>5 Days
5 Days
Other urls found in this thread:
Post this thread one more time, OP
I seriously fucking dare you.
whats wrong with E3 threads?
Oh I thought this was a Squilliam thread. Fucking hate that guy.
there is an angry autist that hates E3 and the fun it has provided Yea Forums for years
What shows/anime/movies should we stream in between conferences?
I think he's more mad that people have turned one person's daily joke threads into a meme and are spamming it 24/7 immediately before E3.
um ackstchually it's Squilliam Fancyson III who is Squidward Tentacles' arch-rival whom he met in high school band class
Are we finished with the collage for tonight?
for the one user who asked last thread
it isn't a collage thread
collage user went to sleep, so I suppose until he wakes up, yeah
what is this shit
still gonna keep /r/ing that super macho man
OP has been asleep for hours
Will we see another Mass Effect? Its been like 2 years
>literally hate video games all year
>e3 imminent
>excited like a child
fuck sony tho, party poopers
>tfw never got into collab
In commemoration of that one based user
shit, beat me to it, I tried doing the normal pic in gimp but it looks like garbage compared to yours
>spam your shit meme almost daily, even months before E3 even happens pissing people off by doing so
Squiltists everyone
someone told me to make a squilliam of a post
>TFW i forgot to do my havel the rock one
Is he actually dead? I haven't watched bobby since in a billion years
Fuck no, Andromeda was a failure and both EA and Bioware have made it clear that they don't have any interesting in picking at Mass Effect's corpse anymore. Andromeda was supposed to kick start a spinoff *series* and look where that went.
And that's a good thing, ME3 is already considered an awful sendoff for the series by a lot of people, I'd rather they just let it rest in peace.
please give me (you)'s im so hungry
They might show off Dragon Age 4, but we won't see ME for awhile
there's still time, you can make it while collage user is asleep
here user
Actually it's still spring until the 22nd
Animal Crossing movie since AC Switch will almost 100% be there
so summer came early then, huh?
>5 days
Then why does it say 7 days?
No, I literally just said summer doesn't start until June 22nd you fucking retard. It can't come early, that's like your fucking birthday happening a month earlier, it's impossible. Dumbass.
touched it up a little
summer did come early, got it.
>wahwah everyone who doesn't like my shitty zoomer event is a newfag
lurk more newfag
Animal Crossing movie will likely play after the Nintendo Direct / Treehouse
Ah shit, the collab is already finished? i did this almost like a week ago and never uploaded it, i know its very lazy but idk
And that's how my story ended...
Why is faggot OP saying 5 days left when it starts on 9th june?
honestly, when isn't op a faggot
It starts the 11th you fucking morons
5 days? I thought the first presentation is on the 9th?
holy shit what a throw back
someone with talent put these gifs on the witness stand from ace attorney
Pick up a dictionary and have sex
Taffy from Clayfighter
SHIT was too complicated
so i made black raven from wakfu
made this
The first conference starts in 7 days
noice but wait for collageanon
Courtesy of jackbox.
Finished my drawing, but it sounds like collageanon will be working on it tomorrow, so I'll wait to post it until then. Does anyone know if he's gonna be on all day or what?
What was the last collage thread? I went to sleep and probably missed one
Holy shit. The amount of summer newfags in this thread acting like squilliam threads havent been a thing for literally years now is upsetting.
MS won last year
who is gonna win this year bros
MS again since they once again get to present Fromsofts new Multiplat.
>who is gonna win this year bros?
gamers, hopefully
All i need to see at E3 to be satisfied:
>Great Rune
>More from MHW Iceborn
>Dragons Dogma 2 tease
>Some new IP suprise game
Xbox if they have just video games like last year. Otherwise Nintendo, because Bethesda won't have gameplay for the new TES or Starfield and what the fuck does Ubisoft and Squeenix have? A yearly Assassin's Creed? Another FE7 delay?
with the dictionary?
>dragons dogma 2 tease
why though? we basically know its coming and a tease doesn't give us anything new
>5 days
uhhh.. are you retarded OP?
There won't be a DD2 cause you retards keep buying every version they port every time, so they'll just keep copy pasting the same game to new platforms instead of making DD2.
