ITT: times using a walkthrough was justified
ITT: times using a walkthrough was justified
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FF7 after Sid joins the party and you crash the plane.
You're just supposed to magically figure out where the temple is and how to get the stuff to access it.
>You're just supposed to magically figure out where the temple is
You're having a laugh. You can only go so many places that you haven't been to before with the downed plane. You can't not find it. Need a quest marker?
I was following a walkthrough for the game, but for that section, the walkthrough specifically told me not to use a guide. Puzzle Boy is fun and has the best music in the entire game.
the curan abbey statues in wild arms would filter 90% of nu-Yea Forums
Pic very related
The Last Remnant and Vagrant story are the obvious ones.
That's exactly the problem you can go to a lot of places but no indication of where to go to actually progress.
You just have to search for the temple and once you find it you need something to access which you also just have to search. It could be anywhere there's just no hints on where to go.
Toad in Mario 64. How the hell are we supposed to know we should talk to this guy? I spent hours trying to jump on him thinking he was an enemy.
Can't upload files in my IP range. wtf
Any Disgaea game
You can't expect modern gamers to actually use their brains. That's just not fair.
All games should have quest markers and obvious trails to follow at all times, just like the best games ever Skyrim and The Witcher 3.
>game makes you walk through a broken one
>platforms outside the tube
Deduction, do you speak it?
Power bombs are one of the puzzle-solver items, why would you not use one? Also you can go around past the Wrecked Ship. It's not important to bomb the tube.
I know.
Finding out that one frequency in MGS if you emulated the game
Onimusha slide puzzle
Wasteland 2 character creation
It's fun up until level 8. Level 1-7 are perfectly fine challenges with a steady progression of challenge. Then level 8 happens and it becomes ridiculous.
There's actually an extra 30 levels of it buried in Nocturne's code, it's pretty interesting.
I think Yea Forums has been doing this to make people buy more passes, it does the same for me whenever I'm not posting from home.
>kojima put a drm puzzle in a ps1 game
based but the bootleg games sold by africans included it
Yeah I hate how some old games just leave you with no clue at times and some people act all smug over other people not knowing where to go.
Like, Im not asking for a quest marker, but maybe an NPC telling you general directions like "go south until you see a waterfall" could help. Instead you have to either roam the world until you find out the next cutscene or read a guide.
And its also pretty jarring, why would the characters visit all these places again? why wouldnt the characters just ask for directions? why wouldn't they say anything about being lost?
fuck old games that do this really, and fuck the boomers that act all smug because they think they knew it the first time, but it was just that they read a magazine with a guide, and its just that their old rotting brain already forgot.
I did it no problem as a child 13 years ago. You must be retarded.
It wasn't that bad but I do remember being stuck on one near the end for like half an hour.
>That SH3 puzzle with Shakespeare
Increased game length articifically and help sell strategy guides. If you make your game have shit like one hit deaths with limited lives then kids can't rent it for the weekend and return it after a few days.
>There are people that get here without the fucking Grail and fall down the bottomless pit
Rare game and hunt club are main features you have to gamble about
Never forget
It's not even a riddle or a puzzle, it's just a literal literature test "you know x thing? Good, you may proceed"
Thankfully SH3 puzzles redeem themselves with the hospital's codelock.
>"oh so I just put the books in the right order and something clicks and gives me the code right"
How do you get that far into the game without the Grail without killing yourself? I was about to drop the game from all the tedium before someone told me you could get a fast travel option.
All of the tales games I've played to this date have a portion of the game where they just tell you to do shit with no fucking quest marker, it fucking kills me.
That was bullshit, so I admit I cheated for that one.
I don't know how the fuck I managed to clear it without guides. I guess as a NEET I just had a lot of time back then.
The classic Tokyo BGM is crazy good, too.
I was 13 and still learning english when i beat that. You are fucking brainlet if you can't get past it.
I dropped Tales of Destiny shortly after the aethersphere poped up.
I never played Skyrim, what was supposed to be hars about this?
