of chinks.
There is a kid with a concussion and several knife wounds. You can't "hide" that from the police.
The extent of the "bullying" I endured was getting some shiteating smirks thrown my way by total strangers, everyone genuinely thinking me and my best friend were gay for eachother (a good decade before being a faggot was trendy) since we'd been attached at the hip from elementary school onward and having my bitchtits flicked once. It wasn't particularly traumatic. I was/still am socially retarded but at some point a few years into my 20's a switch flipped and I'm much more willing to be friendly with strangers and just try to treat people how I wish they'd treat me until they give me reason to believe they're an asshole. It's a very nice feeling when your smile and good morning to a passing stranger is returned. Still have trouble maintaining eye contact for more than 30 seconds or so though.
Go on then, retard who has never faced hardship.
And the superintendent can't harass people and expel them for made up reasons, either, huh? Go fuck yourself.
I was bullied in 7th grade by a group of kids who at first were my friends because they liked that i could draw. later in the year they just starting being assholes to me especially in front of other people. I actually started cutting my self around that time probably because of them. I never really was able to to make guy friends since then and from 8th to 12th grade i always hung out with girls because they are just so much easier to talk to and be around. In 9th grade some kids would talk shit to me in PE but i just went and walked the track with the girls during PE. I did make a guy friend my sophmore year, im pretty sure he was gay because he was obsessed with lady gaga but he was nice to me so i hung out with him a lot.
Honestly highschool was pretty good aside from the occasional person calling me a fag because i only really hung out with girls.
Most jocks and chads I've met have a surprising positive response to souls-likes. They by nature love challenge and once they realize the fun in it they go at it like crazy.
thank you, finally someone says it. Although this is just my zoomer experience growing up with sports friends in highschool, I dont know if it was different for boomer nerds and jocks.
I punched him in the face then had no friends for awhile, then I became friends with other "bullies" and we made fun of people. Most "bullies" are pussies who bitch out when things get physical.
I’m not saying you did something wrong, but typically people in these situations find reasons to blame or hate themselves to try and find an answer to why they were bullied.
What? There is a kid literally bleeding out on a school campus. There is no way the Principal can cover that up
The police don't automatically know anything beyond what they are told. My school called the cops and CPS on my family because they wanted to expel me for "being on drugs" because the english teacher cunt didn't like I fell asleep in class and the superintendent had a grudge. Fuck you. IJ hoppe you get stabbed ittnb the fufvuvking throat you cunt fuck youy
*heart starts racing*
"Um, s-sure, Chad! C-c-can I call you?"
And he fucking lied to police about the cause and whether they were connected. I don't understand what the hell you're trying to get at. I was a 12 year old boy who had nearly died and was getting threatened with expulsion. I wasn't in a frame of mind to handle my situation "logically"
This guy would be hotter if he didn’t have the booty chin
There has to be an answer though.
Why else would I get bullied over other people.
A little but you missed out on recess game discussion with other gamers
Gotta just get over it. If you're still stuck in the mindset of those days you won't move on in your own life
This happened to me except after about 20 minutes I sucked his dick and then he jerked off on my ass
You don't know much about public schools or sports programs, do you? Tell the cops there was an accident if the stab wounds look light enough. Or blame a different culprit to cover the football player's ass. These are common tactics, typically not that fucking young but it happens too often.
Source: I'm a cop in a town with shit schools.
cleft chins are peak chad you incel
theyre instant panty droppers for women
Your parents did you dirty i'm afraid. Some parts of school sucked but I can't imagine trying to live my life now without those formative experiences
There was a school in my city the literally covered up high schoolers raping each other with baseball bats.
I have little hope for my life anyway, it's a little comforting to think back on my failures and mistakes and come up with scenarios where i succeeded or did the right thing.
literally just play Power Stone 2 with him
if they're really willing to play just about anything 10 to 1 they'll enjoy power stone
simple art
chicks with big tiddies
easy to slap shit
can act like goku
The answer is bullies are fucked up by life too, and try to find someone they can put down so they can say they at least have it better then them. So they can feel strong. They can pick you for any reason they can find to justify going after you.
I was swim team and every sports team hated football because they were given ultimate privilege over everyone. It went to their heads on many occasions. I didn’t hate them, but I certainly did not like them.
There better be science to prove this because I have a buttchin and am getting surgery to fix it along with my underbite.
>IJ hoppe you get stabbed ittnb the fufvuvking throat you cunt fuck you
Damn you must have been a model student who dindu nuffin
>I have little hope for my life anyway
Why say that user? Start with small changes and life can change a lot in pretty short periods of time
>Taking the korean route to self-improvement
Never gonna make it
>This kid has knife wounds and the other has a very bad concussion
>ahh but the principal said it was just a small accident, nothing to worry about
>oh okay
This is silly user, not to mention there there are two people telling this story now.
