What features would you want to see in BOTW 2?

What features would you want to see in BOTW 2?

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Actual dungeons and not so much wasted space.

more permanent items or upgrades from exploration and longer dungeons.

Dungeons and more items turned into runes to help add more variety. Maybe make the standard ones be required and then have optional ones in dungeons that give you more movement and combat options and give you more incentive to finish them

More of the same thing. I just want to throw money at my lord and savior Nintendo.

Female protagonist
Or no boring love stories
Better both

ebin falseflag sony bro

Other race choices as a protagonist

I've never played BotW, but it's funny whenever people talk about what they want done better in the next Zelda, assuming it follows the open-world style
usually it's better dungeons, better combat, better music, better graphics, more enemy variety, better bosses, better everything that the game tries to do
it makes me wonder, is there a single thing that BotW does right?

This. Also fewer worthless same-nigger npcs with their equally worthless "quests." I also want some serious optional content like full dungeons that are hard to find.

By the way, I finished one of those labyrinths by simply making an educated guess and dropping in from the top. Pathetic.

more stories scattered around and stuff to discover related to that

easter egg type shit scattered around instead of copy pasted korok seeds

more obscurely hidden shit

caves, more emergent gameplay systems, actual darkness at night/in caves, more meaningful and difficult traversal and environments, far less koroks/equivalent, large paraglider nerf or removal, no fast travel, no magitech, no horses, no switching outfits outside of inns/stables, no healing while paused, no more Gerudo/Gorons/Zora ever again

More Zelda.

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Better movement. Shield surfing is great, but it's not always feasible, and riding horses is boring. Something akin to the Goron roll from MM would have been awesome (I was kinda expecting it from the volcano DB). better methods for vertical movement would also be nice. Revali's Gale is great, but something like a hookshot would also facilitate better traversal between climbing sections

I also think a lot of the set bonuses should be permanent boosts attached to accessories. You can limit the amount, but having to switch out for the climbing gear every time I want to scale something is very poor design.

Changing gear and eating should also be tied to campfires so as not to warrant abuse. Anywhere you can rest and pass the time should allow this.

No. Nobody wants to admit that BotW feels more like a tech demo than a full fledged, satisfying game. The mechanics are cool but the world and content are fucking boring garbage

better dungeons, reworked weapon durability. l also feel like the game shouldn't give you all the powers at the beginning

botw does a lot right but people always want more, and more can always be added to any game

The world and how you explore it was pretty good, I liked how it looked and sounded too.
It needed dungeons though.

So you want game to be skyward level of flop?

>wasted space
kill yourself fag

longest tech demo I ever played in that case, then

I dont necessarily want dungeons as they were in previous games. I would like to be able to stumble upon some old ruins or caves or something in the overworld, go in them and explore. Kind of like Hyrule Castle, but smaller ruins under the overworld throughout that might have lore and deep depths

More Zelda butt

Amazing how much snoys still see the about the first game btw

Actual world building instead and unique sidequests that pertain to the land of hyrule itself instead of just shrine shit and fetchquests.

It's the greatest open world game made so yeah. But it's still an open world game.

it'd be cool if link was this average dude out of nowhere instead of being touted as this destined hero who will save everything

>less menu opening and navigation, you also shouldn't be able to just eat 50 apples in menu and heal to full, same with stamina, it needs to be real time
>Actual dungeons
>Magic teleport horses in the base game
>weapon crafting
>bomb crafting, instead of it being a rune, you can also find various bomb types like elemental ones in the world.
>increase the durability of metal weapons, when weapons break you get materials back

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A new game with fresh ideas and no reused assets.

all of this except yes horses and emergent gameplay is always shit

Consolidate the work on some shrines for bigger ones with more escalation of puzzle complexity. More enemy variety which is kind of a given. More audio and visual variety in shrines. More involved side quests. More abilities. More weapons types that actually change your attack animations. Oh and FUCK STAL ENEMIES RUINING THE ATMOSPHERE FUCKING CONSTANTLY. We need DEDICATED BONE ZONES not universal skelly swarms whenever it's night.

You should be able to flirt more with cute NPC girls

based taste, I agree. I really, really liked botw but it would benefit from more ruins/temples/interior areas like that to explore - Hyrule Castle was pure kino, but it's the only area like this in the entire game.

just wear that armor that stops them attacking you lmao

More dungeons and have every one of them be like hyrule castle
More quests that aren't fetch quests or shrine quests. Have the rewards be actually rewarding like upgrades to armor or upgrades to runes
More runes
A giant questline to make the master sword unbreakable
Less item space but weapons last much longer
More weapon and attack varieties
Limited food space and menus dont pause the game
There now BOTW 2 will deserve the praise the first one got.

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the fact that almost everything is tied to the shrines is so fucking boring.

I guess normies would riot without fast travel; but, fuck normies.
It did the direction of the series right by deviating from Ocarina of Time 'muh cinematics, muh epic dungeon items' and returning to Miyamoto's actual original idea which was adventure by exploration in an open world. The game really didn't do exploration that well; but, it did pull off emergent gameplay within a large world. The only other games to do Thief level emergent gameplay within a large openworld are Dwarf Fortress which is incomparable and otherwise limited jank stuff like Far Cry 2.

A real Zelda. SkywardSword and this one feel like spin offs. Plus realstic/adult aesthetic and themes (Majora/OoT/ToP).

if you look at the image from afar it looks like Zelda has huge tits and is wearing a bikini top

More unique dungeons and buildings, more enemies. More bosses, quests that are more in depth. New weapon types.

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>Limited food space
botw already has this

>No voice acting, dialogue boxes are done correctly
>Dungeons of varied design, background and justification
>Map that emphasizes orienteering over GPS
>Movement system has actual juice and you don't just climb over everything
>Fast travel isn't warping to billions of points of interest
>More enemy variety and combat is less basic
>Breakable weapons are exclusively throwaway gimmicks like Boko sticks or unique enemy weapons and nothing the player has to rely on
>Permanent items, no rune shit to promote the Wii U tablet
>Menu system isn't shit designed for the Wii U then gimped for parity at the last minute

Fuck the game tries to be a Wii U showpiece on par with how hamfisted the DS Zelda games were with their gimmicks but all that's left in the final version are vestigial elements.

Ditch the trash ultra fragile weapons, have a smaller pool of unique weapons, make them upgradeable if you want to have escalating hp and damage values (which I would not like).

Stop with the color-swap and dumb damage sponge enemies. A smaller roster of unique enemies is preferable, diversify by having interesting combinations of enemies.

Rebalance of durability or just outright remove it so I can use the weapons I like the best
Unironically a custom character so you can play either gender, any race, that way it might actually live to to modded BotW


Holy shit. I pretty much couldn't enjoy anything about the game when I heard that roastie try to fake a british accent.

5 pages of hearty salads is a pretty big safety net.

>More enemy variety
>More dungeons and make them more unique like past games
>More random things throughout the world so its not just grass field, shrine, grass field, stable, grass field, etc

I beat BOTW twice, one of which i did everything besides finding every korok seed (cause fuck that) and I will happily pick up a sequel, just hope that they make it even better

botw has plenty of fresh ideas

isn't it 3 pages?
also a mix of both elixirs and meals. Honestly, it's heaty foods themselves that are the problem - too easy to find and far too good an effect.

