Jared, get the fuck away from my wife

Jared, get the fuck away from my wife

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why did you remind me this fucking game exists

Based Jared

it's not an actual game so you don't have to worry anymore

I always wish there was a sidequest that ran along the main game that you could do to hook your bro up with a girl. Wouldn't even need to be the main girl, just some side girl.

Sadly then of course the problem is that guys who play these types of games have extremely thin skin and would be pissed that the friend's girl wasn't a part of the main harem.




So has this faggot killed himself yet or what?

Point proven.

As someone who reads a shitload of romance manga, the best romances are always the side couples.

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reminder that his ex wife forced it to be an open relationship

This. You can give ProJared all the shit in the world for literally everything else he's done but it was his partner who had a long-term boyfriend and wanted to fuck other men but the moment Jared started slaying she was suddenly not okay with it.

literally nobody has proven that jared's wife was in a relationship outside of Jared

She did though. She tweeted about it and everything. She even showed pictures of the twink she was dating.

She admitted to it on her Twitter, that being said Jared still sent nudes to people who may or may not be minors


i thought the issue wasnt the cheating but the dick pics to underage girls
also not video games

the lack of evidence throughout such a high profile witch hunt should say enough.

okay that's still literally only one person, and she's mentioned that jared was at least AWARE of what was going on between her and that other person. Jared sent dick pics to kids and knowingly had sex with a married woman without saying anything about it

Holly says that Jared confirmed they were 18, so it seems like Heidi or those girls were lying. He literally did nothing wrong. Heidi seems like a crazy cunt

Holly, Heidi, and Jared are all awful people.