This isn't some soap opera, nobody in america gives that much of a shit about MIDDLESCHOOL football to risk their entire career to save some, most likely, shitty team from going to kiddie jail.
If this guy is telling the truth, which I doubt, then he has a abominable mother.
You know what? There is an easy way to figure this out.
Post the scars.
weight training, exercise, learn some type of fighting / combat style
I suffer from mental illnesses such as OCD, I can't stop regretting my past failures. I also have a bad problem with procrastination.
Most times I was bullied, I inevitably fought back in some way that stopped it. It was always small things that I didn’t want to make a big deal over. But I remember one time some kid broke my phone and I knew my mom would be sad to have to pay for a new one so I kicked the kid in the dick when his back was turned. I even yelled at him while he was on the ground in pain. His girlfriend just stared at me in shock. Never fucked with me ever again.
Some people are just jealous or mistake them for the asshole "brads" as they're called, I was a real mongy kid back in school and even I had nothing but good experiences with true chads.
>This isn't some soap opera, nobody in america gives that much of a shit about MIDDLESCHOOL football to risk their entire career to save some, most likely, shitty team from going to kiddie jail.
OK so you really are just totally unaware of how stupid people can get. Not only CAN people get that obsessed over such irrelevant shit as middle school sports, it happens daily. I once had to cuff a fucking soccer coach for trying to beat up the other team's goalie. Who was SIX.
>Post the scars.
The only scar left is on my knee, and it's
fused with the scar from the surgery they did on my knee afterward. I can post it if you really want, but I'm sure it won't convince someone on an autistic warpath.
Well the former might require more formal treatment, but as stereotypical as it is, I would bet you the last two have a lot to do with confidence and starting to exercise/lift to build confidence would help
I understand user. I have those problems too. I always think back on the stupidest, smallest failures. Things no one else would possibly remember. It's hard, but if you take the time, talk to yourself, realize its okay to fail, to make those mistakes, that you're more then that, you can start slowly rebuilding yourself. Every day is gonna be a challenge. Nothing is gonna instantly get better. But you can do it, user. And there's others like you, that you can forge connections with, to help. Please take care, user. I believe you can do this, if you try.
As someone who played high school football. This is mostly true. However star players get special privileges and most often then not become arrogant. The guys who constantly fight for their position are the most humble. The ones who dont give a shit and are benched and only like it for the status symbol are the real assholes. Which most of the time were niggers.
Also the Military is just High school but bigger.
Sure nigger
I was so fucking mad at the arrogant indignation, how fucking dare that nigger cunt say that nobody could POSSIBLY get fucked by cops? fucking human trash he is never suffered a day iiin his life
But sure, I'm the one at fucking fault because oh, in my anger i mistyped a few words, oh sure, everything in my life is all on me because I can't be hled to your autistic sociopathic psycho fucking standard
SO i DESERVED To get raped, so i DESERVED to get expelled for sleeping through class, so i DESERVED to get abused by everyone i've known and discarded the moment it stops being funny to you that I'm suffering, all because you're a fucking stupid nigger who can't reead english whenr one letter is off
Fuck you cunt fuck you
Eat a loaded shotgun you piece of shit
Thank you for the advice, anons.
I was bullied by chads. So there.
Even if this Principal is an absolute retard and decided to cover it up, The police will see a kid with multiple STAB WOUNDS and another with a broken arm and HEAD.
So either he paid off the police, or the police were literally too lazy to give a damn.
They would not have dropped a case like that just because the Principal made up some bullshit
If you were stabbed multiple times you should have many scars, unless he was using a pencil or some shit.
But go ahead and post the knee scar.
>autistic warpath
Oh come on, anyone with half a brain would have trouble believing this story. Not to mention your double also telling it
>remembers that cool drummer chad that stood up for me when he overheard some kids making fun of me in class
He asked me if i wanted him to say anything i told him to just calm down and ignore them but in my personal it was always the nerdy popular kids who were the real cunts most of the chads i knew were just into sports and had different interests than i did at the time
I can't tell if you are the original poster or the double.
No problem man. Always try to show there's good and compassion in the world. Even in the little shithole that is Yea Forums.
Bring over UNIST, Tekken, or some fightan game and help Chad git gud.
Fucking this. Looking back, the crew I rolled with in high school was much more rude and exclusive than any other group I interacted with. Hell, most of the ones that my group labelled as dicks were actually super nice and social, but our maladjusted asses viewed their friendliness as contemptuous and mockery.
One of my best bros in college was the stereotypical Chad and when we all went out to to his place to hang out, he'd always ask if I wanted to join them on the roof smoking, but would always back down when I said no, and was 100% cool with me leaving early when I was getting to stressed out from being around too many people all at once.