>we basically know its coming
we do? Source?
how low does my IQ have be for this logic to make sense?
old footage of ninja theorys fighting game - bleeding edge
in 5 minutes i wont be seething but you will still be fucking retarded you nigger
Literally DmC
Kenzo Tsujimoto says he had the option to make devil may cry 5 or dragons dogma 2 so he made devil may cry 5
then he says “Here we are—we’re now finishing up DMC5. But I had ideas for Dragon’s Dogma 2 at the time as well. So here we are, it’s the end of this project”
zoomer summerfags are pathetic
What if DD2 will end up being shit and they were just lucky with DD1?
>macho man
Kill yourself you retarded faggot. You don't fit in here and never will
It's possible, but kenzo tsujimoto isn't a retard and he just directed the new DMC which ended up being considered a great game by most DMC fans.
I would be cautiously optimistic for Dragon's Dogma 2 at this stage with the small amount of evidence we have for it so far.
Can't even laugh at EA this year as they officially spoiled us already.
9:15 AM: Countdown to EA PLAY
9:30 AM: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Hosted by Greg Miller and Andrea Rene)
10:00 AM: Apex Legends (Hosted by Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez)
10:30 AM: Battlefield V (Hosted by Julia Hardy and Adam Freeman)
11:00 AM: FIFA 20 (Hosted by Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez)
11:30 AM: Madden NFL 20 (Hosted by Adam Rank)
12:00 PM: The Sims 4 (Hosted by Andrea Rene)
I assume they're just pretending being retarded, which is somehow even worse
What site is that again?
Jesus fuck, I was wondering why that spin at the end of the block break section seemed so familiar.
e3 countdown
Squilliam posting has been a thing for fucking years at least why are people mad suddenly
Internet says it doesn't start till June 11 that's way more than 5 days
By pretending to be underage and retarded we've invited the actually underage and retarded into the fold
>Pokemon Direct is in three days
>Zoomer event
Go back
it starts on the 9th
Sony is going to win this time you racist white nazi incel.
You don't fit in by repeatedly saying zoomer or boomer or by posting wojak. No one likes you or finds your attempt at humour funny. You're just a fun drain when your only contribution is using buzzwords to say enjoying things is bad. Go away.
At least we'll never have to think about Pokemon Sleep again
Imagine thinking that fitting in is a thing on an anonymous forum. Fuck off to your Discord, tranny.
I already don't think about it
The presentations start on the 9th. 8th, if you count EA's thing.
Can't wait for more EA sport games.
I'll probably check into their stream if they show NFS or a classic remastered.
This might probably the first time i'm actually interested in all the presentations
Feels wierd man
It really feels like most of this site doesn't understand that actions always have consequences. Always.
summer hasnt stopped since 2010 retard
Sad as it is, it is a thing and always has been.
Get a load of this 2007 cancer.
fuck.. have we been in this Yea Forums cycle for this long already?
maybe im just a Yea Forums npc....
Ok have fun watching the actual E3 stuff that no one cares about after everything has been announced days before.
>he says while MS virtue signals for trannies
Eh, looks way too chaotic with multiple people at once.
With melee-focused multiplayer games, it's best to slow it down a bit like with Absolver
>discord tranny
You are desperately trying to fit in
>won't have to stay up until 3AM to watch Sony
>there will be zero weeaboo games announced
>Kenzo Tsujimoto directed the new DMC
Jesus Christ bitch, at least get your facts straight, else no one will believe your uninformed as, DMC5 was directed by Hideaki Itsuno, it's right fucking there in the article linked.
Oh, a wise guy, uh?
EA doesn't count
It's a little bit too fast this time
its 7 days retardo
I know that collage user is asleep, but I finished that Curly drawing, I most likely won't be here by the time he posts another thread at 7pm GMT.
I gotchu user, I'll post it when he is up.
sorry I copypasted the wrong moon rune name
Why would you use words that have zero context besides being popular buzzwords here in the past few years unless you specifically wanted to fit in?
You're lying to yourself as much as you're lying to us. You know you're trying to fit in by just repeating "funny" words other people said before. You don't need to. Just talk to us like normal people. Yea Forums is just a website to talk about things on.
which conference is happening in 5 days?