Although I solved this one easily, I can see why some people struggle.
being a brainlet feels bad
The burger King palace in p5. Jesus christ what were they thinking
A good 96-98% of Runescapes quests
I emulated Silent Hill recently and got stuck at that part, not because of the riddle itself but because, from what I remember, there are two sides of the school building and two artefacts to collect and put at the bottom of the school to progress, and after having recovered the first one, I assumed I could just go get the other one. Instead you have to get the first one, go back at the bottom and place it, then go back to get the second one. This is just a matter of non intuitive puzzle solving because other games would have designed it around you being able to progress without that extra back and forth step. Especially considering there's no inventory space management in SH unlike RE. It's the kind of thing that makes you feel stupid for not having thought about it when instead you thought the solution was just more complex and convoluted.
Fuck this riddle.
What, that place is braindead simple. It's hated for dragging on, not for being complicated.
They don't really tell you how to solve the puzzle and those animals are on the walls.
It makes you think there is something to the puzzle but all you gotta do is inspect the "key" that goes into that wall.
It literally tells you how to solve it in the description, but the quest never specifically tells you directly.
Makes everyone feel like an idiot.
Literally almost dropped this game until I looked up a guide on how to solve this ridiculous enigma.
That was my first NES game and I beat that game when I was 8 years old to completion. The next games I got were Guardian Legend, Rygar, Legacy of the Wizard, Dragon Warrior, and Final Fantasy. Never needed a guide (they didn't exist except in magazine form and I didn't get Nintendo Power).
A Boy and His Blob was actually the hardest game I ever tried to play on NES.
I tried this legitimately but got tired of it, I just wanted my magatsuchi damn it.
EO2, Quest: Imminent destruction
The peg puzzle on machinarium
But on certain platforms the walkthrough didn't even work and you had to just fucking stumble your way through.
That door still haunts me to this day
Legitimately got through all by the 3rd or 4th to last one. Looking it up and felt like a massive fucking retard
>Thankfully SH3 puzzles redeem themselves with the hospital's codelock
god, that puzzle is so fucking good
You make the idea of actually trying to give these games a try unbearable with your attitudes.
>lol need a quest marker
>haha mordern gamers can't comprehend such a difficult game
>what do you mean you didn't spend half your playthrough searching every corner of the map?
Is it Final Fantasy or Breath of Fire you're basically screwed if you didn't play it a certain way but you don't know it until you reach the end-stages of the game basically?
Why does there have to be some posturing faggot every time this puzzle is mentioned?
you only have to move four (4) tiles dude...
I think some overthinkers will focus on the perceived significance of the blood stains, when really the only reason why that is there is so that Harry knows which keys to use in the puzzle, and for the player they're entirely irrelevant.
I search in jewgle when I'm stuck, and only use guides in open world collectables to check the maps.
because it's not a difficult puzzle
One of my earliest toys when I was a kid was a 4x4 sliding puzzle like this and solving that in RE4 was a breeze. The cool thing about the puzzle in the game is how they implemented the speedrun-friendly clockwise-clockwise cheese method.
Getting all the artisans in star ocean 3.
You ain't fuckin' doin' it blind
What the fuck is this
>tfw play on easy riddle difficulty because I'm autistic and struggle to adapt to the logic
>miss all the good puzzles because easy mode means they just straight up tell you the answer
>still have to use a walkthrough
>same for every puzzle game ever
I think it makes people with high expectations feel like idiots because they think that the so-called puzzle can't possibly be that dumb, and it makes actual idiots feel smart when that's the level of difficulty they expect and demand and it's what they get.
Screw this puzzle
"The answer is in the palm of your hand"
that puzzle is really fun though
oh yes the times when you had to really explore and figure it out where to go on your own, if you had to use some random item in a obscure place with no indication or clue whatsoever like some point-click game i would agree with you user but that attitude is what led us to this "map/quest" markers everywhere bullshit of nowadays.
>I think some overthinkers will focus on the perceived significance of the blood stains
This right here is exactly what tripped me up.
Niobe's Torment in Destiny 2, what a shitshow that was
>It's just the fucking number of limbs
What did you think they meant? I always assumed figuring out what order they were pressed was the hard part.
Oh jesus user, pls don't mention that
I feel like every single puzzle in the original silent hill 1 was offensively easy and everyone was overthinking them.
His 'attitude' is how the game is played. Play it or don't.
