So, how did you all like Nyakuza metro?

So, how did you all like Nyakuza metro?

Attached: 1557504830292.png (965x1382, 778K)

Other urls found in this thread:!LGRDHCDa!NJ8kQAgQtZsa5oCMRRKb2A Hat in Time.

good level, no new boss tho

That's a tasty looking burger


It wasn't free for the first day like StD was, was it?

It was alright, but it wasn't particularly good for the content. Despite being 9 primary Time Pieces, it went by faster than Seal the Deal, which was only 3. It was incredibly easy, but damn so many good cosmetic pieces and multiplayer.

Hat kid looks a little thick. She needs to cut down on the burgers

Post part two of that image coward!

Hold up, there is a part two?
Who is the artist then if I may ask?

>reverse image search
>find a shitty KYM page
>people in the comments also saying there's a part two but not linking it

Attached: HATE.gif (500x385, 492K)

trans garbage. didn't even pirate it.

Heres a tip
There is probably no part two. People at KYM are notorious liars these days.


Attached: 20190530210226_1a.jpg (1440x900, 399K)

Seems to be the case. I checked the archives and found nothing, maybe people are getting it confused with another image.

I can't afford to get the game, let alone the DLC.

pirate it

I know that Part 2 exists. I saw it but I never saved the image.

Attached: Sketch (334).png (1035x811, 175K)

I really liked this game.

Did you check to see if it was on a certain party website? What's the artists name?

Haven't bought it yet.

I'm currently doing Death Wish shit and it's kicking my ass. I fucking hate the Parade level.

Attached: hatkidadult.jpg (334x600, 22K)

Eishiban. Notable for being alright with posting fat lolis.

Attached: big_penni_by_eishiban_dd81dwc-pre.jpg (736x1086, 85K)

It also adds another time piece in The Tour time rift. At least I think it was part of this DLC.

Base game has 40 TP's, then there's 5 in Seal The Deal + 11 more in Nyakuza for the total of 56.

oh fuck here come the fat posts


Attached: 1559125639008.png (1241x477, 6K)

Wait that was by Eishiban? I can't believe I didn't recognize it.
It is indeed on yiff party

Glad I didn't buy the base game now.


I loved it, had a lot of fun
I've done a lot of the death wishes too, but I've honestly grown tired of them now... Which is sad, I was not too far from the shadow puppet. I just don't wanna do all the other goddamn annoying missions to get the 70 needed to unlock the final challenge

Attached: 1557555308140.png (1042x764, 184K)


The MYURRDURR sticker is the fucking cutest thing I've seen in a while and online is pretty fun

Attached: boop.webm (960x540, 1.74M)

Not really interested in games aimed at trannies and pedophiles.

How the FUCK do you complete the 'illness has speedrun' contract when 40% of it is you being forced to sit through unskippable cutscenes?

Attached: _1511174765207.png (128x128, 21K)

#cuteandfunny seems to be dead. Noone's online.

this, trannies aren't welcome here

I wish I was that burger

Have you tried holding the skip button?

speaking of 40%...

Attached: EmotionalConsiderateFirecrest-max-1mb.gif (320x245, 940K)

Turn on the speedrun mode in options. It auto skips every cutscene in the game.

I was too busy playing other shit while it was alive and missed the fun.

Oh yeah.
Part two.

Attached: image0.png (1667x1300, 972K)

I didn't expect it to go on for very long. I was on everyday for a while, was fun while it lasted.



Attached: 1552969363962.png (540x244, 142K)

was it kino?

Attached: 1516939711254.png (2047x1055, 2.74M)

Klonoa needs cuddles

Attached: 1538536013533.png (692x677, 538K)

oh yeah bby

Attached: RAGGLE FRAGGLE.gif (480x270, 860K)

is it worth getting? leaving the trans flag aside, is the game worth a shot?

It's a 9/10 game if you enjoy m64/sunshine/collectathons.

>if you enjoy m64/sunshine/collectathons.
is it one of those collectathons that get tedious like odyssey or not?

absolutely not


It's hardly even a collectathon. It's not a very long game and the missions feel different so I don't think it ever gets tedious.

It's the best 3D platformer in years.

No money :(

I'd say yes, but I won't be supporting them anymore.
The transflag is not okay in a "children's game" and shit like just screams the mad leftist sperging.

It's granted that the kids won't understand what they mean, but the concept of it disgusts me.
Having blatant opinions spread openly in your innocent game is just vile.

