Utawarerumono thread
Utawarerumono thread
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where's the mask, raymanzilla1
I think I'm going to get zan even if playstation currently is a shithouse. Gotta support aquaplus.
>mfw EOPs are about to get the remake of the first game
>the rate at which Uta is talked about in here will probably skyrocket
Same. MoD, but as a Musou? Sounds fun.
I'm actually not an EOP, but I heard a lot of my JP speaking peers tell me that Uta is actually better in English so... yeah.
Can't wait for the DGS2 translation, too, btw.
My expectations aren't exactly high as it is from the same devs that made senran kagura versus games, they're average but nothing amazing. But still, going to buy it.
Wish they would port dt 2-2 as well, vita release is out if question now and I'm not sure if they can release it anymore in ps4 with the lewds. They might be able, since there isn't any interactive minigames which Sony really hates. But there's also those loli characters and I'm not sure how current Sony handles those.
genuinely can't wait for newshits to put on airs about this
Time for a resurgence of underwater and carrier memes.
I played the entirety of zan back during JP release.
If you're a fan and want to see your favorite characters in 3d doing cool stuff, then it's perfect.
The actual gameplay kinda sucks, and it's pretty slim on content.
Ah, the "it's localized so it's shit" folks, or...?
I'm ready.
unironically the best part of sen IV
Yeah, I think it'll be a decent ride. So many games coming that I'm interested in, good times
I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, but I'll like literally anything they put out for this series
Yup, same here. I would read the shit out of a slice of life vn from uta world, even without any gameplay other than the vn sections.
Not him but I recently finally imported DT2-2 when I found out there was a DLC Utawarerumono themed dungeon.
>Uta is actually better in English
I hope you're not talking about 1 here. Because 1 has a fan translation that was all over the place. As for 1 remake translation, that doesn't exist yet so we don't know how that is.
About 2 and 3 though, one of these days pick up Uta in Japanese and you'll see that's still a lie. 2 and 3 are actually very good localizations so there's nothing that compromises the story, but there's still lots of lost info all over the place that go from serious references that can't be mirror'ed in English to just jokes, puns and wordplay. Uta 2 and 3 in English are perfectly fine but to say it's better than Japanese is to wear the mask of deception and I do think you know that in some level. So I wonder why you chose to post something you don't actually believe in.
All I know about dt2-2 is nekone butt
Looking forward to it.
What's that?
Dungeon travelers.
Musou is tough. It's an instant turn off to a lot of people because they usually just feel like cashgrabs with some theme stamped on top.
I finally got my copy of Aruruu to Asobo, so have some rare(?) art from the game that I hadn't seen anywhere before
Well, it has aquaplus art and music stamped in there so even those make it decent. Fucking love their music, these days mre than gusts music
nice, nice
It's a shame the series is still so niche, when anons could be buying Uta2/3 before the physical copies inevitably cost an arm and a leg.
Sorry about the mouse.
>series is still so niche
It's a series that starts on a sequel as far as we in the west are concerned. The way to solve that problem is to play a game from the cave age that has terrible translation or to watch an anime. Both options kind of suck ass. Now that 1 is coming here properly I'm sure it will grow.
Dumbass forgot the pic
I really, really hope so. Aquaplus deserves all of it
This is very true.
fuckin' RIP anyone wanting to get the Vita version of Mask of Truth down the road, tho - that shit is gonna be mad expensive for a physical copy eventually, no doubt
Don't worry, I find this berry good
And finally this, which means literally nothing since it's just editing not actual text insertion. Still working on it
The script for the game is extremely small, so once the hacking portion get figured out a translation should be easy
>MoD took me 20 hours to finish
>MoT over 60 hours
why the hell was MoT so much longer? Not complaining, just curious
>20 hours
Fuck kuon.
I've always been someone that reads VNs/beats jRPGs faster than normal.
I volunteer.
It's a long-ass civil war, and then on top of that you get the holiday in Tuskuru AND THEN Woshis' Wild Ride.
