What games do you play with your younger family members? Do you have any?

What games do you play with your younger family members? Do you have any?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Why is goku muslim?

wtf im a leftist now????



What the fuck is wrong with their noses

What a repulsive artstyle

Be honest, would you let Noah's mom give you a concussion with her tits flop bashing you in the face while you rail her missionary style?

tits too big

are all families not like the bottom panel?
also the mom in the last panel looks like a villain in an anime

It's called Having a Nose, as opposed to anime where nobody has noses.

That's me
>Muslim family
>Introduced my White gf to Them
>She got well received

If u get out more and get to know people. You light realise that stereotypes ain't for everyone

Right+180° can't maymay.

Its makruh, dipshit.

Literally me

Just post the porn pages.

>all those words

Why would anybody want to see that


>excusing tumblrshit
Go away fag



Because they're the best things from this comic.

Sure buddy everyone is that passionate about their religion. Thought that sucking Dick was also not allowed. But yet i see you been sucking a whole lot of those

Wait, so anything with noses is Tumblrshit?

DBZ got really weird lately

It's a great way to generate conflict. But more importantly, to dissipate it. Mario Party comes to mind.

why is this board is fucking shit
its all so tiring

I'd rather be an orphan than have to grow up with any of that.

Where are we able to find his uncensored comics now?

>woah if I act retarded maybe I'll be taken seriously
Go away

The Vegeta looking guy is mexican. More likely he'll do a decapitation vid with his cartel buddies. Rival gang has been stealing his family's secret sauce.

It's actually smackjeeves shit.

At least it's not Moon Over June

Whatever makes you feel better, zinafag. This kind of path will lead to the same downfall as the Christian.

cave explorer

Nowhere, doc stopped putting them on Patreon because of yiff.party.

imagine being this gay

>The Vegeta looking guy is mexican
Do you even read the comic?

People have noses in anime, it's just that cute women have small noses, so they're usually minimized on a feminine face.

Attached: x2[1].png (844x1200, 592K)

>cartoonish airbags
I like a good set of tits but I cannot take any artist’s comic/ocs/etc seriously if the whole design is based around their gigantic breasts

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Well, I am Goku but my mother is not a Muslim.

If you're talking about middle, it's a running gag because Dude on the right is her son and he canonically has a 13 inch dong.

Attached: 43c.jpg (480x272, 20K)

Yeet on ur religion bruv. Hope it falls down,because its actual trash.

Also hows ramadan going? Sad that its almost over, really enjoy the comfyness of this month

>don't challenge or complain about our neo liberal status quo

>all the girls look like trannies

Attached: 1559184841033.jpg (665x718, 173K)

Try 18, and 10 around.

Who doesn't play games with their family?

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That fucking ancap meme always gets me I have no idea why

I was pretty happy not remembering that until now

Attached: 1345069484612.jpg (467x700, 102K)

>when u kill nigs
>lmao bottom text

always gets a smile out of me


I prefer the world just resetting itself because there no saving, zinafag

Its going well and I'm going to miss having these kind of dinner, until next year.

Source for that figure?

Why'm'st are these characters drawn so hideously?

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Mostly Mario Kart or Smash.
Some of my cousins started playing Pokemon US & UM so i battle and trade them Pokemon when I babysit
Then the ones closer to me in age have started getting into Splattoon 2 recently for whatever reason.

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It's not Goku. It's the iron dude from Fairy Tail.

This is your brain on anime.

Anime girls look sexy.

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Can anybody explain what the fuck is going on in this image

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I like my ladies with big noses tbqh.


Attached: bing bing wahoo oniichan.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

I tell them to stay the fuck away from games

I’m not well-versed in this guy’s shit, is this a porn comic or is it that literally just a joke

Muslim man makes comic about how Muslim families are superior.

What the fuck is this comic, why does everyone look like fucking Goku? What the fuck?

t. Israeli nationalist

Attached: DAJGg[1].png (551x338, 130K)

It's a page from a serial webcomic taken out of context, mainly to race-bait idiots like who assume Bottom Right is a self-insert.

why do the women look like hideous ogres?

