Playing this game SMT Nocturne

>playing this game SMT Nocturne
>going well, not too hard or too easy
>all of a sudden enemy goes first and I die to some random expel skill
"Great" game

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Other urls found in this thread:

git gud

say it ain't so.


Are there ways to resist mudo and hama?

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Yeah there's no defending it so SMTdrones can only spam "git gud" or passive aggressive quips. Just translate those in your head to "you're absolutely right and I don't have a counter"

You're going to get a bunch of losers defending this, but there's no excuse for low-level mobs to have an instant kill ability, when you haven't received any defense against it at that point. On top of that, making the skill completely worthless against bosses only reinforces how bullshit it is. It's the very definition of artificial difficulty and one of the few things that I honestly despise about SMT.

Missing the safety difficulty, aren't we, P5 fag.

Dying in a game isn't that big a deal, just load your save and don't die this time.

Humans in SMT have innate light resistances


Every SMT/Persona game is rock-paper-scissors, don't use demons/personas with weakness or you'll be one shot.

The demon fusion in Nocturne gets pretty autistic though.

>Trying to act elitist over the second most casual genre of games

You're right and I have no counter. But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy playing smt more than most games for a variety of other reasons

you get appropriate magatama pretty early, you MIGHT get unfairly shot once but by the second or third encounter in a new area you should be aware that somebody has hama/mudo

There's literally no other advice to give for someone who gets upset at dying like that in smt. There are magatama you can equip to null shit like this from happening. You can get the Ankh magatama from Pixie in Yoyogi park and that voids expel
>On top of that, making the skill completely worthless against bosses only reinforces how bullshit it is.
Way to prove that you have no idea what you're talking about. SMT Nocturne isn't even that hard outside of some late game bosses. The only boss that could possibly give you so much trouble is Matador and even then you can beat him with an Ame no Uzume with media and a void force magatama you can get for dirt cheap from the manikin shop right before his fight

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There are items that prevent that and even without said items the chance of it happening is very low, unless you've ingested a magatame that makes you weak to an instakill that enemies use in that area, in which case it is absolutely your fault.
All in all yeah we get it, instakills suck and loading saves suck as well but insisting that it's a huge deal, when it happens so rarely, is pathetic.

You're emulating anyway, so just savescum.

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>Equip the proper magatama.
>Use Tetraja.
>Learn Anti-Expel/Anti-Death.
There are probably more ways that I don't even remember.

>even then you can beat him with an Ame no Uzume
Grind all the way to lvl 18 to beat a not so hard boss?

And then tell everyone on Yea Forums how easy it was yeah.

what's this from?

Matador isn't that hard but he's much harder than anything you've faced up to that point and you're not properly prepared to deal with someone like him yet. After that, there isn't really a boss fight that's a huge spike in difficulty like Matador was so he's more like a casual filter

SMT Imagine online
Western servers are dead.
You can only play in jap servers

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It happens. The game is a learning experience. Now you know about expel and can plan accordingly against it in the future. Game wouldn't be very fun if you could get through the entire thing without having to learn anything.

What does dying to an instant death spell before you have the means to counter it teach you?

That Nocturne isn't very good.

To change magatamas when you die to something you're weak to? This isn't some foreign concept in RPGs. The game encourages you to find magatamas and to fuse demons so you don't get your shit kicked in so easily

Can you read user?

In almost every SMT or even Persona game, there's always one demon that allows you to counter Hama/Mudo in the exactly same dungeon where enemies may use them.

Both at the same time?

>playing this game Wizardry
>going well, not too hard or too easy
>all of a sudden enemy Ninja goes first and I die to some random Behead skill
"Great" game

Not him but how does countering Hama/mudo help the player? It's the MC that dies not the demons.

i used a gamefaqs walkthrough in SMT3, and have no regrets.

This game only got popular because of Persona.

In Nocturne I remember there was a demon with Tetraja in the same dungeon I got Mudo'd for the fist time.

For the player I meant.

Most people here did but they'll say they didn't.

