Who was ultimately in the right?
Who was ultimately in the right?
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Holy shit the Templars are based
>Qin Shi Huang
>Henry Ford
This is fake right?ubisoft didn't make this.
not the actual image but its canon to the games lore
>leftist libtard faggots vs right wing chads
Hmm really makes one think
No it isn't, you kill the commies in that canon Assasins Creed chronicles game.
>prime minister of the UK during WW2
>left wing
bruh they retcon those games in odyssey
Odyssey didn't make lenin a good guy.
I don't know all those fucking unimportant guys. All I recognize are the big names like hitler and lenin you fucking liberal pussy
The average burger everyone
yes it did
>left wing
Both liberals
Only exception, she's only on there because shes a woman kek
FDR and Stalin were Templars
>Templars always look like the good guys
>they occasionally throw in a cartoonishly evil scene that makes no sense to try to balance it
Source? Because I don't remember any of that. If that's true I've lost all respect for Ubisoft.
>Tesla is an Assassin and Edison is a Templar
Oh fuck off, I don't want Tesla to be associated with the hypocritical Assassins and Edison to be associated with the based Templars.
Churchill was over all a good leader. He also still makes bleeding heart liberals butthurt to this day. I remember in kotor 1 they flat out call him a sith with that machine on Kashyyyk. It was just as bad as “only a sith deals in absolutes”
>a nazi spy that destroyed russia is a good guy
Go fuck yourself ubisoft
>implying Assasins are good guys
Even in first game it was clear they were in muddy grey area and some games shown Templars really more sympathetic.
Why are retards allowed here ?
Churchill was a piece of shit
Sorry, but this shades of gray nuance shit is extremely Jewish of you. Either he's a Hitler or he's not. My teacher said he fought against Hitler (i.e. for the Jews) so he's left-wing and you're left-wing for supporting him. Go ahead and gas yourself any time now.
He might have been good at uniting Britain during World War 2 but in World War 1 he made one of the biggest tactical blunders in history with Gallipoli, sending hundreds of Australian and New Zealand soldiers basically to die.
Yea, the guy that was pivotal in taking down the Nazis was a piece of shit.
Very based.
If you are not baiting
>implying that the only reason any of the countries fought against Germany in WW2 was just because of the jews and not the fact Germany were over stepping boundries by invading allies of the other nations
Either way, you're human garbage.
What the fuck I hate Churchill now
Nazis are left wing. They also coined the phrase “always accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of”
Therefore, your teacher is a nazi and should has himself.
as if you ever needed more proof that the game was made by a bunch of hyper progressive types living in Quebec.
Churchil was a Templar, along with Stalin and Roosevelt and Hitler.
Exactly how starving your population to gain full control considered a "morally gray area"? It's not, it's pure evil.
>Assassin allies
>pop history figures that are cool and hip to know about
>Templar allies
>pop history figures that are icky and bad, they were all racist bro, totally yikes
im just trollin brah. i never played assassins creed lol
He caused the deaths of my countrymen (Australia) in Gallipoli. One of the most shameful displays in war ever.
He also had complete disregard for human life in WW2. Led the first night bombing raids against Germany which then characterised the rest of the war and had people live in fear constantly. The Germans were unwilling to do night raids because it was against the conduct of war (believe it or not people used to have decency in war time) but Churchill did it anyway. He also would leave London suspiciously before each bombing raid, as if he knew it was coming, and didnt tell the population.
He was a faggot through and through. I dont give a fuck about the Nazi's. Hitler got himself into that mess I have no sympathy for him and especially for what he did after.
I don't even get some of the Templar people because weren't the Templars supposed to be highly religious, specifically Christian? Some of the people on the list aren't even religious.
That’s right. You’re supposed to starve other people’s population
>Henry Ford
>Founder of the Ford M\\\ Company and
>P\\\\\\\\\\\ of modern
>Asse\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s. Leading
Mem\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\e Templar
Ass Creed lore is retarded, don't try to look for logic where there is none.
Hitler is the definition of a Chad
Who builds this and isnt a Chad?
It would have been better if both sides had their share of assholes.
The AC series can't seem to decide if it wants a typical good vs evil story, or explore morally grey scenarios
It's sad in school they tell us the heroics of the people in Gallipoli to only find out that the entire plan was doomed from the start when you look back to it. So many lives lost for something that was never going to work.
A-user are you ok?
Chads don't try to get into art school and fail. They also don't off themselves
>national socialism
>pro taking down financial institutions
>pro restricting private autonomy
>not leftists
Naiz were nationalists leftists.
