It's fun.
It's fun
it's boring
it looks great though
No. It's boring.
no, it's fun.
post to 5 games played I bet its 5000 hours of counter strike and rocket league
It's not on Switch so fuck it
its good but needs 4x the content desu
> Rougelike.
ironically haven't played any of those in well over a year except kf2
and for comparison
jesus christ LOL
forgot pic
i really dig it
post yours if you think youre so great
In 1.7 hours you couldn't have even gotten deep into the nebula which means you probably were bored in the starting stage which is super easy even on hard difficulty. get to at least level 4 and there is more variety and challenging enemies.
>you have to play it longer than the refund window trust me
im on to your jewish tricks, void dev
Too short
user, the rules, follow them
Rougelikes have to be the laziest way to make a game.
> No story.
> No progression.
> No unique set pieces.
> Just randomly generated box rooms with like 5-6 enemies and a handful of items.
>not playing on Hard Bastard difficulty from the very first minute
but there is a story and progression!
CS and Rocket League would have been much better than this
jetpack cod was fun and played more like an arena shooter than anything. the on-foot modern warfare shit was terrible though.
it's bursting at the seams with style and a great tone though. i with they just made a real game with that art direction.
>guns are just static .jpgs
It's ok.
Got a bit repetitive towards the end and I never realized how devastating death is later until I saw some other fags play it.
I wish it was on GOG. Sadly i am boycotting Epic, Steam and etc.
user did you get lost somewhere?
>Who cares about a game you can just pick up and start playing?
>With unlockable content to keep you playing?
Some of use don't feel like story-laden games all the time.
Also, why the hell does no one use the term roguelite? You know, the term that was invented specifically for these games that have elements of Rogue, but don't play like it, as opposed to roguelikes, which are games that play like Rogue.
>no persistent progression
>some persistent progression
The bitches with shields and the pirates would too much a pain in the ass.
they absolutely are
that's what makes it interesting
I'm okay with guns being images, I'm not okay with enemies being images.
>too scared to post their own
i have no shame. what's your excuse?
That and roguelikes are turn-based. Other things, too.
Sorry my autistic friend.
I didn't mean to Miss-genre your game.
Dumb normie
Shit taste: The person
its ok. bit short, only 8 hours to complete with plenty of side tracks for non essential parts. guess il try a hard bastard run now and see if that goes any better.
You never played Doom?
First run on normal was fun, but harder difficulties/modifiers aren't difficult, they're just frustrating. Stopped being fun and replay value can suck a dick.
shit taste
There’s no reason to ever not bring the stun gun with you if it has ammo. All other gadgets pale in comparison prove me wrong.
Pirate it
Why yes fellow gamer, I do enjoy Void Bastards™! Tell me kind sir, will it be coming to the Nintendo Switch™ in the form of a port? And what is your Reddit™ account so I can upvote your thread and gift you gold? Epic for the win, that's a little reference, fellow gamer ;)
Report and hide these garbage indie shill threads
>randomly generated roguelike
why should I play this
Explain why advertising is bad.
Doo you like quick, arcade-style games? That's why I enjoy roguelites.
Isn't this supposed to be like System Shock 2 though? I don't get how that makes sense as an arcade game
>people like something I don't, must be a shill
Fuck off, faggot. Go gatekeep in your containment board. Astounds me people like you think anyone even wants to hear your non-opinion, but you have to comment in threads that don't even interest you.
Why have you so many hours in so many games? Do you people here really play that much games? I haven't got a single game on steam with more than 100 hours of game time.
did you just leave arkham knight running for 3 days and forget to close your computer or something?
Shouldn't you be on facebook or something?
Stop shilling this fucking garbage
Nope. I spent a lot of time in challenge maps.
Wish it had more things to do. Style is great, universe is pretty fun, but gameplay gets really monotonous. At times, in Nebula lvl 3-4 it's really great, but only at certain ships with certain challenges (like Lux ship with lots of items but no O2 tanks).
Beat it just now and sadly it feels like a really-really-really long prologue to a great sci-fi game. I.e. it's more of an idea than a fully fledged game.
I got it for free and it's not very good. The art's good, setting's kinda fun, humour's not bad, but the shooting sucks and the enemies range from totally inneffectual to completely fucking aggravating. The weapons are fine, kinda cool even, but for the most part you just want to bring either the stun gun, the mind control gun, or the rocket launcher. It also starts out pleasantly challenging and then about three or so hours in you'll suck the difficulty right out, with a massive health pool, a ton of ammo, and so much food that you can heal from near death to full at any time.