Honestly, if it was any other type of game, like something more grown up, I wouldn't give a shit, but this is comparable to seeing a Super Mario game with in game messages like "bowser is a fascist dictator" or "vaccines cause autism!"
It's simply just not the right place for this shit.

Attached: 1512265905678.png (442x509, 172K)

>In the middle of Rush Hour
>Game crashes

Attached: 136684029464.jpg (375x470, 17K)

nice level bad boss

Attached: 1384721784327.png (314x275, 120K)

the workshop is GREAT and the game is fun and charming buuuuut you should porbably wait for a sale

You say it's a children's game but clearly a large portion of its players are adults, if death wish is anything to go by

what's so terrible about them showing support for trans people?

I want to have hot, hard, sweaty sex with Hat Kid.

You would have to be fucking stupid to think that aHiT is a bad game.

Good level and I like the visuals. The cat train animations were super cute. It's a shame that there was no proper boss fight against the yakuza boss, because there was all this build up of tension with her that never had a pay-off at the end. One of the best aspects of the original game were the boss battles, and it's sad they have not delivered on that front in the DLC.

Attached: DLpODXbUIAEREvP.png (1000x563, 1.31M)

I'll be honest, I want to see her navel.

I got it right before the DLC came out and it seems pretty boring
I thought it was made for the Mario 64/Sunshine fans, but the movement seems a lot more shallow. It's more responsive and you can "do what you want" but that just makes it easy and not very expressive. It seems like you only ever need the double-jump, dive, and a hat ability

youre despicable

Hat Kid's home planet is less restrictive about this kind of thing. I bet she's already had sex plenty of times.

Once you're done with a seed just jump into a pit to respawn at the beginning of the area, then take the zipline, and repeat until you're on the main platform

>what's so terrible about them showing support for trans people?
The problem is that they're openly taking a political stance in a game that wasn't supposed to take a political stance. Plus, look at the reactions on twitter and stuff, the LGBT community is like a bunch of ducks getting overexcited if you merely put a minor element that "represents them". throw them breadcrumbs and they'll praise you like you just served them a gourmet meal

The workshop for this game is phenomenal

Attached: someoneisgonnagetit.jpg (1024x576, 125K)

Attached: wtf.jpg (335x335, 53K)
Someone picks a few levels to run through.

I only join it if there's a thread up like now.


-Using the time stop hat to move inbetween the band can help should they ever block your path (dont use it too much though)
-Stay off most of the flat rooftops after you activated the pyrotechnics, theyre almost constantly activated
-dont fuck up

>You say it's a children's game but clearly a large portion of its players are adults
It's the same with pokemon games, what's your poing?
are you saying it's okay to put shit like this in a pokemon game?

>what's so terrible about them showing support for trans people?
how are you 'supporting' them with just a fucking decal in a game? that's literally nothing but attentionwhoring and virtue signaling.

That's like protesting black lives matter by attacking cops in GTA

Attached: 1517861898799.gif (240x228, 861K)

I'm going to make some basic online communication stickers if anyone has any particular phrase they want, since the online emotes are hard to communicate with sometimes.

Attached: dive with the mafia.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

Attached: ice skater.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

Attached: Dosh Dance.webm (800x450, 1.07M)

Attached: dance party.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

Attached: heating up.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

Attached: doctor's seat.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

Attached: i'm a chuckster.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

thanks docs

Attached: hat kid fucking dies.webm (852x480, 2.81M)

Attached: SO HERE I AM.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

Attached: images (3).png (393x128, 9K)

Going to run through these next.

Attached: workshop levels.png (720x5722, 1.82M)

Attached: nyakuza update.png (2000x1225, 3.14M)

All just stamps in time

Is Peck the most populated public one?

It's the one that I see the most people in whenever I try out of all the ones I try

This. Was a C at best.

It's free for me using goldberg steam emu.

Train Tracks needs to be recooked, so I did that myself. Gonna run through it now.

ROSSDRESSERS or trannies as I like to call them

Remember: don't say the P-word! Don't say p-e-c-k!

Attached: friends now.jpg (529x386, 57K)

>all my friends are playing
>going to finally try it
>tranny shit


>3d platforming shit
Mario 64 was shit and you all know it. It killed gaming.