>Him: "Hey user you feeling ok? You didn't have much to drink but you look kind of out of it"
>Some rando: "Nah he just needs more to drink and then he'll be all right."
>Him: "Chill out, if he's not feeling good, let him chill. Come on bro, let's go down to the 7-11 and get some slurpees and fresh air"
I also had my first beer with him. I never touched alcohol or drugs before because of my family life growing up because of substance abuse within my family, but he was chill with it.
>"user, you're your own person and make your own decisions. Just because someone in your family is an abuser doesn't mean you gotta be the same as them."
Guy went and got a masters in electrical engineering, but went to become a firefighter right out of college, because he wanted to do what his dad did before 9/11. The degree was just in case he becomes physically unable to keep going into fires, but still needed to support his family. Guy was legend, and I feel bad for losing touch with him after we all left school.
Hope things get better for you user. Oh and also if you can, get a gym partner. Makes the commitment much easier
You sure went out of your way to act like you were him though
Also stop with the exaggerated silliness, nobody genuinely believes that this is anything other than a stupid shitpost
>little shithole that is Yea Forums.
>one of the most traffic boards
>on one of the most visited sites
good on you but this place is fuckhueg
>NFL The Street
Chad's gonna love this
The easiest way to stop getting bullied is to be friendly to everyone, that way the bully looks like a massive cunt to everyone except his retard friends.
Sure chad, I got a great game, I think you'll like it.
Bullying isn't real unless you do or say some stupid shit a normal person would regret the moment they do or say it. Life isn't like a Lifetime original, kids don't pick on other kids to rise in social ranks or anything like that. I went to an average middle and high school and everyone was cool with everyone, we were basically all friends. Sure thered be a few things like "Oh don't bring that up around Matthew, you know how he is" but nobody took anything seriously. If you get bullied you basically deserve it.
Sorry I can't get a very good angle of it, I dislocated the knee recently so it isn't bending well.
The worst part is that the Chads most likely had no part in this and genuinely talked to Becky
>attending American schools
You probably dodged a literal bullet.
Hang yourself, you haven't suffered enough like us to deserve to live
I mean, I wasn't trying to be literal with the little part...we are one fuckhuge board. I miss the days when we weren't, but eh. Change is pretty much guaranteed in this world of ours.
Go to sleep DeShawn
Then stop acting like a child
That scar on your knee is the surgery right?
I don't really see the other one, I see a faint outline, but I can't be sure if it is a scar or not.
could you move the camera in closer?
>If you get bullied you basically deserve it.
Not him but that's some of the biggest falsehoods, I've ever heard. There are plenty of people in this world who got shit on who did nothing to deserve it. Don't act like there aren't people who take advantage and give people a hard time, because they can and want too. Not everything that's ever transpired, was ever was some sort of retribution.
>kids don't pick on other kids to rise in social ranks or anything like that
that is not true to some extend. Some kids are absolutely that retarded and will bully others for their own retard pleasure and justify it to themselves that they are impressing someone else
>T. someone who escaped getting jumped by two faggots who tried to corner me in the PE bathroom
I'm not saying elementary school wasn't hell, but I learned by 6th grade
This has been my tactic my entire life. It has never worked and I have gotten too good at it. I've been depressed for a long time, it's just gotten worse, and everyone just sees me as this happy upbeat confident guy. I can't talk to anyone.
Go play outside, underage. You're wasting your youth here.
I already put my brace back on but if this thread is still up once I get home I'll post it.
>kids don't pick on other kids to rise in social ranks or anything like that
How much of an actual retard do you have to be to not understand basic group psychology?
Your face pic related happens after it.
fuck you, you want me to livestream my suicide? is that what this shit is? is that what this shit is? trying to stir up shit just to make me feel insane and trick me into this stupid horseshit so that you can have all this dirt on me and make fun of me behind my back and laugh when i kill myself? you deserve to have your pets drowned by your neighbors and see how you fucking like it. FUCK YOU PSYCHO PATHIC NIGGER
In my experience, it was mostly the loser kids who were jerkdicks.
Most chads are nice, the bullies ones deserve the hate, but the other don't , i knows some chad that are cool with everyone and even some that play vidyas (and good ones not just sport games.)
Heck my brother is a chad while i'm not a very social guys, and we are very close. we may be different but it doesn't stop us.
if i was UNDERAGE maybe i would acutally still be able to make my life worth livbing
this is awful advice that just makes you look like a bootlicker
I WAS the bully lmao
>niggers and poor kids
Is private school really that expensive in america? Over here it costs like 15% of the average monthly salary. Teachers in my school didn't fuck around so all the bullies/ druggies etc were 'corrected' before we reached 7th grade. As for poor people they prefer the free govt schools so we didn't have to deal with many of those.