I cant believe we didnt drop a nuke on the Turks for destroying the war monument in Turkey recently
Fucking disrespectful roaches
Tesla was a MGTOW tho, why would they think he'd make a good assassin ally ?
if the Germans didn't want bombing raids maybe they shouldn't have started it
>good people are good and bad people are bad
woah... u blew my mind bro
He didnt fail he got reccomended by the art school and accepted into an architect class, which was even better
Its like you retards dont even read
I think you're mixing up your Soviet leaders
Unfortunately most of our politicians are spineless bastards who won't say a peep about world politics.
Seriously user, it's not in any sense ok to purposely kill your own population like that. It's pure evil.
>He didn't build a life-size replica of his bulge to make Frau Staceys salivate and cow the virgin Untermensch into submission
No? If I remember correctly half the people you kill in the first game imply there is no god and man has to enforce their own order.
Nope, Lenin was responsible for mass starvations as a way of control.
Don't excuse him out of his evil.
Communism is rotten from the root.
>if the Germans didn't want bombing raids maybe they shouldn't have started it
They didn't like i said
Churchill was the first to do it and the Nazi's responded
>He also would leave London suspiciously before each bombing raid, as if he knew it was coming, and didnt tell the population
Perhaps he just used common sense
I haven't played the games in a while and only thought that because of the Ezio trilogy focusing on the Pope and his family, so you might be right.
>Xerxes was a Templar
>Alexander was a Templar
Not really, Templar order is older than Christianity in AC lore and even if some Templars were religious, their philosophy comes first.
Also, most of them use ”Father of Understanding” instead of god (eg. ”May Father of Understanding guide us), in a way that reminds the way how Freemasons handle religion: you must believe in a supreme being, but you are free to choose the rest, whether it is the traditional God of Christianity, some other god figure, or even an abstract concept of a ”grand architect”. In Templars case, it would most likely be the last one.
>Starving hohols to tame them is bad
>not telling people they are about to die is common sense
sorry I must've missed where you said that wrong thing. I should've just said "that's wrong" and been done with it
What is Warsaw
No Stalin was the one who did the mass starvation thing
>what is the battle of britain and the bombing of London
No, Lenin did it as well.
No I mean he probably knew that London was going to be targeted in air raids, so why stay there during the night?
I think it's implied they like to control religious institutions because they are a good way of subtly controlling people.
What's your source?
>Fucking disrespectful roaches
Many turks here still follow atatürk's ideals and such and what anzacs did are often reminded
This is disrespectful to most of us as it is to you, believe it or not.
Both wanted to subjugate the free states of the Greek world.
if you play odyssey you'd realize that both factions are right and wrong.
>All the good guys of history are one faction
>All the bad guys are another
Fucking lazy and boring.
Thing is, Rodrigo Borgia wanted to be Pope only because the position of Pope was politically important back then, there were no religious motives for it. Even Templars considered that time for being ”a dark age” of the order, because Borgia was only chasing power and forgot the actual ideological objectives of the order.
Not a night bombing raid?
>The first RAF raid on the interior of Germany took place on the night of 15/16 May 1940 while theBattle of Francewas still continuing.
That was before the battle of Britain, which was a retaliation to the night bombings
thats the point user, its a "both sides are bad" kind of stuff
napoleon was 10x worse than hitler but people tent to forget that
No u
I can never have any sympathy for the Nazi sympathizers who whine about Dresden or whatever. Terror bombing was the core ideology of the Luftwaffe. The Germans should be happy they lost before the U.S. created the atomic bombs
Yeah I obviously dont mean all turks but that faggot in charge Erdogan or whatever and his followers should be shot
how is henry ford a bad guy?
>Lenin an assassin
Welp time to be a Templar to kill commie assassin scum
Furthermore, there is no ideological point in fascism that makes bombing wrong. Rule of might and total war mean what they mean, don't cry for mercy when you are on the losing side.
They targeted factories and infrastructure while kra*ts bombed civilian targets in priority
he may or may not have been a Nazi sympathizer
last time I looked into it the evidence actually seemed to be less clear than I thought it'd be
Sure they did
He was antisemitic and a good friend of Hitler
Nice retcon. Also modern day Templars are too cartoonishly evil to take seriously like broad casting mind control beams in Tv rays.
Good point, Hell even in WWII the japanese were arguably worse than the Nazis.
Just imagine how bad they were if the Nazis weren't as bad, not to remove any blame of course.
You just reminded me that Rodrigo Borgia existed and Ezio never got to kill him.
is that really the goal the writers chose? because the best way to control a population is the exact opposite of that.
