Im on the verge of getting this but Im worried that it will get boring

Im on the verge of getting this but Im worried that it will get boring.
I just finished deus ex GOTY and I thought it was amazing. Is this game as fun?

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no it's boring and hard

It’s some of the best shit ever conceived, I’ve played it 12 times and it hasn’t gotten old.
It was also the inspiration for Prey, which is nearly as good.

What do you consider fun then?

deus ex was a lot better

it's really easy and fun if you know how to use psi

Yea I loved prey but Im worried it wont be as fun as prey

I strongly believe that deus ex and system shock 2 are the greatest games on PC

System Shock 2 is one of those games I can replay an infinite amount of times and it still be fun.
I've played through it at least 5 times now on Impossible.

Played it a few years ago, was amazing. Should replay it. I remember it getting a little annoying at the end in the Many but thats a small blemish.

play 1 first

Pick a profession early and don't be a completionist.

this. nothing came close since

SS2 is a blast, stop being a faggot and just try it out.

Sure don't want to waste those four dollars huh?

This. It may not be as action-packed as the "spiritual successors" but that's because it's a survival horror, not a fucking action game. Take it slow and don't pretend you're playing yet another AAA first person shooter, and chances are you'll find the experience enthralling.

System Shock 2 objectively better than Deus Ex.

I've never once used psi skills in any of my 4 1/2 playthroughs. Convince me to on my next.

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It's probably best that you don't. I don't think you could handle it.

I've played it for about 7 hours. The linearity of the game is really getting to me, feels like I'm playing one big Runescape quest.

You convinced me, going to make a post proving you wrong in a week or so

Feels suprisingly modern for a game from 1999. More so than Deus Ex.

zoomers are too dumb to realize linear games offer an engaging and well crafted kino and muh open world meme are garbage

What the hell are you on, dog. Its open branching areas only big enough to fit in everything it needs to, it doesn't need to be bigger. Its a fuckin space ship dude.
>What is the entire recreation deck
>Interconnecting areas

SS2 isnt boring by any means, why people tend to start playthroughs and never finish them is because it's pretty difficult, and you can fuck up your playthrough if you dedicate your skill points and feats to wrong places. Which will eventually lead to you hitting a brick wall in the campaign where you cant progress further.

If you liked deus ex you'll like ss2

I mostly play Runescape and Morrowind. If you wanna complain about open world meme games go find complain in a bioware thread. Fuck off with your "everyone i dont like is a zoomer xdd" faggotry

this, i played a psi/energy build in my first play through and legit had to cheat to get past the hivemind because i ran out of psi hypos