This guy's art is trash

That's Reigen drawn in ONE's artstyle, colorized.

Both! Something like a third of the comics depict a sex scene. Big dick dude is also addicted to the "Arcanus: The Widening" card game and sometimes battles with his "Duel Dick".

yeah its funny how jealous he is of white people

The guy who makes these comics is a literal racist.
Even in this short snippet you can tell he is taking a jab at white families.

Good character design will make use of the massive variety of noses present across all nations and ethnicities, as it's a very easy way to make characters distinct while not straying far from reality. If an artist draws the same nose every time they're either unskilled or intentionally trying to blur lines, usually for some political nonsense.

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Except it actually is one of the most accurate depictions of /pol/posters I've ever seen. They really are that bad.

How so? Explain your position, I can't read your mind.

Why is the medic so fucking handsome?!

It's Radditz

>tfw tomorrow is last day of Ramadan
Hope it was a good month for everyone else

This is worse than tim buckley

But there are multiple nose shapes in that image above.

isnt this the artist that made a huge blogpost about how hes a pedophile and that it was okay because of his religion or some shit?

I have three younger sisters, the youngest plays open world murder simulators and platformers. the middle child doesn't play videogames and the eldest plays isometric RPG's like old school fallout and baldurs gate.

I play space station 13 because I'm incredibly autistic.

Attached: Court In Space Station 13.jpg (3508x2480, 286K)

god bless u muslimbro :)

whoever invented this god awful nose "art"style should be fucking hanged and if he is already dead his grave desecrated.
its so ugly it makes me fuckign mad just looking at it

Attached: im so fucking mad.png (389x106, 38K)

I don't think so. What are you talking about?

Almost all of them except Goku are perfectly round buttons

It depends on the character. Noses should be an extension of character design. Serious characters should have a strong, Latin nose. Joke characters can have a goofier Turkish nose.

Attached: q52[1].jpg (1600x1138, 796K)

God, TF2 was so aesthetically perfect.

Do you? Because you're investing time into shit

>white family has loud rowdy kids screaming and cursing while their parents ignore them (one giving a mild reaction to a mass shooting, indicating that he is morally reprehensible)
>Muslim family is having a 50s nuclear family-esq dinner where they are all happy and eating as a family.

I AM SILLY comics are still I AM SILLY comics, and thus, you are a fag.


my god, im laughing so hard right now, whitoids destroyed...

Blonde/Pink haired in the top panel are identical twins + a clone, so they would be the same. The kid and bluehair have different shapes. Dad in the middle panel has distinct nostrils and ridge, other two have slightly different shapes. Characters have different shapes and pointiness since viewed from different angles.

>posts a horrible example that proves him right

overexagerrations are not accurate depictions of anything.

you would enjoy i am silly comics, you little bitch

I hate it so much. Noses are part of the human face, i don't see how less cute girl can be if she has nose. Fucking otakus and their stupid mindsets.


The "I AM SILLY" argument is against turning the opponent character into an over-the-top caricature that doesn't actually act like the person it's depicting.

That depiction, however, is spot on accurate, so YOU are the fag.

Not really. There's at least four different noses there and coincides with exactly what he was taking about.

>Muslim family is having a 50s nuclear family-esq dinner where they are all happy and eating as a family.
You mean religious family, and it not limited to muslim.

Several of the characters on that panel have varied nose shapes. Some have similar ones, though.

is this porn?
porn with a shitty artstyle is my fetish

It's an accurate depiction of the strawman that retards like you point to in reference to "/pol/posters."
You faggots went too far and the insult became meaningless, nice going.

>implying that's an overexaggeration
I really don't believe that anymore.


You're looking way too into it you fucking sperg.

yeah but he only draws autistic videogame reference cuck porn
and its censored for some reason

Imagine being mentally ill enough to read that much into this shit. The families are made to reflect the characters that the reader knows up to this point.

People who participate in and believe in the "culture war" are mentally ill as fuck.