>tfw to intelligent too solve puzzles
Recently played the Onimusha port on PS4, originally played it back in the day when I was 12 and forgot why I dropped it, got to the water prison part then had fucking flashbacks. After 2 puzzle rooms and unskippable cutscenes you get 30 seconds to solve a 5 min puzzle and if you fail you have to go through those rooms again.
>the magatama locked behind this crap is barely average.
I lost 5 hours of my life on that crap. Yes I'm still salty
They think that the thick blood spots might be on the keys that were used and the thin ones are where bloody fingers just ran across. Then they get stumped when they can't reconcile that fake clue with the rest of the real clues.
the fucking storeroom in Goldenrod Underground
Kid me couldn't figure it out in Crystal and teenager me fared no better in HeartGold
Bullshit puzzle game?
Finding the sewer pipe that leads to the ocean in nier. Almost quit wandering around for hours
I fucking love/hate this game
Is 2 just as good as 1?
That's a legitimate example of fake (artificial) difficulty. The devs couldn't think of a good hard mode puzzle, so they just put fucking Trivia Pursuit Shakespeare Must Die mode in it and called it a day.
Yes, it is.
Don't complain, just buy it.
Took me months for some reason to beat this dumbass puzzle. I don't know what the fuck happened, the clock tower one with the balls is clearly harder.
legitimately the dumbest part of LM1, there's not even an indicator that there is a door there
>Is 2 just as good as 1?
It's never as good as 1, but never as bullshit as 1 either. I prefer 1, but 2 is definitely worth playing.
this kotor puzzle in korriban, when I was a kid I always used a walkthrough to solve it because I didn't understand what the fuck was it about
Haven't replayed this game in years though, so maybe it isn't that hard
The first thing you should do in any Layton puzzle is try to figure out if it's a trick question. There are a fair amount of those.
Lmao. This puzzle made me so mad.
I don't care what you play, faggot. I don't care if you never play a good game again because you refuse to put any effort into anything. The only thing you need to know is that you're low IQ, no matter what you think.
Funny that despite having illogical bullshit stuff in it, it's a fucking great fun game.
I'll play 2 when i have the time to invest myself in it.
It's one of the most basic puzzle imaginable. It's more of an exercise to see how fast you can solve it, and how many turns it takes you.
you must be fucking 10 years old
even a 10 year old could solve this
Fucking hate this shits
I was 10 years old when I played Thief and couldn't understand what The Eye was saying. As a non-native English speaker I didn't know what "grotto" or "pedestal" or "illuminate" meant.
>bro just memorize the layout of 3 separate floors and guide a beam of light
I know nothing about this game, do you stick the plugs up his nostrils?
if I remember right, Garrett doesn't even jot it down in his mission page either.
I don't think I used a guide for that part but I, honestly don't remember. I think I just explored around looking for new shit since the game basically gives you a new vehicle.
Other than that the only real "use a guide" parts of FF7 are all the optional stuff near the end. Literally no one got Tifa's ultimate the legit way.
I felt great beating that puzzle without a guide, but I had to look up the answer for the puzzle that wants you to spell "beware" from the list of names.
I also think the fact that the bathroom teleports you to the second floor confused the fuck out of me, I got to the boss without the shotgun and ended up having to search the school until I noticed that the bathroom does that shit. Unsure if I looked that up or not, but there's some real conveyance issues there.
The entire game basically required you to memorize a walkthrough so that you could beat it in time.
desert treasure was the shit. id imagine doing that quest without a guide takes a whole day
Funny enough, you can just move each one twice and voila. I memorized it for each character I played.
>look up a video guide for this
>still can't beat it
At least it had great music, but goddamn that shit was unjustifiably difficult.
>play SH3, put puzzles on hard
>get to that part
>look up a guide
>go back and put puzzles to normal
So is that the only really fucked puzzle in the game? That shit is nigh unsolvable so I assumed the rest of the game's puzzles on hard would be too.
it's just that first puzzle, the rest of the puzzles are really fun on hard.
The water freezing puzzle is worse IMO
Yeah, there were worse puzzles, like the bread in the pneumatic tube one, still a great game
literally bioshock infinite tier
>I think it makes people with high expectations feel like idiots because they think that the so-called puzzle can't possibly be that dumb
were you to intelegent for as well?