I played through SMT3 not knowing you could use Levitate to avoid floor damage until the last dungeon. Thankfully I wasn't retarded enough to not use the Flash HM for dark dungeons like the subways in the later half of SMT3.

Yeah, Tetraja applies to both.

That makes no sense.
RPGs are all about knowledge and strats, there's no more gameplay aside from RNG if you just spoil them.

>Have to apply every single battle with a new enemy or enemy that you know has instant death
That doesn't seem good or fun.

>It's the MC that dies not the demons.
It's usually the demons though? Especially since they hit you with light first most of the time and your MC is usually strong against light.
Anyway it's a party of 4 and your MC is one of the 4, how does it only happen to your MC? Have you played these games?

1st being smash party games ofc

Whatever helps you sleep at night bitch.
SMT3 isn't even half as cryptic and/or difficult as you think.

>your MC is usually strong against light.
Demi-Fiend is a demon so he doesn't have a innate light null
>how does it only happen to your MC?
>3 other party members dodge or miss
>MC gets hit

>Trying to act like a tough guy

I can safely say you have never played Nocturne and have no idea what you’re talking about.

I never said it was, just that most SMT fans use guides.

>That doesn't seem good or fun.
The fact that you might have to occasionally apply a defensive spell makes the game bad and unfun?
You insist that you're not a complete casual while also standing by this statement I assume? That's a laugh.

Literal cope.
And yes, it's a blind run.

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>he doesn't know
Beside puzzle boy there's really no need to use a walkthrough. The games are best enjoyed blind really. Matador is only as memorable as he is because he was such a huge surprise to people.

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Why? There's no reason to unless you play Puzzleboy or want to see magatama skills

If I could apply it in the field it would be yeah. Also stop trying to get e peen points from JRPGs it's embarrassing.

I've played through Nocturne multiple times. Demifiend getting hama'd or mudo'd on the first turn is rare as fuck. It's not really something to get worried about anyways and it's more of an early game problem. Halfway through the game, you and all of your demons should have an immunity to expel and death skills by now

>being a bitch
Why? Also I'm not a tough guy for not using a guide idiot. You are a bitch for doing so and for assuming that others do.

Says you. See above.

>wtf why do I have to grind 4 levels why cant I easily wipe the floor with every boss first try
Maybe you should play pokemon, thats more your speed

>Bitch bitch bitch
Do you have tourettes?

Is it easy or hard? Mske your mind up shitposters

Pussy then? I don't know dude pick whatever word you think fits.

Level up Sati and Gogmagog user, it's worth it.

>before you have the means to counter it teach you
You get a magatama resistant to it right before they start shooting it. You might die one time if they manage to land it on their first try, which is unlikely as fuck. After that if you didnt equip the magatama, thats your fucking fault.

I can't tell if this is ironic, just a shitpost, or you are really just dumb

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Do you really think having a .4% chance every battle to instantly die without being able to do anything is "hard?"
says, it's rare but it can happen.

It's only hard for brain-dead mass repliers, like you


If it's such a huge deal you will invest in the agility to act first and use it in battle. Or you can keep crying about it.
It's not a matter of epeen, I'm just stating facts. Have some common sense.

There is literally no reason to besides puzzle boy and MAYBE trying to find the location of some of the fiends later on. Other than that, just play the fucking game.

Just a friendly reminder to all new Nocturne players:
>bosses use stronger attacks when you take some of their HP (aka not from the beginning of the fight)
>every enemy (and yes, this includes bosses) have certain ammount of MP
>you can drain their MP, or just be a patient fag who will heal for the first few minutes when they use MP on their weak attacks
>when their MP is gone, they will keep using their skills, but since their MP is 0 they will basically stand there and do nothing
Really autistic way to fight bosses, but is useful in some fights.

Please don't do this, we're discussing a toy and the problems with it. Also even if I invested in AGI there are some enemies you can't beat in a single round.

Honest about the part that you used a guide sure.
It's the assumption that most others did so as well that I take issue with, don't be daft.