>kids don't pick on other kids to rise in social ranks or anything like that.
>Bullying isn't real unless you do or say some stupid shit a normal person would regret the moment they do or say it.
>If you get bullied you basically deserve it
So many wrong statements in one post. You're fortunate that you went to a school that little little bullying, that doesn't mean that bullying doesn't exist and that good people don't suffer from it. There are cruel people who fine entertainment in the suffering of others.
lol m8, go ahead and stream it.
Do it pussy, be brave for once in your life
I was friends with a guy that could be considered a chad back in middle school. He looked more like an 18 year old as a 12 year old but he was always pretty shy and nice. His identical twin brother acted more like a stereotypical jock though.
Get away from me Chad go suck some of your football buddies off
Calm down. It's just a nobody on the internet who you'll forget about tomorrow. What are you doing letting yourself getting this upset? Think.
Not enough spelling mistakes, imposter.
>Thinks being nice means being a bitch with no opinions
Looks like we found the Brad
give me a suicide method i can manage and ill do it in a heartbeat, don't play games with me fucking pussy, i don't have guns or rope
In the town I grew up we didn't have a private school.
Wish I did though.
You didn't have a Chad boyfriend who liked to suck you off in highschool?
I have high self esteem but I don't like plenty of people simply because they don't live up to my standards.
>don't have guns or rope
don't need 'em, just get a knife and go across the river.
Resentful low-test males who grew up to be male feminist allies and perceived friendly banter as attacks, and whose negative reaction to it encouraged a feedback loop that led to entirely justified bullying.
Fuck yeah man. You got a xbone? We could call some bros over and play some Halo.
Please do not kill yourself.
Oh shit, it is down isn't it? Yeah, go down the river.
I was bullied for a while for being fat, but I slapped the guy's shit and the bullying stopped. After that I became really invested in exercise and stuff and eventually thinned out and got kinda buff, the guy apologized for the jokes and afterwards was super chill and there was no bad blood between us, I completely forgave him and I hope he doesn't hold any grudge against me, he's a nice lad that just wanted a laugh.
Shit got really bad for me after I moved to another state and lost all my friends and gf, I was deeply depressed for a long while and was pretty much like you, couldn't talk to anyone except mumble some words. Therapy helped me a lot and I've regained a lot of my lost confidence.
user don't listen to the 14 year old edgelords. They're probably just mad their parents named them cody. Seriously though life can change, hold in there
Are you hitting on me Chad?
man, Yea Forums is full of normalfags now huh? How much of a retard do you have to be to believe in this retard?
can someone define "trust issues"? The way people use it is so vague
The gf relationship angle makes sense, but I don't think that's how it's used here most of the time, since we're """incels""" and all that BS
with great power comes great responsibility
i knew lots of nice sports bros growing up, but there were also quite a few dickheads. No different than the regular population, I knew lots of dickhead artsy kids as well.
thing is, that the sports bro if he's a dick can really fuck your day up in a physical way, whereas the artsy kid usually tried to fuck with you emotionally. The people bitching about chads are the ones who are the bitter kids in the corner with no understanding of how any social situation works.
>normies out
have another
You don't trust people. It is pretty obvious. And you think people only talk to you because of ulterior motives.
God I wish I was that emo kid
you cant livestream that.
well, i guess you're just fucking around. now i look like an asshole
I've been really stressed out lately, life's going nowhere fast and I can't catch up . I'm weary and I got a migraine since yesterday
I need to get off Yea Forums right now, it's too mean spirited for me to handle
>Chad invites me
Literally signifies that you're also alpha material. Bring Mortal kombat or Street Fighter and your golden.
>well, i guess you're just fucking around. now i look like an asshole
wow man you are a genius.
I happen to like madden, Chad. I'd like that very much
Had that exact friendship, actually. Odd pairing, given I was physically weak, and had no interest in sportsball whatsoever, not to mention we first met by me punching him square in the balls.
Best friend for years, but then he became a stoner and just vegetated. Gave up on sports, school, everything.
Bitter (((people))) made and wrote this stereotype because they hate proud anglos
Sure Chad, we're gonna play senran kagura pbs
do a flip faggot
You could always go the manly way and burn yourself alive.
you have to be 18 to post in this chinese cartoon board, faggot
You'll figure it out. We're all going to make it.
>you cant livestream that.
yes you can
>how fucking dare that nigger cunt say that nobody could POSSIBLY get fucked by cops?
Then jumps into another thread to talk about how police brutality on blacks is all lies
I am
What are they going to do, ban you?
>Chad spreads your ass in front of his friends
Imagine still larping this hard
you're a pathetic, lying, subhuman shitter. Go jump off of a roof.