Good ending of Persona 4
Doubly so for the True ending of Persona 4, like, you know theres something left to do, and the game outright tells you theres nothing left to do.
thats mournings end, not DT
It's really not that hard, granted I failed that shit 5 times in a row on my last attempt to beat the game.
Basically correct. Only 1 puzzle gave me any issue, and if I wrote down the names they gave me I would have figured the shit out instantly.
I really hope no one had a hard time with this, shit's legit DSP tier.
Lufia 2 had some nasty shit towards the end, luckily most of the big RPGs/Adventures for SNES came with those sweet ass guides, at least in Germany.
I looked up a guide for this minigame and still couldn't complete it. Turns out everyone overlooked one mechanic that didn't make sense.
No, the game let you know that something is off, you can chose to ignore it or dig a little.
now what to dig is another issue.
Honestly in Layton games the more I progressed the more I started thinking like "what's the most bullshit and retarded solution possible to the question?" and it's usually the correct answer.
you should know after 100 hours that the game will automatically progress if there's truly nothing left to do
This why I call bullshit on people who say Onimusha 1 was good.
2 & 3 are so much better than that shit.
Slide puzzles are just something my brain can't wrap itself around. Maybe it's because you can"t really make progress. If you've got most pieces in place, but a few out, you have to rearrange the whole puzzle. It's more like you have to plan it all out before you even start.
And the only reward is stuff that can be bought from vendors.
I never said that I had trouble with the puzzle. I'm a 3d artist and the first thing I did with items I picked up in Skyrim was to try if I can rotate them in the menu to see the detail. Afterall it was a decent looking game back then. When I picked up the claw I looked at the gold material of the mesh and immediately noticed the three symbols. For others it's not necessarily dunning-kruger. The NPC you get the claw from has dialogue that mentions a "hall of stories" and if you've ever actually done some decent puzzles in games you might think that the hall and its engravings are significant instead of the claw itself. Especially when you consider how retarded it would be to design a key+combination lock where the combination is written on the key. It's not that far fetched that someone might actually not expect the game to be that fucking stupid, but it is.
wasnt desert treasure about the same with the lasers n shit
no, its was going into that pyramid and dodging locusts n spooks
Fuck this shit in God of War. It comes out of NOWHERE and it's TIMED.
cloud blowing one was way easier than this one. this one sucked because it wasn't very clear you had to match the color of the stream, not that they didn't tell you, but they could've made it much more obvious.
god dammit user now i have to play again
I mean, I get you look for play testers who don't know how to play games so you can adjust for the lowest common denominator, but Jesus Christ have some fucking backbone
I've played this game multiple times and I still have no idea how this puzzle works
at least that one is optional.
This one was not
fuck keycards and fuck kojima
you figured out the 5 minute kneeling prayer bullshit on your own as an 8 year old?
when people ask why we don't have half life 3, this is the reason
This game actually sucked though. Enemies you killed respawned when you entered/exited out of your fucking inventory
Come on, you pick up the item just before the door and from memory there's a tooltip for inspecting items in the menu at the same time
The note on the body pretty much tells you to look at the claw
If it takes anyone more than a minute to solve the puzzle they're retarded
the pipes activate some parts and disable others, but it gets bad since there's no "reset" so even if you grab a guide you're basically pissing in the wind after a while.
Unless you can chart out which pipes activate what and create a graph that can illustrate the order you're basically fucked pushing that stupid wheelbarrow till a solution appears
>Onimusha 1 is bad because of one someone difficult slide puzzle
Shit's not even that hard breh.
I've never been good at them either, but that one in particular is really easy and resets when you get off of it.
have sex
I played this on the VC some time ago and got stuck here because I told to myself "the game is too old, there's no way it has destructible environments" After some time I just put down the bomb and my mind and the tube were blown
Playtesters are absolved of any guilt in this case, though, the devs literally put them before a puzzle that is completely unlike anything in the whole game you have to use SPECIFICALLY gravity gun while still being able to pull the lever with your hand which is fucking disorientating, admit itand were suprised that they didn't know what to do with it
The instructions do tell you to match the stream, but what everyone seem to miss is that your blast gauge builds up faster the lesser your bladder is. If you go in with 3000/3000 (which you'd assume you're supposed to), you need to match your opponent almost 100% of the time. Going in with 1200/3000 seems to be the nice spot
hey dude, I blocked this entire section out of my mind if you could please fuck off that'd be nice thanks
is this that shit where if you opened any of a number of early chests you would get cut off it forever?
