Get bad ending unless you spend hours doing pointless side-quests and fetch quests

>get bad ending unless you spend hours doing pointless side-quests and fetch quests

Why is this allowed?

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Your fault for playing shit-ass Jap games with a semicolon in the title.

Fug really? I'm on chapter 8 and have ignored all the store menu side quests and camp conversations.

The game constantly tells you you will get the "bad" ending, it's part of the plot. The good ending has less weight behind it if you get it first try.

You can finish them all extremely easily because the fetch quests require items sold by the guy that gives you the quests

What about the kill x many enemies?

kek so much this
>by fucking IF
OP you should have know better

You only need to do 20 side quests for the good endings, there are 20 fetch quests and 5 kill quests. You never have to do the kill ones and can just buy all the items from the shop

Did you except anything good from an anime game?

The game is great tho

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Good to know. Thanks. So that is really all it takes for true ending? Going through it right now with all the choices and bad ends I thought it was going to make me have to do some choices.

you can finish all the fetch sidequest at the almost end of the game instantly since you could buy all the mats in shop. You don't have to finish all the sidequest. Just the fetch. OP is just a bullshiter.

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I dropped this shit 3 hours in. It's a fucking visual novel with some gameplay segments here and there. Literally fuck everybody that shills this kusoge.

There's a fucking good ending? I thought the game ended on kind of an abrupt note, but that would explain it.

0-8 Death End
9 Berseria

I don't really feel like reading right now, but I need to. 7 hours in and I'm just reading a poorly paced visual novel. I like the mystery, but goddamn, more, longer and repeating everything 20 times doesn't make anything better.

Why do Japs put semicolons in titles

>Idea Factory
How much Agarest assets does this game use?

I would say the game picks up after you meet the chair girl and meet a weird new faction.

Deus ex machina was kinda disappointing. I was hoping for a more legitimate explanation for what was going on.

This 200%

Alice makes my dick hard
agreed, ending sucked. This game is clearly unfinished/ rushed.

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Best girl
why did they have to take her away
sequel when?

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I swear to God, IF should either allocate a better budget, or the games should be designed for the budget. The obvious corner-cutting in this game was painful.

Protip: Anytime there is a talking segment. Press the touch pad on your PS4, and then create a new save, just in case. Decisions are saved to your system file, so it remembers what you pick and makes it easier.

The pre-order DLC bikinis will be available to the public soon.

Dropped the game, it was terribly made. Played 2 hours and was bored already.

muh what game

theres people who will say they like every game made by compile heart, they're shills

While you meant to say Clea, I can understand how someone would make that mistake.

Attached: Death end re;Quest_20190220060207.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

I just finished chapter 1, how long did this game take you?