how will Yea Forums react when she is finally revealed?
How will Yea Forums react when she is finally revealed?
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Literally W H O
soul eater was based because of threesome end
Ending sucked balls in both anime and manga
they had sex
God I hate this show but I put up with it because I love laura bailey
Maka got spitroasted by me and user.
That dosn't end how you all think it does.
Medusa was full on foot fetish
She gets the little girls body. Why boner
What’s the Soul Eater of vidya?
>watch shit show with real life's best girl
>watch same shit show without real life's best girl
Gee I wonder which one I should pick
Soul fucks Maka and Big Fat Cat Tats
Resonance is still a top tier opening.
I'd be super happy, OP.
Especially since it might mean a continuation of Soul Eater. Maybe more crazy toon physics Maka
>MC gets literal Loony Tunes Power Up where she acts and fights like a demented cartoon character with art shifting to match
>she never gets to fight like this again and it shifts back into a "dangerous forbidden technique"
It's not fair bros
I remember wanting to fuck Black Blood Maka when I was younger.
Still do.
Just be sure to hide the knifes and baby proof the furniture.
>when she sees ur dick
That's an interesting way to put it. That makes me appreciate the black blood some more.
face it lads. she's fucking in.
Sorry I don't watch anime.
that fight was really nicely animated. you could pause it every like half-second and get a new reaction image
>he's still at it
I love this maka waifufag
stay tuned for E3
To be fair, Maka a cute.
I want Maka to step on me.
If you're right you'll become a meme magic legend
how is her father ok with her Teen daughter living with another Hormone filled teen, much more a boy?
That she is.
I have no expectations whatsoever, but I'm quietly pulling for you makafag.
It'll be Goku and Reimu
I did warn you not to trust me
Just finished soul eater on netflix guys what should i watch next v?
Unironically, I'd like Kid or Blair more than Maka. This isn't to say that I'd hate Maka being in the game, because I'd absolutely still main her, but the other characters would probably be more interesting. Especially Blair. I imagine being a Witch would be a pretty unique play style.
looking for something anime-esque or just something to waste time user?
Go back
Devilman Crybaby
All you would do is throw pumpkins at everyone, with Maka you'd have the scythe and black blood,
I felt bad when Shinigami died in the manga, it doesn't happen in the anime since it went on a different direction.
something anime esque ive already watched most netflix has to offer
fma brotherhood
have you tried Wakfu or maybe Devilman?
those are really good save for a few moments here and there
what you think im some sort of anime noob?
wakfu is for children and devilmans pretty good
You're forgetting she has a broom, cat form, and is a powerful witch in general though, user.
Watch samurai flamenco
You're watching shit from netflix and using "noob," pretty safe to assume so.
Hunter x Hunter is the best shonen you'll find if that's what you're looking for.
A powerful witch that only does pumpkin magic.
Soul Eater was a lot of fun but it also killed anime for me. I haven't been able to enjoy an anime ever since.
Soul Eater started good and ended so fucking bad that it just made me hate all anime writing and realize how it's all just so much of the same bullshit.
Wow, a good point on v, must be good being you looking for flaws on the internet.
hunter x hunters great! love it im also watching black clover, its bretty good user
I sympathize for your disdain for Soul Eater's ending, but extrapolating that to all other anime is pretty unwarranted.
Way to ignore the other points, user.
Experience Chemotherapy and watch Space Brothers.
Had a lot of fun reading this but its a shame the anime ended early.
Imagine the outrage if Black Star got in.
Reminder that Square Enix owns the Soul Eater IP.
I hate this little faggot
>Maka gets in
>she only gets two songs
As long as one of them is souljam we're good.
You're pretty right for the most part. Anime truly is a cursed fucking art form. Funny how something that is so uninhibited and imaginative in the end so often crumbles under the humanity of it's own writers.
My nigga.
But did any of you fuckers watch Soul Eater NOT whose protagonist has the best damn weapon form imaginable?
Halberds are the fucking best and Tsugumi was cute.
He'll be mad if he doesn't find her attractive
Her comic book was shit.
It only had a very short period of time where it was okay, and half the characters are an absolute waste of space. The witches were infinitely more interesting as characters, too.
I liked reading it, but I basically forgot the anime existed after a couple episodes. Bones did okubo dirty the second time around. He actually can do cgdct pretty nice.
I should give the manga a read then, I agree that the anime was a little lackluster but I stuck with it because I foudn the concept interesting.
Eruka and Free > Maka > Death > Black Star > A tree > Kilik and the rest of the backup squad > The weapons > Literal Shit > Asura
dead franchises thread?
Hey Yea Forums, it's me Stannis Baratheon the rightful king of Westeros.
I'm kinda taking an "L" here, but I feel obliged to inform you as to the gimmick going on with the Smash DLC characters.
Basically, if you post a hopeful as a contender, you're not gonna get them.
Just the way this DLC is working, I'm afraid.
So if you have a secret hope, don't meme them. Keep it to yourself. On the other hand, if you have a character you DON'T want getting in, feel free to meme them to your heart's content so they DON'T get in.
The message should have been obvious when they picked YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING man for a DLC pick.
The rule of Smash DLC is that literally no one can be allowed to see it coming.
Unfortunately this post disqualifies me, but that's the price of justice.
god blair gave young me such a hard on
>Excalibur gets in
Here's your echo fighter, bro.
based Makafag
What did they mean by this?
they're in