My dad played chess and checkers

>My dad played chess and checkers
>I played warcraft 3, heroes 3 and diablo
>My son is WATCHING someone playing minecraft

what will my grandson do?

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Suck dick

he won't exist

Become a tranny

injected synthetic memories of a fortnite session

How much he pay for that slope girl?

cut his dick off

the boy is a bigtime poof just like his granddaddy.

it's his wife, i think

spend most of his life in VR


>ywn be so good at vidya that models beg you to fuck them
Based Grub

You don't have a son

>getting married to a gook whore

He'll learn soon enough.


If I could of watched people play video games when i was a kid, I easily would have. This is just how children are user, they like to immerse themselves in their hobbies, and any new medium to experience that hobby is just awesome, to them. Let him have his fun, before he turns into you.

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>what will my grandson do?

Click a button and watch his AI play against his opponent's AI.

Your grandson will be hooked up to a dopamine delivery robot and will just lay in bed staring at nothing

They've been married for like 10 years now.

your grandson will be watching someone watching someone play minecraft
except that happens these days as well

He will be ashamed of you and avoid any contact until he's 18 and needs a loan.

you mean go to VR to watch someone else play a game
well, that's not much different from sports if you think about that

He'll transition to be your cute granddaughter

Ummm... no, sweetie. Your offspring, if ever should they exist, will not be using gendered pronouns and will not be defined by those social constructs.

Ill gladly give my french genes to a gook whore

t. seething white roast

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>melted face 3/10 fish girl

lel no wonder she settles for 2/10 white

have sex

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