Less a puzzle and more a bad game mechanic.
>literally had no problems with this game as a kid, beat it multiple times
>get stuck constantly as an adult with a university education
Do you just lose your ability to deal with bullshit as you get older? Maybe you just don't have that "this is stupid waste of time" inner voice as a kid
Do one of the villagers tell you about this? There has to be in-game text somewhere, right?
That was excalibur, wasn't it?
If you opened one of 4 specific chests (with one of them being any out of a group for 16 in a 4x4 grid) the chest that has that spear will vanish.
it's not gone forever because there is another chest, that has a rare spawn rate that can have it
my post stays relevant fuck off
>trusting anything anyone says in Simon's Quest
>dude just go through all 8 of your keycards at every fucking door
>any Disgaea game
>posts La Pucelle
>Hit your head on Deborah Cliff to make a hole
Think that's meant to be the hint
I was fortunate enough to discover this one by mistake.
this doesn't really call for a walkthrough, I just forgot how early in the game it happens. it's more a case of semi-awkward 3D platforming coupled with a single fuckup/missed jump being enough reason to hit reset.
Nope. That was a pretty big thing for this game, AVGN makes a pretty big deal about it too. Almighty Guru made a hack called Simon's Redaction that put a bunch of stuff in to make the game better, like telling you to kneel with the orb.
this is what happens hen people don't read the god damn manual anymore
>That shit
The reward wasn't even worth it, i think it only gave you a magatama with mediarama
this the Giacamo trio?
I both loved and hated Chips Challenge.
>That was excalibur, wasn't it?
No, getting excalibur is just speedrunning through the game.
It doesn't. The reason we don't get HL3 is because Valve is a fucking mess, there probably were hundreds of versions of half life 2 successors getting to some stage of production and just fizzling out due to infighting and scheming that's going on in there
>No, getting excalibur is just speedrunning through the game.
and in FF9. That is the infamous Zodiac Spear is from FF12
nah itwas that one
>what do you mean you didn't spend half your playthrough searching every corner of the map?
why do you even play video games, user?
shut up
Not sure how Blizzard expected people to figure this one out.
Don't argue with the brainlet that always indents after the post number they're replying to.
Simon's Quest is one of those games intended to make you use a Nintendo Power. There is no reliable hint to help you
Why not just google the words?
Luckily this is actually optional but after like 10 attempts at it I just gave up.
Pretty much. Game was vague on purpose just so you could pour money into Nintendo Power.
>valve doesn't make hl3 because the playtesters couldn't solve a puzzle
ok retard
Literally any Tales game so you don't miss backtracking to talk to some guy from the 2nd town you visited after you defeat an unrelated boss to trigger one of 7 missable events in one character's ultimate weapon sidequest
Fuck this bullshit. Forever made me paranoid about missable items in JRPGs.
>Brave Fencer Musashi
My absolute nigga. You're completely right though, they hit you with this shit just over an hour into the game. It's basically as timed platforming challenge that makes you restart the sequence if you fuck it up too many times.
That and the mine cart with the ants made me lose my shit as a kid.
I remember breezing through Boktai as a kid, replayed it a little while ago and I got stuck on this goddamn puzzle for like 2 hours.
Shit just happens.
Finding the temple is trivial because it literally is just one of the two places you haven't been able to go yet. Finding the key is different because it just happens to have been in the possession of an NPC that by your own experience doesn't exist. If you've visited the weapon smith's cabin before, you know there is no one there. There's absolutely no reason for you to try to find the keystone there of all places. What does a sensible person do at a point when two options open and one is revealed to be further locked? Take the other one. In other words you go explore Wutai. You complete everything there is to complete in Wutai, and you still don't have the goddamn keystone. Now you have explored literally everything you have access to. All you can do is re-visit every single location all over again, hoping that one thing has changed. Eventually you'll stumble upon the new NPC in the cabin and figure out what to do. It's not difficult. It's not stupid when you can't instantly do it. It's arbitrary and it's bullshit.
That looks like a Halo 2 multiplayer level.