>you're not properly prepared to deal with someone like him yet
That's pretty much the entirety of the difficulty for his fight. If you have even one demon that's weak to zan you're pretty much fucked from the outset. On my second go at him I brought demons that voided or at least weren't weak to it and one that could debuff him and I'm fairly sure I couldn't have lost the fight unless I tried.

See how defensive and angry they get? Hit the nail on the head.

>you will invest in the agility to act first and use it in battle
Not him but back attacks are fixed on hard mode in addition to agi doesn't actually increase chances of going first in battle, agility barely does anything.

>ur crying
Wow very cool discussion. You don't beat them in a single round, you act first and cast tetraja which shields you from instakills, get back on topic if you want discussion you deflecting baby.

>I'm too much of a zoomer faggot to just figure shit out myself and need something to hold my hand the moment it gets slightly difficult
>wtf game requires me to explore and use my brain bad game BAD GAME
>I'll assume everyone else is as braindead and impatient as I am
Again, outside puzzle boy and maybe some optional side quest later on, there is literally no excuse. That is the only time I ever used a guide because I'm not a babby faggot

The only advice for Nocturne you need is:
>sukukaja is the best buff and sukunda is the best debuff second only to debilitate
>Daisoujou knows meditation and learns the best healing skill in the game the earliest
>slapping life drain on all your demons after finding a pisaca with it is a viable strat

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You're the one who said it first user. Why can't I just cast it in the field instead of having to do it every single battle? Does that add difficulty? Pressing an extra button.

Also you're taking this too seriously
>Deflecting baby!
Seriously we're talking about toys for fifteen year olds, there's no need to be mad.

Grinding 4 levels to easily rape a boss and crying about it indicates that you might want to pick up Pokemon where you are always overleveled and never have to grind.

Have you tried going to the gem shop? If you've fought enough demons before Matty, you'd probably have enough to purchase a dekaja stone when he uses red capote

Struck a nerve I suppose, I wonder why...

This. The Ankh Magatama voids expel and is available to buy from the Underpass manikin shop or given by Pixie if the player parts ways with her at the park.

>Not him but back attacks are fixed on hard mode
What do you mean? I'm curious

Thank you, user. I was looking for that pic.

>never EVER delete Focus skill from MC

You mean Matador? It's hard in the sense it takes you by surprise for not using buffs/debuffs correctly, but that's about it.

Yeah I was going to level up Sati myself just because I was planning to use this one as one of the main magic users due to Agidyne+Maragidyne+Fire Boost+Makakaja.

>the game gave me something that NULLS EXPEL
>oh look, something is using expel in this area
>ok, what do I do
>oh I know
>I wont equip the thing that NULLS EXPEL
>wtf why am I ded?

this guy is a fucking moron

>time to complain on the internet

>blind run
>keeping the pixie


Me calling you zoomer because you cant fathom that people dont immediately use guides like you struck a nerve? Excuse me? How about you stop projecting and assuming that everyone does what you do. If you try to push this more, I'll ask for objective proof of your claim and then you will lose the argument automatically because you will be unable to provide any. You lose either way here.

>u mad
I'm sure your parents think you're very mature for your age.
If you had to open the menu and cast tetraja in the field it would be much more annoying than just taking an extra turn in battle, which is a detriment to the player. I'd say that having to prepare to deal with instakills makes the game more difficult yes.

Thread is turning to shit.

Post your original MVP demon that WASN'T Daisoujou
>first playthrough, no idea how fusion inheritance works and just fuse randomly
>fuse one of these guys
>happen to give him drain fire and tarukaja by chance
>nulled physical skills, had no weakness, and buffed my attack
This guy helped me a ton on that playthrough.

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this is why the game is never speedrun. you can just be 1 shot at any moment no matter what you do. inb4 >speedrunning

Pixie is cute and useful, too bad she got a dyke hair cut

>not keeping your first demon
no dignity

>not keeping Pixie

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Also remember to learn Fog breath immediately as it’s hands down the best skill in the game

Both options are still preparing for instant death. One is just much more convenient than the other. Like Estoma or the float skill it wouldn't be after every battle, it would last for awhile.

You're the only one insulting user. I apologize for assuming you were angry, you're perfectly calm.