How dare you say that ? At least japs didn't kill jews.
that's not a good point. I don't even like Napoleon but I can't think of a single way he was worse than Hitler
That's because they were bound by historical accuracy for 2.
>Henry Ford
>Thomas Edison
>Some ching chong
Wait all these guys have been in one of these shitty games? I thought they were all set in antiquity?
Also why was ford with the bad guys? He grey up pretty normal with immigrant parents and built cars so the average man could afford it (And to get rich of course)
He also standardize the working day,fair pay, and he hated the jew bankers.
Last i checked old H.F was one of our guys
>because the best way to control a population is the exact opposite of that.
How exactly? If you control the food supply, you ensure the population's compliance. Similarly it also ensures that the population is too weak to fight against you.
It's evil but clever.
napoleon was based though
It's a really terrible trade-off in that he's a huge islamist that goes against some core values of the turkish gubmint but then again the biggest opposition they have is a party full of jobbers and left-wing parasites
God damn how I hate both of the parties and hope some other party gets popular
he was two inches shorter than hitler and therefore worse than him, although this does not mean much as any man under six feet is already subhuman
>no Caesar on the list
How does not approving of Dresden make me a Nazi sympathiser? You're fucking mental
Antifa types are the most morally fucked people on earth
Anybody who does this intentionally is a monster, I dont give a fuck if you do it to a foreign government who are also monsters, the civilians didnt deserve this
Dresden was a strategically unimportant city and they only bombed it for terror, to scare them into surrender
>Furthermore, there is no ideological point in fascism that makes bombing wrong.
You sound like an expert can you explain how Nazism was related to Fascist doctrine and where the Fascist doctrine says its okay to kill civilians? Lol
>Rule of might and total war mean what they mean
Where is this rule?
wtf how can one man be so wrong. AC lore sperg here.
He hated the assassins and the templars because both tricked/enslaved him into making weapons
Betrayed the Assassin brotherhood for the "revolution".
>Alex the Great
Templars didn't even exist back then, nor did assassins
Templars started the war, yes, but they didn't think Hitler would go that far and tried to kill him.
No Templars back then either
>Xerxes I
STILL no Templars
Whoever made this probably played III or Brotherhood and then glanced at the wiki. Sad!
>Kotor 1
>Calling Churchill a sith
>Biggest tactical blunders in history
>sending hundreds of Australian and New Zealand soldiers basically to die
this is your brain on centralism
>yeah those islamist cunts that have basically hijacked my democracy and turned it into a theocracy are shit, but the biggest "opposition group" are a bunch of jobbers so they're equally shit. I shall sit back and wait for the perfect political party while my country rots away
>literal cuck
Only based thing he did was betray the other liberals and make himself Emperor
He basically destroyed Europe after that and we still havent recovered from his reforms
I refused to play wewuzkangz because I sae Caesar in it and I knew they would make him a bad guy. Apparently he gets killed by a woman too, which is fucking hilarious. Battle hardened war hero gets killed by a woman. Lol
I don't think Tesla would give a shit about this nonsense.
Thanks for setting the record straight.
If the Germans didn't want to be terror bombed perhaps they shouldn't have started the terror bombing, especially against countries with better air forces.
I though Hitler, Churchill and FDR were all supposed to be Templars?
I guess so but I still wanted that kill, damn history for existing.
>He basically destroyed Europe
Imagine being a kraut, ruining Europe TWICE IN A ROW and still blaming Napoléon because he kicked your ass in two weeks
Free will was a mistake.
free will doesn't even exist
Not really user, hoping something isnt the same as not doing anything.I'm just laying the reasons as to why people vote for Erdogan's party, not personal reasons.
Germany deserved Dresden. They also deserved Nagasaki and Hiroshima but they got lucky.
The Germans never turned Europe into a lefty shithole
Napoleons reforms destroyed classical Europe and ushered in Capitalism, Liberalism, emancipation of the Jews
While you're all arguing about the Templars and Assasins, Let's remember that theres a 3rd order.
The Intruments of the First Will, who would be a part of them and why.
The really weird thing is that from the games I have played, modern SJWs basically have the Templar ideals. They want to control everyone to their ideals. SJWs would be the pawns of the Templar.
shit bait
Degenerate antifa retard
>Napoleons reforms destroyed classical Europe
Assuming you're referring to Monarchies and what remained of feudalism: these were good things Napoleon did. The worst thing he ever did was crown himself Emperor
Based fuck Europe.
t. Liberal
Hitler only joined the German army because the Austrian army rejected him for being too weak.
Nazi loving loser faggot.
I'm the only one who can't read Ford's profile?