Any Tales game where you're going for 100% sidequests
Parts where you can literally miss sidequests because you talked to 2 NPCs in a row instead of talking to the first one, and then flying to some random town across the world map just to trigger a cutscene before talking to the 2nd NPC is complete bullshit
Piano puzzle was fine but this shit tripped me over.
The harder jumping puzzles in SWTOR. I swear most of them look like you're just trying to glitch jump on poorly mapped pipes and rocks.
>it's a "talking to random npc trips an event flag" episode
fuck off
Playing Valve games with dev comments is the easiest way to get disappointed in humanity.
SMT is guide bait, probably one of the most flagrant examples out there.
that pixel hunt
The screenshot isn't about the SMT game in general, but the minigame in Nocturne.
I don't know if there were online dictionaries in 1998. Also, internet access was a privilege and you needed to dial up. I used an actual paper dictionary to look up words. Also Thief has no subtitles. I didn't know the spelling of those words in order to look them up. As a person who grew up with a language whose pronounciation is 99.9999% unambiguous it was difficult to learn a language where letters are not pronounced the exact same way in every context, like English is. "English." A word that sounds like it starts with the same letter as "Information." What a fucking retarded language goddamn.
yeah fuck these gamers don't they feel pride and accomplishment in spending hours and hours on trying to figure something out the hard way, even though game guides have existed since the dawn of gaming who uses that shit. feels good to be a chad
>spaces out after every reply
At least you make it obvious you're the one being retarded every time.
Oh, my bad, I thought google was older than September 1998. Man time flies.
English is a shit language to learn, especially as a second language. It doesn't make sense to most of the inbreds around here anyway.
This is what kept the game from being 10/10
Came here to post this.
what the fuck is he asking?
From what I remember from an earlier thread, you have to find a passcode for a door, and the poorly disguised stroke that guy is having is the passcode
This whole fucking game. Never knew where to go once you could explore the ocean floor.
I think that if it gave you the Magatama after half the levels, then just left the rest of them as an optional challenge (with the NPC being easier to get back to), then it'd be fine. As it is, when I replay the game I just want to get my goddamn Magatama as fast as I can, so I just look up a guide the instant I start struggling. I could probably figure it out on my own if I felt like it, but the game doesn't just let me do it WHEN I feel like it.
>move the centre right one to the middle
>move the rest of them clockwise until it clicks
I loathe sliding puzzles but this one is brain dead
The solution to the puzzle is written on the back of an inventory item you use as a key, making it a braindead "puzzle" that doesn't actually require any thought. But a lot of people reach that point without realizing that you can inspect inventory items to begin with, and the game doesn't pop up a tutorial marker explaining it at the time.
I didn't use Google for years even after it launched. I was an Altavista mark. Anyway, I was a stupid kid and even if I had known the spelling of those words it would have never occurred to me that you could use the internet as a dictionary. Especially since you had to pay by minute, so looking up words would literally cost money, and I could flip through a 15cm thick book instead. -Which compared to the speed of a 28k modem was probably faster.
>the game doesn't pop up a tutorial marker explaining it at the time
it does though
I think I ended up just trying every possible order. I feel ashamed to this day.
This was pure fucking bullshit. How was I supposed to know to throw the Soda cans down the chute? I thought they were going to have another use, why didn't they just make the heavy object something obvious to try throw down the chute like a rock or brick? I examined the chute so many times knowing I had to knock the garbage down but what sort of madman goes into their inventory and tries to 'Use' a 6 pack of soda? Pure bullshit.
Wareshouse puzzles in Tales of Vesperia. First one was alright but all the others were annoying to a point where I just said fuck it and had a Youtube video run in parallel.
I stand by what I said.
forgot image
>La mulana
>0 results found
What the fuck?
Based brainlet
Yikes, seriously consider killing yourself.
At least starting with the mainline PS2 games, they had something like a backlog to remind you of what the fuck happened.
On that note, FUCK ABYSS AND VESPERIA SIDEQUESTS. That shit's fucking retarded.
This is the only true flaw of the game imo. All other puzzles no matter how hard, have some hint towards it. This is just random bullshit however.
Still a masterpiece though
I'm currently playing through 2 myself and it's SO bad here. There is no logical throughline between any of the events or locations in the game
If you leave the game on at the title it shows you this one on the demo.
