why are japanese bideo games objectively better than western ones?
Why are japanese bideo games objectively better than western ones?
they don't pander to groups that were never going to buy their games in the first place
big anime tiddies
they pander to retards who buy games solely based on anime titties so the gameplay doesn't matter in the slightest
Only white/asian characters. Females are feminine and cute.
their society requires even better escapism than the west
it's a mystery
They actually remember to make games instead of movies and real life simulators without political bullshit and forced diversity
this. they pander to people who play and purchase video games
>they pander to retards who buy games solely based on anime titties so the gameplay doesn't matter in the slightest
>they pander to trannies and soibois who don't buy games at all
Industry crash soon I hope.
Because they're not ashamed of what they do and put their all into every project.
But many Japanese games feature anime titties and good gameplay. You just haven't played enough games.
I want to suck the braps from their butts
I want to put my thermal paste in 3.1 to cool her down
that’s ruri gokou
I stand by my now unrelated statement.
like how many western games feature good gameplay and have no agendas and people like OP just haven't played enough games? not only that but jap devs praise western ones as the industry standard? really activates a certain fruit.
There hasn't been a good Western game since the 90s.
Then why do jap devs think they are better than they're own.
anime was a fucking mistake
I guess it depends, of the videogames I play I prefer the ones made by the western community overall but both make great games.
>western games feature good gameplay
they both have their ups and downs
but keep strawmaning and cherrypicking like the stupid weeaboo you are
may if you keep repeating desu you will turn into a muh superior nip
t. visual novel and j"""rpg""" player
does the cute and funny vocaroo guy do commission work?