Destroying old monarchies was a good thing. The current state of Europe is Germany's fault
This chart is missing Karl Marx on the Assassin's side. The assassins helped him during the events of Syndicate.
my peenus weanus, that's who
In comparison to fucking monarchism, yeah I'm pretty liberal. If you wanna go worship a god king go move to North Korea Lawfag.
Lenin himself was almost assasinated
>got the iron cross
>killed multiple (((French))) kikes
>was also a scout
I dont love the Nazi's you fucking dickhead did you not read? Or is that just how you justify your fucked up beliefs?
That doesn't sound right. Could've sworn he basically tried to fight for Germany from the start. Though come to think of it I may be basing it off what he wrote in Mein Kampf and he could've been lying.
Do you not know the definition of liberalism?
Ah yes and he was also a scat fetishist with one testicle, a guardian article said so, so it must be true!
You accuse me of being a liberal and now you're claiming I don't know what liberalism is. Make up your mind or say what you want to say, beating around the bush is boring and there's a baseball game I want to go watch.
Basic historical knowledge
You are a liberal and you dont know what liberalism is, there's nothing contradictory about that statement
Liberals are anti-absolutist
Lol not even going to waste my time
>My teacher said he fought against Hitler (i.e. for the Jews)
Frankly ? The templars.
The moment you have fucking Hitler with you, you're definitely on the right side.
Greatest european of all times.
Get to the point or I'm not giving you any more (You)s
You said in comparison to monarchy im pretty liberal when opposition to monarchy is what liberalism is.
>that skinny
Opposition to monarchy is not all that liberalism is. But yes (absolute) monarchy and liberalism are ideologically opposed to each other and the former will always be worse than the latter.
Why are aussies so obsessed with making Gallipolli all about themselves
Hitler dodged the Austrian draft and wasn't even suitable for the army when the draft police caught
I can't read it either. Fuck the retard who made this pic.
Because they were told to charge into machine gun fire by the British? Are you retarded?
Honestly muh Dresden is revisionism, the place was the most logical military target left at the time, they didn't just kill as many civilians as possible or whatever /pol/tards think. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were way more tactically dubious but that's a more mainstream opinion so won't get posted about on edgy central Yea Forums unless it's to wind up Americans.
Ah yes another unsourced article it must be true!
napoleon had a napoleon complex, he was pathetic
It's not good guys vs. bad guys, it's who helps the assassins vs. who helps the templars
most of the people who marched into machine gun fire at Gallipolli were British themselves
Jaques de Molay and Hughes de Payens are participating in the beatific vision and those cheese curd and gravy eating fuckmonkeys can go slander some other group of people.
It's ridiculous how lopsidedly good the templar side is, holy shit
>Honestly muh Dresden is revisionism, the place was the most logical military target left at the time, they didn't just kill as many civilians as possible or whatever /pol/tards think.
t. 3 arrows
Why do you spread this lie? When the US military has to cover for you and literally say "we didnt have the laws for war crimes straightened out at the time so it's not a war crime" you should know you fucked up.
There was nothing strategic about Dresden. The actual factories lay outside Dresden and were untouched by the bombings. It was straight up supposed to be a morale hit. Just like the A-Bombs.
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki were way more tactically dubious
Glad you aren't completely mental, only partially
>but that's a more mainstream opinion so won't get posted about on edgy central Yea Forums unless it's to wind up Americans.
It gets posted about quite often actually
Holy based
>Alexander Garham Bell
>invented the first practical telephone
Gee I wonder why lib cucks hate Ford
nigga FUCK churchill
The Aussies and NZ were the cannon fodder though, it was disgraceful regardless. So much death for nothing.
>made gay paintings and got rejected from art school for being too boring
>got injected with bull semen and fart pills by a jewish doctor for his entire life
>became an hero when he got spooked since he was getting his ass handed to him by every other country
Hitler was a certified beta
I want Assassins Creed Rome where we can play as based Hannibal and kill roman templar dogs
>made gay paintings and got rejected from art school for being too boring
He didnt get rejected he got reccomended.
>got injected with bull semen and fart pills by a jewish doctor for his entire life
He got liquid cocaine dripped in his eyes, i have no idea where you got that other shit from
i want Assassins Creed Sneed
Dresden didn’t have any noticeable industry and their railway network also wasn’t as big as the one in Leipzig for example. If you would’ve want to destroy the Germany railway network you would've bombed Silesia which also had a major industry. The only thing Dresden or saxony in general had were refugee camps. They just firebombed them so they wouldn’t get conscripted.
Why are Ubisoft so fucking retarded
Hislet here, actually curious
Didnt australians and kivis fight against the turks?Why did the gallipoli make them friends?