>literally a hidden thing in one of the dlc worlds that most people dont even notice

Attached: 1558394528193.jpg (1378x1124, 102K)

You don't bait and switch with tranny shit especially in a DLC you expect people to pay for.


Attached: Enemies.png (800x583, 440K)

>bait and switch
do you know what this term means?

>politicfags don't even play the game
I'm not surprised


Attached: 1506080130339.gif (640x360, 695K)

Bait: cute simple platformer.

Switch: here's your tranny shit sir.

oh so you're retarded, thanks for letting everyone know

Maybe today will finally be the day I leave this retarded fucking board.

>imagine actually thinking thats what the term means

/pol/ pls help me I don't want to be attracted to bow kid

why would i support it
cute pic

The game is pretty good, but you're going to be caught in the crossfire of the banhappy pro-trans, the angery anti-trans, the pedos who want to fuck hat kid and the no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!posters.
Pick a side and try to keep your head down, dangerous waters in those discussions

why do you think your opinion matters
pic related, it's you

Attached: D7S1xR7W4AE14I8.png (601x854, 184K)

Best choice is to just play the game, the reason why im even in these fucking threads are because I can't play the game right now

Trannies liked it
>this 100 percent doesn't surprise me, I know one of the devs personally, and they're queer themselves along with a lot of the other devs. They're one of the reasons I'm so open about my transition, cuz they're really supportive.
>Yeah I saw this too and it put a big smile on my face. Makes it real fitting that you can dress up as a catgirl in the dlc :)
>Just when I thought I couldn't fucking love this game more
>I know one of the Devs and he is super supportive of trans people, he actually helped me when I was first figuring out I was trans!
>The best part is that it’s a part of the cat dlc. The devs knew exactly what they were doing
>Trans graffiti is the sexiest graffiti
>Damn… Wishlisted.
>Brb, buying the dlc for this game I don't even play much
>Even more glad I backed this on kickstarter way back. Now to just find time to actually play it.
>honestly this really makes me happy to see easter eggs like this in games, Most of the easter eggs in games are "hit this button a certain way to see a funny thing happen" or "this character makes a reference to a popular show" But, like having a icon that alot of people connect with is just really cute. I love it and this will be my favorite game of the year. (if we get a gay flag I will buy this game for all my consoles)
>Have they said "JonTron's voice is no longer in our game and we apologize for taking so long after he was revealed to be an outspoken white supremacist"? Because that's what I'd really like to hear.

Attached: 1559408715587[1].jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

Personally I'm here to save rating:questionable of hat kid.

i actually was going to post that but i didn't have it thanks

do you have the other one

It's too tumblry, don't buy it unless you're gay and or disabled because that's the target audience

>download the FitGirl repack of this game including all the DLC
>game is actually pretty good, I will discuss it on Yea Forums then buy it on Steam
>realize half of the devs are trannies and the game contains real world tranny propaganda

I have never been so fucking glad I pirated a game before.

Attached: le trash man (warning very funny feel free to save).jpg (1240x786, 222K)

it's bing bing but for trannies

How does this piece of shit look

Attached: 2019.06.02-06.23.mp4_snapshot_00.01_[2019.06.02_06.24.34].png (1280x720, 1.65M)

I liked it. I really wish the MASSIVE influx of colors had come earlier, though. Lots of great ones in there.

maybe hopefully you stay in resetera this time.

I really like to see degenerate lgbtwtfbbqsquarerootoftwentysix real world propaganda in my fantasy games that have nothing to do with the real worl, real world I'm trying to escape from by playing whismical video games to begin with.

Honestly, do yourself a favour and don't even come close to this fucktarded tranny shit. It's totally derivative of games like Psychonauts and Super Mario Sunshine, just play those, also play Super Mario Odyssey if you own a Switch.

>what's so terrible about them showing support for trans people?
Showing support, not much.
The problem comes in when you start banning people who show opposition, which they did.

There's also the issue that some people try to aggressively push their fetish for others, or try to coerce others into taking part in their fetish.
Under the guise of acceptance, people try to push their status on others, claiming that if you don't flirt with them or cater to their wishes you aren't "accepting" them.
None of these are unique to transgenders - a woman could force her bf to wear a doctor's outfit for sex, and try to blame him for not being accepting of her needs, and it'd be a problem too.
The main issue with transgenders are how few of them (comparatively) just want to live their lives and earn their respect through being good at their jobs without getting their dickn't caught in the politics, and how many of them live solely to get their dickn't caught in the politics and enforce respect without working for it.