It's really, really hard to think of MoD as its own separate game with how long MoT is. Feels more like the prologue for MoT honestly.
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat MoD in 20 hours if you actually let the character voices play. I do hope you weren't cutting off everyone, that is a pretty shitty thing to do.
Why did it have to be NISA doing the remake
I'm sure NISA is not so bad as people make them out to be.
'cause SEGA is too busy actually caring about Yakuza and Sakura Wars in the west, now.
That's what Falcom fans said two years ago. Then they got a big hole.
NISA can and have done work when they give a project time. Most recently, Labyrinth of Refrain, for example.
Uta1 being 2020 gives me some hope it'll be good. Let's be honest though - it won't match MoD/MoT.
I claim Nekone as my wife also she did everything right.
Well, she pretty obviously is the reason for why Mask of Truth happened the way it did, but she didn't know exactly what was happening - so it's not like it was her fault.
That's just the way some people play these games, they get bored if they listen too much of the dialogue when the subtitles already show what they say. Personally I always put auto on and enjoy the ride. Gotta take the full atmosphere in
user you know Nekone has a pee fetish right?
He already likes poo so pee should be okay
People who play VN like it's a race and cut off every single character voice because they have to speedrun deserve no respect. The character vocies are part of the VN.
Some people just fast forward everything and get the plat for the vn in a few hours. Imagine doing shit like that for a fucking platinum trophy
If it's any consolation, I don't cut off voices to speedrun. I actually tried to listen to every voice in Mask of Truth, which is probably why it was 60+ hours instead of 50 (that, and I played MoD on Normal but MoT on Hard)
I read Umineko late last year with the voice patch and listened to everything on that, too.
A lot of the VA's are in VNs because they can't act for shit, it's the last bastion for some and more than they deserve
When did we start talking about random shit VN on PC that only exists so people can fap? Uta may be a VN but it's not on the same level of that, the VA's are all very talented.
user, you do know Utawarerumono STARTED as one of those "random VNs on PC", and was even an eroge, right
>only exists so people can fap
Remove your comparison right this instant.
But it wasn't voiced until the ps2 version where they removed said ero parts aside from leaving in the fact that hakuoro fucked the cripple even if it wasn't shown.
>Played Mask of Truth and Deception in Japanese
>Currently playing the first game
One of the reasons why the anime was a letdown after the halfway mark. The part of the story adapted is 90% setup for some really great payoff in the sequel but a LOT of that setup was bungled in the anime.
>even if it wasn't shown
Not him and somewhat related to the topic you guys are discussing, but some of the others are still implied even if it wasn't shown, not just Yuzuha.
Where are you at? I played 1 around christmas last year, it was a lot of fun. I also like the gameplay a lot more than the sequel but the remake came after so it's only natural the gameplay is more polished.
Did they keep all of the mechanics from MoT in the Uta1 remake? I actually really enjoyed MoT as a TRPG.
>Did they keep all of the mechanics from MoT
Almost everyone here sounds like they've been playing for years while I'm actually new to the series. I'm still playing MoD so I don't know how the 1 remake compares to MoT gameplay wise. All I know is that it's a lot better than MoD.
Finished the battle where Hakuoro was cut off from rest of the group against the neighbor country's oura and he used the mask's power without realizing.
The music in these games is ridiculous with how on point it is. When I first heard this I couldn't stop grinning. No matter how shit the anime was it gave us 4 great suara songs.
Bought two of the OSTs, was worth it. They can make lovely music
>obviously using a hacked vita
>not using the render resolution hack
Who else did they imply?
I went back and played MoD after MoT, holy crap does MoT do a far better job presenting and explaining its mechanics. I didn't even realize hidden criticals were a thing in MoD until I learned about them in MoT and did combos like I did in the sequel.
Face is fucked up.
