Would you?

Would you?

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of course

Does she have a dick?
This is important

The main problem i have is that the upper body wit hbottom is absolute a-ok. But what people don't realise is that they have literal goat legs. Hairy, scratchy goat legs.


CUTE goat legs!

reminder that Draenei are just WoW's version of tieflings, down to them having demonic origins

I never said which I prefered

Reminder that futa on male is gay.

That doesn't mean it's not hot
You shouldn't worry about such things


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>demonic origins
wrong nigger

eredar were a race of mages before becoming demons. tieflings are half-fiends.

draenei are just wow's version of protoss

Absolutely, as long as she doesn’t have a penis.

>eredar were a race of mages before becoming demons
After the retcon, yes.

>demonic origins
Having your utopian society toppled by demons because it's leaders are jews is not the same as being descendants of demons


>Over the eons, Sargeras encountered two powerful demonic races, both of which were bent on gaining power and dominance over the physical universe.[40] One of them was the eredar, an insidious race of devilish sorcerers, who used their warlock magics to enslave a number of worlds that they had invaded. The indigenous races of those worlds were mutated by the eredar's chaotic powers and turned into demons themselves.[40] Though Sargeras' nearly limitless powers were more than enough to defeat the vile eredar, he was greatly troubled by the creatures' corruption and all-consuming evil. Unable to fathom such depravity and spite, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. Despite his growing unease, Sargeras rid the universe of the warlocks by trapping them within a corner of the Twisting Nether.
Pre-retcon, they were demons. Everything about them changed in TBC, because Metzen "forgot" about the WC3 eredar.

If the females had the horse cock?
I guess I would, I wonder what the draenei female penis taste like?
It makes my mouth water thinking about it.

>He wouldn't get fucked by a cute girl
OK Fag.

Eredar horde allied race when?

/r/ing the “yes and?” pic.

Absolutely. But she would tell me to get lost.

How is she going to cook if she's blind?

and the retcon is the new canon.

I thought there was only fur textures on the models right where the leg and the hoof meet. Always was under the impression they've smooth and hairless everywhere else but their heads - espeically with the new models

Horse cock is too big

The retcon is all that matters now. SARGERAS DINDU NUFFIN HE WUZ GUD BOI

Do draenei wear horse shoes? All that adventuring it bound to wear away at their hooves

They don't, but horse shoes would have made a lot more sense for them as armor than making every shoe an anklet like it is ingame.

They magic space goats the light protects their hooves

Yes, regardless of the size of her cock

and to think, if they introduced the naaru's knack for pumping demons full of light from the get go instead of waiting until legion, we could've had "eredar lite" with minimum retcons

lol look at this fag, wouldn't even suck his girlfriends penis

Draeneis are cute!

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I want to fuck a nightelf and a draenei at the same time so fucking bad

Male on futa isn't gay cause their dick doesn't go in you. Futa on male is gay cause the male gets ass fucked.

No, my cock is exclusive to female orcs only!

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y wouldnt we?

A big reminder that futa faggot shitty nigger cock hemerroid trans fag destroyed and killed the Draenei race as a whole and is the reason no one wants to associates with the degenerates outside of their shitty faggot nigger tranfaggot reddit circle.

Total utter disgust.

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Would she?

I would fill up her belly until it pops out of her armor!

Thats a question we don't ask in our madeup fantasy thread. Of course she woulndt!

She needs more pubic hair though.

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I might have a shot

If shes tied down?

>needing to ask

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>tfw no Draenei gf
Why live?

take her from the horns and push her head towards my feeding rod?
Yes, of course this cattle needs to be fed each day

Any artists here who shill to wow fags? Whats the main race people come to you for? When I shilled for FF14 basically all I got were humans.

I'm excited for buns

what about male on futa?
why is there so fucking little of that?

>horse cock too big
more like not big enough

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reminder that giant horsecocks are canon and there is nothing you can do about it faggot.

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Colosseum of Lust super star


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>that giant glowing cock that goes past her knees


I'm more of a NE kind of guy but draenei take a well deserved second place.

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who draws the best horsecock draenei stuff?
looking for more artists to browse.

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no fucking way fag, it's the straightest gay porn out there

Do you think draenei would make good housewives after the war is over?

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wow that is one big censor bar

The war is never over.


Of course

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>other races

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Red Draenei make more sense on Alliance. They like to live places with doors and floors, you mudhut inhabiting nogs

Those tits probably weigh more than the gnome staring at them.

patrician taste

I want a Panda wife

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Pandaren>Nelf>Draenei for me.

>implying blizzard does things that make sense

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I wish gnomes weren't so stubby. Built like an ugly midget makes me not want to jerk off. Halflings pls

>cute hooves
>raised butt thanks to prolonged legs
>strong slender legs
>cute eastern accent

I would cum inside with the power of a thousand stars

>can't talk about anything anymore without people begging for horse cocks on women

That's why Alliance got extra light flavored Draenei and retard purple elves while Horde got Nightborne and Loli foxes

you are a man of refined taste

I prefer my pandas a little more chubby in the belly. Not by much, but a little.

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This is the problem with everyone getting so obsessed with politics. and forgetting about the original enemy

It gave the furries a chance to multiply, scum

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