It is though

To be fair, on my first run I kept her because she was cute and I felt too bad fusing her. I didn't get uber pixie though, had no idea that was a thing until later.

>getting emotional attached to your tools


Why do you take toys so seriously?

Nocturne is great, but I agree with instakill light/dark skills being bullshit. They get easier to mitigate and punish, but getting that 1/64 chance party wipe to Mudoon is only funny the first time.

>Not keeping pixie
You should be burned at the stake.

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Shut the hell up and go back to sucking angel dick, Zelenin
What should this guy have done differently? Git gud and any variant is an automatic concession to me.

>not keeping the first thing in game that wasnt trying to kill you/bullshit you and pledged loyalty
>especially when its a flirty qt3.14 pixie
His only mistake is letting her turn into high pixie. At that point fuse her away into another waifu

This fag is really good. I don't remember at which point you get Sarasvati, but I know she had her place in my team.

>uhhhhh t-toys!
I see that you have no comeback, I accept your concession.

Might as well add skills to nullify each element for a set amount of time then. What's the point in fusing demons that nullify light/dark? WWhat's the point in magatamas that nullify them? What's the point in items that take the curse in your stead?
Just remove all these elements so that you don't get instakilled one time and explode in salt over the fact.
I think you deserve to be insulted.

Concession on what? Were we arguing?


Should have used a repulse ball if he was going to go save

>playing this game Final Fantasy
>going well, not too hard or too easy
>all of a sudden enemy goes first and I die to some random L.5 Death spell

>playing this game Dragon Quest
>going well, not too hard or too easy
>all of a sudden enemy goes first and I die to some random Whack spell

Are you by any chance retarded?

To save on MP. No other element instantkills you but Expel and Death so it's not necessary.

>You deserve to be insulted because you disagree with my opinion on video games.
Come on man, grow up.

Should've gotten a hobby other than speedrunning.

>playing this game Halo
>going well, not too hard or too essy
>all of a sudden enemy goes first and I die to some random jackal headshot
"Great" game

You were arguing that everyone uses guides, then you got asspained when people called you a fag and told you to stop projecting. Then you got BTFO a couple times, especially since you can provide no proof of your claim. Now you're trying to default into "I'm too COOL, I dont REALLY care, you're mad about TOYS" to save face and pretend that you werent the one replying to the taunts for a dozen posts. If you didnt actually care, you wouldnt keep replying retard. Keep seething and cope

No you deserve to be insulted for your high handed attitude towards those who disagree with you.
Also no, saving MP is not a big deal at all, not big enough to warrant the changes you propose.

>this speedrunner is unprepared since hes trying to go fast so it proves my point somehow

Instakills are fucking stupid. Things like that, Macca Beam, or dropping 30% of your money randomly on a turn if you're confused are not well designed mechanics.

4A making them light/dark damage with the instakill chance requiring setup was a great change.

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I think you're seeing things that aren't there. I've been nothing but polite this entire time

So let me get this straight
>Spell that protects you absolutely against instant death that you have to apply a lot (Tetraja) = fine
>Spell that protects you absolutely against instant death that you have to apply a lot (My version of Tetraja) = not fine

If saving MP isn't a big deal, then there's no reason to use anything but Tetraja in the normal game yet people do anyway.
I'm not quite sure I get it.

Instakills I've learned to live with. Macca beam in 4 was the most retarded thing in the franchise by far. No one could possibly argue in its favor.

Well that's your version of what happened and I can't take that away from you. Have a good day user.

Your version eliminates the importance of 4 different inheritable skills, 1 limited item and equipment properties.
It makes the game less complex and easier in general but you think it's okay because in the end it would take MP to use.

How is it any different from the same skill having to be applied in battle? It's literally the exact same skill. All the best magatama have immunity to instant death as a bonus anyway so we're only discussing up to late midgame on this. Assuming you use my version, you have more options for magatama equipment and more customization options for your demon skills. As has been pointed out several times in this thread, getting killed by instant death is basically a non issue so I don't see how it would make it significantly less complex and easier even if you were right.