EA streams?
ok ty
>there will be zero weeaboo games announced
did you even watch the MS conference last year?
sony not being there doesn't mean there will be no weeb games, in fact, sony NEVER shows anime games at e3, even when gravity rush 2, persona 5, etc. were coming out, they never showed those.
Unlikely, but if we did see something it would be a remaster of the original trilogy. BioWare still need to figure out how to quietly slip iut of their dev obligations to Anthem, and then try to make DA4 not-shit in order to even have a chance at making another Mass Effect. Why do you even want one? They're clearly not going back to the Milky Way and Andromeda is a shit setting
I love this
The code is 6N26XJH1 if you want it, should have included it in the filename maybe. The arms twitch around when you view it in game.
still waiting for collage user to return from his slumber before posting my drawing for this year
by the way, is it frowned upon to draw multiple Squilliams for the collage? because I definitely did that in previous years (2 in 2017 and 3 in 2018)
How can he react to news of the biggest upcoming games at E3? He has no ears
>It's okay reddits been here for years
okay, I guess we can't do anything about it.
Yeah I'm gonna have to tell bucky about it and get all your images removed past and present.
as long as they're not shit quality, it's fine imo
I generally try to put at least some effort into them, even if I'm not capable of doing anything too incredible
>5 days
What's happening on Friday?
yea you're good, user
unlike buckyfag was
Donut Day
OP is retarded, its in 7 days
is that george takei?
If it's vidya, has effort put into it and isn't a repost from previous years it's fine
Yours look really good, I like your style
thanks, I'll probably only do one for this year though
You're in there though, directly above the Yea Forums post on the right side
Who /bookedoffwork/ here?
do you work at mcdonalds or why do you have to take a sunday off
Yeah but Microsoft starts on the 9th then the rest follows them
Im really excited for e3!
I always wanted to start a vidya journalism website that doesnt suck cock so maybe this is my time to shine
Isn't E3 two weeks from now?
No thanks, let it die in peace
What if its shit but you still tried?
Is it still accepted?
Or is it not.
according to my calculations microsoft conference starts in 7 days and 4 hours. So why the fuck are you lying?
E3 is on June 11th though
jessie wellens pls go
No, the next dragon Age is going to kill the series and it would be the same way with me, hell you could argue me is already dead by now.
The best they can do is wait at least 5 years and then start working on a new me, if it goes well remake the trilogy
as long as it has a semblance to a squilliam, it should be accepted
I have my friend Marcus Executive Producer here, thank you nig.. for having me.
>white + pink d-pad
>hot pink + pink + red + white
>dark blue + hot pink + black + purple
What the fuck is this vomit and how is it LGBT.
Also I still hate trannies for using a nice color combination for their retard flag, in addition to all over things to hate them for.
fucking based
for me, it's Gex
Uh, hey man.
Gex 4?
Squilliam collage is not finished yet and you have to wait the tripfag if you want to post yours
Ok man,cause people said mine was to bad
Thanks alot bro
user, my sides are still recovering from yesterday's shitshow
Oh I went to sleep listening to music after i saw that
I was being a douche
Lmao but you guys are cool
anoooooon what did I tell you
stop posting
Im just gonna stop talking about it
Im here to discuss e3
I hope nintendos direct is good cause thats usually all i watch
>buckyfag is a nintensöy
oh nononononnononononononoonnno
anyone else here smoking weed during e3?
i've never done that before, usually when i smoke weed i just fap or something.. is smoking weed during a e3 conference a worthwhile experience?
Not video games but still funny so its fine
I feel if its funny it doesn’t matter
Have fun with having a nicotine withdrawal in the middle of e3 and having to stop watching to get more weed
>Not video games
Does it feel different this year for anybody else? I don't feel excited at all. Usually I look forward to this all year because the shitshow is fun even if nothing good is shown. What changed?
i don't smoke joints amigo, i vape dry herb with a vaporizer.. no nicotine withdrawl for me
this one's gonna be a snoozer
The Bogdanoff Raisins
as a pchad im hyped as fuck bcs MS releasing everything on Steam
Damn good sound track
Vaping causes Dead brain cells
Vapes have more nicotine then cigarettes
lurk more zoomer
>he's now over at /ic/ trying to get approval for his autistic OCs
Slow it down
>t. user who can't scroll
>that latch squilliam
To the user that made that, I want you to have A JAWBREAKER
oh damn he's still going
Im trying to improve my art,Jesus christ can you guys shut up.
