Meanwhile, at the USG Yea Forumsshimura

Meanwhile, at the USG Yea Forumsshimura

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Fuck jannies

Who the fuck crawling in air vent ? I want to sleep you fuckers.

i wonder why shop terminals still work

>i want to sleep WITH you fuckers

You're missing out on our secret vent parties, bro. All the hot chicks from accounting are coming

Same here user, I know this ship is full of neets, but one of you is taking this too far. Every night when I go to bed, I wake up to odd noises.

Oh shit is Nicole going to be there? She's been acting really weird lately, but I guess that's just space for you.

Whoever replaced my penis with some kind of stringy, fucked up limb, fuck you

I think we got our patient files crossed, cause my right hand got replaced with a stringy, fucked up penis

Whose the fucking weeb in tech that set the suit kiosks in medbay to dish out anime maid dresses? I can't work under these conditions.


Yeah, man, she's been totally telling me how she's so hot for you, I believe she said you looked so good she wanted to eat you. How rad is that?
Remember, crawl into the vents and follow the noises

Problem is, Nicole takes space too literal. She wants the whole 5 rooms for " make us whole " moment. What the fuck, dude. She want olympic orgy or what.

Guys it's the marker doing this shit. Just ignore it and we can destroy it together. Don't let the madness get to you.

Uh, all the Unitarians, or Uniggers as I like to call them...

>Hot chicks
All i remember they love to dismember people, dude.

I've had in with all this unitology hate recently. Can't you just fucking let us worship our marker space Jesus/Satan in peace?

Fuck, Marker make me horny instead. Give me some girls numbers, will ya ?

You CAN'T learn Unitologist.

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You guys too noisy. Every 5 minutes, screaming like a retard through intercom. I cant do my job properly. Fuck Marker, fuck Unity

t. pic related
fuck of conspircytard

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Shit I haven't studied yet today, my priest's gonna be pissed.

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Guys, the captain up all night making loud noises in his room, do you think we should check on him?


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>destroy something as perfect and beautiful as the Marker
Fuck off, retard.

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One of you unifags keeps sending me Unitology brand Marker Dildos™ in the mail. Cut that shit out, I have 30 now. How the fuck do you even afford those things? They cost a month's pay each. I can't invite people into my bunk now, or they'll think I'm both a unifag and an actual fag.

I don't hate Unitology, I just hate how the Marker is affecting people making them murder or kill themselves. It's a danger to everyone. Think about what happened on Aegis Vii.

>Think about what happened on Aegis Vii.
I think about it every day. It was beautiful.

>Unitology is a religion of peace

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>meet a nice girl on the rec level
>Class 3 Engineer
>go for a date on the botanical level
>goes really well, go back to her quarters
>this is it, after 1.5 years in space I'm finally gonna get some chach
>asks me to close my eyes, says she has a surprise for me
>tells me to hold out my hands
>puts a book in my hands
>what the fuck
>"Have you heard of a man named Altman, user?"
THIS IS THE THIRD FUCKING TIME, I'm going down to the colony at least they put out down there.

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Fellas, my grandmother's ghost keeps telling me to kill myself. Have I been on this ship for too long?

Get a load of this incel with his conpiracy theories

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