Three and a half hours... I still haven't beaten him. I haven't experienced this in my life and I've been gaming for 28 years. This is the hardest boss I've ever fought and my very first console was Atari 2600, then NES, SNES/Genesis, N64 and so on. Played loads of shit growing up, no boss ever game me trouble like this. Other Soulsborne games were all fine. I'm really mad rn. This ruined my Sunday. Fml.
Three and a half hours... I still haven't beaten him...
Other urls found in this thread:
you forgot your lunch?
This nigga took me like half a day, you'll be fine. Just take a break maybe.
Yes actually. About to eat.
just don't get hit lol
I am taking a break.
You know you can cheese him right
why do people say this? he obviously wants to legitimately beat him
also, I think that's patched out
You can skip this broken nigger.
Literally just run towards him full speed and hit him. Jump when you see the kanji warning and run from his stomp. lmao how do you even die to this what a faggot
still works
Get that umbrella mod that makes you immune to fire and use that when he jumps and maybe when he throws those fireballs.
Rest of the fight is hugging him while dodging the kicks
run away
if he throws shit at you wait for his arm to hit the ground
run up to him and he doesn't follow it up
take your time
run away
run away
I sucked at him too. Longest I've ever spent on a boss fight. Basically just rammed my head into him until memorised every move he has and finally got him.
if you get hit by his jump you are actually retarded
probably it's because you're old and your reflexes have gone to shit.
I absolutely loved this boss for some reason, only time I got slightly pissed at this game was at snake eyes in the swamp before I realized I could run away and then stealth
I've gotten a lot calmer with age
they're alright
saves you time by not having to run away
The absolute worst thing about this boss is you approach him differently than every other boss in the game. You suddenly have to switch you brain back souls-esque fighting, then soon after fight isshin who is the ultimate test of the sekiro fighting mechanics. Really fucked me up.
>struggle for 3 hours
>find out about Malcontent
>win first try
That umbrella can really save your ass, just keep trying user. I believe in you!
>run away
>get grapple in attack plus a few more hits
literally better to run away
Anyone else realize after like the 3rd NG plus cycle that you can use divine confetti against this nigger?
never thought to do that, makes sense though.
This dude took me 3 hours
After like the 20th death I just gave up and decided to use the fire shield
what does divine confetti even do lmao
I use Confetti for everything from NG+ onward
That's boring tho.
Yes that and the attack buff candy makes the first phase go by fast, you can also poison him with sabimaru as he is entering the next phase.
Are the next bosses harder?
Increases range and your base damage a little bit
There's only one dude left and depends on how gud you are. Some people kill him within 10 tries, some people kill him after 400 tries.
also another gamechanger for this boss was using that item that gives you spirit emblems but takes some of your health basically like the blood bullets in bloodborne
>tfw when i finally got to his third form i beat it on the first try
Feels good man.
If by next bosses you mean Isshin then yes, fuck his spear phase, but he's pretty fun after you learn his moveset after the 40th try
It’s seems to do way more against spirit bosses. Like the headless and O Rin. Takes a lot of the tedium out of DoH giant health bars
You can call it a day and try other time, you know? Sometimes a break will help, been stuck for ages with an enemy/section of a game only to return the next day and beat it in a few tries. Also, he isnt that hard, think of it as an actual Darksouls boss and youll be fine. By the time I beat him, I could beat his first phase without taking damage
Yes, that its main use but you can still think of of it as a resin from dark souls
+25% damage against everything, +37.5% against apparition enemies. Stack it with damage up sugar to see everything just melts.
You just need to run and jump when he jumps, and run for the fireballs(?)
if you're in 1st playthrough you can crush the 1st phase face to face with deflects and maybe a few fire umbrella charges and keep full health... posture deathblow
Does it really has a reason to be that amount (like "it represents an exact amount of normal attacks to beat, lesser than otherwise") or it is just nip autism?
i know I'm only talking about the first phase but a reliable way to make progress is to perfect what you can accomplish until it's not a concern so you can focus more on what you can't accomplish
It's just an extra 50% from the normal amount
all i know is that it's 75/2 friend
Use umbrella. Umbrella is too fucking good, I still feel bad for beating SS ishin third and fourth phase with it and projected force
Reached him yesterday myself and only tried him once so far. Do you have the last upgrade to the Umbrella? It blocks most of his attacks except one where he jumps and hits you from overhead.
>needing the umbrella
literally just run past his fire attacks. or grapple when the button comes up
Woah... boomer reflexes are something to behold...
Sorry for talking shit, this was just epic
upgraded umbrella spamming right click is invincibility and guaranteed deflects for all hits. flawless victory against longarm centipede charmless belldemon ng+11
yeah just literally sprint around. literally. don't even attack him ever. he will get tired eventually....
he only uses his fire attacks from a distance sweetie. put away your gamebreaking umbrella and fight him like a real man
I don't think it's that hard, just tedious because he has so much health. The most annoying thing he does is throw fireballs, I still haven't learned how to avoid them consistently. Other than that I found him pretty manageable.
This old meme. Maybe your reflexes are too slow to compete at the highest competitive level, but the minimal amount of reaction time lost shouldn't make playing single player action games harder. It's more a test of pattern recognition than it is reflexes.
I don't get what's so hard about him. He felt like nothing after sword saint. I'm pretty sure I just stood between his legs and dodged his stomp.
literally learn the definition of literally "sweetie" also you're wrong so please talk about some other boss you actually killed
nigga, if he ever uses his fire attacks while you're right in front of him that's basically free hits
are you so bad you cant believe someone actually beat him without the umbrella? hes not even that hard
no? why are you inventing weird stories about other posters in the thread? is this the power of those who don't know what literally means?