>go back to full fantasy instead of magitech
>actual dungeons and towns, preferably with an active Castle Town
>a better artstyle
>option to disable voice acting or just straight up remove it/replace it with something else
>rebalance weapons and armor
>more enemy variety

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Most aren't and the ones that are aren't very good. It also reused assets way too much for a single game. Runes aren't interesting at all once the novelty wares off.

>smaller world
thats it

runes are extremely interesting and are way better and more versatile than previous zelda items that were totally irrelevant after their dungeon

For me it's the best open world game. Its climbing feature really hit me in the right spot because it really did make the map feel completely open to me. GTAV has spots impossible to get to unless you skydive, XV has a lot of invisible walls due to your party being unable to swim. It also feels a lot more fun to explore, because it always feels like there's something. Like puzzles, a shrine, or finding Kass. Those seem too little to most people on this board, but it made me want to explore more. A game like Farcry 5 or the Witcher 3 can't get me to explore because following the quest marker feels like a better investment than just going into the woods. Greater enemy variety would be stellar though

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A good game

thumbnail makes it look like zelda has some big ol cleavage

a good game.

based and breath pilled

Being unlimited was retarded and they're not fresh.
Novelty, little to no thought required.
Would've been good as an item with limited use, but it's literally everywhere and way too obvious.
Literally just the ice rod.
The rest aren't even equivelant to items. I'd much rather have an item become almost irrelevant after its dungeon instead of having to use the same 4 for dozens of hours.

>Literally just the ice rod.
no as the ice rod is also in the game and its behaviour is different, the runes are far more versatile than most items of past games.

It functions more like the Sand Rod from ST and ALBW than any of the series' Ice Rods but it still has very minimal function beyond "make ice cube"

am i insane for hating this game? just makes me want to play windwaker again, or a real zelda with real dungeons, goddamn skyrim wannabe feels

>no as the ice rod is also in the game and its behaviour is different
The ice rod of BotW acts nothing like it did in past games, which is what I'm referring to and making a weak attack on a single point isn't enough to disprove me.

being able to traverse any body of water without having to swim is pretty useful (even better that you can use it to climb up waterfalls), but I will say that it has the least utility of all the runes.

Fair enough.

Speed up climbing

Weapons that don't break.
Teleport to towns and shrines instead of just shrines.
Another "Link is missing" storyline sop I can get a character creator.

1000 shrines, 10000 korok seeds, 100 divine beasts

>Teleport to towns and shrines instead of just shrines
fast travelling babby detected

climbing gear + movement speed elixirs

I would prefer slowing climbing, shit just too broken

climbing should be locked behind an item with upgradable variants that affect speed and stamina cost
same with the glider

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Busier/more towns, to add life to the world.
Diverse enemies.
High weapon stability.
More actual dungeons
Fast travel only to cities or temples(Like OoT, or the Owl statues in MM)

A nutrition stat. Remove/reduce health from food and let fill Link's belly.
Also, give equipment durability. Natural wear and tear and combat reduce durability.

>traditional style dungeons with distinct atmospheres
>less Shrines, and don't make them all have the same Sheikah stone aesthetic again (I'll even accept Trial of the Sword style rooms that combine environment types with the stone aesthetic)
>still offer the non-linear progression of BotW and optional state of adhering to the story, but make the full run of the main story have two "tiers" like Link Between Worlds (where you have to clear one set of dungeons in whatever order before you can access the next set of dungeons) to make it feel more involving
>buff up weapon vulnerability overall
>offer the ability to repair damaged weapons
>nerf the absolute fuck out of Hearty meals
>optional difficulty mode that disables warping and eating when enemies are nearby
>don't lock the green tunic behind a ridiculous shitload of stuff again
>more enemy variety (gimme Poes, Darknuts, Gibdos, standalone Stalfoses, Wallmasters, Like Likes, and obscure shit like Anubises)

allow us to repair weapons to restore their durability to max


>Also, give equipment durability. Natural wear and tear and combat reduce durability.
what do you mean? the game has that and it's a common complaint


Also weapon crafting. I want to make my own weapons instead of having to find shit.

Gameplay that doesn't almost exclusively consist of walking for an hour to get to a landmark setpiece that ends up being two koroks and a bokoblin camp.
Less No Man's Sky, more Dragon's Dogma.

>you getting lucky when trying to cheese is somehow the game's fault

What's the purpose of the space besides padding/filler?
Xenoblade manages size and scale without pissing away your time, because the feeling of scale isn't about how much empty room you can wander in. It's why Death Mountain from Kakariko Village in Ocarina of Time feels much larger than the mole hill of Breath of the Wild.
BotW's size is unnecessary, and they didn't even do anything with the areas you reach after faffing about. The Domains have four hours of content between them, and not a one of it is memorable, all despite taking for fucking ever to even reach one of them let alone four.

based and cool ideas
not based and shit ideas

A proper non-cataclysm'd world, so we have more and bigger towns, dungeons, monsters and more variety of quests, the rest of the mechanics being adjusted accordingly. Fuck, they could change to main character to be Link and Zelda's son or daughter.

>See a giant coliseum in the distance
>Slowly make my way to it
>Anticipating a cavernous dungeon beneath it, or a Mad Max-esque sidestory arc with a generation of people who have only known the safety of the Thunderdome, featuring a unique tournament style gameplay that will unlock a region faction and some unique outfits, weapons, and characters
>it's two koroks and a handful of enemies that don't even notice you unless you rub kneecaps
This entire game is a sham, a cardboard cutout of creativity.

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Hyrule rebuilt

Botw is amazing it gives you a fantastic sense of exploration and immersion. The Divine beasts are food they just suffer there being only 4 and they're a bit short

>Novelty, little to no thought required.
lmao are you implying previous zelda items require any thought? the fucking spinner from twilight princess is a braindead item that is completely useless 99 percent of the time. get out of here with your retarded bias

I mean, I agree there's a noticeable lack of places like hyrule castle (basically what said applies), but your expectations were ridiculously, unobtainably high if that's what you anticipated. No game would have something that crazy fleshed out in an area taking up 0.1% of the map


Able to keep other animals at stables and stuff
Let me ride a wolf and have it fight alongside me in battle for as long as I want

here's your superior gameplay

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More enemy type variety, BOTW didn't even have spiders, how did they fuck that up?

shoulda used the guardian animation skeleton and leg physics for a giant spider enemy

Just laugh at delusional fanboys, don't take them seriously

More enemies, a postgame, npcs with interesting sidequests, and dungeons. Probably forgetting a lot

which armour is that?

Most RPGs have this, whether its executed well or not. Remember, LoZ is an RPG now, so it can excuse its shitty combat now.
BotW didn't even try to execute anything. Everything is literally just a setpiece to be admired from afar for bullshots and marketing.
>in an area taking up 0.1% of the map
I wasn't aware that it was my fault that BotW's map is unnecessarily large.
Tell me, what was the purpose of making a fuckhuge map if they didn't have any actual content to insert into it?
It's almost like the size is meant to distract from the lack of quality.
A whole lotta nothing to compensate for the absence of even a little bit of something.
>well maybe there will be something over here
That's your brain on games like this
you have to dream up your own adventure, to the backdrop of what are some pretty piss poor Action-Adventure mechanics.
It's like playing Dragon's Dogma and venturing to the southwest of the map, disappointed that the game was blatantly unfinished, except every single part of the map is in the same creatively bankrupt boat with shitty combat and unoriginal, nonsensical lore/story.
I don't blame LoZ, it's an IP that is unfortunate enough to be held hostage by a dynasty of bastards that lost their spark two decades ago. I loved the Oracles, but Fujibayashi was a one-hit wonder.

iirc the glowing skeleton one from gerudo town

Like 20 times the enemy variety of BotW, also animals. When you make a jungle, you put some fucking jungle-themes enemies and animals in it, Nintenbro. Incredible how no one criticized this ever. It doesn't even have classics like skulltulas, zombies, ghosts, yetis, nothing.
MUCH more attacks, Twilight Princess moveset at least.