>Brads in middle school / high school are total dicks
>go through a weird growth spurt
>become bigger, taller, more muscular, and develop chad-like features
>bullying stopped
>still have the mind of a scrawny autist
>still have weird fears like getting picked on when I go to the gas station
I hope your health gets better, user.
I don't get why they're always portrayed as bad in fiction.
Proper answer.
The spelling errors don't make it more realistic faggot
It's a little better now, i just changed with the time. i was already silent before getting bullied anyway. i actually somewhat made "peace" with my former bullies.
it's still not very social and isn't a good talker but i can interact with mostly anyone.
I only have troubles with girls i find cute and is very shy with them...kinda ironic, in my first 6 years of my life, all my friends were girls.
I'm 21 now, i still think the world is shit, but i'm not depressed anymore, it was already shit in the past and it will continue to be shit. i just want a calm and quiet life and enjoy the good times.
>no Chad to drag you out of your shy virgin shell
>mates always try to flex on me and play as Real Madrid or Juventus on FIFA
>Dick on them with either Celtic or Leicester
Good feels.
Stop making me sad.
Height respect is a real thing, for me it hit before high school and people treat you completely differently. People don't really fuck with you if you're above 6 foot
Depends on the chad, the same as everyone with a hobby honestly. Theres the elitist fags, the really good fags, the normies, the newbies, the noobs, etc. Instead of vidya they just like sports. Heck, within the vidya community theres a lot of fags who bully others just because they are somewhat good, and the really pro dudes who are chilled as fuck.
I had this chad back in highschool that bullied me, so fuck you.
used to have a chad best friend, we still kick it sometimes
one time he half carried me home when i drank too much. also he loves minecraft
top tier brudda
Just like all things it all depends on a person to person basis on whether or not they're an asshole or not
>"Hell yeah, man. You played Gears of War before? You can chainsaw aliens in half with your gun!"
Adjust to audience. Also Gears of War was dope so that helps too.
Why the fuck do you think I am the guy having the mental breakdown? I have nothing to do with that nut.
that looks like a picture of my leg
why do you have a picture of my leg
Best game about a chad and nerd friendship?
Snake is not a chad.
I'm surprised there isn't a fake story posted by some fag who said he was bullied by chads for being a fag but would secretly suck them off
>they didn’t have a secret chad bf in hs who cuddled you in his muscular arms while you cooed after a rough sex session
There was
Actually that’s pretty common user, for hs kids gay sex is still sex why do you think BUGS are a thing?
Kill yourself, chad.
T.big boss
Yeah agreed for the most part
Sure I'll bring NBA 2k
Sure, wanna try Tekken?
You are so very wrong.
in middle school there was a guy in my class who got bullied for 4 years
it wasn't anything brutal really, but still must have been shit, although it was hard to pity him because he was a bit stupid and made himself a target most of the time
However it is strange that another guy in the class who had no friends either wasn't bullied as much as him even though he was straight up retarded. You know the big boned slightly fat who you bet would go into retard strength berserk if he wasn't too stupid for that too. I am sure his mother was drinking heavily or something when she was pregnant
Chad is truly our greatest ally
Wtf is BUGS
>chad will never start touching you while playing video games at your place
Virgin/Chad is the only decent meme Yea Forums has had in years
Betas are known to be Chads greatest ally
I beat the everliving shit out of my bully once I finally hit the growth spurt, then again after he tried to get back at me. Guy was a complete loser who abused being the first of the boys to begin puberty, but after everyone caught up, everyone else realized how much of an immature loser he was, and pretty much dropped him entirely, except for the potheads.
>chad will never gape you on the couch in the middle of a halo 2 match
>tfw i actually live that
It's good to have a chad bro.
But he's probably like that because i knew him since his old days when he was also a "virgin".
i didn't changed, he did, but we are still very good friends.
Ying and Yang, one cannot exist without the other
This reminds me of my one childhood friend and how we bonded a lot together through video games, but as we became teenagers he moved on to sports and gained lots of friends, until finally he just kind of stopped coming over to my house. I had a dream last night where I was at his birthday party with hundreds of other people, and when he finally started getting all teary-eyed and personal, I was in the way back of the room and right then it felt like I had truly lost him.
>chad will never princess carry you to the shower afterwards
>Yea Forums makes something up
>get angry at it
>Yea Forums makes another thing up
>support it
This is what happens when you waste your youth, have no life experiences and now you rely on people as autistic as you to catch up with the rest of society.
Just poeple making baseless guesses and accepting them because they don't know any better.
These threads are always pathetic.