That's a lot of projection there. What makes you think these characters are meant to represent their race? It's a serial webcomic, meaning the families are based on the characters' individual history and personalities. Top left is a hedonist from a broken home, middle right is a stuck-up intellectual, bottom right is a manchild.

it's not really porn more stuff just needlessly hypersexualised for comic effect


>cuck porn

So is there porn of the titty leviathan in the middle or not?

And the manchild author, who is a Muslim, has the superior family. He has already made racebaiting comics before, I refuse to believe that he didn't set out to imply this.

Same thing. All abrahamic religions are the same.


I'm so angry right now that I won't mown my lawn today.

it's time to find a muslim GF and fuck off to the middle east then

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I wish I could user.

i especially hate spic muslims.

Just dump a mega of all the uncensored version comics already.

>t. Chaim Silverstein

>a perfect depiction of that strawman that doesn't exist
>and yet I clealy see in every single trans flag, gay rights, sjw-journalist bitching threads

And went too far, how? Like, what do you even mean?

You spend way too much time on this website if you think a porn webcomic is some kind of ridiculous conspiracy.

Show me that the author is Muslim and you're not just projecting.

You're better off going to the Southeastern Asian area and find a wife there. You're not going to find a muslim gf in the west that isn't tainted by the teaching of the University.

No. None of the 3 because I'm not retarded. Christian jew or muslim, same shit. They all fuck kids and do dumb shit and give their money to a corrupt church.


Conspiracy? Who said anything about a conspiracy?

>Yea Forums complains when people get offended at racial stereotype jokes
>Yea Forums also gets offended at racial stereotype jokes

I tip my fedora to you, young man.

no, i don't want a pinoy

Where have you been? Most of the newer generations abandon Christianity.

im only offended by the quality of racial stereotypes for white people
its literally only
>lol spicy food
its not creative at all
no funny names or shit thats "too real"

>I wish all my family had giant boobs

Attached: 1555614503135.jpg (512x384, 41K)


White people have suffered enough.

Oh no, it's another insecure racist PoC projecting

Oh no, it's another low effort strawman comic by a thin-skinned LGBTBBQ leftist

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When /pol/ makes fun of blacks stealing shit and Muslims being child rapists it reflects reality. Whites fought entire wars over spice trade. What basis does this whites and bland food joke have in reality? How can a joke be funny if it's nonsense without context?

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have they?

I'm referring to Indo and Malays, but you have to convert if you ever want to get wed with these girls. Again, most second generation muslim in the west usually abandon their religion's rule, and the third generation will outright abandoning it all together.

More like OP comic is your brain on anime with the dbz hair and xxxxl breast.

They are currently having years of culture and history destroyed and supplanted
That is pretty bad desu

Yeah. We deserve our turn at the top.

It's time for change, sorry buckos
It's not your fault your melanin is so light

Someone at least dump the porn of this shitty comic

what the fuck IS this shit?

>your melanin is so light
thats not something you can say

Why does this shitty webcomic never fail to trigger so many of you autistic spergs?

Attached: whatsgoing-ohmy.jpg (260x400, 36K)

it is when literally mixing with any other race erases the white in them

00s was really the decade that fuck everything up.

no because melanin cant be light
melanin is dark

Out of context page from a serial webcomic.

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Because we're bored. Reposting your ugly comic and getting replies doesn't make you some kind of genius. A guy has done that same thing by posting a dog drinking a bowl of water.

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> your twin sister will never sick your dick
Fuck this whole planet.

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>six panels explaining a joke that has no punchline
kill me

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>thin skinned
How deliciously ironic you utter buffoon guffaw

you mean Goku was muslim this entire time? i thought he was mexican

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Not an argument.

I'm older than you. You'll get it some day small son. Until then keep letting pedos in dresses fuck your kids while you pay them for the privilege.

270 degrees cant meme?

Because the past doesn't matter. In the modern day on average they like less spicy food. Go ask any restaurant.

Wrong on all counts, blasphemous child.

Someone post the BRO WHITE PEOPLE SPICY LOL one

I'm not the one spending hours of my free time making a fucking opinionated comic / wall of text as a come back against some non-existing argument.
But yeah do tell me how I'm buttblasted and seething while these people are just smug trolls

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>hurr durr they're all the same 'cause they're abrahamic
Grow up, retard.


