What the fuck went wrong? The first was so fucking good, despite being too short. The atmosphere was great, not too le quirky but just right. Great soundtrack, sound design, and writing. Portal 2 is fucking borderlands level cringey, the plot twist everyone saw coming and was so poorly done. Friend your whole game and then 5 seconds later he's a villain, not like a "haha tricked you!" but just a sudden transformation from friend to foe in a second because of power? So lazy. They could've done something so much better with this universe but fucked it all up.
What the fuck went wrong? The first was so fucking good, despite being too short. The atmosphere was great...
Other urls found in this thread:
It's about solving puzzles, brainlet. Videogames are gameplay first, story second.
but the gameplay was good
You now realise Cave Johnson's combustible lemon rant was him describe a lemonade.
user, he becomes evil because he's the bad ideas personality core.
>What the fuck went wrong?
Reddit humor
Retcon portals can't be placed on moving objects
SWJs infected the development team
This was Valve's last game.
The only thing that made this one weaker was less walls to place portals on. In every other respect it is on par with the first one. Coop is actual brain kino.
>I didn't understand the very obvious reason for the bad decisions core to decide to turn on the player and glados therefore the game is bad
The Game.
You just lost it.
you retarded or something?
You don't lose by being told about it, you lose by randomly remembering it.
I had a stroke typing describing apparently
Why would Wheatley turning on you be a twist? They spell it out for you by mentioning Aperture going down for miles right before hand, it was a full priced game, and most of everything up to that point was a rehash of 1?
>geez user just ignore the story
>you know the intrusive story that you're forced to watch happen
>I mean who cares that 40% of the game is made up of walking sections where three characters crack unfunny jokes?
>just enjoy the short, no-thought-required """puzzles""" the game offers you idiot
Wheatley going evil made sense. He's a fucking idiot who was given god powers with the only other people he can talk to either dropping him or calling him an idiot.
Not surprising an idiot treated poorly would chimp out given the slightest bit of power
>tfw you realize portal 2 was an allegory for Obama's administration
Do you have to not be playing a game and be forced to listen to a conversation like most storyshit games to understand any nuance and context at all? Jesus fucking shit, nugamer. I guess modern "gaming" having tons of non-game story exposition bullshit is because modern "gamers" can't play a game and listen with any sort of understanding at the same time.
>muh Obama
you retards are still triggered huh. Pro tip literally every administration ever has been shit regardless of party
The aim of the game is to forget about The Game, you fucking retard.
you're only calling it le quirky because you didnt play it when it came out faggot zoomer, it is the cause of the quirky humor in some media today but you cant fault it for that with todays standards, thats like playing half life 2 and criticizing it for doing every FPS trope known to man
>Portal 2 is fucking borderlands level cringey
Portal 2 is not as well written as Portal 1; but, it is not that bad.
>it's about solving puzzles
>half the game is a walking simulator to bolt dialogue and setpieces on to
Cave Johnson here, OP is a faget.
Ho! What a zinger. Will be screencapping and posting on reddit XD.
>portal 2
>came out in 2019
2 has coop. That alone makes it better.
Ironically the storymode in co-op played more like the first one.
Are you actually retarded
Obviously its a joke but if the fucking game made in 2012 was an allegory to fucking anything it would still be relevant to the discussion
portal 2 came out just last year you fucking idiots
Jesus christ these responses are getting old. Before it was the SJWs, now it is Reddit. Like for fuck sakes at least put in some effort if you're gonna be edgy. Say something original or different instead of being a trend hopper.
I meant I played it last year
What the fuck year do you think it is
>He doesn't know portal 2 came out last year
Fucking newfags honsetly
read a book incel
Ditching the ominous and scary HL2 atmosphere is what went wrong, also it's not clear where the facility actually is, at the end of the game you can see some sort of yellow light coming out of the walls but it's never explained where it's coming from, and the whole Cave Johnson thing was very lazily done and was too short
>cutscenes are bad
>walking segments in their place to convey information is also bad
videogames are shit and it's the consumer's fault
I agree user
>glados in 1 is Hal from space odyssey, intimidating and ruthless
>glados in 2 is just a whiney bitch throwing witty remarks, much more emotional and human which kills most tension
You now remember that the best parts of HL2 were Ravenholm and Highway 17.
>change bad
Or they knew that you need to make things evolve in order to develop different dynamics and not bore us with the same relationship
Hal couldn't be a companion, that would be retarded
They pretty much retconned the whole personality core thing they had in 1, they're not attached to Glados, and the fact that Caroline or old Aperture was never mentioned in the first one just makes it even more jarring
it's a fucking AI, how do you expect it's personality to change you moron, especially since in-between the events of Portal 1 and 2 glados wasn't even functioning.