>Maybe it's just my zoomer experience
I'm 28, and the chad/jock/popular kids in my high school were also goofy nerds that would trade Pokemon on their DS Lites during lunch. There were definitely cases of kids being shitty to each other, but there never felt like some sort of hierarchy of popular kids harassing shy weirdos.
I'm not saying this shit doesn't happen, but it just wasn't my experience.
Good thing no ones forcing you to post here
I struggle to think of a more valuable life experience you could have as a teen, other than first-time romance, than personally dishing out comeuppance on your bully. Shame most bullying stories end unresolved, or poorly.
leave normalfag
Play FGO.
>football chads were always super nice to me
>always invited me to parties and shit, never went because i hate crowds
>learned later that they were only like this because they wanted to fuck me
being a twink is suffering if you arent gay
Should've just done it, you might have enjoyed it and could've gotten in their social circle.
BB, I've come to bargain!
Was bullied really badly in high school.
I unironically got into guns as an adult just so to know I can mass shoot anyone who tries to bully me again. I don't even like shooting as a hobby but I own four guns as a coping mechanism.
thats enough to get a man to murder
He wants the dick.
>some black kid starts teasing me on the bus
>spits on me one time
>immediately I spit on him back
>he calls me a cracker
>I call him a cookie
>bullying stops pretty much as soon as it started
I was larger than him though, if there was some physical intimidation involved it would have been way harder to fight back.
All the "Chads" at my high school were much nicer and bro tier once I started playing on the HS Football team. I wasn't any good at football mind you; 3rd string, but I still was at every practice.
t. blog
>Chads putting themselves in a submissive position by having some nerd teach him how to play Chinese games in front of everyone
You don't have any Chad friends do you?
>>I call him a cookie
That is the lamest insult I have ever heard
Legit question: is there a competitive metagame for FIFA? like are there exploits, high execution techs, AI manipulations? A lot of people play it so I guess at least there was a few autistic shits who looks up into this.
S-stop this thread now
>he isn't Chad's little boislut wife
Never gonna make it.
I was like seven years old my man
I went to a school that was half black and half white. The thing about black kids is that they always had each others back when it came to confrontations with white kids, no matter what. If one black kid starts fucking with you and you haul off and punch him, every black kid in the vicinity would gang up on you. It was admirable but hellish.
Based cookieanon.
omg, this is my dream
>not playing halo/gears of war/cod with some chad in splitscreen
I mean there are bro-tier dudes, but few people get a label because they're kind. The last guy I knew that could be described as a chad was friendly on the surface but talked shit behind other people's backs constantly, so you just knew he was doing it about you to others as well. Back in highschool, this guy who kept on trying to justify his own shit by saying "bullying makes you tougher" and the only thing it really made me is want to shoot up the school and kick his ass at dodgeball because he didn't try hard.
Assholes make assholes.
>tfw we managed to get one of the annoying niggers alone on the bus one day and when he started shit we all beat him up
good times.
>240 replies and 44 images omitted. Click here to view.
Shit like Revenge of the Nerds was made by Jews to try to boost their own social standing while portraying white men in a negative light.
>Implying Chad would play sports game and not just go outside and gather his Chad friends to actually play the sport irl
dont listen to that cookie, your insult was good.
OK. I deserve more respect than this.
I actually learned how to play Halo, Call of Duty, and that fucking abomination 2K Basketball and pretended like I was actually enjoying those games but really I was enjoying my Chad's presence
There was a chad football player in highschool that I didn't talk to a lot, so I'd always just assumed he was a meathead like everything ever portrayed jocks to be. He ended up going to my college and sharing a couple of classes with me. Majored in Physics and offered to hang with me if I ever needed help with shit, which I appreciated.
Chad is your friend, bros.
Halo and cod always are fun with people.
I never liked sport game tho.
Coming here made me realize I don't have to take every single thing said to me seriously.
Also I was more like the guy no one talks to
>Chad's fucking loved me.
>Their girl orbiters fucking hated me.
Why is Chad so fun to hang around but Stacy is always a massive bitch?
They were jealous you made friends with them without having to suck them off.
Some stacy also are nice to everyone, really depend of the people.
people who take pleasure at bullying are just cunts in general
I think a Chad would love Mordhau, it emanates big dick energy.
Why is Yea Forums so gay and weird? Imagine obsessing over a photoshopped 20 year old pic of a high school senior.
CHADS AND STACYS NEVER KNOW WHO TO TRUST. People just want to get in their pants so many of them end up with BIG HOLES in their HEARTS.
Don't hate.
Yes that's what i'm talking about, Chads do play video games but they only play games they have at least some skill at like sports and FPS games, they would never in the life of fuck would ever try out a new game that they know they will suck at, let alone have some dude teach him how to play it like he's retarded. Chads are as shallow and egocentric as roasties
shut the fuck up retard
Chads are usually cool people but they can get a little annoying when they force you to join them and not be alone. I appreciate you looking out for me dude, but I'm seriously fine being alone.
i keep clicking your post but nothing happens help!!!