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that's pretty much the answer to everything huh?

I'm not here to argue I'm here to laugh at you sir. I bet you thought I was someone your replied to earlier pfffahahaha.

I went to a hole in the wall black run chicken wing place and asked for their hot wings (spiciest option) and it was literally not spicy at all. I was very disappointed.

>writing all that shit out
Just stop, man.

Have you paid tithe yet friend? Those dresses aren't cheap to clean after the priest gets sperm on them.
They are. Next you'll pretend catholic protestant lutheran etc has any meaningful distinction. You're all a joke from the outside looking in.

used to play vidya all the time with my older brother as a kid, and my cousins. super smaash, mario kart, soul calibur. SP only games like splinter cell and sonic adventures and FF8, we'd take turns, though he got to play more often.

now adays he's got shit taste and fell for MMO and gacha/mobage trash. he used to be legit good at vidya, now he's just utter trash. really started to go downhill around halo 2 MP.

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you can literally just read all of his shit on yiff.party

it's not hard.

Unironically yes.

so many text

When will lefties learn how to be funny?

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And I knew a guy who got jerk chicken from a jamaican place and was crying while eating it it was so hot. Depends on the place.

>blah blah i have thin skin
fixed, you're welcome

>go to a mexican food restaurant
>ask for something spicy
>"you sure dude? It's really spicy"
>It never fucking is

Attached: 1451603067324.jpg (400x636, 116K)

>They are.
Nah. Grow up, retard.

You might have a better relationship with God the Father if you weren't being raised by a single mom.

If you find memes funny you're underage.

maybe his goal is to make people waste their time?
he wasted his making it and you wasted yours reading it

>he hasn't seen the best anime

Attached: ##152345.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

i usually just set up my 8 year old cousin with a singleplayer game on my computer. he doesnt like spyro the dragon, he really likes Deadcells, and he seemed to enjoy nightmare house 2 for the short time he was over playing it

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>make a "no u" post
>get countered
>beg me to stop

Attached: OK.gif (386x286, 1.38M)

I went to a chinese place and got their secret legit chinese menu spicy beef item and it had kick but it wasn't unbearable. I know black people that can't handle spicy food. The ability to handle spiciness is not a racial thing, it's a personal thing.


Attached: implying 566.png (1214x1720, 650K)

isn't that goth chick from that sims model pic thta gets occasionally posted?

How do you draw acceptable perspective but totally fail at character design and anatomy?

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imagine being this new

It's because they know any whitetoid who asks for something spicy isn't going to like it.

Attached: implying 2.png (1400x1977, 1.39M)

They absolutely are. Is there any meaningful difference between two sects of shinto to you? No? Me neither, but at least they don't fuck kids lmao.
No one is raising me because I'm in my 30s. You're a teenager brainwashed by dorks on the internet.

I like Yoshi's woolly world

>thin skinned
Enter a thread on warrior women.
Enter a thread on Sony
Enter a thread on slightly political video game

why is racist goku's brother sephiroth

by being brown or leftist

I agree, but some cultures tend to cook shit more spicy, so they develop a tolerance. The average indian for example can absolutely tolerate more spice than the average irish dude who eats nothing but taters.

You’re embarrassing yourself newfaggot

>No one is raising me because I'm in my 30s. You're a teenager brainwashed by dorks on the internet.
Want to know how I know you're lying?

Attached: implying 666.jpg (1012x1433, 211K)


You’re fucked in the head just stop posting

Indian food is literally slop, though. Adding spice doesn't make indian food any better, it just covers the rainbow of vomit's shitty taste with spice.


You're the exact thing I was talking about, well played

I don't understand

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Attached: 5w34523523523.png (1175x584, 1.35M)

That’s not how it works you retard

Attached: implying 4.png (700x1100, 537K)

>giving a serious answer in an obvious /pol/ bait thread

Attached: 1537742432172.jpg (737x1020, 750K)

You don't. You want me to be lying though. Early 30s to be fair.

