How would a Wheel of Time game work?
Would you want it to be an RPG? An action RPG? Action game? Or perhaps a strategy game?
How would a Wheel of Time game work?
Would you want it to be an RPG? An action RPG? Action game? Or perhaps a strategy game?
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Drapes and cupboard designer where you spend five hours creating the most intricate and detailed furniture.
A strategy game would work really well, especially if it's in the style of that old WC3 map.
A turn-based cRPG could work, too.
There is one, it's a first person shooter where you play as an Aes Sedai
Second Apocalypse game would be superior.
Sure, but I'm thinking more of a proper, modern game that actually tells the story of the books.
It's crazy to think about because you can't follow just Rand, but if you set it up so that following all three of the male leads and Egwene, you could probably tell most of the stories.
That was my thoughts. Early on it feels like an RPG, but by later on in the books something like a strategy RPG seems really fitting.
Hopefully one that doesn't concentrate on Egwene/Nynaeve/Elayne/Aviendha/Aes Sedai shit, that was beyond boring every time.
I just want to read about rand slowly going insane and whatever the fuck matt and perrin are getting up to
How much important information will I miss if I skip every other chapter?
In what way was Aviendha not based?
Some of the Egwene stuff was ok but the whole "Strong womyn who don't need no man" thing got tiring really fast with the other female leads.
Your threads fell apart on Yea Forums so you come here?
No tv show, no game
Min squad report in
Fuck it was trippy too.
There were parts of it that were straight up nightmare fuel.
RPG like The Witcher would be cool, but it'd be hard because the characters aren't as straight forward as the Witcher. Sure you could do a one off prequel kind of thing, but then what's the point?
>that brief segment when elayne got slave collared
Why even read the series if you don't want to read the book?
Because Robert Jordan doesn't know how to write female characters, they are all painful to read. She was probably better than the other ones, but she was always with them too.
>plebs who didn't read the books will never get this joke
Well meme'd friend.
Elayne and Min are pure sex in book form.
However it works i need to be able to open portals and shoot cannons through them.
he based all the women from his wife, when asked in a QnA why are all the women so insufferable
Fuck these books, Robert Jordan was a hack
>Because Robert Jordan doesn't know how to write female characters
He actually wrote them incredibly realistically to how women behave in real life. The only people I ever hear complain about the way he writes females are feminazis and fucking virgins who have some ideal of how women would be not actually are.
they're so boring and the books are just starting to drag really badly
i'm half way through book seven and getting very bored
>uses her psychic powers to make sure she give peak sexual pleasure every time
Glad she won in the end.
Yeah it's MUD material.
Is book Seven the one that is 80% Red Ajah pulling shit?
Stick with it man, trust me, the pay off makes it worth it.
game where you play as only BASED MATT the objectively best character in the series.
Shit, that's exactly the book I'm on too when I lost steam.
thats about where the series takes a dive and picks back up in book 11, good luck fags.
Matt was 100% the driving force of the story for me, he was pretty awful in the first few books but once he got cured ,he became my favorite
yeah, he becomes so good as the story progresses.
I've had a number of girlfriends and I'm married going on 4 years, and none of them have been as shitty as Nynaeve.
The complaints about females in WoT seem really overboard to me. It's a matriachial society and he's writing about women in positions of power, abusing that power exactly how men in history did for thousands of years.
Honestly, the way he writes, I actually figured he had a femdom fetish growing up.
we all know who should do the soundtrack
Robert Jordan was planning a spinoff starring solely Matt but wound up dying before finishing the outline for it.
Funny, my last GF was EXACTLY like Nynaeve.
I dropped the books when I read spoilers and saw that the MC doesn't end up with the two girls from his village
not having trannies, women or soibois as designers and writers it could work. That said, most people haven't read the novels you will have to do a lot of world-building and at that point you will have to ask yourself if a game is a good medium to do it or just make a movie.
>I just want to read about rand slowly going insane and whatever the fuck matt and perrin are getting up to
The problem is that after about midway through the books, Rand is so important and the actions he takes are so pivotal, that he only generally gets a handful of chapters, because what he does in them cause so much fallout that the next book is all about the rest of the world and all the other characters dealing with that.
Used to annoy me as a teen when I was reading it, but when you get things like "Egwene and Matt spend 3/4 of the book sorting out local politics... And then in three chapters, Rand REMOVES THE FUCKING TAINT FROM SAIDIN" you start to feel like, yeah, okay. If Rand got more chapters we wouldn't be able to see the affects of everything he does so clearly.
This is surprisingly good.
>Robert Jordan was planning a spinoff starring solely Matt but wound up dying before finishing the outline for it.
feels bad man, would have been a great read. honestly like the other anons are having issues with the story does hit a wall when it comes to try and keep reading, had to skip to chapters where matt or rand was the focus because it was so boring and I gave no shit about the girl chars.
I don't remember that. But Aviendah > Elayne > Min
Thing about the girl chapters is they are mostly used to build upon the current politics and world so you can understand how certain events wound up transpiring.
But yeah, I agree, all the Aes Sedai chapters are fucking hard to get through.