NO fucking shrines, fuck off with generic trash and put the content in the overworlf itself instead.

That's the important stuff, rest doesn't matter.

Seeing this thread kills my motivation to get a Switch to play Botw and Odyssey. Is BOTW actually bad? Also, I've never played a Zelda game in my life.

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>LoZ is an RPG now
u wot, it's still an exploration/adventure game. Your expectations of having an entire fucking storyline of its own just in some arena ruins is honestly ludicrous in any game, even in a proper RPG game I wouldn't be expecting that in one minor optional area: I could understand hoping for something like that, but expecting that as the standard? completely ridiculous.

>Is BOTW actually bad
It's best open world game ever made

if anything this thread shows the core game is great as the vast majority of posts are asking for more of what's already there

I got the switch for BoTW and Odyssey. Hadn't played either IP before. I definitely don't regret it. I'd say go for it if you have the money

plenty of open world games have self-contained pockets of content that are more fleshed out than a simple fetchquest, as an example Runescape had a gladitorial-esque combat arena sitting in the middle of nowhere that lead to a quest, unique armor, a bunch of unique fights and was the part of a larger questline independent of the other storylines in the game. Completing it also granted access to sidequests that gave you a unique set of magic robes that are great for mages due to how cheaply they can be re-obtained, even if they're surpassed by later sets. Nintendo's inexperience with open worlds just leads to less in-depth areas than others even if they improved on other aspects like physics interaction

>>enemy variety
is this really a primary focus?
don't get me wrong, the more the merrier, but they fucked up what few enemies they had anyway, so why would you want more if they're going to be just as braindead stupid?
is eye candy what you're really looking for?
how about the utter absence of enemies anywhere, the fact that if you incidentally run in the path of a trash mob you can just keep briskly walking and exit their aggro zone? how about the telegraph times and overall stupidity of the A.I.? how about the reality that the combat only becomes slightly decent when there are a dozen enemies onscreen constantly attacking, but that the framerate also tanks in this very rare instance? how about the very few overworld bosses in the world, and that none can genuinely be climbed as in SotC or DD, despite the lazily-implemented free climbing being touted as a major gameplay mechanic?
enemy variety isn't quite as important to me as getting the mechanics of combat, both for Link AND the enemies he faces, down to a industry standard science, of which LoZ has failed for twenty-odd years.
fuck fighting a dark nut if he's just going to be another retard who you play the slowest game of slap ass (literally) with, constantly triggering a slow-motion prompt every time you dodge.
oh yeah and there are no enemies in dungeons, lmao. the fuck is even going on with this game? is this the alpha build for Talos Principle or some shit? christ

100% this. Love BoTW but it does feel lifeless at times. I would be fine if it was more like Link to the Past where there are NPCs all over the map. Just living in their little houses. Something like this would have greatly improved the game. Also more enemy variety.

Runescape is an MMO you absolute muppet

>MMOs don't have open worlds

its one of the greatest games ever made
You should be able to easily tell this by the amount of people who SEETHE about it despite it being a 2 years old game

MMOs have a completely different design philosophy and are by nature an entirely different genre, it's daft to compare an MMO to a zelda game

Now I'm losing it
It literally has locations separated by loading screen

actual zelda elements and not asscreed shit

no more stamina wheel and weapon durability

nah, botw's enemies are unironically the most fleshed out enemies of the whole series in terms of AI and variety of weapons/tools they can wield. Sadly, there's like 3 types of enemies you'll encounter over and over again anyway, hence why one of the most common complaints is the enemy variety.

Guy who asked the question.
Yea, but why SEETHE when the game is great? Shouldn't they praise it? Or they don't have Switch and they're jealouse cause of exclusivity? I watched some gameplay, the sound design is top notch and I love that you can apporach enemies in many ways, but I'm afraid that I won't like the exploration and I'm scared, since I love metroidvanias and I love exploring collectibles to upgrade my stuff like Hollow Knight.

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>Cinematic experience of skyward sword was my first zelda game
Series started as open world adventure and finally returned to it's roots after fans complained for years, oot was the only decent linear zelda game

>wasted space
I agree with many criticisms, but what the fuck do you want, a secret every turn? A game which actually wants to player to explore the environment has to have empty space, especially when it has so much emphasis on nature like BotW.

>open world games don't have loading screens and times

whether an area is minor or major is dependent on the work put into it
I expected something considering a fair amount of work was put into creating the asset, as well as its vicinity to the singular major plot locale of the game, and potential lore given the implications of the prologue.
I didn't just invent the idea of it being Thunderdome, its an idea created from the game's storyline. It's the first place the people of Castle Town would logically take shelter in after fleeing. The inhabitants would then be a generation that grew up only knowing the walls of The Coliseum and its traditions.
You know games do this all the time, write lore that is consistent and inspired by the world's design, and gameplay sequences that stem from that? It's called writing a story and designing a world from your inspirations and imagination.
BotW is utter nonsense, and The Coliseum exists only to be a setpiece. Why spend time designing it, then?
Because that's the focus of the game: Setpieces.
Ergo, BotW is a sham, a front. They create based on nothing but because they needed to pretend the world had something, so they trick you with the majesty of their asset designers.
Also you may be crazy if you think this isn't a norm for all mediums of worldbuilding. The only difference between books, films, etc is the interactive nature, of which BotW is suspiciously absent, or rather disappointing, if not necessarily absent.
Personally, I would have preferred some major gameplay sequence rather than being able to free climb up the side of the wall like a low test Raimi Spiderman with no web slinging. That's just me, though.

I loved botw and hollow knight if that helps at all user

What are the Divine Beasts?
What are Shrines?
Are you mental?

>returned to its roots
Zelda 1 was 50/50 on overworld and dungeons, BOTW is like 90% overworld, it's not really a return and more like a complete 180 of everything Skyward did

Well yes, they don't have every location separated by loading screen
It defies of purpose being open world
No one called dagerfall open world game ever for example

Game is amazing. It's more just wanting improvements to some of the elements or patching up weakspots (such as the world feeling empty which comes with having such a big map). It's worth checking out.

I unironically want Cadence in Botw
She’s basically Femi-Link without ruining Link


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>How to make BOTW suck ass

>its an idea created from the game's storyline
no it isn't, this is literally all fanfiction you've built in your head based entirely on where the coliseum is located which doesn't even make much sense, the great plateau isn't a town or major populated area and has little to no hint of a town/village existing there either; castle town is located, you know, next to hyrule castle where you can clearly see its ruins?

Honestly, you come across as a rambling autist by this point with shit that barely even makes sense if you take 5 minutes to think about what you're posting. Maybe fanfiction.net is more your speed.

Just because something could be better doesn't mean it is bad.