>woah did you know *historical figure* was actually part of the templars/assassins?
Can they just stop doing this? It's like an episode of entourage where a celebrity shows up for no plot related reasons, the cast talks about how great they are and then they leave. It's beyond cringe inducing.
Just wanted to pile on that Churchill was a monumental piece of human garbage, through and through. An even more despicable person than Hitler himself
who cares faggot
Napoleon wasn’t French and WW1 was started by France, Russia and Serbia.
The only good part about AC games is when they aren't being AC and are just being historical or having personal stories like Ezio's. People only liked Black Flag because it was a cool Pirate game lol, the actual story is utter trash
>super secret societies
>everyone knows about them
>We got Socrates instead of this absolute chad
You did enough to reply, you faggot
Fuck that bald Gangster
no i didn't
be quiet
Churchill didn't order the deaths of millions of people so no he isn't.
>Bombing cities at night is fine if it's not in the dark
What the fuck?
Rape was punishable by firing squad in the SS and Wehrmacht.
Difference is that with Alexander they would gain glory
>what is India
Wait, wasn't Churchill specifically made a Templar, I vividly remember this in the game
>Churchill didn't order the deaths of millions of people
A lot of people think that because the side you're fighting is morally dubious, it excuses every single crime you commit. You see the same shit in responses to the Union army razing Savannah.
WW2 is even less excusable because we were presented with probably one of the only cut and dry cases of a just war in our entire history as a nation and we decided to ally with a mass murderer, target civilians intentionally, and drop two nuclear bombs instead.
>Churchill didn't order the deaths of millions of people so no he isn't
Seemingly the only thing you know about Churchill is how to spell his surname, you utter brainlet
What on earth did you just say?
Rape and pillage is an expression you Naziboo. Wage aggressive warfare and get fucked.
>Churchill didn't order the deaths of millions of people so no he isn't.
Churchill was more bloodthirsty than Hitler and Stalin combined. He was unironically the bad guy.
>Kills 53 million pajeets
Come on, nobody’s innocent
Gallipolli is part of the founding myth of both modern Australia/New Zeeland and Turkey, they have a solemn view of it. Turkey has historically been fairly welcoming to ANZs who wish to mourn those that were lost.
Wasn't he like a massive racist and a proponent of eugenics? Why does a Leftist company like Ubisoft continue to put the guy in a possessive light?
>tesla on good guy side
>thieving kike Edison on bad guy side
Positive, I mean
Fucking auto-correct
>Rape and pillage is an expression
No it isn't. Rape and pillage means rape and pillage.
There were no good people in WW2. Thats the truth. The whole war could have been easily avoided, and all sides committed atrocities and fucked up experiments.
It annoys me when people excuse allied war crimes simply because they arent recognised as such, as if the allies would put themselves on trial lmao. Things like Dresden, the firebombing of Tokyo, atom bombing in Japan, the Americans hiding Japanese war crimes because they wanted the juicy results from their experiments, repeated aggression against civilian targets by the British, and so on, those are inexcusable acts. Just because their opponents are worse doesnt make it ok. Two wrongs dont make a right as they say.
Of course a French company would believe this shit
>Shit talking Tesla
Faggot. He quite literally dindu nuffin and wuz a good boy, but life screwed him and his pigeon waifu over.
Keep telling yourself that, buddy.
Why is Ford a bad guy though? Because he made the automobile available for the general populace?
Talked bad about Jews
Napoleon was unironically good.
Based Ford
Everybody should read the International Jew
lol fucking Ubisoft, you never disappoint with your cuckery
He was a great general and defintiley had caesar-esque qualities but what he did was not good, it directly caused the chaos of the coming two centuries.
Literally American Hitler
>Napoleon was 10x worse than hitler
Back to your island, non-european monkey.
He is not really presented as good. Unity's Dead Kings DLC is focused on preventing him from getting a piece of eden.
He exposed their corruption, that makes him Hitler? Far as we know, he never killed anyone either.
If you want to be a peasant so bad, get off the computer and go roll around in the dirt.
>Publish an antisemit pamplet that is complet bullshit
Why do antisemits act like the people they despise?
Based and unitypilled.
>complete bullshit
It's not though
Black Flag and Rogue are the only two great nu-AC games.
Prove me wrong.
Hitler didn't directly kill anyone either and he exposed their corruption as well.
When will the next avatar come along to unite the people against the jew?
Ah yes, the Protocol of the Elder of Zion, who exposes jews and freemas-- hu, just jews, ahah. We don't take interest in silly things like freemasons.