I thought I was alone on this, I get what they were trying to do, but walking around the world aimlessly becomes so boring and frustrating in the long run, especially since in the DS version the way you fill the world map is fucking stupid.
The last puzzle for the eden apple on assassin's creed 2 was hard but fun. I loved pocket circuit in yakuza, but it's something that needs a guide to complete if you don't like it
this shit made 100% perfect sense to me, I dont get how it was at all hard
>in the most linear dungeon in the game because it's the "tutorial" dungeon
>going along your path and a guy is strung up by a spider
>he's a dick and five seconds later you whap him once
>loot his body
>find an obvious, ornate thing that looks kind of like a key and has three big claw prongs on it
>roll up on a door with three (3) (III) slots
How does that not instantly connect in people's minds
You didn't do it for the magatama itself, but to unlock the Masakados magatama for which you had to collect all the regular ones.
>haha user just make the jar match the shadow
>try several times and make it look similar
>game doesn't like it
>you gotta get it at just the right pixels to get it to accept
that's what it felt like for me aswell, but the world map design is fine again until dq6.
wait a minute, that claw...
that whole game desu
its wonderful but some puzzles really made no sense imo
By that point you should of easily remembered every place you couldnt have gone yet, and been excited you had a new way to get there.
I tried to play and enjoy all of those older games. But man. It was just nonsensical. It was either some confusing ass puzzle or you had to click something very very specific.
I love the characters and I love the universe. But the game play really shit on all that
The Ice wand temple fucking puzzle...... sweet fuckery!
Games like this without internet access is what videos games was all about, Alundra #1
The thing is that you would be spending months playing a game. Months thinking about it, months trying new things. Video Game """"Culture"""" is now about playing flavor of the month garbage or playing a single player game and beating it in under a week.
a 6 pack of soda is somewhat heavy and would be a sensible thing to find in an apartment building.
Missables are fucking bullshit, especially if they're not obvious. I'm alright with cool shit being tucked away, but if a party member or something super substantial is missable and was only obtainable for a fraction of the game's length, it's horseshit.
The exception, is, of course, short games.
to get the secret Summon some of these were bullshit
but also just not fun
>look for the way on my own
>find every hidden secret and still don't know where to go
I had to use one more often than I would've liked while playing the Ace Attorney games. Can't remember the specific moments though, any AA fans remember any?
I genuinely have no clue how the fuck anyone was supposed to figure out how to get to 19xx in FE7.
>There's a character that joins in Chapter 7 that Starts at Level 1, and can only earn 10 XP each turn (100 for each level)
>He must get to Level 7 before the end of Chapter 10, so you have to use his Sing command 70 times in 5 chapters (even in a slow playthrough you only do around half of that, there's no way you'll do this without grinding)
>Not only that, but you must kill a Miniboss in Chapter 19x
>While the miniboss doesn't attack, he has capped speed, high HP and Def, and nullifies magic. Not only that, but at the end of the turn he's first attacked, he will flee, so you HAVE to kill him the turn you start attacking him.
If you do both of these things, you get to go to the chapter.
>present evidence X
>penalized because you have to present a photo that shows evidence X
I ended up taking a 3 year break at that point so I dont remember anymore
I win.
Any time a game starts quizzing me on in game HISTORY and LORE.
>the answer is obvious, test this bottle that Wright, Maya, and the judge have touched for the victims fingerprints.
Final Frog quest in FFXV
Getting a specific evolution.
isn't that the one where they could be scattered across the entire world map and the game gives you ZERO hints on their location, when the others did?
Was the reward even worth it?
>spent 2 hours
>finally beat it and got the magatama
>on my way to save
>game crashes
>play it my way or fuck off
nice attitude faggot
Ribbon is always worth it and thanks to the internet it only took like five minutes.
The only clue you get is an audio cue when you get close to one.
I think they only appear in places with water as well.
considering how easy XV is, that really doesn't feel like a good prize.
You figured out that you had to equip Dracula's heart in order to get the ferryman to take you to the next town? Bullshit
Impossible to finish 100% without guide. And even with guide there is big chance that you still get only 99% since even author of guide doesn't know how to trigger specific events/dialogues. You need to reply everything from the beginning. Why? because of how this VN works
This one was worse