The most overrated game in history

>the most overrated game in history

This game is trash tier, bottom of the barrel.

Ive played through it 3 times trying to find what people enjoyed about this game, but its so boring.

Attached: TLOU.jpg (220x292, 22K)

I enjoyed the atmosphere. Also Ellie was cute

it took you 3 playthroughs to figure out the game isn't for you? What in the god damn..

all GotY games are overrated, there's nothing new about it

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What was I missing

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It's the video game version of Oscar bait

That plus console exclusivity makes it an ideal circlejerk.

>played through a game three times
This is trash! Autism.

Did you beat grounded? So rewarding

Because it's not a game, it's an interactive movie.

>Ive played through it 3 times trying to find what people enjoyed about this game, but its so boring.
What a hero you are.

Im better than you.

It’s a game that panders well to game journos, makes sense that they would praise a game where you can’t even die.

Not really.
I played through it once and liked it.

i think it's better to play once and like it than thrice and don't like it

It got a 8/10 on gamespot, remember this was by ps3 standards, it won't get the same reception on ps4. The game is generic in gameplay but the voice acting and cinematic shit were on another level at the time.

I like it, but it is overrated as fuck. Also anything but Grounded is too easy. And the DLC was completely fucking wasted on muh lesbian mall adventures

It has some of the best multiplayer of all time

The only aspect people like about the game is the story. And by story it literally just means the cutscenes. They're confusing the cutscenes with the actual game.

>mfw best friend/roommate thinks it's the best game ever, unironically
>mfw I know the only reason he likes it is because of Ellie and that scene where she's almost raped and killed
>mfw the game has possibly the shittiest pacing possible yet he has played it countless times
>mfw I would rather be in the Spencer estate looking for fucking keys
Raaaaaally don't want to call him out on it but I'm getting sick of his shit

Personally i cant play any shooters on ps4, i dont know if it's the controller or what but i can't fucking aim, the deadzones are crazy and unresponsive, i've tried messing with the settings but nothing helps. Don't even say git gud because im global elite in counterstrike on pc. I don't know how they fucked it up so bad but shooters are simply unplayable.

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That's literally any shooter on a gamepad. It's always going to to shit compared to a mouse because gamepads are inherently inferior for shooters. As far as shooters on gamepad go though there was nothing particularly notably bad about TLOU.

i shit on people in the 360 days though, the ps4 controller is a new kind of cancer.

That would be this

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

That's not FF7

I don't disagree, the game is overrated trash. I'm not sure why you'd play through it three times though.
Surely a second play through would be enough to clarify that you didn't enjoy it.

I thought it was decent, but a lot of things really annoyed the hell out of me and made it frustrating to play for no reason. like the ladder puzzles and forcing the player to walk at a snails pace just to listen to dialog and all you do is press forward with one finger on the controller for minutes at a time dozens of times throughout the game.
I really liked how they executed the inventory management and the crafting along with their placement of materials. on higher difficulties it felt as though if they used that system and material scarcity on an actual horror game then they would have a great basis for a survival horror game.

It just felt like a crappy version of Resident Evil 4, except the AI feels even more braindead than the zombies in that game.

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the game is overrated, but not a bad game by any means

>this game is boring
>every other game just like it is 10/10
Typical modern gamers. All modern games are trash.

except the last of us "gameplay" consists a lot of forced slow walking section listening to a certain character talking instead of actually playing the game

Opposed to running through misty city streets at a slow pace with no dialogue

Um sweaty tlou is on PC too, thanks for playing (and bugtesting you aids ridden fuccboi)

TLoU doesn't have monsters they're just people that are infected, so there goes your comparison.

But user didn't you know people are the worst monsters of all!!!
PS. Silent Hill series also sucks

>Silent Hill series also sucks
that's some real doodoo taste right there, user.

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It has a god tier gameplay which really shine if you play it in higher difficulties.
Hard seems to be the most enjoyable one since you get to enjoy every features from the game without making everything too easy

No, I enjoyed the gameplay too. It's an excellent game, and almost everyone who plays it agrees with that. It's absolutely fine to disagree. Sleeping Dogs was well received, and I fucking hate absolutely everything about that game.

The game had great story telling and good game mechanics. It was a zombie shoot-em-up that had some original ideas and was done well. Sure, it was overrated, but not a bad game by any means.

The best part about this game was the multiplayer. It removed the problem with generic AI and had good squad based gameplay with crafting. Maybe try that if you were bored with you 3 fucking playthroughs

It has some interesting ideas, also Ellie handling a army of baddies on her own was kino

The Last of Us is at least a game for a large percentage of it.

The most overrated game is Gone Home, no quesetion.

>had some original ideas
the ideas weren't bad, but they also weren't original

Is there people on the ps4 version?

>Ive played through it 3 times
Gr8 b8 m8

>It's absolutely fine to disagree
This reddit tier argumentation. Yes it is ok to disagree because subjectivity is implied by the nature of the conversation itself. You don't need to state this and it also doesn't mean you can't have a debate.

>This reddit tier argumentation.
I completely agree with you actually- I was responding to
>They're confusing the cutscenes with the actual game
Which suggested disrespect for the viewpoint they disagreed with. "They couldn't possibly have liked the actual game- they must have just liked the cutscenes!"