>go to indian restaurant
>"give food"
>"what spicy? 1-10"
>food destroys mouth and asshole blows out like a fucking volcano

not this user but what makes them fucked in the head? expressing an opinion on top of your opinion? jesus

I like it personally, it was just an example though. average irish dude vs any cuisine where spice is common.
Suck my nicely proportioned cock.
It absolutely is.

My negro

I had to ask like 5 times for the spiciest sauce at this mexican place. first time I asked for the spicier stuff they gave me more of the normal hotsauce. you bean fucking retards give me the goods and just set up a no refund policy for people too shitty to handle spicy goodness. The Thai place in town already did that and they do just fine.


It's clear that you're underage, little fella.

If you asked in spanish you'd get the real shit.

You realize I'm the guy who said he eats habaneros to wake up and I'm irish.

Post more. I'm bored and trying to figure out this deranged surrealist shit will keep me occupied for a while.

Attached: cageblob.gif (220x190, 1.66M)

the only spicy places where it's actually as spicy as it says are thai places

thats because the food is contaminated with E coli

is your reverse search broken?


Just say the fucking source you cock sucking faggot

Thanks m8, made me laugh

he's just a fag

Just read it yourself. If anyone posts a imgur or a mega link with only the comics with the kid characters in them, go to that link instead.

save yourself the time and click the google link you mouth breathing retard

I once ordered an "inferno pizza" because they advertised it as extremely spicy
Turns out it was extremely spicy and I didn't complain because it was what I ordered.
Now, why the fuck do you think someone would get something spicy if they didn't want it? are you retarded or just trying to bait?

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Spice tolerance is trained. If your family serves spicy food while youre growing up you'll tolerate it better. If you choose to eat spicy food more often your tolerance goes up.

Way of the House Husband.

Why hasn't someone made this an offical brand and marketed it?

>My disability check
>open marriages
>narrow urethra
This has to be satirical. The creator of this comic must be some ascended individual who gets his jollies off of pissing off /pol/tards.

>has a tiny dick
It checks out.

you ever had chicken tikka masala? i would bet money that you havent, given your opinion

Nigger pls

Attached: niggersasdad.jpg (233x216, 10K)

I am the youngest. My older sisters played sonic the hedgehog 2 and super mario world 2 with me when I was a kid

Attached: implying 6655.jpg (1012x746, 162K)

>people mad about hot sauce
>conservatives thick skinned and BTFO
this fucking thread

Been a long time since google search ever worked that I didn't bother. I used the others one but nothing came up.

The entire conglomerate of white history is people asking for things and then realizing after they get it that they never actually wanted it in the first place. You're a minority in that sense.

Since we are in a race war thread I'm gonna go ahead and say what every white man is thinking... all nonwhites should just be purged and we would live in a much happier, better world

some people learn to do this from experience as a waiter and working with white people, others are told to by managers. its a thing that really happens because people like cant handle the good stuff, and this is only a 3 (or possibly they gave you the third hottest one instead because you said 3)

Are you always a fruity little faggot? Want me to screw your shitstained asshole, retard? Maybe stop acting like such a bitch next time, you tool.

You can find beef and/or mutton tikka masala at Pakistani restaurants. They're pretty fucking good.
t. Paki

You're the one getting triggered by blatantly obvious bait.

This comic does have a point though. The biggest crybabies are the ones who dish out crititisicm but can't accept any back. [sloiler]which is usually people who are conservative or lean right.[/spoiler]

As a việt SEAnigger I have to ask, What with non-asian non-white and their obsession with shitting on every little thing white people does? It just seem so petty.

these comics have been going on for a long time

I have. It's not that great. Thai and authentic Chinese food is better.

>it's all porn
Now I'm even more confused.

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What exactly do you get out of being a racist prick? When I ask for spicy, give me spicy, I don't give a shit about your racist stereotypical peanut-sized thought processes.

Found it immediately with yandex stop being retarded

literally me but i'm black

just wow

Whoa, settle down, Tyler.

Why do people make fun of whites for not being able to handle spice when it's actually the japanese who have the least tolerance for spicy food? They also consistently have the least amount of seasonings in all of their foods and yet nobody memes about their foods being bland.