You guys ever get accused of being a dickhead for no reason. I was once talking with a friend about programming gates and shit. I made a simple stupid fuckimg joke, something along the lines of "xor more like snore". Now if you had any good friends, you made fun of each other daily. Now some cunt walks by and asks me out of nowhere what my problem was.
I've never really experience any bullying or cruelty from girls in school. The sorta sadist comics like seem very absurd to me, since any girl bullying was almost exclusively girls targeting other girls.
The only time I ever had a girl be shitty to me for seemingly no reason was when my middle school girlfriend's buddies tried to make up rumors that I was shit-talking my girlfriend behind her back. It was a lot of dumb kid drama.
Have you ever played a team game, was confident everyone was behind you and supporting you, but the moment you needed them, they were gone? Whenever you tried to point this out, they say it was your fault, even though they never told you that they would stop backing you up? That you feel that everyone on your team is useless, and you're all alone, and success never comes with the help of others but you alone find yourself carrying everyone else to victory?
That's trust issues.
You can get trust issues from video games and nothing else.
This unironically happened to me almost word for word.
Fucking same.
>Looked decently attractive and had a nice voice and presence
>Always the soul of the party, guys loved to hang around me, tons of fun and I never got angry or pissy at anyone
>Despite generally being a chill and fun dude, didn't shy away from personal 1 on 1 talks
>Was seen as the older brother of the group since I was a year older due to having to redo an early year due to family health issues, brought the alcohol and always was the spearhead when we went to shady places
>Girls absolutely despised me, made snide comments and didn't give me the time of day
A few years back when we were 20 we got together to go skiing, met a few of the girls we used to hang around in highschool, they treated me the same way. Since my legs are kinda fucked I can't ski or do sports for too long, so I had to stop early. Ended up spending 3 hours shooting the shit with one of the girls that was specially mean to me who didn't particularly like ski, and we had a pretty decent time. She apologized to me before parting ways.
the fuck is with all the Chad apologists in this thread did you suck his dick behind the bleachers
I've been friends with a few chads, they're usually pretty nice but some of them can be really clique-ish.
In my experience, 90% of the time a Chad is doing something really bad, you can trace it back to a roastie
To be liked by guys you just need to be charismatic, friendly and normal-ish, to get girl popular you need to be a bit of psychopath
>hey chad, my game is called "here's your controller bro" hehe
same, I never looked at women in the same way again.
>I was awkward and somewhat insecure in college
>kissless virgin
>Chad invites me to his house party with like 30-40 other people
>We drink a bunch of cider, get drunk, and have a great time
Thanks Chad, I miss you
So you're telling me I can mindbreak gigachad by giving him headpats
"is there anyone you like?"
*heart pounding*
(It's you, Chad. It's always been you.)
where are them nowadays, fellow froganon?
The weird part for me was that I never got picked on twice by any person, and most of them came back and apologized to me later - even once when a girl was making fun of me behind my back and I didn't know. I still don't really get it.
I could only find the becky on facebook cause i don't remember the other's last name, and she's together with some chad-looking guy and works in a jewellery store
You won't be retroactively chad for sucking his dick now. Imagine being this pathetic
Why did that non-existant nice Chad not stop bullies?
Such ridiculous cuck behavior.
>FIFA? Hope you dont play as Barca you big faggot, I'll bring Chel and recreate the 2018 playoffs.
The worst part about bullies is that they disappear. They grow up and they change. Sometimes they'll apologize to their victims, other times they'll forget.
But the bully - that person you remember and hate - the bully doesn't exist anymore.
All that's left is the damage they caused
Are you a Scorpio, or aren't you?
You'll take your revenge when they start to settle down.
Why all those samefaggged replies?
probably upset you didn't give them the attention they wanted
I don't think you get mental wounds unless the bullying is a repeated thing. The mentality of firing back and getting revenge makes total sense when it's long term since you're like a cornered animal, but as a lone incident, it's different. I wonder if it's because, each time it happened, I didn't get angry or fight back, but I was just depressed they would even do it. Even in church, they did that once. It was just a sad thing, how people work, but there's no need for revenge.
have you ever seen abigger shoop than this???
I played varsity football in hs, not all Chad's are nice. People who blanket statements like this have to be shut ins. There is no group of people that are entirely nice or mean yet anons constantly generalize entire groups. Go actually talk to people. It's especially common on Yea Forums.
People this cool don't exist.