Templar were never the bad guys
Since the first game the assassins were the ones spreading chaos everywhere because they'd rather not doing anything instead of doing sacrifices
and in the end, it's always assassins trying to fuck you off
>Unite the people by trying to genocide poland and russia
>Unite the people by trying to genocide poland
All he wanted was Danzig, not Poland
>and russia
Absolutley based
Fuck Bolsheviks
The edgelords are already united. Except instead of outdoor rallies they're in the comfort of their basements with one hand on their mouse the other on their dick.
There could only be one. After their failure, people have been dimmed down to a level which we probably won't be able to recover from without some kind of major change. With the education system the way it is and the majority of people being too comfortable,complacent or wrapped up in their own lives the future looks bleak.
>all it takes for the /pol/tards to unleash their autism is a vague picture of hitler among 17 other individuals
so this is the power of drumpf and magapedes
Henry published severals hundred of thousands of the Protocols in the US. When the book got exposed as a fraud, Ford went "But I feel what's happening in the book is real!"
The Templars generally don't believe in God specifically because of the Pieces of Eden and the First Civ even existing. Al Mualim even speaks about it being a lie from what I remember when he confronts Altair at the end of the game. They believe in the "Father of Understanding" but from what I understand that's more of a "Grand design" sort of thing rather than the concept of God or any religion in specific.
>all he wanted was danzig
Which wasn't owned by poland, funny how he invaded their country
>Absolutley based
Invading russia was retarded and he paid for it.
When Ford started losing to GM he started to pay people to harass investors, workers and all of the like...he was one of those guys that let fame get over his head
The templar's philosophy is literally "there is no god, religion is a tool, only mankind can do something"
it was also confirmed right from AC:B with the oldest times made of an ancient race and the hidden video of adam & eve stealing an apple
they were right all along, that's why you'll always have saturday morning cartoon villain tier sequences to show a templar screaming "I'm going to kill some people because I'm mad and evil!" to balance it out
I didn't knew the nazi had their own beria.
fucking pedo nazis
If I remember correctly Stalin was a Templar. It's in one of the AC 2 games, hidden within those stupid puzzles or collectibles. It also shows some other people
>Alexander the great
Damn, the Templars were based.
>Someone controlled me to post this.
Well it was a "free city" but Poland tried to take it over Silesia uprising style though the guy you answered is wrong. Hitler wanted an autobahn or some way to cross the Polish channel
I thought you meant the International Jew by Ford.
Plenty of people republished the Elders of Zion not because it was true but because it was curious that it was even made in the first place.
Yea Forums is tesla
Heinrich cannot be compared to any, he was a devout christian and was voluntarily celibate despite being the most powerful man in Europe with control over the SS. Until 27 where a woman basically took him into her apartment and raped him while out on work duties.
One of our own British bastards beat him to death with his fists in what was suppose to be a interrogation. It was swept under the rug and covered up poorly.
Is this supposed to make me like Hitler?
You're one of those ifunny nazis aren't you.
>which was owned by poland
Which was also owned by Germany just two decades earlier. Which Poland was also willing to succeed to Germany until Britian told them to defy Hitler.
>invading russia was retarded and he paid for it
Only because he had to fight on two fronts. The original conquest of Russia would have easily been successful if there was no world war. Stalin was a shit Commander.
Black Flag is just an inferior Rogue
Thread should've ended here.
>killed 50 millions pajeet because they didn't want to be slaves
>let france, america and russia break themselves on hitler's vanguard because he wanted to stay """"neutral"""""
>was busier asking english people to kill themselves in the industry to sell weapons to others
>broke every possible treaty before shifting the blame on someone else
to his defense, it was war and a period of conflict, he has blood on his hands like everyone else, but he was a piece of shit that still made small scale purges just for money.
>not liking Hitler
>it was curious it was even made in the first place
iirc it was some russian noble who had it made to convince the current Tsar to kick out jews and freemasons.
Look like you anglo did something good for once.
But you just spelt Jews wrong user.
Look up any major event and they're in it.
no one actually likes hitler over the age of 14, it's just the JIDF false-flagging with pro-hitler propaganda to gain more support.
Napoleon emancipated the Jews.
It shouldn't be surprising that he'd be so charming, but this still seems like too much.
>Lost to the soviets
>Offed himself
Hitler was a cuck
*invades u*
no, hitler is still alive hes just playing 5d chess bro
>a commie is on the good guy side
Bad falseflag
>mass murder 20 million people
>raise a drunk degenerate son
>get a letter from your favorite musician telling you to die for your crimes
>people are so scared that you might kill them they dont check on you for two entire days while you lay in a puddle of your own piss after having a stroke
>get condemned by your own party after death
Stalin was such a pathetic faggot lol
these days i've been spamming AC since i always was intrigued by the lore, where can i find a good source for sperging out myself with it?