This has nothing to do with that peice of shit bucky meme
Jesus christ
Nice samefagging you got there
here he goes again
user, take the the advice of other anons and
in addittion
>Don't give this faggot attention.
>He has come from Yea Forums to seek validation after making a complete ass of himself after trying to slip one of his OCs into the annual E3 squillium collage.
Not my oc,it was a meme someone told me to put in
>People spoke up and demanded it to be removed from the collage because it's got nothing to do with E3 or video games and it's just some fag's out of place OC clogging up the image.
Yes,i said i wanted it removed after deciding how shit the meme was
>He tried convincing everyone that it was not an OC but a meme and posted a Know Your Meme article about the character (that he made himself) and through that, anons were able to find his twitter and reveal that he's some gay atheist furry redditor.
It was a real meme that i didn’t create but i wrote the article for.I have no idea why people think im a furry too,im not a furry.
>The guy who was gathering all the submissions and compiling the collage together removed his stupid forced OC from image and our little friend here flipped out and turned the board into a warzone.
I said i was glad bucky was removed but didnt want my other things removed as i worked hard on them and they are actually vidya
Here is his twitter
The KYM article he posted
>And through some extra digging, anons were able to find some fucked up goreporn kirby erotica he wrote. (Enter at your own risk)
I did not write it,i found it online and reposted it as a joke.
You are retarded
I apologized for the drama now fuck off this is a thread for me to improve my art and you are derailing it
Im trying to end the drama and you guys are the ones who keep talking about it
I already said bucky should be removed
I already apologized
I wont stop posting cause im just trying to discuss vidya and improve my art
Microsoft has a shit load of games, as long as they don't spend a lot of time talking about Scarlett. If they fuck up, it's either Nintendo or Square.
We need Yukiko from Persona 4
>Battletoads reboot
>possibly Fable 4
>Halo Infinite
>Nintendo partnership
>All the third parties
>Garden Warfare 3
>Ass Creed Vikings
>Mansion 3
>astral chain
Gonna be real fucking comfy
did anybody draw omori for me last night
Ah yes, banan peels!
Drinking game cards are out.
don't go around hunting everything this retard does, it's just pointlessly mean
stop posting, for your own fucking good
no one will take you seriously
take a break from Yea Forums for a week
Reddit as fuck
did my 2 rayman squilliams make it? I can't see them anywhere in the collage
replace a week with forever and never come back
What are the odds we see a new Rayman this year? Origins and Legends were great.
Drinking on Sunday is shit
So even if im right Yea Forums wont shut up.
Ok ill just leave.For now.
Collage user is asleep,i dont know why people are making threads when hes gone
he killed a thread on /ic/ just so he could post a new one all about his faggy OCs instead of just going into any of the /beg/ threads
he deserves to get bullied there as well
its been 4 years so maybe but don't get your hopes up too much
If they didn't just post them again. They look good so they wouldn't have been rejected.
lmao you are literally obsessed
Keep going, please do.
>it's just pointlessly mean
That's the idea
>all that attentionwhoring in that pic
My bet is that Animal Crossing Switch will either be amazing or garbage, with no inbetweens.
>Smash only gets a spot
Why though?
Depends on whose making it
The main dude is doing beyond good and evil
Both people you replied to are clearly him
God I fucking hate the console-tan's designs. They're mostly just hot girls with vaguely console themed clothes on, or hot girls with console colors and logos slapped on said clothes. It's lazy and unintuitive. And before you say anything Stadia was the same shit pulled off marginally better.
trying so hard to fit in it fucking hurts
theres no way youre not underaged
I cant tell if this is bait anymore. Are you using random buzzwords that have no value on purpose now? Or genuinely retarded
Easy prey...
is collage user asleep or in a coma?
>Imagine thinking that fitting in is a thing on an anonymous forum
>Fuck off to your Discord, tranny.
>all from the same IP
I'm so fucking confused
You’ve GOT to be fucking kidding me.
