Is Yea Forums exited fpr the new atelier game?
Is Yea Forums exited fpr the new atelier game?
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No, Gust is fucking trash and should have gone bankrupt years ago, so should Falcolm
but the cute girls
I'm ready for some eternal darkness
unironically have sex
with Ryza's thighpussy
I would have sex if any girl wanted to have sex with me.
>yearly atelier release
literally worse than fifa and cod combined
now's your chance to change your life and stop being a pathetic faggot user. Fix it or fuck out of here, no one wants to listen to a defeated shell of a man
Is this a new series?
But I only have enough time, between college, work, vidya, and learning japanese, I can't find any time to go to a gym
>vidya, and learning japanese
those two things are absolutely worthless you faggot, cut them out and become a decent human being, then, many years from now when you have your shit together and more free time get back in to your faggot hobbies. Sort you shit out faggot
Picture this user, you're 30, graduated from college, work an ok job, you speak Japanese and play lots of video games but you're still a hideous virgin. You go to stores and can't look people in the eye, the people you pass by laugh at you, your stench is atrocious, your parents have disowned you for being such a worthless individual. Your choices now matter user
ResetEra isn't.
God these people are truly the cancer that is killing this world.
but I thought liberals where all about dressing kids in drags and sexualising them at a young age.
he wants to have sex with girls not closet gay autists
>listening to /pol/
>d-dont get in shape user, it's lame and gay!
>spend all your time playing video games and learning Japanese so you can watch your cartoons sooner!
The Jews have rotted your brain
but I've seen the liberals dressing their kids in drags and focing them to be gay
aight I'll take an hour or two on the mornings to lift some weights, think I can do it while listening to japanese podcasts
It's okay when kids want to be gay.
When they want to appeal to the majority heterossexual part of the world that is problematic.
it is actually fucking gay, I know nerdy virgin guys who fell for the "just go to the gym bro" meme and years after they're still virgins only they realised that they wasted their time going to a sweaty room full of literal homos
learning japanese is a 100 times better way of finding puss, for one thing you can actually go to japan and talk with girls and you can attend anime fan conventions and events that are 80% thirsty young woman
I know a lot of guys who get laid after anime conventions, so far I haven't seen a single virgin nerd get a girlfriend by lifting pieces of iron for hours with closet gay idiots
god i want her to crush my skull with those legs
>learning japanese is a 100 times better way of finding puss,
How old are you? Not trying to be mean, genuinely curious
He sounds about as old as the person he is arguing with, which is to say not enough to browse this website. It's like both are competing over who is the biggest ape.
27 and every girlfriend that I had I met through anime events and forums, sometimes I go swimming when I feel like it but all of my virgin nerd friends who started going to the gym just admitted that it was a waste of time, it's not like it provides you with opportunities to talk with girls, or give a common interest with girls, and if you're socially retarded and have an ugly face then you're not gonna become casanova by having some extra weight in muscles
I'm excited to see Ryza age like fine wine as the trilogy goes along. I've only played 2 atelier games, this might be the first time I follow a trilogy all the way through.
That model is lovingly crafted
>every girlfriend that I had I met through anime events
What's it like fucking fat girls user?
What game would you guys recommend for a total beginner to the series?
I wonder how big your man tits are.
Hitting the gym to keep you in shape not only improves your appearance but also your well being. It's not a waste of time at all.
dunno, they were all anorexic if anything
they're all equally shit
they're all equally amazing
No. Octopath, Etrian Odyssey III and Ys VIII are the only good JRPGs of this decade. I have no expectations for the genre anymore
Probably compared to you, yeah.
my BMI is 19 so not very big, if have weight problems then keep a diet and check if you have digestion problems, if your thyroid and pancreas function properly and such
the gym will just fuck up your heart and joints
nah they were about the same weight as me, maybe somewhat taller though but I'm pretty short to begin with
>the gym will just fuck up your heart and joints
I don't believe I've ever interacted with a weaker man. And I've argued with gays before.
have fun getting a heart attack and operations for your joints because you spent your time sweating in a gay room and dying an incel anyways
Dude you just openly admitted to have a thyroid problem, stop telling other people they're going to die by practicing exercise.