>the final battle in MoT has unique dialogue for EVERY co-op final besides the obvious exceptions
>I didn't even realize hidden criticals were a thing in MoD
Like I said, I can't talk about MoT, but in MoD the way they explain these mechanics is basically they don't. At certain chapters there's a little tiny pop up box that shows up saying "hey, you got new items added to the combat help section" and that's it. If you don't actually go to the combat help section to read for yourself then you won't even know what was it. I know about hidden crits but that's because I do bother to go there and read when new stuff unlocks. If I'm not mistaken the hidden crit page is added when you unlock the jyanai swordsman whose name I can't be bothered to try to type in romaji.
>Who else did they imply?
Carla and Touka are pretty heavily implied. Unless you genuinely think they spent the night together and there was a little black screen time skip because they were just talking.
>Carla and Touka are pretty heavily implied. Unless you genuinely think they spent the night together and there was a little black screen time skip because they were just talking.
I never played the ps2 version but holy fuck AquaPlus is even more based than I thought.
Yeah there were more than a few things that make MoD feel decidedly much, much more like a pure VN than MoT does.
It's very telling that pretty much all of it is VERY clear in MoT, with the new menu.
Mask of deception remake when?
I bet if they ever re-release MoD/MoT, they'll just make it one game.
Agree the music is so damn good. Also love the background art. Pretty much every single piece of background art makes for a great wallpaper.
yfw you realize MoD and MoT take place in in/around the sea of Okhotsk
MoT was an immediate improvement in presentation of gameplay elements over MoD. Good to hear the hotspring duo had some quality time with Hakuoro.
Raikou >>> Woshis
I mean yeah.
He was the only one of the real antagonists who didn't feel like he overstayed his welcome. Vurai being alive in MoT felt like such a waste of time.
I really, really hate the gayboys. Just fucking stay dead already, but nope that gayness keeps them superstrength
Well, the remake of the original is coming west early 2020.
Their fight in MoT was both epic and hearthwrenching. Suddenly Carrier Death Smacker delivery.
If this stupid brat plays it right he could end up inheriting half of Haku's harem. But he's too much of a pussy I guess.
He really likes to expand Kuons tiddies. Not that I'm opposed to that
That he does.
I wish she got more screen time. She's by far best girl.
Dem drill hairs are always awesome
it was made worse by the fact that their mere presence apparently made the cast too stupid to react or stop whatever shit they had come back from the dead yet again to do
That whole scene was just fucking great
MoT Anju was a fantastic character.
Totally made up for the fucking trainwreck that was MoD Anju.
Yup. As much as I shit on anju being the worst princess her growth story is excellent.
To be fair she was probably spoiled like crazy due to her position, and even munechikas spankings wouldn't do much to her body.
Finish reading posts before you reply user.
this pic isnt a a spoiler right? it looks like the dudes disappearing
Read & play the games and find out
She doesn't need to know whats an hour when she can ride dick that well.
I wish she'd been in the game more. When I saw the OP for the game I thought she was going to be party member that joins early on.
She wasn't around enough to really appreciate that she's basically just wearing a leotard.
Her personality wasn't the best but man that umbrella weapon
I was planning to eventually, im in the middle of reading some other games
She was pretty likeable by the end of her part in the story. She could have been pretty great if she'd had half as much time as the other girls. Kinda feels like she was meant to be introduced in MoD (add another dynamic to Rulu's early character arc) but either was designed too late or they decided the first game had enough love interests already.
Will we ever find out what happened to the bunny empress?
Yeah, that's what it felt to me as well. Another good woman for the ranks, and I do love good women
It's a series filled with good women
she never had a chance, she was too innocent
The little heart in the mouth really makes me happy
and the little fang, Nothing like an energetic doting big sister with a fang.
The problem in MoD wasn't that she was a sheltered brat.
It was that she had no development and 90% of her onscreen time was LOL FUJOSHI or spanking jokes.
They wanted to have her be a bratty princess in MoD so she could be the fucking best in MoT, but she was hit by MoD's awful SoL bug and became a horrible, one-note character for it.
Probably still a drooling mess with the mind of a child kept safe and happy somewhere in Tuskur.
More likely that they publicly executed her.
Why didn’t she ever transform damnit
Because she's a woman and her will was weak.