>implying you can see IPs
>he doesn't know
get Yea Forums X, newfag
How does that confuse you? He wants attention
It only tells you wether a post is a new IP or not
By your logic you are Bucky as well since you weren't a new one now
are the people that make Saints Row games going?
Oh thank God I was getting worried.
Did we have to leach them off of Infinity chan this year?
He sait 7 GMT before going to sleep
I just want to see more new pokemon and the legendaries.
He's acting innocent in one post, then samefags a reply for pity, then goes full retarded on /ic/ forcing his OC, then goes to twitter to act smug despite nobody seeing them. This guy's got something more than autism
Even without Yea Forums X, you just outed yourself since you can't get rid of your mobileposting format
how are you this blatantly oblivious, buckyfag?
DD1 had a ton of shit cut out and it was still great. DDO is great too. DD2 where capcom just lets him do what he wants like with DMC5 will be amazing, it'd be a perfect game if it came with mod tools.
spot the snoy
projecting on others is bad, user
this but unironically
funny how these kind of posts didn't exist until sony decided to drop out and so(n)yboys were left with nothing to get excited about for E3
Here ya go, big guy
Awful earlier threads, awful now, to be totally desu with you fampai
It looks alright. The eyes are my favorite part.
Why do you guys feed bait? How new you are?
This image is shopped.
As you can see, you cannot actually physical take photos of thoughts.
How long is the Nintendo Direct? I might be able to just barely watch it all before leaving for work if it's 20 minutes or less.
1 hr
are you so petty that you actually had to photoshop a frown onto a smiling kid holding a birthday present?
you sonyfags were always the weirdest ones
Damn. What is the safest route I can take to watching it after getting home without seeing any spoilers on the way? Even just visiting Youtube, I'm bound to see everything that happened all over the home page.
it's most likely 30/45 minutes rather than 1h
this actually kind of unsettling
is this how sony fanboys really spend their time?
Imagine being so assblasted about a console you save photo of kids on your computer
How the fuck does E3 start on the 7th?
What else can they do when the PS4 has no gaems
its just for weebs to fap to honestly.
Fucking slice of life shit ruined anime fans.
nothing unusual for snoys
seriously, they need to all be put on a watchlist, for the safety of our youth
Checked the E3 schedule with my job, and I'm not going to miss any of the shows this year.
Kino Summer, lads
I love you, whoever made that part with Olimar watching the Pikmin.
I can't see shit
Ahh, yes, pixels upset me too.
Is that the date for conferences? It seems E3 itself is on June 11th.
>screencapping your own reddit-tier posts
*dying trumpet noises*
>E3 is still 5 weeks away
does anyone have the timezones schedule chart?
here user
I don't know who to believe
Who to trust?!
gracias amigo
Im confused
>kinda funny
MS thanks to halo.
I cant think of anything that would make anyone else win.
>And through some extra digging, anons were able to find some fucked up goreporn kirby erotica he wrote. (Enter at your own risk)
So this is the newfag fucker that is actively trying to ruin Kirby threads. I'm surprised to say this, but this guy is even worse than that bandana dee faggot. At least his autism is mostly contained within those awful bandana for smash threads.
that's him, officer
I know collab friend isn't here but I tried to fix my syrup's face
Will we see some more B games added to backwards compatibility?
Will most reviews claimed this was a bad game, I still want to play it because of its gimmicks.
goddamnit, I'm going to CrazyMonkeyGames now
>why yes, I do play Stickman Sam. How did you know?
Assuming no one else has done it, here's one of the Bugs/Squidward hybrid from yesterday.
Based as fuck
It's over and my trips will confirm it
I fucked up this Eggman so bad, I'm sorry everyone
I've entered the point of no return and what was done cannot be undone now
>not knowing about kaijuanon
As autistic as he is, Buckyfag’s telling the truth this time, he didn’t write that shit.
I thoroughly enjoyed NeverDead when it came out. Still remember helping people get the co-op achievements years after as well.
Or else what? You're gonna get butthurt? Not everyone visits daily like you, dumbass
>mfw SE show 2 FF7R trailers and a gameplay trailer with the demo that will be playable AND NO TIFA
Vikings is next year this year is Watch Dogs Take London
They will have Fallen Order gameplay tbf
>Squeenix conference
Its literally the same combat designer
When is squeenix showing ff7 remake exactly?