I'd eat her burger

Attached: 1426528454235.gif (480x270, 652K)

>supporting pic related

If you support these "people", then I will not support anything you make, ever.

Attached: fe(males).jpg (2074x1660, 833K)

why is arctic cruise so shit

>lewd pictures of The Empress are finally getting made

besides the option to remove it what should my mod replace it with?

Attached: trannie are you ok.png (1146x775, 509K)

>start banning people who show opposition

you mean the dude who complained about "getting to the flag and being disgusted" despite not even having touched the dlc?

Really liked it OP. Kinda wish there was an actual boss fight and more death wish stuff though. Multiplayer is fun.



you played the game, user, that's all that matters, you are tranny now
holy crap, why are you so insecure about a flag

Attached: sp.jpg (225x225, 8K)

anything racist or tranny triggering. You could put the suicide statistic, the confederate flag, etc.


>only three acts where second act demands you to know the layout of the ship while having rng tasks popping up while you are on a timer and the guiding arrows can change in an instant or lead you through an inconvenient path
>third act has lots of platform issues and you can walk off the level if you jump on top of the ship
>no bossfight
The ship is pretty cool for hanging out on in online with lots of hatkids tho

Really bad level design. I think they realized they screwed up in late development and settled with adding arrows that just make things worse.
I deleted that from my upk on day one. I also turned off the constant user GOT A TIMEPIECE, CONGRATS! notifications.

>that eye floating a centimeter above the face

pepe colours

>more death wish stuff

my biggest complaint, really. I love death wish and was sad to only see snatcher coins being added.

I believe in the right to dissent. That includes both those of the transgenders and those who oppose transgenders.
I'm as opposed to the censorship of the trans flag as I am to censorship of asuka's tits.
I will say that I don't approve of coercing people to take part in same fetish, though.

The entire bloody steam forum looked like Yea Forums during the Quinnspiracy. Could not find one anti-trans post without it getting deleted. Could find plenty of pro-trans posts though.

Attached: asuka.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

>start banning people who show opposition
reminder that JonTron is still in-game

>Not a single person on cuteandfunny
When did Yea Forums stop playing this game?

>deer girlfriend
>vir way home

The fuck does this thing even think it is?

It's 6:30AM EST user. I would make these threads at like 7PM. If there's a thread up I'll join caf.

>You would have to be fucking stupid to disagree with my opinion
You seem lost. Twitter is that way.

Yes, it seems their forum staff have either changed their opinions or they are different people. I do not know. But you're correct in that JonTron's voice is in the game and yet the forum displays strong bias against the anti-trans posters.

I assumed at least someone would be on since it's the weekend but fair enough. I'll start a thread some other time.

I want to cuddle with Fat Kid.

Attached: 1550137546920.gif (394x405, 441K)

>Showing support, not much.
Did you know that trannies end up regretting their choice and killing themselves?

By "showing support" to trannies you are equivalent of a guy yelling to a guy standing on a rooftop to do a backflip.
Cutting off your cock/tits won't make you the other gender, anyone telling them otherwise is lying to them and feeding into their insanity. They need to be given antipsychotics not HRT.
Any "doctor" that goes through with these operations on 100% healthy men should lose his medical license and any psychologist supporting it should be put into prison.

I'm going to run through workshop levels , I just stopped to make because stickers are low effort and fun to make.

get checked for a bitcoin miner on your pc
>>realize half of the devs are trannies and the game contains real world tranny propaganda
also yeah i saw lots of angry dads on the forum lol

>Could not find a single anti trans post without it being deleted

There were a fuckton of those, what the fuck are you talking about?

Or they're just banning people who bring politics into video game forums. Much like Yea Forums does.

Oh it's something the dev put in because he likes it.
That's different then, I thought it was some political thing.


>Did you know that trannies end up regretting their choice and killing themselves?
>By "showing support" to trannies you are equivalent of a guy yelling to a guy standing on a rooftop to do a backflip.
What, and you'd ban telling people to do backflips off rooves? The way you prevent a bad idea from spreading isn't to censor it, it's to express the correct idea.
If someone was honestly going to cut their dick off then your harsh words aren't going to help them.
And if the guy on the roof isn't actually doing a backflip, he's up there for attention.

They so much with just the train platforming. I really do hope they add something down the line.