It hasn't stopped me, but there's just never a time I like it in the slightest for being pure instakill. No other element will outright game over you even if you resist it. It being able to do more against a person that resists it than agidyne against a person weak to fire is silly.

>getting killed by instant death is basically a non issue so I don't see how it would make it significantly less complex and easier even if you were right.
Weird I thought that was a point in my favor. If you see instakills the same way then why are you insisting that nullifying them completely is a good idea? A good example is when you're on the fusion screen and your moves are limited so you have to pick between nulling light/dark or something different.
This choice does not matter when you can just nullify them with one demon having one skill that can be cast at any time.

But Tetraja is a skill that still exists in the game?

Tetraja doesn't mean shit in 90% of the times you'll actually get mad at hama/mudo, though. Since turn order isn't consistent you can easily get hit by it before you could use it.

And it can't be cast on the field. Are you not the same person I've been talking to or did you forget your own posts?

And since like you said it happens so disfrequently, you reduce the 1% chance to a 0% chance. Doesn't impact the game in any real way and reduces a potential annoyance.

>Doesn't impact the game in any real way
I explained that it does impact the game and even gave you an example.

But you said it barely happens?

Blind run doesn't mean I can't run into spoilers.
Though I initially just wanted to keep the Pixie cause she cute.

Nice to see smt finally getting called out on Yea Forums
>j-just teload your save!

I don't understand why you have such a hard time following all of a sudden. It is the change that you're proposing that has negative impact.

mates, this is getting out of hand

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The game is still a lot of fun even with the bullshitb though.


Okay, I'll lay it out for you
>Insist that instant death is a non issue because of Tetraja in game. Look at the first half of the thread to follow along
>Agree and point out it's kind of annoying having to apply it at the beginning of near every fight until you get better options
>Get those better options and then the game is the same for the rest of the playthrough

In your version of events, it simultaneously never happens and doesn't matter while also adding a huge layer of complexity to the game where you agonize over whether or not to choose light or dark. So which is it?

It's a non issue in part due to tetraja. Don't pretend I ever told you that tetraja is the way to go at all. Hell I rarely ever use it myself.
Turning it into a field skill would make it too useful. What the fuck are these gymnastics you're performing here and why?
I also never said that dealing with instakills adds a huge amount complexity at all, it's just another layer to the combat system and removing that layer would absolutely decrease the tension.

Alright so now we've looped around to the original point where unless you use Tetraja you're always going to be vulnerable to one type of instant death for the first part of the game. It happens infrequently but you can be ambushed and die due to the element you don't resist. What does this add to the game? You say tension but one could just as easily say mild annoyance.

>lose half an hour or more of progress because of RNG
>isn't that big a deal

>Has Bufudyne, Zandyne, and Ziodyne along with boosts to amp up their damage by an extra 50% atop Mana Surge

She was my go to for magic.

Stop replying to shitposters. You won't win

>focus + divine shot is literally easymode
I'm not even joking when I say that If you autisticly leveling up strength and spam these 2 skills the game is literally easy mode. You just gotta spam your debuffs and youre literally chilling

if you're gonna be such a whiny faggot over one rng death you should stop playing this series

>Alright so now we've looped around to the original point where unless you use Tetraja you're always going to be vulnerable to one type of instant death for the first part of the game
If you say so. I explicitly said right there in the post that you replied to that tetraja isn't your main solution to instakills.
This is the most forced argument that I've ever been part of for the last few posts. I have no fucking clue what you're even trying to say anymore but I can safely say that I have no interest in hearing it.

Thanks for the tip

cute dog

It's not hard to understand, instant death shouldn't be in the game because it adds nothing to the experience. Like you said, Tetraja isn't the main way to deal with things because it's inconvenient to use meaning you have no real way of nullifying both for the first part of the game.

To be fair you don't get access to Freikugel until halfway through the final dungeon. If you want to talk about broken shit in Nocturne talk about this guy. The other fiends are pretty damn strong but this fucking guy is genuinely broken.

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there are magatama that can give res. and humans automatically resist light somewhat. After playing SMT for a bit you will start to be able to automatically tell just from what the demon looks like if its gonna roll light or dark skill.

