Spoilers for BFA

Okay so i waited off to post this till mid expansion to see if it was legit and it is

These are the big ones that are coming

>Genn dies protecting anduin
>Saurfang dies in Mak'gorah against sylvanas
>Sylvanas dies in Mak'Gorah against saurfang
>Thrall becomes new leader of the horde
>Heart of azeroth is used to break N\zoth out of his prison in 8.2 raid ending cinematic
>Nzoth invades zones similar to legion pre expansion event
>8.3 is dragon isles ( AKA argus )
>Nozdormu locks N'zoth in a infinite time loop because we cant kill or imprison him
>Nozdormu gets corrupted and so does the bronze flight ( Infinite dragon flight )
>Rexxar is killed for his crimes in Warcraft 3 ( Killing daelin proudmoore )
Big spoiler
>Andiun is confirmed to be Jaina and Arthas son
>Andiun is the child of the light ( not Illidan as we now know )

the rest i have on the list has already been and gone so no need to mention
:EG: ( Rastakan dies and bwonsamdi has a bond with his line )

I still don't know how i feel about this but i want your thoughts on this Yea Forums

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I know this is bait, but:
>varian is a cuck
nu-WoW would absolutely do this

is it really cucking if he just adopted Anduin?
realistically nothing in this leak is real but seriously adoption is cucking now?

there better be a cuck subplot and varian x black dragon subplot or im not buying it

so nozdormu fucked up timelines before wow?

When did Jaina get a secret pregnancy?

the only possible shocking spoiler would be that its not complete trash, but it is.

this would unironically be near-redemption for the lore

I dont like a single word you posted.

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This is so retarded it has to be true

>Andiun is confirmed to be Jaina and Arthas son
>Andiun is the child of the light ( not Illidan as we now know )
Thanks a lot for the laugh OP, I had a bad day and I really needed that

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That means Ned Stark is a cuck because he adopted John Talgarian!

This would unironically save BfA.

>Rexxar is killed for his crimes in Warcraft 3 ( Killing daelin proudmoore )
How is it a fucking crime when it was war?

Naw Tiffin is still his mama. Arthas cheating on Jaina is hilarious. Also gives Anduin the claim to Stormwind and Lordaeron.

>N'Zoth is locked in an infinite time loop because we can't kill or imprison him

So much potential gone to the trash again, as usual from Blizzard

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Killing your enemies is a crime

The word cuck is based off the cuckoo, which sneaks its eggs into other birds' nests to get them to raise them
It's more of cucking than just getting cheated on

>Andiun is confirmed to be Jaina and Arthas son
and your credibility goes out the window

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Man fuck those birds.

if you kill your enemies they win