I go to the gym 3 times a week, 2h workout session each time and I never felt better. Wouldn't trade any of it for your thyroid problem.
b-but what if i-i only want to have sex with sweaty animue convention piggus senpai desu chan
I already had it checked and my thyroid is fine, you're not exercising though, you're forcing your body to grow muscles for no reason, that's not healthy in any sense, if you just wanted to exercise you'd go for a swim too
have fun ruining your health in a gay room while I'm out there fucking girls as a skinny manlet
no wonder you're still a virgin
Why are we talking about working out and being buffed on a thread about a game about cute girls doing girly things?
because some /pol/tard incel started saying stupid shit again
I still don't know what are these games about, there's so many of them. Why are they doing yearly rehashes anyway?
Are the games themselves basically Harvest Moon with moe slice of life bits tacked on?
please tell me which game to play first.
start with super mario bros or doom
Yeah I'm going to just drink chlorine for the rest of my life to keep myself in good shape. Good idea.
No thanks.
I bet cardio is also bad for you.
>people who care about fitness are politically obsessed virgins
Yes user, every chad in high school was secretly a big stupid head loser face and those girls just pretended to like him, they really had a crush on you but were just intimidated by your ferocity and knowledge of the gook language and cartoons
please tell me which atelier game to play first.
Because this is actually a game about handsome otome boys getting /fit/ and talking to pidgeons
no one cares, faggot.
>Is Yea Forums exited fpr the new atelier game?
based OP already getting down to business if you know what I mean
Mana Khemia
what? why would you swallow the water? you can't swim or something?
swimming is pretty much cardio, moving around is fine, fucking your joints and heart with heavy weights for no reason isn't fine
you are a politically obsessed virgin though
I dunno, I had a girlfriend in highschool too so I didn't really care and I got along with everyone in my class
maybe you should just stop being an asshole
Never tried an Atelier game but it has good aesthetics, so I'm interested.
>I dunno, I had a girlfriend in highschool too so I didn't really care and I got along with everyone in my class
Why would someone lie on the internet? Can you make up a story about how cool your peers found your evangelion figurines covered in cum stains and chip grease?
These games aren't made for them, why the fuck do they feel the need to voice their opinions? I don't go into CoD threads to shit on FPS games. Like, what the fuck. Thank god Gust doesn't listen to SJWs.
you must have some serious problems if you think it's impossible to have a girlfriend and maintain a normal relationship with your classmates
my closest friends were also nerds so we talked about anime and video games, there were about 5 of us in the class and that girlfriend at the time I met at an inuyasha fansite
here's a real lifehack for you if you want a girlfriend, interact with girls, so go to places where girls are, and talk with them, that's literally it
What did they put into Arland waters? Everyone has huge tits. Not that I'm complaining.
>that girlfriend at the time I met at an inuyasha fansite
user you must either post your body or hers. I need the laugh
it's been like 10 years, I don't think I have a picture of her right now, she was 3-4 cms taller than me, 1 year older, slightly tanned skin and about as skinny as me but I can take a picture of myself if you want to
>but I can take a picture of myself if you want to
with timestamp please, preferably in front of your animue figures, pillows or posters
>playing atelier in english
Unironically milk, Astrid polluted the water in Arls with it during Meruru.
>polluting the water with milk
I fucking hate you weeb faggots
how old is she?
The grey bar continues past the end of the image.
god I want to be the powder that prevents those from chafing
Old enough to breed.
No. Atelier has been dead for years. Mystery was trash, 2 out of 3 games of Dusk were trash, the new Arland game was trash. Just fucking burn it already.
Posting shit from faggotera should be a ban, it's spam at this point.
too old
I want lydie 2
There's two bits to it. You've got dungeon exploration where you gather ingredients through gathering nodes and battles, and the Atelier mode. The crafting system is pretty intricate and you need to craft stuff to advance the story, fulfill orders, unlock new dungeon areas, and most importantly make items that break the combat system wide open.
lolcows are Yea Forums culture
I met someone who regularly posted on /fit/ in real life.
He was twice the size of me, and none of it was muscle
dude that's a lot of effort, be glad that I bothered to take this one
You need strong thigh and calves to support that much weight. Dude leg presses 300 every time he takes a step.
So it's kinda like Recettear but you craft your stuff and sell it on-demand instead of just putting it on display until someone who wants it shows up? Sounds good.