It’s just shitposters and people who only want to play OOT/MM for the 50th time.

BOTW is fucking amazing however you just can’t have ADHD and enjoy it because it requires your patience

Who cares about the series?
As I noted in my admittedly large wall of text>enemy variety isn't quite as important to me as getting the mechanics of combat, both for Link AND the enemies he faces, down to a industry standard science, of which LoZ has failed for twenty-odd years
Zelda, insofar as the action combat is concerned, has been irrelevant beyond refining and thereby popularizing Z-Targeting.
If you continue to compare individual elements of the series to itself, it will never improve, it'll just continue to move sideways (e.g. Skyward Sword) and always be three steps behind.
Imagine a game not excused as a sum of its parts, but a game where each part can shine as brightly separately as they do together?
You want it to improve, but the ignorance of the fanbase and its creators is what keep it limp and unwilling.
Then again, Aonuma did take direct inspiration from Skyrim in regards to city design, and the Domains still turned out atrocious, so maybe the problem isn't inherently the inspiration but the execution of the designers?
I'd fire Fujibayashi & Aonuma at this point, but whose to say what's right?
tl;dr BotW's combat and enemy A.I. is bottom of the barrel, regardless if its the quote unquote best the series has ever had. Ignorance is bliss.

>More / better boss fights, on par with the lynel fight in terms of quality
>More / better dungeons, on par with Hyrule Castle in terms of size and difficulty
>Increased weapon durability

> Actual Weapon crafting so they can drop the durability mechanics
> Dungeons that last several ingame days
> multiplayer

That's about it. Surprise me Ninty.

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Consolewar faggotry and exclusivity are the primary reasons for the seethe, yes.
Also that the game is pretty much universally praised, even by Nintendo's competition. So there's a certain dash of contrarianism in there as well

okay, but I still don't agree about botw's core combat. Imo, it's a decent implementation of combat in an open world game, one of the better examples of open world combat easily. The AI isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be, and actually does a reasonable job trying to surround or flank you with enemies in groups (and I didn't get any of the performance issues with that you described). The combat isn't amazing or anything, but it is competent and works for the genre.

Holy shit the seethe is real

very few people will agree with you on any of this

>it makes me wonder, is there a single thing that BotW does right?

BotW is essentially a soft reboot of the series, an incredible template for what we want other Zelda games to build off of as it introduces a metric ton of new ideas that made it so renowned. On the flipside, we can see glaring issues that came about from the growing pains of trying to create something new from scratch (you will never get it perfectly on the first try. That's what sequels are for) and we all have ideas for what we'd want to solve them.

And anyone who complains about the music or graphics can jump off a cliff.

This is a fucking great idea. More strongholds to storm. That would be amazing.

can we all agree that hyrule castle was absolute pure kino?

It's simple. When you have a good game, what would you want in a sequel? just more of everything

>tl;dr BotW's combat and enemy A.I. is bottom of the barrel, regardless if its the quote unquote best the series has ever had. Ignorance is bliss.
You don't understand your own argument. Yes, the enemy AI is bad, but almost every game has "goomba" type enemies, who are supposed to be easily defeated. There are games like Nioh or Dark Souls where common enemies are more difficult, but the same people who shit on BOTW for having bad enemy AI, are the same people who call Nioh and Souls games "artificial difficulty". There is no reason to even take what you're saying seriously because you're creating an undefined and impossible standard for what you expect out of the enemy. Why should Nintendo bother trying to please someone who is just going to complain no matter what?

>enemy variety

The enemy variety in BotW is fine. I'm currently playing Spider-Man on PS4 and there is ZERO variety. Every fucking goon in the city is exactly the same. EXACTLY the same. BotW's variety shits all over it. Crying about BotW's enemies is desperate as fuck.

It's not a bad game, but definitely not worth getting a system for. Baiters/falseflaggers clog up these threads especially so take anything said with a grain of salt.
Personally, it's way too repetitive to warrant its length. You've seen most things if not all in 20 hours or less.

Again, though, you're excusing the combat because the game is subgenre'd as open world.
Open world is just a form of level design, specifically overworld level design, and has almost little to no bearing on combat. The Witcher 3 is just as guilty, but it gets a pass because it's open world AND supposedly an RPG, a mindset I can never understand.
Doesn't matter if your combat is action, either. Final Fantasy has Turn-Based combat, and its been strategically lacking since its inception, yet somehow it continues to garner a passing grade.
Remember you're talking about a game that is supposedly the game of a generation, a game that is supposed to resonate and inspire a generation to come.
Competent isn't what I was looking for.
May as well have just called it "fine".
On a side note: When I say the A.I. is bad, I'm not necessarily talking about the programming (I.E. MGSV's A.I. is legitimately designed by retards), although there is a major hitch in the brains of the Bokoblin archers, but moreso in their threatening status.
The enemy A.I. is all-together fine, ironically, but their movesets and telegraph times are way too simple and long, respectively. No enemy is a threat, for more reasons than one, autosave being one of them, but that's another discussion.
It doesn't matter how much damage an enemy does when they're reacting and moving too slow to even hit you unless the aforementioned pack of enemies is surrounding you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but do enemies even have combos? I vaguely recall a Lizfalos being the most genuinely fun enemy to fight because of their erratic nature, but I can't remember if they can actually combo you?

The ability to control the weather. Being able to summon a thunderstorm to kill enemies with metal equipment, or make it rain when you want to shield surf would be pretty dope.

I don't want people to agree with me, I want them to disagree and explain why.
You know, having a discussion.
Very few people will disagree and be able to form a coherent thought as to why.
At least you're not rude about it, even if you're one of them. A silver lining, right?

Link showing actual emotion and reacting to things that happen around him.

I ain't reading all that shit, nigger. I just have one question: what is a game you consider to have good combat/AI in it?
Just so we have a frame of reference for the standard you want, as your posts are ramble on about nothing of note tbqh.

user very few people have the time to read all your long posts, learn to write concise sentences jesus christ.

They originally wanted BOTW to have online multiplayer
I basically want BOTW: MHGU

He does though, even in just some side dialogues like with old lady in desert city, except in flashbacks where he was forced to be stoic as fuck

I'm gonna be lambasted again for this but:
Either a character select like choosing one of the heroes from the original group, or just a character creator where you choose a race, class, sex, and face.
Small co-op capability. Something akin to Chrystal chronicles wherein you could play solo with an NPC helper, or with friends.
Small number of enormous dungeons with multiple "end" bosses. Like 4 dungeons is fine, but make each one like 10 hours to traverse from start to finish. Something similar to like black rock depths from vanilla WoW. And beating a boss might unlock a shortcut kind of deal.
Change durability to only be lost when the attack is blocked by an opponent (or you hit rocks etc).
Make weapon types do very different damages to different resistances. Blunt, slash, pierce for example.
Weapon repair/crafting.
And finally, I'd like a PvP arena kinda thing as a side activity. Deathmatch, team Deathmatch, capture the flag, you know standard fps activities but in the Zelda style third person combat.

Undefined? I have this entire post to define itand a follow upCriticism is a part of development, and discussion is stimulating, otherwise you'd still be playing Adventure, and living in a padded room.

