Reee it's dark

>Reee it's dark
Why do people think this is good criticism? It wouldn't be a scary game if you could see everything lurking in the corner at all times.

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did doom 1 and 2 scare you?
in a horror sense, i mean, of course. We all had our share of scares in a tense fight.

Its a slow, boring piece of shit and much more annoying than scary

Dr. Betruger? I'm UAC.

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easier to judge an idea at surface level rather than its execution

People don't complain enough about the fucking imp monster closets...there's a point where there's a monster closet in a monster closet.

>Reee like this game
Not happening.

This game is fuckin obnoxious on the harder difficulties. The soldiers just blast you the instant they see you, and the turbo-tentacle monsters pissed me off until i realized you can duck under their shit

the game went to shit when they patched the flashlight. one of the first victims of entitled casual fags.

Play the original, it's BFG that made the flashlight not a separate weapon, but I agree, ruins that one bit where you have to escort lantern twat and every other bit designed around the dark

>did doom 1 and 2 scare you?
Not OP the fag but
how the hell did it not?

DOOM was the most realistic game when it came out, and it's about being on a huge spacestation, alone in dark corridors full of screaming demons behind the corners and demonic imagery and artifacts. The premise is definitely meant to be scary.
Of course what it really is is a straight up action game, which they really should have made Doom 3 as well but they focused too much on the psychological aspect of the setting.

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This might be the only game with a lamer sounding pistol than Half-Life 2.

The music pumped me too much to ever be scared of it.

>claim to be a doom game
>shotgun is weaker than a hippie at the gym

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Doom isn't scary at all. It's an overrated game.

>claim to be a doom game
>have to reload

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I don't think 3 is comparable to 1 and 2 because the first two give you much more power over the enemies. 3 is pushing the aspect of a horror game where you're at the mercy of everything else

It's not bad idea to compare the two when that difference is the reason other sucks and other doesn't.

All i'm saying is that they're hardly the same games. That being said I thought 3 was boring and was just Half-Life lite

Because for nobody at id thought that future guns could have flashlight attachments for some reason so you have to mod it in.

fuck off zoomer, fl attachement ruined the atmosphere