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The Matador difficulty spike is hilariously overrated compared to Minotaur in SMT4

>recruit Spriggan, who has fire resistance, from the Fairy Forest

Minotaur is hard for the wrong reasons. Where as Matador punishes players for not taking buffs/debuffs seriously, Minotaur punishes you an assholish teammate who you have no control over. Matador is objectively the more difficult boss while Minotaur is objectively the cheaper boss.

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except matador was added in the second release of the game and the game wasn't balanced well around his addition. especially on hard mode where the force magatama costs an arm and a leg.

>too bad she got a dyke hair cut
user, her haircut is literally called Pixie haircut.

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Again, I can't I tell if this is ironic, just a shitpost, or you are really just dumb

Im talking about High Pixie

>I'm fucking retarded
We know

There's no way to bring down the chances of a back attack in Nocturne, the only way to do so is have minds eye with you since agility and luck do nothing

lots of whining itt, just remember dungeon crawling rpgs aren't for everyone

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i beat nocturne which smt should i play next?

Sadly I think it's legit.
The idea that "RPG = dude grinding lmao" is strongly perpetuated by people who never got the point of RPGs if those want to challenge the player in first place and don't understand grinding is by all means turning the difficulty down by trading it in basically hours of not having fun.

I am not that one guy who tells others how to play their games but if you come and tell me wasting 50 hours grinding is supposed to be "fun"(since the point of the game is that) as opposed to come up with a strat and use what you have to progress, then you are just a fucking brainlet.

grinding is almost impossible in these games. once you start getting overleveld the exp drops significantly and it takes a million years to go up, unless you decide to go to the next area. i use guides to find out boss weaknesses because i don't have much patience for trial and error like that, but other than that smt is fairly difficult

What skills do I need to make him broken? I got Makakaja to boos my magic and then Mabufula when I fused him. Only have 1 free slot left though.

>fusing a daisoujou with debilitate, dekunda and dekaja

Easy peasy.

I agree. I just started playing Nocturne, first SMT game. I don't play JRPG's much at all and I've never really finished any turn based game ever, I'm a complete JRPG pleb, and I heard so much about Matador, but I got him on my first try. I think I died to Thor twice and the Ikebukuro Tunnel Ongyo-Ki and Kin-Ki. I'm at Asakusa right now.

why is this the only smt game where you can revive the main character whilst in the others one mudo can fuck your progress up and make you have to restart?
persona 3 is the fucking worst with this aspect. if mc gets charmed you might as well reset, and the hotel boss is especially punishing, making you have to go through all the cutscenes and the previous boss again to have a shot against him, hoping he doesn't holy arrow

You can't revive your MC, though. If Demifiend dies, you're game is over. The fuck are you on?

forgot pic

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user have you ever played nocturne?

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my b,

Oh, because DDS is a spinoff, and the combat functions differently. In the IV/Apocalypse duology, your MC can die and the battle will continue, but more than not you'll lose.

the combat functions almost identically to nocturne. but they are nice to you and revives each dead party member after battle with one hp, which i really appreciated.

Nocturne is one of the few SMT games where it makes perfect sense funnily enough.

Those can't happen

See you say that but on occasion I'll see an enemy that looks like a hellspawn from hell and it's resistant to light and it's like "What? you're obviously evil" and it's somehow law aligned and I don't quite like it

not in my heaven

I want to fuck that dog

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>Game gives you multiple Magatama throughout the game to either downright void or resist certain attack elements
>Specifically gives you Ankh early game which voids Expel
>You see Expel in the area and your first thought should be to swap Magatama
>"Dude this is bullshit! How was I supposed to know, REEEEE!
This is why Nocturne gets memed on as a "hard game", when all it boils down to is using your Magatama properly, fusing Fiends, and going STR.

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Thats fucked

Yes you are a fucking dumb fuck for grinding 6 levels to beat a boss. Jesus Christ

A moment of silence for all the people who gimped themselves on a first playthrough going MAG

MC = death is cool though. It makes sense since you are the one calling the shoots

>and going STR.