Titty physics

Attached: 1557246078981.webm (1024x768, 336K)

it's about pacing in the open world. filling everything in an open world game is retarded. there's literally nothing wrong with empty areas in open world games
said the retarded nigger

Enemy variety and some big fuckin' dungeons, that's it.
Yeah, I'd like to see some actual rewards, like getting rid of the weapon-breaking mechanics in favor of a more focused inventory like classic zelda, but I don't think they'll do that and it'd make a lot of the game pretty worthless after a while. So having better content would be my first pick.

I'll ask Hiro if we can highlight text in red so you two can comprehend it.

Xenoblade's open world is a disgrace. There's no nuance to it. You can't interact with the world at all. It's outdated design stuck in the 90s. Shit I'd say it's even more outdated than the open world in OoT since you can at least lift some rocks in that game kek

This. I think they should have the confidence now that they can put the items hidden across the whole map and incorporate that into the whole ‘you choose what you want to do and get’ approach. They were wary in BOTW and made you get all the items before the game started, but I think it would be really cool if the experience of finding some corner of the map would reward you with something permanent that could then be used uniquely in other areas or more ‘main’ dungeons

More challenging end game content
Final Boss to feel more climatic and definitive, in addition to being more challenging
Balance the game so that you cannot become completely broken

>write several fuckhuge walls of text full of turbo autism and shit nobody cares about
>'wtf why aren't people responding to me, must be them that's the problem'

What benefit(s) does pacing accrue?

BOTW is a fantastic concept piece that I very much don’t think is a good game while very much believing it is the right direction for the franchise. They just need to polish and streamline it and it’ll be fantastic.

>Random tangent that excuses the chus and keese at most followed by an irrelevant ad hominem
While I don't necessarily think the enemy AI is that bad compared to other games (Souls enemies pretty much just walk at you and use random attack patterns after all) the combat and enemies aren't exactly good.
Your ability to ragdoll and stunlock enemies coupled with the fact that the enemies never really have much of a way to guard anything unless its a scripted trigger undermines their effectiveness.

user you should know that BotW threads are basically mobileposter fodder. They're not going to read anything that fills out their tiny screens.

Best part of the game. Not having to worry about weapons and exploring was great.

Nah, the core elements aren't very good. Some basic ideas are fine, but it needs to be abandoned or reworked from the ground up.

That's great, I hate Xenoblade too, for different reasons albeit.
Just a reference for scale.
If you don't care about it, stop responding and then giving up once you can no longer continue the discussion.
I'm not the one who went off topic.
Tell you what, pick a paragraph, and just focus on that. We'll handle the rest if you have the time, the busy man that you are.
Do you remember what a paragraph is? You should've learned this in primary school.
Maybe I'll lobby Hiro to reduce the character limit to 140 characters, you twitter troglodyte.

This. Just give Link big ol tiddies and it'd be perfect

To be honest I did the 4 beasts and then stopped playing because I wanted to do all the shrines first but burned out, still haven’t actually gone inside the castle.

the music complaints are completely justified, given that the best songs are all remixes of tracks from older games,and while I'm not fond of the Ghibli artstyle the actual graphical fidelity is pretty good

>They're not going to read anything that fills out their tiny screens
I sure hope that's not true, especially given the irony that I'm posting from my mobile.

>doesn't answer the question
why am I not at all surprised

You can’t stunlock Lynels and anything you can stunlock shows up in groups. Game could use more weapons but the combat doesn’t need enemies with 20 layers of immunities to be fun.

go to hyrule castle right now and make sure you explore it thoroughly, it's fantastic

having areas where you're simply admiring the landscape or riding your horse without having to worry about enemies. shit the entire country area in san andreas is basically empty. fucking shadow of the colossus is an empty open world. there's nothing wrong with that

Actual dungeons, kinda like the Yiga Clan hideout and Hyrule Castle. And a rework of the item condition system.

Get what you give, and the subject of comparative quality is off-topic.
This is a BotW thread, not a my personal taste thread. If you want to make a thread devoted to me, I'd be flattered.
For the sake of argument: Banjo Kazooie.

I ain't mobile posting but I still refuse to read your previous long-ass posts as you keep rambling about dumb bullshit that's barely even relevant to the discussion, whilst ignoring many of the discussion points brought up before. I still haven't had a reply from you on a few things I brought up earlier so why should I even bother reading anything else you post?

>what is a game you consider to have good combat/AI in it?
>Banjo Kazooie

There should have been more caves and tunnels in the game.
For example you should be able to go inside Gerudo Highlands.

And inside you find another divine beast that was never excavated. Think about it like the crashed frigate in MP or the Sunken Ship from Super Metroid.

Attached: file.png (800x450, 664K)

Sure, why not?
Literally, why not.
This is what you wanted, so lets discuss it.

>Get what you give
that's rather hypocritical when you never replied to

I really want to play Metroid Prime again.

how in the fuck does BK fit any of the descriptors you had for good combat. Can you even count BK as having its own combat system?
user you've lost the plot completely, the things you want are unrealistic and unattainable in any singular game.


Think about being on top of the Duelling Peaks. Suddenly you find an opening with a dwindling staircase.
You walk a bit downstairs and you come across a large hall, like a Daggerfall dungeon. Its a crypt or a catacomb with a labyrinth like structure.

Attached: file.png (1280x674, 1.01M)

Better findables. More in depth combat. Way better bosses. A fucking hookshot

Not much to reply to, eh?
You disagree with my notion of building world setpieces that string together lore thus building a coherent and memorable world and that also introduce unique gameplay sequences.
End of discussion.
What's there to reply to?

In cutscenes since he did in gameplay at least, I hated how fucking bland he was in the memories

Cooking to be deeper than "throw 5 of the same item into the fire to get the max buff"
Actual dungeons
Rewards to exploration to be more than "Korok seed" or "Shrine"
Less wasted overworld space
Tool that are useful outside of dungeons
Combat that isn't mindless mashing
Overall just a more focused game, throwing you into a giant empty open world really just exemplifies the problems once you get over "WOAH I CAN DO LE WACKY PHYSICS THING WITH MAGNETS AND BOMB", from Great Plateau onwards, the game never changes it's gameplay loop, everything that is introduced is what you get, nothing more, no surprises.

Combat isn't going to be the same between games. There are a myriad of variables.
It's why comparing obtuse personal choices against the technical workings of another isn't a viable form of discussion.
Also I've never played Banjo Kazooie, does it even have combat? I suppose Ratchet & Clank would have been a safer bet.

quality > quantity
scale down the map, add memorable villages and quests
remove the worthless shitty loot, there should be a small selection of unique weapons and tools

would turn this 7.9/10 into an actual 9/10

I want to see an actual game.

Not make a game like BOTW. You new gen faggots ruined the series.

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A way to save your own custom equipment sets and change into them with one click.

A recipe book that allows you to select from foods to make (piles the ingredients in your hands that is, you still have to drop them) rather than the random guess bullshit we had last time.

Link can drag wood, logs and other stuff like that.

A main city.

>It's why comparing obtuse personal choices against the technical workings of another isn't a viable form of discussion.
you say that, yet when I brought up the fact that BotW is arguably the best implementation of combat in an open world game you still dismissed it?

Twice as many creatures. Make horses actually viable. Survival mode. More durable weapons.

Also more of a personal nitpick but integrate the more video game-y areas into the environment better. It takes me out of it when I enter, for example, the gut check rock. It is the only spire that looks like that for miles and it looks kind of silly there.