Vectorman 2 request from yesterday was filled but I updated for today. Hopefully OP didn't see the other yet.
during the simpsons panel
wasteland 3
yeah updates on shit we already know about
The only one worth watching will be square. Bethesda is still recovering from the 76 debacle, Ubisoft has beyond good and evil but it looks like a total shitlib game, and nintendo is out of IPs to milk for this gen.
>we made it to the point where squilliam and daily E3 Threads are hated and almost no longer a thing
>lose EA and Sony
>gain Kinda Shitty and The Gimpsons
don't respond to the bait you dumb nigger
>take a sunday off
I hope this is bait or your not just that retarded.
>We're only going to see F-Zero mentioned in 1 of 3 ways.
>Falcon getting beat up by whoever the new DLC character is.
>SNES games added to Switch
>Miyamoto giving a lame excuse in an interview after the show.
Who the hell was this guy anyway and why was he so awkward?
you have to work on sundays when you work at restaurants, zoomer
If I'm not hear when collage op comes back, someone please post my hyness for me.
Here's a transparent version
some shitty normie yootoober who can't improvize to save his life
>getting excited about anything from EA ever
You fricken fricks, when will you learn?
Much obliged. Thought it was transparent until I uploaded it. I'm a knucklehead thats for sure.
>5 days
E3 is on june 11th, what the fuck is OP on about?
Shit, that actually looks pretty decent, I thought the game was doomed to be a blunder after Numa Numa and Bard's Tale.
all conferences are before that
>no devolver
Devolver is just going to be a meme machine like always. don't really care for their games
Who fucking cares about Devolver? It's a meme conference.
Is there a template for both bingo and report card?
Neither of them but devolver has been publishing a ton of good shit recently and I hope for a conference with more games than memes. Although lootbox coin was great.
I dunno, I like seeing the games they show between the memes.
>summer children not knowing squilium has been a thing for a long while.
>maybe new shadow warrior or something else from them
>serious sam 4
>maybe new hotline miami or something else
>ruiner 2 or something else
already better than bethesda, retards
>modern day tv and film references
>GoT world, Marvel world, Star Wars world, cheap ghost horror movie world, indieshit world, Fast and Furious world, Hunger Games world, Jurassic World....world
here's a complete one
i feel your pain bro
>olimar gets beat up
>pikmin 3 port
>miyamoto says pikmin 4 is still in development
thanks m8
It's a "lets make our own show for smaller developers" thing that was done when Sony said there wouldn't be a PSX in 2018, however it's run by Kinda Funny who are relatively well known and connected Youtube channel/podcast.
It is almost entirely indies, a lot of which are unknowns, but there were some notable inclusions such as a new trailer for Judgment.
If you don't care about indies, you can skip it and not be too bothered. It's worth watching if you just wanna see some games announced or if you like/don't mind indies though.
Holy shit could you be more underage to make a comment like that? Come back after 10 years.
Any decent-looking indies come out of it?
>implying thats not the point
You hesitated.
Should I watch Band Geeks before each conference?
>relatively well known
What? Every card thread fills the Kinda Funny tile with "literally who" and "who cares."
That's because this is Yea Forums and half the people here are proud of their ignorance. If they weren't connected or notable they wouldn't have got new trailers from NISA and Sega in their very first show.
I ain't saying they're good, I've never watched their stuff besides the Showcase. But they clearly are notable enough to get some publishers in their own little games showcase.
So when's collage user coming back?
One hour and 8 minutes
iirc he said 7:30 GMT, which is in about 40 minutes.
>mfw gonna call sick at work to smoke weed and watch the Microsoft presentation
Another E3 without Mother 3 but at least I have guaranteed Animal Crossing to enjoy this year.
>todd's road to canossa
Snickered. Good card.
what is it like to smoke weed during a e3 press conference? is it a good experience? everytime i smoke i watch porn or a movie or somnething but i've never got high during e3
>taking a day off to watch advertisements
It will be scary don't do it
Obviously it depends on the conference
Imagine being stoned during Konami 2010
Microsoft conference is on a Sunday.
i need to make some. anyone have templates?