>merely pretending
Don't dish it if you can't take it.


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It's not. Only a fifth of it is porn and it's all censored unless you're willing to give the creator your shekels.

Wtf, how come I never saw an arab turn super-saiyan?

Cause white people would throw a fucking fit

Attached: wtfareyoutalkingabout.png (640x576, 153K)

you sound like an underage edgy faggot that specifically hates popular shit

Thai, Korean, and Japanese are all pretty great. Chinese food is overrated and generally not very good.

I'm sorry user. Stereotypes exist for a reason. You cross the street when you see me coming, and I only put mild sauce in your food. It's better to disappoint one customer than lose 100. Better safe than sorry your kind says, it's just the way things are.

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Okay looks like I win since you realized pretty quick your argument was retarded.

This green shirt guy is making a lot of sense. I'm getting swayed towards his side.

>this last panel
fucking SPIC

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>all the comics are censored
What's the fucking point?

It's still better than Indian food, which is far more overrated.

Don't give me your retarded "that's just how it is" bullshit, tool. I see right through you.

your comic fucking stinks and you havent gotten any better since i've seen you in /hyw/ years and years ago fucking end your life

because people are butthurt that whites generally live good lives and that they have alot of history

In your case though, stereotypes are backed up by statistics. Now please don't spit in my food because I told you the truth.

I'm asian and I would like to know that too. I could only assume that they shit on whites because of how "successful" they are. The white girls seem to be the one that does it the most.

Alright, this one's worth a hearty kek.

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Jesus what awful art.

Japanese live good lives and have a lot of history too, though.

Things don't have to get your peepee hard in order to be enjoyable you disgusting cumbrain.

>I win an irrelevant internet argument!
Yikes. You lost where it count, man.

This is like that kind of porn that you just know is going to be gross when you look into it

user please, I'd love to live in a beautiful world where everyone holds hands and can actually handle spicy food, but I live in the real world where you have to really know the kind of people you're dealing with.

We would have those statistics as well but people who collect data and conduct racial research always put the focus on minority races.


I agree that Chinese food > Indian food, but Chinese food is definitely more overrated at least in my country (USA).

yeah but they arent white

>whities try to rate other cultures food
Unless you live in a place where alot of those people congregate, you'll usually be eating a shittier, typically more expensive version of it. Or a version that's been heavily Americanized.

Word word left can't meme words words

The left really can't meme even if their life depended on it.

This is pretty hot.

Is it okay to stereotype blacks because of crime statistics?

I want to see the middle mom naked.

Imagine being so salty over internet comments that you sit down and write this.

Whoah, fuck off, Pong

It's ironic considering his artstyle.

There's just something about this art that's so repulsive but I can't quite put my finger on it. Doesn't help that the guy's arm looks like a twisler in the first panel.

>hit randomize
>complain about character looking ass

Dude, you're just a straight up racist. There's nothing deeper here.

The left can't spoiler

well that is actually true in this one since it is 99% unfit guys but either a stick or a lardass
he is arab, but what dragonball movie was actually released in theaters (not just select theaters in a few cities) that has Broly in it?

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is he dating a fucking midget

Chinese food isn't overrated in the USA. It's something people crave but they never rave about how good it is. It's McDonald's tier at this point. A "good" chinese restaurant is one that serves the same cookie cutter "chinese food" with good prices and doesn't taste like absolute shit.
Indian food on the other hand is unnecessarily praised for its quality when it's really not that good.

>no true scotsman about food of all things
Fuck off

Settle down, third-wheeler.

MrDNA is good at mixing in a little bit of comedy with his tg

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Japanese have plenty of veggies that contribute nice natural flavors.

And there's the flag of defeat. Don't @ me ever again.

>all these sheltered kids learning about the white people spicy food thing for the first time
maybe it's because i live in california but i grew up always having to ask for the non-white version of dishes for this reason

I know user, but I wish I didn't have to be. The world made me racist. Too many white people have tried something I've made and started coughing uncontrollably.