People always complain about “Korok seed+shrines” but by the end of the game my map was filled with marks of where to find the good weapons, where to make money, etc etc, and I had a little route id run after the blood moons to make more ancient arrows and rubees. Saying you only found Korok seeds+shrines is being really disingenuous.

I think actual ubishit might be more your speed

I might have guessed that this was a stealth "complain about BOTW" thread. Even more fucking pathetic than usual.

-all dungeons like Hyrule Castle.
-more weapon types with different attack patterns.
-real music again

That alone would be heaven.

Remove weapon durability, replace it with Doom-esque weapon-for-each-scenario gameplay.

Definitely more dungeons and enemy variety. Slow down on the collectathons as well. There was no reason to collect 900+ Korok Seeds.

>-real music again
why do people have such a hateboner for a impressionist piano music?
as a pianist I find it disheartening

Old school Zelda fan here. I was playing Zelda when your daddy was popping zits on his face and jerkong off to Heather Locklear.

BotW is the Zelda game I waited 30 years to play. And Nintendo did not disappoint.

We have a problem with bad piano music.
Hyper Light Drifter did the aesthetic way better.

Turn it into Dragon's dogma but with zelda style dungeons

>Make money
Literally pointless, I think I spent less than 300 Rupees through 80 hours
>good weapons
You mean the ones that break immediately and that are completely outclassed in damage and convenience by the weapons enemies drop?
>I had a little route id run
How is this even relevant? This is just saying there is so little content actually in the game that you needed to play pretend and make some yourself

You sound like a fat sad hipster who didn't play shit.

I've seen like 5 variations of this post already, is it just a pasta?

the music is great though, it's called impressionism

I think the music is fine.

HLD is impressionist too, it takes massive inspiration from Debussy.

so you never bought arrows or armor or the house?

Less shrines.
No Korok Seeds.
Remove the breakable weapons.
Actual items in the world worth looking for, not just another shrine or korok seeds.
Make it so you can find shit like the Lens of Truth which can be added to your Tablet and stuff like that.
Have it so you can find an ocarina and songs around the world that you can play which changes time or day or weather.
Find items like the Megaton Hammer which can be used as a weapon or a tool that can be used to access other parts of the world.
Add a hookshot you can find somewhere in the world that will help with expand on the climbing mechanics of the game.
Add masks that change how Link works like the Bunny Hood so Link can sprint faster and gain more distance before his stamina runs out.
These are ways I can think of actually making the world not as barren instead of tons of shrines and korok seeds as content.

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Imagine thinking that having an overworld theme like the last games wouldn't get annoying after 100 hours

Sure, do you remember why?
Because open world or not is largely irrelevant to the action combat.
It doesn't have to be (e.g. Just Cause 2), but BotW is for a large portion of it, that doesn't involve Guardians and even then they're limited by spaces smaller than Hyrule Field circa Ocarina of Time.
Reducing combat to its quality because of its context in an open world subgenre is ridiculous.
If you could ride through the horseback Bokoblins nearby Ganondorf's horse, aggro them and fight them while riding clear across Hyrule to the other side of the castle without having them lose interest or respawn after traveling fifty feet, then the combat as it relates to open world would be relevant.
And yet even if you could do that, if BotW's combat was as open as its world, it still wouldn't change the faults in the A.I. and their lack of threat or consequences or movesets or balancing, all of which has almost nothing to do with BotW's nature as an open world, and in fact has even less to do with it than iterations without the open-ended nature.
The open world in this case hurts the combat, not specifically because it's open but because the designers didn't want you to feel limited by failure.

I'd say it's more ambient/progressive


is it me or does this post actually make no sense?

Because it doesn't fit the context most of the time, that is one of purported heroism and adventure.
It's also unfortunately reminiscent of No Man's Sky's soundtrack, which is arguably more fitting given the nature of NMS, which is strictly exploration and in search of the mysterious or unknown... or at least that's what it was supposed to be trying for.
Can't quite imagine watching LotR or The Princess Bride with some mouse on the keys dinking around? I mean shit, it's the Legend of Zelda, not John Carpenter's The Thing.
Here you go, what BotW's basic combat encounter theme could have been:

nobody said they wanted the main theme constantly, personally I'd rather have more variety when it came to the ambience, like instead of just piano there could be different instruments to match the biome. They already did it (mostly) with village themes so I don't know why most of the world has to just be piano

>It's also unfortunately reminiscent of No Man's Sky's soundtrack
NMS's soundtrack is the only great part about that game though? How is that unfortunate?

minus the drums that sounds a lot like the guardian battle music

Make Linkle playable from the getgo so I don't need to mod that shit in.

Also a PC release because ffs it runs so much better.

Attached: 011.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

I kind of like it...

Actually Hyper Light relies on its music alongside its visuals to paint together a story, so by impressionism's definition
>depicting the visual impression of the moment
it is impressionist.

it's not really feasible to do that in an open world game, unfortunately

>tech demo
I mean, if this is a tech demo then everything else that other companies have put out are 2-3 minute trailers.

Might be me.
I wouldn't know it, though.
To put it more plainly: I don't understand why a game's combat is relevant to its nature as an open world, if the combat doesn't make use of the open nature?
Also I outlined this same thought differently in a different thread
>Why is the quality of a game as an open world (level design) always used to excuse and/or deflect from the lack of quality of X or Y

That's why I picked it.
IIRC it's their most popular song.
Not my personal favorite, though.

nail on the head. Only four dungeons and ganon's castle? Are you fucking kidding me? That's majora's mask tier except MM was designed in a fucking year and has the time mechanic would blows the whole "open world and craft gear" mechanic out of the fucking water


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>it's a t-t-tech demo!!!

Thats about as desperate and laughable as critiques get.

BotW is so good it made nearly every other open world game ever made seem redundant, stale and archiac overnight.

Can you imagine if the Blood Moon was a world state?
Like right from the get-go, you have a quaint tutorial inside the safety of the Shrine of Resurrection, and then you step out into a world on fire.
Then you gradually cleanse the BLIGHT of the Blood Moon, by killing the BLIGHTS, which then let you pilot the Divine Beasts in the final fight against four forms of Ganon each fought with a different Gundam.
Gods, I miss video games.

>pc release
>when the game runs flawlessly on CEMU already
I do not comprehend

Dungeons, Good bosses... All the things that makes good the Zelda games (not BoW)

>if the combat doesn't make use of the open nature?
It does to an extent, I suspect they probably want to involve the open world more and have enemies chase you but likely couldn't due to wii u hardware limitations. Guardians do chase you a significant distance, though, and I don't think I've ever seen one stop to run back unless something was physically blocking its path (like a cliff or trees) - on top of this, their laser has absurdly long range. Overall, guardians feel like they were explicitly designed as an open world enemy and imo fit really well in the large environment.

>Why is the quality of a game as an open world (level design) always used to excuse and/or deflect from the lack of quality of X or Y
basically what I said above, open world brings with it a lot of technical difficulties that have to be taken into consideration by a designer. You can't realistically have enemies follow you forever as then you could accumulate colossal crowds of enemies that'd fill up system memory very quickly. In botw's case their general approach was that most enemy mooks don't follow you that far, and everything resets in a blood moon (including mob spawns, loot spawns, and any physics objects the player moved). All open world games have their own compromises and ideas to solve this problem, but personally as I said before I feel botw has the best approach for combat in an open world environment - especially because you (and the enemies you fight) can use the environment as a combat tool.

