Have deuSex

Have deuSex.

Attached: GGUV-DlW_400x400.jpg (400x400, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You're gonna nut alright.

new version of malkavian mod is out after like 6 years, tell your friends

Booby Trap

>it's real
>holy fuck it's actually real
I bet it was the VTMB2 announcement that made this happen

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oh yeah yeah


he didn't really have a choice

deus ex/jc denton now zoomer material


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maybe you should try getting a job

Okay. Where?

>Deus Ex is now in the "popular for the wrong reasons" club

Attached: 1557885439158.png (1146x644, 1.55M)

Do you have any facts to back that up?

Yeah. Number one: That's terror.

>Have deuSex.

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JC Denton. The anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century

>If you shoot an enemy with a tranq dart he immediately knows your position and alerts nearby enemies
>But if you shoot the floor next to him you can cause him to stand still, 180, and expose his back for an instant melee knockout, and also retrieve the arrow from the floor
>Buy if you DROP an object he will instead run towards the alarm for some fucking reason

The enemy AI in Deus Ex is fucking horrible jesus christ

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>when an American near you calls it "Doos Ex"

Attached: Fuck you.jpg (399x400, 13K)

>Deus Ex is now in the "popular for the wrong reasons" club
It's true.
But not for the reasons that user is stating, it's a good game.
Rather, the problem is Deus Ex got popular with "a certain crowd" for "certain reasons" that stem from a gross misunderstanding of it's themes and messages.
It's current fanbase is mostly a bunch of brainlets.
Similiarly to the MGS2 fanbase.

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>when youropoor is a frogposter

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when did this forced shit come from anyways

install GMDX

If you complain about it, it means it's getting under your skin.
If it's getting under your skin, then it's working, and they'll never stop.

im just asking it was out of nowhere

He's telling you to do sex. Have sex.

Your appointment to have sex should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the incel.

Attached: Your Appointment.png (515x510, 296K)

Holy shit. Does it let you finish the Bob Page quest? I want to bring him my savage daughter.

Have Dude Sex

That's never happened, you obsessed frogposter

Probably Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

Actually not true, I'm american and I was like 19 when I found out it's not doos ex.

>have sex

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Is there a way to get controller support working in desu ex?

just use some software that lets you map the keyboard into a gamepad

What's the best way to play this game? Like are there any mods worth adding or should my first playthrough be vanilla?

Never tried it.

>mfw when I literally played through the entirety of Deus Ex on the extremely gimped PS2 version as a kid
>loved it anyway

Attached: clown doomer.jpg (507x507, 39K)

I tried the game around 10 years ago and it was so fucking broken it was hilarious. The whole game was a glitch basically, nothing I did felt intended and everything was janky as fuck.
I know some people love this randumb xddd gameplay but I honestly prefer something that has less freedom but is more polished, such as Perfect Dark on the N64 (even though the two games are nowhere near the same genre they have a similar atmosphere).

Number two: that's terror.

The best way to play the game is to play the game.


Get this at least, it allows you to adjust some visual settings for modern systems.

TNM 2.0 is also coming

Attached: goatbank(2).jpg (1920x1065, 241K)

You have a single fact to back that up?


You could add HDTP retexture mod and kenties launcher, but everything else has to be vanilla for first run

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PS2 had prerendered cutscenes which was cool



You've got 10 seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.


The layout of the plan necessary to pull off the multi-patch system that is currently being developed, and that will constitute the TNM 2.0 update.

Posted by ZeroPresence on Mar 28th, 2019

Greetings Forumites, ZeroPresence here, everyone's favorite sniper rifle loot drop WorldCorp Assaassin!

So TNM 2.0 is a massive undertaking, that while certainly will not be in development as long as our first beloved TNM, is going to require a bit of different method of release. The following is a summary of the four patches we have planned, that will release one after the other as soon as each one is complete:

1. Mission 20 Patch:

Mission 20 is the beefiest of our missions in TNM. Also, it is the first so the most logical place to start for the new TNM team to begin with. Maps are being remade, revamped, and polished over as much as possible and with a speedy release in mind. Also Mission 20 bleeds into the next few missions due to repeated maps, so while this patch is labelled Mission 20 only, any new assets made that are supposed to show up again later in the game will be updated first as well. From a developer to fan relation standpoint, we want to release Mission 20 only so that we can prove to you that this isn't just smoke being blown up your rears. This truly is an official dev led project, and is on the way! If you are interested in playing TNM 2.0 as a whole when all missions are complete, you might want to skip this patch until we release the mega 2.0 patch once everything is completed. You won't hurt my feelings any if this is how you feel, because it is going to be a bit of a drip release system after this.

2. Mission 21 / Mission 22 Unique Maps Patch:

This will complete the work done during the Mission 20 patch, remaking or revamping any maps not covered during the revisit portion. Also because Mission 21 and Mission 22 are so much shorter in relation to 20, this patch will roll out much quicker.

That's not what they're talking about you secluded bitch, they're talking about the resurgence of people using JC as their profile picture because of an e-celeb. That is to say, because of bad reasons.

3. Mission 23 / Mission 24 Patch:

All necessary remakes and revamps will be pushed through, much like the previous patch these two missions are even shorter and thus an even quicker release!

4. Weapon Polish / Radish Adventure / Secret Squirrel Stuff Patch:

We have a modeler on duty that is attempting to get some nicer TNM unique weapons pushed into TNM. While we have already done some balance adjustment for various weapons in TNM, their visual assets remain much the same. Radish Adventure was a very rushed feature, and I believe I made the maps seriously about two days before release of original TNM... and it shows. It was not done and it deserves justice! I plan on making amends with that issue, and making Easter Egg hunting have a much more rewarding feel as a whole. Finally, a few of the new devs have a few projects planned that will bring a lot of extra fun to TNM but we don't want to release any info yet... so stay tuned. :) That may seem like a lot, and to you dear reader, we may fall into another multi-year development cycle but I must reiterate, we have 99% of the Mission 20 patch done already. The only thing I'm waiting on is NINE BUGS to be fixed before we push out a download link to everyone that is willing to test the waters. Once this patch is out the door, each Mission after that is going to be a piece of cake, strictly content patches and minor bug fixes. This will be the final icing on the cake for TNM 2.0, and at this point our work will be done... and maybe in another 9 years I will return with more folks to work on TNM 3.0, for the one or two of you that still are interested.

Until then, eat your radishes and be good or the moderators will get 'cha.

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Steam Input.

Sauce: moddb.com/mods/the-nameless-mod/news/tnm-20-roadmap

>didn't actually specify what the "wrong" reason is nor specified what the "right" reason is
Well god damn, user, I'll fucking be.

No thanks.

You have 10 seconds to beat it.