La Atrocidad...

error error left can't meme response not verified

>Da numbers iz racist!
What, you want to risk getting nig'd just so you can feel good about how not racist you are?

>what dragonball movie was actually released in theaters (not just select theaters in a few cities) that has Broly in it?

Are you serious?

I'm not white but I was raised in a predominantly white community for whatever that's worth. I grew up eating spicy SEA foods.


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If you'd ever met a white person you'd be swinging from their tree......

>>no true scotsman about food of all things
This is universally true, especially with Chinese food. Some even have secret authentic menus for customers that request them.

Doesn't have nearly enough attribution, I barely even know who made this

>the flag of defeat
No, child.

There's literally nothing wrong with being racist.

What in the fuck are you even saying. Have you ever eaten any food at all? White food has plenty of flavorful veggies in it.

his self insert is

It's a really beefy woman which is great because I have a thing for amazons.

God I wish that was me
time to end it all

That's why I only meet white women.

But he's right.
White people will order spicy food and complain about it being spicy. I worked part time at a chipotle once and it happened like once every week, and the food there is barely even spicy in the first place.

Good for you. Individual variance exists. Population wise as a whole the irish can't eat as spicy as mexicans or whatever.

the new Dragon Ball Super Broly movie just released at the beginning of the year.

Its a self insert with Moon Over June vibe.

I already fucking shared an anecdote about ordering off of the secret menu at a chinese restaurant, you retard.

that girl in the third panel literally doesnt have a nose tho

Also my town does have a large Korean immigrant population so I definitely know my shit when it comes to Korean food.

Sophisticated cuisine examples:
Italy, Mediterranean, France, Japan, Nordic etc
>uses spices to emphasize the main dishes flavors and boost the aroma
>ranges from sweet, bitter, sour, hot, acidic to salty and more
>prepared hygienically and with care inside a decorated, fancy restaurant

Unsophisticated "cuisine" examples
>Mexican, Indian, Thai etc
>borderline fastfood
>less than 8 cheap ingredients
>mix with peppers or "sweet&sour" shit until you literally can't even distinguish any other flavors
>prepared with unwashed hands at a stall on the side of the road

I don't believe the stereotype that white people can't handle spicy, because I've eaten a ghost pepper, and I've seen many others do the same.

I do believe that you get some tolerance towards spiciness if all you eat is shitty mash of corn and peppers though

>Except it actually is one of the most accurate depictions of /leftypol/pol/ posters I've ever seen.

This one never fails to crack me up.

You bring shame to your ancestors.

pineapple of comedy

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>white people do thiiiiis
>but black people do thiiiiiiiiiis

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Pretty much. Restaurants are completely unsanitary unless you're in like, fucking Norway.

she's female darkseid you absolute ponce

What I'm saying is that green onions make soups taste nice and western cuisines rarely incorporate them.

yeah, i actually am serious. i know a dragonball movie came out in Decemeber that has Broly in it, but that wasn't in any theaters at all in my state, so it doesn't count. maybe new york city, chicago, miami, or california rich kids got to see it, but i sure didn't. in case you couldn't tell, I'm talking about USA and not Japan
this is why I said not released in select theaters in a few cities, it wasn't in my state

Some anons apparently learned what cuck was from places like urban dictionary or ED and assume any kind of porn that involves more than one guy fucking the same girl is cuck porn.

I don't know if you're aware of this, but in order for research on a topic to be properly conducted it must be approved of, and to be approved a board has to be convinced the research is worth funding. Because of this a topic basically needs a special interest group to make these boards feel like this research has value. It's not "racist", it's biased.

I'm also gonna draw a comic where i get a blowjob but i'm too cool to care

>I don't believe the stereotype that white people can't handle spicy
It's mostly just a subsection of mid-westerners and WASPs. The type that think any Mexican dish with more than 2 syllables in its name is super-ethnic.

>white food
Coleslaw and corn? Mayonnaise isn't a veggie.

>When you make a mild joke about white people not liking spicy food and they start bringing up crime statistics

>muh systemic racism
There's nothing bias about looking at plain numbers, jamal.

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You're not wrong but the lack of spice in white people food meme makes no sense when Japanese food exists.