>b-but her attitude changed because of her time with Chell
It had already been established that the only way glados's personality could have been altered was if personality cores were attatched. Saying that she evolved because she found humanity is really grasping at the straws
>but muh caroline
wow it's almost like valve aren't COMPLETELY idiotic and needed some, albeit retarded, way of explaining this change
>saves your game
ravenholm was great, yeah
but highway 17 really hasn't aged well at all in terms of graphics
it's a great concept though - travelling a long distance, stopping off at many locations along the way, dealing with obstacles, looting supplies - I'd love a game that was just a really well done version of this
1. I'm talking about the narrative aspect of it, you universe-obsessed autists should off themselves
2. I don't remember GLaDOS having much of an explaination in the first one, or that the game delved into the lore enough to make definitive assumptions about the nature of the center and GLaDOS anyway
>1. I'm talking about the narrative aspect of it, you universe-obsessed autists should off themselves
How the fuck do you expect things to change without some sort of cause? Do you prefer it if things just happen because why not? Expecting the minimum level of effort put into a narrative isn't us circle-jerking about everything in the game needing a canon explaination.
>2. I don't remember GLaDOS having much of an explaination in the first one, or that the game delved into the lore enough to make definitive assumptions about the nature of the center and GLaDOS anyway
The bits about Caroline and Old Aperture are fair game but it's pretty well established if you have payed even a modicum of attention that the only way to affect Glados's personality was through the cores.
Based cryogenic-coma user
>Do you prefer it if things just happen because why not? Expecting the minimum level of effort put into a narrative isn't us circle-jerking about everything in the game needing a canon explaination
they are two different games, I mean, they could have two slightly different diegesis, it's not that bad.
>it's pretty well established if you have payed even a modicum of attention that the only way to affect Glados's personality was through the cores.
when ? it's clear taht it's a way of changing her personality, but why wouldn't there be other ways ? In the first one, she doesn't care about your existence as you are just a problem to solve. Killing her and helping her makes you an important factor to take in account, and maybe she can adapt her personality in function of environmental factors.
fuck I'm a retard
>40% of the game is walking sections
No it fucking isnt you shit for brains
>What the fuck went wrong?
Too much story and talking in a game that should almost exclusively be about solving puzzles. Also, Wheatley was painfully unfunny.
we get it
Most """puzzles""" in portal 2 consisted of finding a white panel in a big room
it's easier to make an unsolvable puzzle than it is to make a solvable puzzle.
most people grow out of their elitism surrounding their hobby, i suggest you do the same
more like 5 of them
So did he fuck her?
If there is a Portal 3 or a lot of Aperture in a new HL, would he be alive in a core himself? I heard someone say in a Portal thread that he was supposed to be still alive, too.
Hell, what would you want out of a Portal 3?
>prefer a new game over a old one
>"it's because it's an improvement"
>prefer a old game over a new one
>"you're just nostalgic lmao"
i'm fucking tired of you jaded modernists
just because something is more recent doesn't mean it's better than old stuff
and just because you liked a game in the past doesn't mean that your fond memories are going to be the only criteria for analyzing how good it is in the present
I thought Wheatley was funny.
Just because Redditors like something and try to kill all its jokes doesn't mean you need to hate it, user.
>What the fuck went wrong?
He fucked her but didn't want the child. Not heartless like a typical demonrat rather making Charol get it aborted instead he made the employee Ratmann take the child.
If you're implying Chell is the child, I'd like to point out that Chell is Asian. I think. Is she?
Chell is white as snow how the fuck is she asian?
I thought Wheatley was unfunny.
Just because 4channelers dislike something and try to kill all its jokes doesn't mean you need to love it, user.
It's better than the first.
Chell is Charoline and Johnson's child. The end song confirms it and Ratmann was never married.
Portal 1:
>Look what you can do!
Portal 2:
>Look what our artists can do!
>I heard someone say in a Portal thread that he was supposed to be still alive, too.
Originally Portal 2 was a prequel with him as the villain and portals replaced with a mechanic called F-stop.
That's a funny joke. Now kill yourself already nigger
Chell is redesigned in Portal 2 to look white. At best she's a blue eyed hapa in 2.
>no mention of the puzzle gameplay itself
>mentions everything but the core of the game
checks out
Special Warehouse Janitors?
>finding a white panel in a big room
>mfw I ran through all of wheatley's dialogue in the neurotoxin room trying to figure out what to do
If this is a portal thread is anyone else curious to why hasn't The Combine busted into the Aperture facility? If it was a publicly known place like Black Mesa you'd think they'd go to the source where the Aurora was built to either find exactly where it is or find the technology to make another one.
I had heard someone else say she was. Apparently she's based on a hapa.
All research for the Bootstrap device was done on the ship itself (GLaDoS signing the manifasto isn't visible on screen so that was likely a texture artist not paying attention) and GLaDoS's dialogue in Portal 1 implies the event happens around the seven hour war
>I have an infinite capacity for knowledge and even I'm not sure what's going on outside.
Odds are Aperture was ruined to the point where they doubt they'd fine anything of Value within.
It still wouldn't hurt to look inside. Really surprised nobody's made an SFM of it yet.
?? but the other user was the one who brought up Obama
But the Seven Hour War happened nearly right after HL1, right? And Take Your Daughter to Work Day happened right before HL1. Chell seems to be much older when she woke up.
If you still aged in stasis, Chell/the humans you rescue at the end of the co-op campaign would have been Skeletons.
Chell was around 8 years old when Take Your Daughter to Work day happened. So 13 years passed in cryosleep fot her to wake up as an adult