Could be that the piano is the least annoying instrument. I remember wanting to get out of the Goron place asap cause of the grating brass instruments

varied dungeons, more unique enemies depending on region, an actual story. nothing much really. xenoblade managed to have both story and an open world just fine

A little much for fighting goomba tier mooks don’t you think?


>ZR/ZL & L/R have different functions in the menu

>More unique weapons types with their own variants, and one-off weapons like a whip and ball & chain
>There is now a poison type variety for weapons
>greatshields are in
>possible "cannon" weapon
>an item that runs on rupees
>a hookshot can now be found at some point at endgame or post-game, like the master cycle
>tools and utility items like deku seeds are in
>much more clothing/gear
>Glider can be upgrade in some capacity, and is visually customizable
>spherical Bombs can now be rolled manually

>More runes to be found or unlocked. These don't have to be mandatory and required for shrine puzzles; they can be mere utilities for some extra options and fun. Bombchu rune and a "block" rune (as seen in games where summoning blocks with canes) are a few examples.

>greater draw distance
>stable framerate
>60 FPS if possible or if on different hardware

>more weather effects, such as mist, sandstorms, snowstorms, and varying intensities of rain - some of these can affect stamina regeneration or deal damage
>rolling rocks and even avalanches can be experienced in certain regions
>If possible, changing of tides is now in
>If possible, flooding and drainage may also happen in certain locations - an extreme version of water levels of puddles
>thunderstorms have 2 variants, one more mild than what is currently in the game, and one more dangerous thant what is currently in the game. If desired, the current version can also be kept.
>Blood Moon is a much longer phenomenon, strengthening enemies so long as it is active (few hours duration, perhaps?) It's graphical effects also last longer, starting from 9:00 PM to 10 PM at the earliest and lingering beyond midnight for an hour or three

Master Sword doesn't break. Took about 100 hours before my Hylian Shield finally broke. Then I bought it again.

the game isn't bad. its by no means flawless but after you finish the tutuorial it says "heres the world have at it its your oyster"
I had more fun with BOTW than I've had with other triple A games because it has soul put into it. something a lot of other games are missing. Mario Od. is the first Mario game in years to have soul.

Honestly, the game could've benefited from a more adventurous overworld suite loop that was inoffensively in the background, then just retained that but at an increased tempo with percussion added during standard enemy encounters.
You'd think after playing Skyrim they would've learned that nobody wants the music being poorly cut to a completely different track every time you walk past a mudcrab. Hell I didn't even want Skyrim's atrocious combat theme playing when a dragon approached.
I just really don't think minimalist works in a game with the context of LoZ. I'm all for the instruments and style, just not the composition.
Good God, the Sheikah themes will haunt me until the day I die. Nothing has ever grated my ears like those scores and SFX.

>Master Sword doesn't break

Attached: 1553931033403.gif (400x273, 477K)

>more variants of grass
>more Hyrule-wide flora & fauna, as well as 3~5 unique ones in each region
>more Hyrule-wide fish, as well as 1~2 unique ones in each region
>more Hyrule-wide bugs, as well as 1~2 unique ones in each region
>More ways to interact with them, such as petting dogs (and cats), using birds of prey to catch rodents & fish, etc. A mechanic to "wrangle" the goats like you could do to the sheep in Twilight Princess is also in.
>various animals have more dispositions to Link, instead of just being fight or flight
>more items found in nature & dropped by enemies
>many items have an additional use, such as being able to be used in potions, food, crafting, etc.
>more equipment and items can also be crafted in some way or another
>more materials can also be used on their own by Link, like the flint+wood combo, or how food can be tossed to animals and enemies

More enemies such as
>deku babas
>dekus scrubs if deemed lore friendly
>wall masters
>dark nuts (possible mini boss type)
>iron knuckles (possible mini boss type)
>1 more type of Yiga assassin with their own unique weapon
>one or two more types of Guardians
>a handful of guardians can be encountered in a few more locations
Some of these can be given lots of AI, others won't need it. Some can be given regional variants or stronger variants. Many innately offer unique challenges not offered by other enemies, if anyone is worried about that.

>Overworld theme plays during the day
>No music, or switch to soft piano music at night

Why is it all or nothing with you fucks? It's not like you didn't spend a shitton of time in the overworld in the last 30 games even while they were small. It doesn't even have to play all the time. It can slowly build up the further you go in the game.

For a board about video games nobody here has any imagination.

>A number of shrines' puzzles are now moved/transitioned outside, with the shrine itself merely being the reward room.

>Non-horse mounts can now be stored under certain circumstances or after a certain amount or type of progress.
>You can now use ruppees at a stable to call your horse back to it (with possible passing of time)

>All 4 dungeon bosses now have a brand new, non-blighted design (or new additional boss entirely). However, their Ganon Blight forms can appear at some percentage of remaining HP or pop out of the boss/appear from elsewhere once the first is defeated.
>Initial Ganon fight now goes differently if you have beaten all 4 dungeons (it will not become "easier" per se, like in the base game)
>Final boss is now an actual fight instead of a victory lap, with a new move or two as well
>Defeating Calamity Ganon may end Blood Moons - this can have it's downsides. It could also simply make them much more rarer and/or make it's "effects" less severe, by reviving fewer enemies.

>Mini dungeons - with their size & depth in the vein of the wells from N64 games, fire & ice islands from WW, etc. - can now be found throughout Hyrule. These are designed like traditional dungeons, complete with keys and items/runes/equipment to find. Bosses can be either gigantic mini bosses found in the overworld or new bosses on par with the Yiga clan head
>These can be found in each region to offer asthetic and gameplay variety (sand dungeon in the desert, jungle dungeon in Faron, etc.) as well as other locales such as Akkala fortress & beneath Hyrule Castle Town. Other possible locations can be amidst the ruins of another town, within the canyon, beneath the colloseum, and so on.

it doesn't, it just ran out of juice.
but yeah, semantics

The whole game is a giant eventide island

>The sizes of village of each non-human race is now expanded - not necessarily the geological size, but the geographical space they take up, e.g. Zora homes can be found under the water, Rito boardwalks and decks can be found on the lower part of the rock spire, Gorons having tunnels beneath the town, etc.

>Tunnels from Twilight Princess & grottos from earlier games can be found throughout the game world. Fairly plentiful.

>Diving and subaquatic swimming is now possible.
>All large bodies of water now have proper level design implemented to complement this. Oxygen is also a stat like previous games, but can be adjusted by various things such as food buffs or equipment much like stamina.
>Fishing is back in. Need rod; possible customization or able to purchase/find varying types (including bait?)
>A small batch of islands on the eastern sea can be added

>There is now a gradual visual change to the start of every snowy area - for example: snow steadily covering the ground more and more

>Small amount of archery/horseback archery minigames throughout the region
>Other new minigames or minigames from previous entries can be played in some towns

>Swordplay from earlier 3D games is back (horizontal, vertical, thrust). The basic combo the game currently has can stay in if possible. Other weapons also have their own movesets. Enemies such as Bokoblins can now block like in SS so these moves actually have uses, unlike in said earlier games.

>Certain status effects (increased climb speed and such) can now be equipped on their own in addition to the effects of food and gear. These can be limited so only a few or even just one can be equipped at a time. If just one, then it is possible to increase it's effectiveness much like the levels of buffs equipment sets give.