Is there anyone who doesn't do this now? Last 3 games I bought, I pirated first to see if it was any good, then uninstalled, bought, and moved my saves over. Why the fuck don't devs make demos anymore? (Aside from size.)
>Why the fuck don't devs make demos anymore?
Because most modern games are trash, and enough idiots preorder them anyway.
The 3 slot limitation is fucking retarded.
The random fourth slot should be there by default, not as a rare-ass perk.
I haven't played this game, but it's clearly going to be a zoomer filter by having it be "2.5D".
Yes but Doom is fucking 27 years old user like wtf.
I played for one hour yesterday but couldnt find how to refill my ammo so I uninstalled
also infinite enemies in a game with limited supplies is stupid
For a game that is supposed to focus on the tight combat sections of early game SS2 it's missing a lot of what made it great like hitting walls with your wrench to bait hybrids or being able to outturn shotgun hybrids to avoid their shots. Also zero rpg elements.
Nah, it's the dev's fault for charging 30$ for jpgs, aesthetics are good, which is the only good thing in this game
Also psi powers, inventory management, and non floaty movement where you have proper acceleration.
I'm enjoying it, the system shock inspiration isn't huge but it's definitely there
Playing on hard mode but I'm still having a pretty easy time of it, the only real threats are the security robots
Isolate the rooms with portal spawners, dingus.
The game has a shitload of issues but enemy respawn is not one of them.
Once you get a few upgrades and stop wasting the currency on opening locked drawers you can pretty much hack the entire security system.
Kitty decoy with cassette bombs is must have for ZAKs.
The game gets easier over time rather than harder.
I only ever died to the tutorial pirates, and that was because i was on a controller, which i stopped after that.
Would have been nice to have some more incentive to move forward, like in FTL.
Stay mad, smash/snoy/AAAfaggots.
I'm liking it but i don't really understand the stealth
Am I even supposed to stealth? everytime I try, the enemies insta-spot me as soon as I enter field of vision and I end up gunning them all down. Considering the O2 limitation in some ships, it's a lot more efficient to run & gun anyways than sneak around. I tried fucking around with the spike poison gun but waiting for enemies to die 1 by 1 to the poison takes forever. Also I thought the "rifts" only spawned enemies if you were noisy around them or something, but they actually just spawn randomly anyway.
The "inspiration" from ss2 seems to stop at the level design.
And if the gameplay is nothing but run & gun, they really should have made it fun and not borderlands tier.
>Open door
>Send in bomb-kitty
>pick up Screw/security
>put them in a locked room wagecage and laugh
>game gives you a shitton of ammo since it don't do direct damage
>Zec spots you
>Bouncer on
>reflect her shots to the side of her shield so she kills herself with splash damage
>Hold M1 in front of Security for 5 seconds
>it dies
>I never even used the scrambled cause the game was over by the time i got it
The zapper is fantastic against security which keeps it relevant through the entire game, but so are most of the other gadgets. If you prefer it however, it is completely reasonable to only use it for as long as the ammo lasts.
Yeah, it's amazing that first weapon and gadget is still relevant in endgame as long as you upgrade them. Thou, patients can be sometimes pain in ass and for them you would bring nailgun(?)
The title reminds me of Tarantino who reminds me of footfags who are gross. This game is gross.
Patients are removed by explosives and aoe.
infinite enemies with limited supplies means you better just speedrun everything than play the game the way it was meant to be played
What difficulty is more akin to a standard roguelite?
Cause it sure as hell isn't normal.
Played on normal difficulty and the game is just boring. The upgrades aren't particularly interesting, possibly because they're just not necessary. Although they don't seem all that interesting, regardless.
Speedrunning is a good way to get fucking cornered and gangbanged.
Nothing beats slow and methodical clearing and sealing of the portal rooms unless you deliberately went on a ship with tons of spawners.
Hard or upper.
If you want challenge.
Patiens are DE-stroyed by kittybots since they will chase after them so closely.
They are also hard-countered by the rad spikegun. Even dropping a radiation patch in a corridor will make any patients trying to pass die in a few seconds. I try to put a rad spike on any Patients spawn i find to effectively neutralize it.
But yeah, other than that explosives and AOE works well.