From my school time, the guys were just all cool with each other. Sure there were occasional fights, but they were usually just the resolution of issues. The nerds and jocks were all friends from when they were younger so they all were still friendly with each other. Some jocks would come to chess club, nerds would go play tennis with the jocks in the summer, and everyone looked out for each other when rival schools or the older years tried to start something. Even the openly gay kids and non-white kids didn't seem to get bullied.
The girls however... there was one gang of them that never seemed to fucking shower who would go around and pick on the weaker boys wandering alone knowing they wouldn't fight back because they cant hit girls, one popular girl got turned into a social outcast and bullied out of school by her former friends when she slept with another popular girls boyfriend, one girl ended up marrying one of the teachers after becoming his mistress, several had kids before they left school, and all in all were bitches to each other while also fighting over practically every boy in sight.
Are you from a small town or some shit? My school was chaos. Bunch of wrestlers got arrested for sodomizing freshman wrestlers with soda bottles as a hazing. I played sports in hs and knew good people but i also some of the worst people I've ever met. Also my school had over 2k kids so there was zero looking out for people who werent your bros.
Get a load of this guy.
This isnt true at all lol, the school bullies in my school still treat people like shit. I'm actually good friends with one and he starts shit with weaker guys in bars all the time.
Hes right, Yea Forums is just faggots desperately trying to fit in 99% of the time.
Anyone who has prolonged contact with the woman she-beast is inherently corrupted by her dark influence
im the shell of who i used to be i had a bumch of friends and they all turned againts me at the end of highschool they are all majour drug addicts and wiggers now i feel i got lucky though so theres that...
That webm makes me question how gay men can even exist.
the people who hate chads are people who are just envious or have never been befriended by one. the only reason I was able to leave uni feeling happy and fulfilled was because I had a chad friend that never left me alone. He's getting married this year, i've never felt more happy for someone before
>Also my school had over 2k kids so there was zero looking out for people who werent your bros.
Schools with more than a couple hundred people are hellholes. So happy I went to a comfy sub 400 one
I have never interacted with chads, or maybe I was too socially inept as a kid to know who was a chad or not.
The only chads I'm sure about are fuckers on Yea Forums pretending to be chads, they're assholes and I hate them.
Gay men are just beta males who have accepted their fate and deep down know that they will never fuck this so they fuck each other instead to cope
user... This is the thread where we bond over how much we want Chad's cock
Fuck off from this site.
seriously, you don't need this, you're only going to have your negative mentalities strengthened in this place. i hope you find help and manage to make it through your struggles mate.
Where do you think you are?
>chad is your first kiss
this, it's ying-yang for a reason, chads are great but often having an introverted friend can offer different perspectives on things they wouldn't even think of. a healthy friendship needs both parties, chads bring out the best in us and we can bring out the best in them if we try.
I wouldn't say my town is super small, but the school had around 600 kids I wager. Though I'm also in the UK and not the US, so cultural differences are probably a factor too.
you weren't a northerner too were you? grew up similiarly in a small town in Newcastle
>Schools with more than a couple hundred people are hellholes
mine was 3500
2000 kids when I was in Jr. High
600 is pReTTy sMaLL if you ask me~~~
If that were the case I would be banging a lot of incels who think they're ugly but they're just socially retarded right now
my school had like 500 tops and it was god awful
No, that's a phenomenon known as "desperatesexual."
>chad hung around with me and the vidya virgin squad
>he joined us in a tabletop we invented and played with us in study hall
>he invited me to a party or two
>he showed me that I wasn't as autistic or inept as I thought
>he taught me the painful truth that all my problems and insecurities were my own making and that I just needed some discipline and self respect
>tfw we haven't spoken in over a year because I tend to withdraw from relationships and friendships and don't put enough effort into maintaining them
I should hit him up and go bowling or something.
>Befriend Chad in highschool
>Get Chad into world of Warcraft
>Chad is at your house after school every day playing wow
>Get pussy through association with Chad
>Chad sucks dick at wow but you don't have the heart to tell him
>Chad and you eventually have gay sex one night when drunk
There are a lot of dickhead chads too. people just love them on this board because of their own self hate
Anons who have been bullied I have a geunine question.
If for whatever dumb ass reason you somehow had a child under your care and they come home distraught and don't tell you that they were getting bullied for X amount of time, how do you prepare them?
What do you do?
Also this spoiler might mentally harm you as it did me.
If you have no siblings and you have no children, 2.1 billion years of evolution stops with you.
>mfw had completely normal school life
>no chads or any real stereotypes
>the different groups just did not care about each other at all
i regret saying a few things but other than that i cant relate to these threads. are you guys actually some autistic kid stereotype or what?
Two of my bullies are dead now, and that's good enough for me.
I have no clue what I would call myself but I'm very good at talking to people online but almost never go out of my way to talk to people IRL. When I grew up, people mostly didn't do anything with me, I was just another kid.