> ه ل ل دم ح ل ا
if you do this kys

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based, fuck off /pol/

I'm pretty sure even a faint wiff of smoke makes bees basically pass out

It showed in the small North Florida town I'm from, user. I don't know what to say.

You don't eat Nordic food you fucking liar.

Maybe you should get your house in order before you try to bantz
>haha why are white fathers always so dorky?
>least I have a father, nigger.

Ok. I concede that Japanese food is about as lacking in spices as western European cuisine.

>when you spend several years of your life drawing yourself as a buff muslim goku that has sex in almost every panel like you're some sort of insecure autistic 12 year old and people laugh at you instead of thinking you're cool

Right chuckle from that, cheers man

imagine reading ten paragraphs of strawman and thinking "gottem"

>downplaying the influence of money on data analysis
Have you ever taken a class above high school level education?

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Fuck off and eat a bullet, nigger.

Honestly this is pretty funny.

Corn is Mexican.

This. White people can't handle spices like black people can't handle employment, it is not racist, it is life.

What the fuck kinda proportions are these?

You've been at it all thread, user. Why don't you take a break from being a retard?

He probably just means to say that he really likes pickled herring

okay how were you able to order this secret chinese menu? i ask about those and they say they don't have them but i think they are lying because I'm white or they actually don't have one, but probably because I'm a young white boy in his young 20s
ive been trying to find them
okay but please share how you actually were able to get to view them, did you have to say a code or something?

They're v touchy. response to minor bantz.

You seem to be confusing the jew golems you call "white people" in America for actual Europeans.

My ancestors did not believe in borders of any kind.

Despite being 13% of the population

The Goku looking fucker isn't a self-insert no matter how much you try to meme it.

its ok bro
you will get patreon subscribers if you start making furry characters and take OC requests

Fuck, the bracer chick is genuinely cute.

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>when your entire routine is about white people but you have a meltdown when a white person jokes back

does this artist make NSFW Lewds?

this is true.
its been done before to make bogus anti-climate change data.

Fuck the jews in all their colors maaane

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>western European cuisine

It's not though considering Italian and Cajun food exists. Hell tartar sauce is spicier than 90% of Japanese food. How can you idiots willfully ignore whole styles of European cuisine and focus only on some imagined food strawman when you spew this nonsense about spice levels and whatnot? Buffalo chicken was invented in Buffalo Tennessee by WHITE PEOPLE.

The girl is a midget clown.

>He had sex with the tranny

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he literally says it is though

cool larp buddy

learn to spell

>muslims disregard overpopulation and refuse to use condoms

What did he mean by this?

>okay how were you able to order this secret chinese menu

Find a chinese place that serves beer and ask for a chinese beer the first time you visit. Next time ask if they have a different menu. Done.

its funny how I mentioned Miami because your state is also the one that has Miami in it. oh well, going to a movie alone is pointless and only losers do it (I've worked at them before, you basically only see the nerds like pic related and anti social looking or "that weird guy" boys go alone, never any girls for some reason) so i wouldnt have gone to see it anyway without another bro or a date

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It's just proving that they can deal it but can't take it, because the stereotype is absolutely true
Who could have guessed the same people that base their identity upon hating a bunch of "others" would themselves be thin-skinned little bitches

Yes. Read the thread.

>make a nigger stealing
yo dude thats wacist
>make all white evil
yo it doesn't represent race if I think about it

Those are some big nipples

Absolutely based, have a happy Eid brother

I hate these types of artists. You just know they draw pornographic stuff when all their characters look a like this.

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I'm white and dated a Muslim girl for like seven years and her family liked me. Tried to get me to convert though so I bailed. She had a great ass though.

Chicken Tikki Masala is an English recipe using Indian spices you fucking mongoloid.

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Sure buddy, sure.

muslims are instructed to have a bunch of children in foreign countries to increase their political power

yeah like thats whats fucking the earth up you capitalist pig

I bet you dont even fast nigger
Ramadan isn't comfy unless you're a kid, it's suffering

Larry Bird invented the Slam Dunk.

Look like that*