Even distribution






Based and luckpilled

>waaaaaaaah the boss is too hard I actually have to work to easily rape it wtf bros

Not this particular Titiania as this is one I remade after grinding a fuckton. She was so good for magic and healing. She even has great resists as well

Attached: Titania.png (1279x957, 933K)

what does luck even do
does it give you a fuckton of items? what else?

Boosts evasion rates, increases critical hit ratio, allows you to avoid instant death attacks or whatever, and that's about it. I'll always focus on either STR/AGI/LUCK, or MAG/AGI/LUCK, depending on the game.

isn't vitality crucial as well?

>Boosts evasion rates

then why even have an AGI parameter? Is that purely for turn order?

Nocturne is known for having busted stats. AGI is useless after like 20 points, and some other stat is meaningless as well. I think it's VIT, but I'm not sure. The Hardtype mod fixes this, though.

>Boosts evasion rates, increases critical hit ratio, allows you to avoid instant death attacks
no it doesn't

if you're playing on emulator and not save scumming you're doing it wrong. but still dying from expel/death spell is pretty fucking rare.

>Boosts evasion rates, increases critical hit ratio, allows you to avoid instant death attacks or whatever
it does none of this. luck is fucking useless. all it does is increases your odds of getting the first attack

Lu is the other useless stat.
Vi actually rises your HP.

In Nocturne? Luck is useless and doesn't affect crit rate and instant death skills. It increases ambush odds, decreases ambush odds, escape rate, magic evasion and magic accuracy. Most of which is covered by Agility. The only practical use for it is the luck door in the 4th Kalpa.

Hardtype is also terrible outside of the QoL additions.

>It increases ambush odds, decreases ambush odds
*increases player ambush odds, decreases enemy ambush odds

and most importantly,

Post more bait I need to laugh

What's with all the SMT threads lately.

I dunno but they are nice since I happened to start Nocturne around the same period.

How the fuck do you get good at an instakill attack you can't evade?

>That you can't evade
Swap Magatama after battle. It's been mentioned literally tens of times already in this thread.


Luck does nothing in Nocturne but pointless things like escape and you can't even use it on hard mode

>AGI is useless after like 20 points
Agi is useless at 1 point. You only raise agi to 10 to have a higher turn order

>Hardtype is also terrible outside of the QoL additions.
Hardtype is superior to Vanilla. Also magic evasion and magic accuracy is done by luck. Agility and luck are pointless

After you died?

I believe the crit rate boost since Lucifer has 40 in all stats and crits with his basic attack plenty of times without the help from any passive skill.

Speaking of bullshit instant kills, Apocalypse actually fixes this.
>Instead of instant kill attacks, Hama/Mudo alongside their variants do regular damage
>When Smirking, they have a 30% and higher % chance to kill, depending on the variant you're using
Problem solved. Although, I personally didn't die much to instant death attacks in Nocturne. I mean from the get go, the game literally gives you Ankh, and tells you that it nullifies Expel.

it's not a matter of belief moron, the game was datamined years ago

joker in smash and summer vacation really gave me the perfect mood to play megaten games again

persona 3 is much worse about stuff like this
>get knocked down
>party tries to save you instead of going for the enemy
>rush kills you because weapons do next to no damage
>can't give orders because knocked down
>rinse and repeat
I can see why people prefer p3p, though I do like the concept of your party members doing their own thing so it's the version I went with

It doesn't. Lucifer's normal attack just has a high crit %. Crits are based on skills, not a value in game. Agility and luck are so pointless in Nocturne

Hardtype doesn't fix Nocturne, it makes it good.

Attached: 68113600_p2.jpg (1920x1080, 689K)

tetraja and resistances you tard

that's a lategame spell. and it's hard to cast anything on an ambush
that said op is a whining fag, who should take his whining ass to reddit

Oh okay, so it's a special trait for Lucifer. I agree with AGI. First time playing I thought it was so important my character went first for the turn order I dumped points until it was 20-25.

Just started nocturne
Aside from
>keep the pixie
>boost str and ignore luck/agi
what else should I know?