>Koroks now have 2~3 more minigames to play, and these will be divied up among existing Koroks, keeping the number at 900.
>A certain number of specific Koroks can not only grant you the usual seed, but also give you a weapon or even stat buffs/enhance existing passives. Every Korok will point you to the general direction of the nearest special Korok, serving as a kind of sonar. This makes finding them that much more meaningful.

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so it is a pasta

Actual cities like the one shown in the memories

I want more in depth combat. Zelda, by Miyamoto's words, has always been about combat. Rather than 1 handed vs 2 hand, go full Dark Souls. Lean into it and give us a handful of types with different interactions.
I get that Aonuma wanted to try out many micro dungeons, and I applaud how varied they made them. But they lacked the individual atmosphere and sense of accomplishment classic dungeons had. Shrines have their place, or at least the aesthetic does. Make the game have a sense of progression while still being nonlinear. Look at Zelda 1, 2, and 3; they have Randomizers that don't change much, yet the depth is amazing.

master mode, and you've got a whole DLC dedicated for that anyway

That is the PC release you shit for brains. This is a thread about the sequel, which won't be on Wii U.

8 or more full dungeons, complete with unique settings and bosses

>Implying Nindy can create quests with the depth of a Witcher 3 questline

I'm personally tired of the themed dungeons. I don't want Forest, Fire, Dark, Light, Water temples again and again.
I don't want corrupted Forest or whatever either.

On my second playthrough of BOTW I noticed that the divine beasts were heavily themed. There's actually four themes repeating throughout the game. Electricity, fire, wind and bombs.
All of the shrines (with some exceptions of course) in the Gerudo region is based around electricity and so is the divine beast. And so on.

I would however like more of the divine beasts. Like I said, If there was divine beasts that were not excavated that you had to find deep inside some of the mountains that would have been cool.

They made sure you could climb all surfaces and there are plenty of mountain ranges but they should have considered having the ability to go through the mountains or under them as well.

I meant, CDPR didn't really create most of those either since their narrative is usually based on the books

After two playthroughs I'd really like reasonable weapon durability and a way to repair weapons, even if it's as barebones as using duplicates from a menu. Also, healing should be done over time.

More tools would be nice, and matthewmatosis's suggestion of tying various upgrades to shrines would be nice. As it stands knowing you'll get a heart piece every time isn't a very exciting reward.

Maybe someday an autist will start creating full dungeons in BOTW, iirc some faggot already created one with a very basic composition and missing textures

>linear with relatively open overworld
>unique weapons and items from and outside of dungeons
>no weapon durability
>enemy variety
>no reskins

I want to be able to see my horse's stats before I register. I hated always having to let one of my prized stallions go so I could register a new horse only to find out it had shitter stats.


>implying cdpr can create gameplay mechanics with the depth of BotW

Oh I hate the paint by number elemental stuff too. Look back at Link to the Past. Desert Palace was more of a function to justify sand worms. Palace of Darkness was oppressive and evil. Swamp Palace was a fucking sewer. Take the aliens idea from BotW preproduction, and make go further, these are places where the veil between dimensions is thin and they got through. Decrepit ruins and remote cave networks that these creatures are amassing in to consume Hyrule. Have the Master Sword be used for sealing the gates. And in 2nd game fashion (like Zelda 2, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask) Ganon isn't a factor.

I saw BobOmb Battlefield in a shrine hack. The sky is the limit with the Cemu version

As usual, the modding community fixates all its energy on cunny and fucking farm animals.

more interesting plots, more stuff going on,

the wasted space should be taken up by actual farms and stuff with fences and pastures and hamlets being more readily apparently in the landscape, and not just empty fields.

>Dungeons w/ original and unique bosses
>More "Boss" variety in the open world
>WAY more enemy variety
>A completely new open world, not just a reused one from BOTW
>Better final boss, maybe a humanoid Ganon once again
I have very little flaws with BOTW, but I think the absence of dungeons is probably the largest one. People like the complain about weapon durability but I don't see it at all. It compliments the combat and the amount of weapons you'll find across the world. Maybe it could be made a little more lenient, but otherwise it's fine.


Get rid of durability as it discourages combat entirely or make fighting actually worth it.

It's the cost of getting shit like Path to Elswyr for free. Autists who want to make Pigs fuck Paya in game will do all the work and document it so better crafts can be made. Like the option to play as a pig and fuck Paya. Or play as Paya and have pigs fuck you. Shit like Shrine modding just comes as a byproduct.

an hour later and I'm still waiting for a reply to this from user. What happened to wanting to discuss the game's combat, user?

More sexy Voe Link

Being able to climb Zelda haha

every time i see this image as a thumbnail i think her hands are cleavage

>No horses
>No fast travel
Do you even like any of the other zelda games?

Hence why I think this game needs massive titties with physics

FUCK we need more enemies. I fucking hate variants with a god damn passion. Things like twilight princess are chalk full of different unique enemies and it's one of the reasons it's still my favorite Zelda games to date

I see it primarily as a presentation issue rather than a mechanical one. Like others have said the enemies they do have are more complex than what came before, but your sense of discovery is quickly diminished by the ubiquity of Lizalfos, Bokoblins, and Moblins.

BotW was borderline perfection. However I would like to see:
>traditional Zelda dungeons
>hyrule is around 2/3rds as big this time around
>at least double the enemy variety
>hookshot return and yes, you'd be able to connect it to anything
>i'm okay with weapon durability, but i do think weapons break way too fast
>either get better voice direction or ditch it entirely

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Why do millionaires keep going to work? Do you think it's because they don't like their old money?

Humans don't get satisfied. We get what we want and then we want something better. That's just the way people are. Pretending you're not will only make you look dumber than the masses, rather than smarter.

I saw that post already and my point still stands. I still see the enemy variety as a presentation problem and no whataboutism will change that.


>It could be worse so don't make it better
The absolute state of modern consumers


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I want everyone itt to think about how many people claim that WW is their favorite or childhood game. No amount of shit posting about "glaring flaws" will change the course of destiny. BoTW will br remembered by the zoomers as an amazing and classic game in ten years. these arguments are just salty tears in the rain. Deal with it.

>this game doesn't have good enemy variety
>well this OTHER game also doesn't have good variety!

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the post was a reply to people whining about somebody praising the game

I actually agree that next game needs return of spiders and spider boss
Didn't even noticed lack of spider enemies until someone pointed out

>game which actually wants to player to explore the environment has to have empty space

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All they need to change is to use a new setting. Obviously it shouldn't be post apocalyptic again but I mean make it more fantastical. BotW was originally supposed to have aliens. That kind of thing would be great.

they needed more fauna enemies in general, just seems weird to leave them out in a game focusing on nature reclaiming everything

Link's harem. Town and castle building. Purging post BotW world of enemies. Canon ending of Link x Riju and them having a male Gerudo child

Infinite mode for Trial of the Sword, with leaderboards

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>retarded cuck can't even read

>It is the empty space that makes the bowl useful
>Lao Zi

Attached: bowl.jpg (260x194, 11K)

Add some actual dungeons and caves. BotW has a lot of verticality in terms of mountains and crevices, but there's very little hidden away inside the landmass itself. Monster variety would be good too.

I think they've given themselves a great base to work off though, so I think these inclusions are just a natural progression.