>implying that is not what's happening
>Which was also owned by Germany just two decades earlier.
So what? They lost the war. It wasn't their anymore.
>Which Poland was also willing to succeed to Germany until Britian told them to defy Hitler.
>Only because he had to fight on two fronts.
Anglo barely did anything, the major casuality the nazis took were in Russia. Nazis simply didn't have the number nor the supply lines to take on the Soviet. One defeat was all that was needed for their advance to stop and recede, which is what happened at Stalingrad.
>Stalin was a shit Commander.
And so was Hitler, what made their success was their generals. Shit on the soviet all you want but they still completely destroyed the 6th army by encirclement.
>woman's skull
Hitler was bigger than stalin tho
at least he had a son
checkmate cyka
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
He went to art school when he was younger
He wanted to be a painter
Hitler was a vegetarian
He was also a non smoker
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
He hired gay and handicapped officers
He was concerned about overpopulation
If Hitler was alive today, he'd listened to The Cure
The Smiths and Depeche Mode
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Hitler was a sensitive man
Why do people worship losers like hitler who did nothing but lose? Or the confeds who did nothing but lose? Winners are who you should admire.
>that's why you'll always have saturday morning cartoon villain tier sequences to show a templar screaming "I'm going to kill some people because I'm mad and evil!" to balance it out
They haven't done that since AC:B. AC:R introduced several gray villains. The main villain was basically trying to protect his people and was against Suleiman taking over when he had no experience at war or diplomacy at all, but it did have some blatantly evil guys here and there.
AC3 literally had all the Templars doing no wrong in the story with the only bad thing they did being starting the Boston Fire and then using blankets with smallpox to kill off the homeless which I can't remember the reason for. I think it was to benefit the lower and middle classes. They even supported the Native Americans in fighting off the British and French and Haytham plus CHARLES LEE were trying to warn Connor's tribe that Washington was going to burn their tribe's village to the ground. You even get told multiple times while killing all the various Templars that what Connor is doing will lead to the destruction of his people by foreign invaders, one of the guys was even trying to get multiple tribes together to fight for their homeland while another was blockading French ships I think it was.
Black Flag has Torres denouncing slavery (Despite his end goal technically being slavery of a different manner), several of Edward's friends just wanted a peaceful life, and the Templars were literally trying to stop piracy in the Caribbean.
Rogue had the Templars resurrecting areas that went to hell due to the Assassins ignoring them, they stopped thievery and the Assassins that had control of certain areas from essentially extorting money from civilians, and so much more.
Unity was all about infighting with Elise's side of the Templars being more or less beneficial to France while the other side thought Elise's rule would bring ruin to the Order and France itself.
It's called rooting for the underdog.
losers relate to losers.
but i digress, /pol/ is just jew zoomers trolling jew boomers anyway
Because the winners were weasely vermin who played dirty.
Hitler had some good ideas like going for the oil in the Caucasus and going straight for Moscow. The nazis in general were a downstep from Germany in ww1
you forgot based erudito
Yeah ok we get it, bro
>and so was hitler
No he wasnt lol
He was an excellent commander, almost all of the blunders happened because his sub commanders undermined him.
Wanted freedom at all cost, will incite chaos and damper progress for the sake of freedom
Will limit freedoms to do what is right for the greater good of humanity. Values order over freedom.
Till this day I don't know who is good or bad. Both are valid in my eyes which is great design.
Yeah it's fucking unfair how those winners get to win just by building more stuff and winning more battles.
that is a very nice memorial, i like it
I dont think you do user, but keep thinking
anti chucks get OUT
You may want to reread your link, it states the diplomat the pole sent didn't even had the power to sign the proposed deal when Germany specified they needed someone with full power.
>No he wasnt lol
The plan to defeat France wasn't even his.
>almost all of the blunders happened because his sub commanders undermined him.
Yeah like Staling- oh.
>the founder of the single most collectivist and freedom-restricting cult in history
>assassin ally
Mh yeah, Reds sure scream Assassin ideals to me.
>You may want to reread your link, it states the diplomat the pole sent didn't even had the power to sign the proposed deal when Germany specified they needed someone with full power.
The British didn't accept the Polish Plenipotentiary part of the deal and sent an ambassador instead who didnt have the authority to sign the deal. Aka an insult.
>>almost all of the blunders happened because his sub commanders undermined him.
>Yeah like Staling- oh.
