Meanwhile, at the USG Yea Forumsshimura

Meanwhile, at the USG Yea Forumsshimura

Attached: usg_ishimura.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Fuck jannies

Who the fuck crawling in air vent ? I want to sleep you fuckers.

i wonder why shop terminals still work

>i want to sleep WITH you fuckers

You're missing out on our secret vent parties, bro. All the hot chicks from accounting are coming

Same here user, I know this ship is full of neets, but one of you is taking this too far. Every night when I go to bed, I wake up to odd noises.

Oh shit is Nicole going to be there? She's been acting really weird lately, but I guess that's just space for you.

Whoever replaced my penis with some kind of stringy, fucked up limb, fuck you

I think we got our patient files crossed, cause my right hand got replaced with a stringy, fucked up penis