Keep cool and try another day. Soulsborne effect, you'll beat him first try next time.
lmao wait till you get to sword saint
this guy was difficult at first but I one shotted him once I figured out how
use the right tools and watch a no hit video
I made it to the final boss of this game then I stopped playing it. I never even gave proper time to learn his pattern. I don't know what went wrong. I enjoyed the game up until that point then suddenly I lost all motivation to finish it.
>beat first two phases
>get to 3rd
>spam malcontent, smack with confetti and ungo's sugar until nearly dead
wish i knew about malcontent on my first playthrough
you literally dont know how the boss works. literally
C'mon, took me like an hour and a half tops. Got him to third pase on my first attempt. Don't be stingy with the candies and pellets. I like popping an Ungo's at the start of the second and third phases, then an Ako's when I get him to half health. You can avoid the ring of fire entirely in the third phase. The fireballs are easy, just sprint like a motherfucker.
Stick on his balls
Learn to recognize the four-hit combo that hits directly in front of him--parry or dodge the entire string because it's the only dangerous move when you're on his balls. It's easiest to run around the back of him when he does close range moves like headbutt (careful of possible 2 followups) and arm push, but if you consistently parry these you can fill the posture bar before draining his vitality.
When he jumps away, rush towards him to make sure you don't get hit in the midrange fireball toss. BUT--if you don't get there on time you will get caught in it. Learn to judge the distance and you'll figure it out.
Fire field is sprint to the side and jump at the very last second. Fireball spam sprint around him at a consistent radius (most safe) or get closer while you do it for free hits in the recovery animation.
pic related is ng+ charmless demon bell toolless droplet-less so you at least listen to what I have to say
Does Malcontent stun him that long?
if you say so, champ... I'll just go kill it again on ng+12 charmless & bell demon stumbling around like a dummy without knowing what I'm doing
Enough to get a few hits in, but you can only use it three times I think.
Can't say I didn't struggle with him, but if that's the most difficult fight you ever did in 28 years of vidya, then you just became rusty. It's challenging and probably the hardest fight of the game, but nothing like you make it out to be. Just take a few deep breaths and try again later, you'll probably do it in one go.
My main gripe is his bullshit fireballs.
>Sometimes throws them near
>Sometimes throws them far
>Need to keep running if he throws them far, need to stop and/or run back a bit if he throws them near
>No logic or tells between the two (sometimes throws far when you're close and vice-versa)
It's a fucking annoying move. You practically need to use the umbrella to consistently not get hit by it.
iirc the close-range throw is only a follow-up to the midrange throw if the ai determines you're still in range for them. Other than that he only uses midrange throw
at least that's what I experienced in my fights with him
Never saw him use his fireballs up close
Fight it like a SOULS boss. Get your face up in his shit, dodge like it's your only option, and learn his moveset. If you're at long range, he has the advantage, so get up there and push his shit in. Also cheese a phase of your choice with the malcontent whistle.
You are fighting him correctly, sir.
>three lifebars
Ain't nobody got time for that shit.
>This is the hardest boss I've ever fought
Literally every single Monster Hunter AT boss is at least twice as hard and complex, especially Extreme Behemoth, AT Lunastra and AT Nergigante, LOL. Not even mentioning deviants or level-140 monsters from MH4U.
Are Souls fans mentally ill?
Pic related's telegraphing is literally 1/5 of Demon of Hatred and he oneshots you.
>Pic related's
Also 15 times the health pool.
>Are Souls fans mentally ill?
Honestly yes. The only 2-3 bosses in the entire franchise that are challenging after getting a grip on the trial and error are the last boss of Sekiro (and that's arguably just because they defy the rules of the game and do attacks that ignore your counter), Hilde (more annoying because of the preceding two stages that are just boring and annoying) and maybe Manus.
There's a way to avoid ever being hit by a fireball though.
Assume he's just done an attack or moved so that he's effectively across the field from the player. If we discount phase 3, where he gains some desperation leaps and the circle fire attack, then we have three possible moves he is left with:
1. Fireballs
2. Fire rain (run around in a tight circle to best avoid this)
3. He'll move closer and then probably use fireballs or a long range arm attack
What you want to do, is bait the fireballs straight away, by running up to him until you're in his mid-range, and then run slightly backwards as he activates the attack. When the first volley of fireballs are thrown, then run forward, as he'll either already be readying his next volley, or instead doing the long range thrust attack with his flames. This will give you plenty of opportunity to fuck him up for three or four swings.
You can also take advantage of his five hit tracking stomp/arms combo by parrying the first three attacks, dodging into him twice, then attacking the back of his legs. Assuming you're in the right position, the most lethal part of the attack, the fire arms, will never hit you.
Manus? lel
if you simply stick on his penis and run straight towards him whenever he repositions the fireballs will not hit you
if you delay to heal or run into an obstacle then you need to back off to bait the fireballs, but you should be running straight at him to avoid retaliation 90% of the time
First you need a certain item that's hidden from you without using guides, without it it's pure cancer. For the wolf I'd argue most people also needed a guide to get him. Then you must understand his retarded combos and what the black magic shit is even about. That's at least five deaths due to trial and error. Most Souls bosses you can easily beat first or second attempt.
And it's not even a G Rank MH. If Sony ponies didn't quit the gamer after facing Lunastra they would be in for a surprise with Iceborne.