Stalin literally hid in his room and refused to lead, then when he did he introduced Order 227 which his sub commanders begged him to stop, fucked up repeatedly until his commanders convinced him to stop leading the troops.
how much of a beta bitch do you autistic european naziboos have to be to let the propaganda of a bunch of german subhumans that thought being aryan made them supermen that lost to literally the two countries they hated more than anyone so badly they got their country split apart for years
The ambassador was part of the Polish government and was the one who constantly refused to give up Danzig. hell if you read his biography it states:
>Under British pressure to negotiate a solution to the Danzig crisis, Lipski eventually phoned to ask for an interview with Ribbentrop on 31 August 1939, but upon learning that Lipski would be present only as an ambassador, rather than as a plenipotentiary, the meeting was refused.
>Stalin literally hid in his room and refused to lead, then when he did he introduced Order 227 which his sub commanders begged him to stop, fucked up repeatedly until his commanders convinced him to stop leading the troops.
Hey, I agreed Stalin was shit, you're not teaching me anything new.
>Lenin and Napoleon
>Ford and Edison
Fucking Ubisoft can sure be retarded at times
Jesus do you really read these sites
Anyone with communists on their side is evil.
Goddamn leftcucks are retarded
Oh yes Oroshisenpaisama
Sneak attack my country again feels so good
You literally deserve to die
>Nikola Tesla
why do hipsters love this dude so much
>people make up so much stupid shit about Hitler people end up not even believing the true stuff
His entire life was one big spaghetti spilling. That and Edison's business tactics made Tesla out to be a victim, when in reality he was just not savvy enough to compete.
It's worse off now than it was, and it's all YOUR FAULT.
Theres a term for that
But yeah, it applies to a lot of things from ww2
Orwell wrote how the word Fascism no longer means a legitimate political movement, but rather its become just a synonym of bully
>It's a "Morons think that the Aassassins are meant to be good and the templars bad" episode
Niether side is inherently good or bad in the Asscreed games, it's a point they repeatedly and consisently stress. The entire central focus of the first game was that there's no "good" or "Evil" and that the assassins just have a different perspective on what's right and the best for humanity from the templars
The Assassins believe in feeedom and change/progress, but this can also lead to anarchy, treason, and chaos
The Templars believe in order and stability, but this can lead to tyranny, oppression, and stagnation
The templars are GENERALLY seen as villains in the games just because of the nature that power corrupts and authoritarian societies tend to drift into inequality, but again, the games stress that that doesn't mean the assassins are inherently good. There are just templars who legitmately believe and want to pursue peace and better the world, and just think it needs to be done via a heavy hand.
Also this is why the morons going TEMPLARS ARE BASED while also reeeeeeeeeing about communism are retarded, and are mistaking it as left vs right rather then liberalism vs authoritarianism., since communist regimes would be templars, given their authoritarianism.
Churchill was a fucking retard.
wtf is with the fag spamming pictures of hitler and nazis
over the course of hours
>Lenin was a Nazi spy
based retard
It upsets you
How tf did the assassins survive?
Hitler was always right
Templars easily.
Have sex
Who tf even knows it’s ubisoft
Templars were pretty good at their work, did everything for the pope and even were wiped from earth for shits and giggles. Why are they evil?
both sides have garbage clogging the pipes
You embarressing yourself by showing everyone that /poltards/ spam and samefag does not upset me.
I wish i was born in ww2 in russia
Mustve felt food raping those germans and making their men watch
We are such chads damn it
The Templar order is a continuation of the belief of the Templar order of old. It's not evil, just crewed by dipshits sometimes.
Reminder to everyone in the thread that the base argument between the two factions is that Assassins believe in freedom of choice (akin to chaos in SMT) and Templars believe that law must control the masses (order in SMT). Sometimes people just join the various factions for power or prestige instead of giving a shit about the mission statement.
Yeah but Facism is like trying to argue that Tyrannism or a Monarchy are quality systems of goverment when they're incredibly flawed from the perspective of the average person.
>assassins create total freedom
>society degenerates into chaos
>templars create total control
>society is fake and stuck
They're all retarded
>wanting to fight on the eastern front in WW2
>wanting to fight as the RUSSIANS
I would honestly rather jump out of a plane without a parachute and hope I survive by landing in a tree than experience that hell. They won in the end yes but at a horrific cost.
Nazis invented the rocket. Stuck looks different to me.
How the fuck is Alexander the Great a Knight Templar when Christianity didn't even exist when he was alive?
>Templarhood in AC lore is not related to Christianity
>he actually isn’t a Templar in AC lore because Templar Order didn’t exist yet in his time, OP’s image is pulled out of his ass