Anyone got the predictions chart ? thank you guys
last year's one
use these
I saw a puke-chan (yume nikki) reference in there. Nice job.
How is it only 5 days? Isn't it at least 6-7 days till E3?
Can someone explain?
it's a week till the MS conference. even if you're counting EA's dumbass stream that's in 6 days. idk what is in 5 days.
Devolver's conference is already a clusterfuck, it'll probably be unbearable when you're full DUDE WEED LMAO. You missed out on the Twitch Pre Pre Show though, that was the craziest shit of any E3 conference ever
>both of these mention labo
was labo ever at E3? afaik nintendo have the sense to not put labo in there since it's aimed solely at kids
partial misinformation. ea's pre e3 streams might as well be included however, they changed the time/date last week. was originally a 3 day stream, now its just a one day stream. also timezones
there has been some mentions of it but not to an extreme
i want to get high during the MS conference desu. imagine seeing the new cyberpunk trailer for the first time while being high as fuck.
not sure when to start smoking though, if i start right when the press conference begins i might be sober by the time cdpr come on stage because the show could be 2 hours long or so
who really watches those though
If you count EA Play and Nintendo's tourney shit, festivities technically start in 6 days.
Collage user, where are you?
Not Microsoft is they have any plans of spending any amount of time on showcasing new hardware. I like their conferences for everything except the Xbox itself since it's pointless to own if you have a PC.
Literally lost my fucking mind when this shit dropped in the middle of their presentation last year. 100% not expected. If they have anymore curve balls like this this year, then things are looking good.
i meant one of the templates that have all the conferences on one thing
Shit meme for a shit event
>Been an adult for 6 years now
>Still haven't picked up drinking
As fun as these seem, I'm worried I have an addictive personality, so I've been avoiding alcohol like the plague. I hope you anons have fun though.
I'm more of a PCfag than anything but I own all consoles too because I'm not a poorfag.
Fuck zoomers
What is this, 1987?
Fuck, I forgot about this game
Back to the Facebook comment sections with you summerfag
>crowbcat will never make another e3 supercut video again
I miss them bros
Them as in the e3 supercut videos he hasn’t made them in several years
multiple videos user
third person plural
>vidya board boycotts e3 threads
>prune off topic threads
make up your mind jannies
oh okay thought you meant that Crowbcat was like a bunch of people as one channel and got confused
5 days? but it starts on the 11th?
>e3 is zoomer
summer has nestled
I want new Halo to be good so badly bros
Please stop being retarded.
at E3? when?
I don't remember it being brought up in any of their E3 stuff last year
Wasn't Linda darker skinned? I thought she was described as Dusky with brown hair?
ignore blatant crossboarders who can't read the mood. They will never be accepted no matter how hard they try to dismiss things they don't understand
im sorry that Sony isn’t going to be there, but there’s nothing I can do for you
maybe I'm confusing with a Direct rather than the E3 presentation one
>was originally a 3 day stream
yeah and now its one because they thought revealing absolutely nothing would be a great idea
He had a heart attack, didn't you hear?
Stoopid user you gotta use three >
>giving any more attention to buckyfag after yesterday's shitshow
I know it's you. One of the many "Bucky posters" that infect this board, you were responsible for about 80% of the replies to this whole buckyfag thing. Why do you do this? What is your endgame? What would lead a person to do this?
someone post dante
What the FUCK is a bucky.
Check the archive.
I put last years next to this years
This is fucking pathetic
>Devolver's conference is already a clusterfuck, it'll probably be unbearable when you're full DUDE WEED LMAO.
This is 100% true. Every shitty joke and "LOL SO WACKY AND RANDUMB LOL" moment is 10000 times worse. It's what they think stoners actually like.
>5 Days left
>No leaks
Worst E3 ever with nothing to be excited about
appreciate it
where the fuck is collage user
He's fucking dead
god damnit
tfw you'll not see todd for the next 2 or 3 years again live :(
it should've had one where squidward gets killed by galeem
Todd will be there, don't worry. We gotta show Starfield.
I think you mean 7 days, user
I saw a spot on him, fixed it. Good shit, dude.