>100 of the most highly trained western artists try to create a beautiful woman in a video game
>This is their best efforts
100 of the most highly trained western artists try to create a beautiful woman in a video game
Cassie is actually really cute, especially compared to her monster face in X
>try to create a beautiful woman in a video game
no they really didn't
they make the women look ugly/like trannies on purpose for the sake of SJW points.
meanwhile one guy with a pencil
Her eyes are beautiful
>really cute
>compared to
>a pile of shit
yeah ok
have sex
Skarlet a cute
no u
Isn't it more that scanning real people sucks most of the time since even if you have a good person as the model they still fuck it up usually?
With whom, glownigger-san?
is this her father?
Only when she isn't smiling.
Why does she look like some Slampig Tumblrina developed her?
Not with Fuuka, she has sex with dogs!
>Tumblrina designing a slim white girl with feminine features
I shiggy diggy
>pale with blood/black highlights
she's a vampire, not an SJW
and she's actually attractive
That has been confirmed as a boy
Because a tranny developed her.
Keep seething, Skarlet as she looks like during the campaign aka pic related turns my PP into the big PP big time
el goblina maligna...
her eye makeup makes my dick big
She's got the face of a fat girl.
Play the game nigga.
Because you're obsessed
>"keep seething!"
>proceeds to reveal it is actually you who is seething because someone insulted your waifu
Reminder that this game sold 1.8 Million units digitally and BTFO of Yea Forumsermin saying this game would bomb.
Bug face for failed males aka weebtrannies
may I ask sauce user?
>She's got the face of a fat girl.
Fat girls have thicker faces user especially in the jib and jowls
nu-skarlet is hot as fuck
if you disagree, HAVE SEX you disgusting incel freak
My nigga have you read the comments on this thread
um excuse me what the fuck
Her face is fat is fuck on her young model because NRS don't know how to make characters look younger.
God Jacqui looks great when she has anything other than her default hair.
>MK9 has bikini armor with literal manfaces
>MKX adds a buncha new characters
>Injustice 2 has top tier waifus
>MK11 has tight leather armor and qt faces ala Cassie, Kitana or masked Skarlet
>Yea Forums complains
>gook face
Welcome to the land of contrarianism where shitposters love to pretend good things are actually bad and bad things are actually good.
Skarlet is actually cute, stop picking this bad pic
She looks like Alfred Hitchcock in drag
She has pronounced cheekbones
Sh looks like a poo that got stung by bees
Yeah, in her present model which none of the skarlet waifufags actually like.
Past skarlet has no cheekbones at all.
Jade is the only attractive female in MK11
It's not even a real fucking picture it's edited with the dumb photo app that people use on tons of meme pictures.
Obsessed with what? And don't pull the "lol /pol/ tranny hater" shit. I could care less about transgender folks. I just mean it looks like some body-positive fat chick designed a skinny girl with a goblin face as a self-insert.
Skarlet is cute and sexy.
Skarlet is mk11 best girl
>100 of the most highly trained western artists
>highly trained
Mortal Kombat is a game about ripping your guts out and choking you with it. I don't think they're worried about characters looking beautiful.
No matter what you may think, a single person doesn't have control over an entire character's design, and games aren't developed by a single person, so unless you go watch the MK11 credits and point me out a fat chick in the role of character designer, I'm calling bullshit
only weebs actually believe developers make games with the primary objective of creating beautiful women
Of course not. But Yea Forums is certainly worried about it.
According to Yea Forums if every game isn't DoA then it's trash and clearly SJW.
If you're putting women in your game there's little to no reason not to make them cute
>responding to yourself to keep your bait thread alive
>I don't think they're worried about characters looking beautiful.
They certainly weren't a few games ago
I want this outfit
>tfw own it and literally never use it
Get fucked.
DoA is a sick ass game, though.
I unironically find this attractive.
Add a dick shadow
wtf stop posting pictures of me
I'm confused, isn't Mileena suppose to be the ugly one?
So you're implying you can do better?
The twist is she's already sucking it
Could be that all the designs are shit and go against the design philosophy of all previous MK's with people involved in development out right saying on Twitter that they did it on purpose. People would have been fine if the new designs were any good (see Killer Instinct for example) but they're some of the blandest fucking shit out there and presented with insults to the fanbase while demonstrating them.
So yeah, Yea Forums complained then went back to playing good fighters instead.
Supposedly. Funnily enough she's cuter than Kitana in X
The cheekbones makes her look like an alpha predatory female.
The smooth face makes her look like a bitchy edgy teenager.
sonya looks so shit
no wonder they killed her off in the story mode, everything of her previous personality is gone
johnny didnt turn into an insufferable plain looking asshole, hes better than ever even
all that remains form sonya is her moveset, and even that turret android kind of throws me off
>Developers are based in Chicago
Makes sense, it's the cuck capital of the midwest.
Good, I hope I can bust his cheeks
I want new Skarlet, Kitana and Jade to sit on my face
5.8 at best
Yeah Jacqui is hot as fuck with her longer hair skins