I bought and played the shit of it to piss off anti tranny faggots. Don't have fun you never liked it anyways losers lol

>Any "doctor" that goes through with these operations on 100% healthy men should lose his medical license and any psychologist supporting it
You have a point with this one though because of the Doctor's obligation to help his patients. If you want to stop the medical procedures then go ahead. But not censoring literally 63 kilobytes worth of jpg.

>Or they're just banning people who bring politics into video game forums
It's not comparable. They put political messages in their game and they are therefore relevant to discussion of the game itself, and so it makes no sense to ban people for discussing it (especially if they're going to be biased and only ban people who disagree with it).

A hat pride flag of course. Same hat!

Good i hope they ban them all.

They obviously don't want to discuss it.

At least the secret area in pink paw manhole exists

Must've been purged by the time I got there because I could see no "Trannies are mentally ill" posts, no reference to the downsides of dilation, and no mention of rates of suicide attempts.
I did find a post strongly supporting Austria though. Which I disliked, because fuck Austria.

Nazi flag, obviously. Just completely strawman yourself.

It's hard to find decent workshop maps because everyone gives a positive rating for a rift simply being functional.
>My first rift, very basic :)
>5 stars across the board

Grow up

5 minutes in coreldraw

Attached: thanks.png (1146x775, 429K)

add "real life politics have no place in an E rated game if you want a soapbox or circle jerk fuck off back to tumblr"

I think it's more a problem of no negative feedback. If I don't rate a map positively, I ignore it. I'll stop doing that.

>gets triggered by flags
>tells others to grow up

have sex. with a tranny

By the time you got there, the special snowflakes that never cared about the game in the first place got bored and normal game discussion resumed

I need a stronger dose doc

Well I bought it to piss off all the bitter old hags who are like "being attracted to children is WRONG!"

Thanks doc

I'm autistic about the ratings because I come back a year later and don't remember if I played a map (the "played" icons were all wiped for me for some reason).

Oh! I'm one of those snowflakes! That's why I was in there at the time.

>the bitter old hags who are like "being attracted to children is WRONG!"

have sex
wait WAIT NO.

A common sign of disrespecting what a flag represents is to fly it upside-down.

Give birth

Get married

Was this game just like one giant dog whistle or something?

These threads are making me thing yes

imagine getting this mad about two fucking colors
when did Yea Forums become trigger central? we're going to need shit like trigger warnings now huh

Remember when South Park triggered Yea Forums?

Attached: south_park_difficulty_slider.jpg (1200x675, 50K)

This fucking website is horseshit and I can't wait to abandon it when I can actually play video games and have fun again

American flag, Confederate flag, Kek flag, alt right symbol, Jesus cross

It's a really popular game. So it attracts the dedicated Yea Forums shitposting brigade that attacks anything popular.

None of the tranny posts are sincere, it's just shitflinging from contrarians that found something to latch onto because the game is literally perfect and the only complaint anyone could have about the DLC is that there wasn't enough of it.

Play videogames

Attached: 1526125954511.gif (389x413, 1.83M)

Pay half of your money to a whore.

Yeah I finally beat it not long after I posted that and your advice was exactly what I learned to do in like 35 deaths.

Outside of the super fucked up boss rush I've heard so much about, how hard do these get compared to the Parade? I've heard this is one of the more bullshit ones?

Attached: hat in time nyakuza.png (1920x1200, 2.97M)

>when did Yea Forums become trigger central?
when r/KiA moved in

>tfw gays ruined rainbows forever

Attached: 1531442544994.jpg (320x480, 22K)

Why does the camera like to embed itself in Hat Kid's skull so much?

Never listen to Yea Forums. Always make fun of them.

Less Words.

It's especially funny because it doesn't affect the game's difficulty at all so it's also taking a shot at the left's idea that being black is still some kind of a gigantic challenge in fucking 2017

>American Flag
>Jesus Cross
>Thinking that they'd trigger anyone.

Did you play Arctic Cruise? Did you enjoy Act 2? Now you're gonna enjoy doing 40-70 tasks without the arrows showing the way.

There's a story here.

>keyboard has rainbow effect
im a huge tranny now

Force sex upon the rainbow to assert your dominance and reclaim it.

There's nothing crazy hard when it comes to regular clears, but some bonuses can take you really long to complete.

"It's Okay to be White" that triggers people for some reason.

Content warning: homosexuality, colors, rainbow flag

Glad to know you're one of the mentally ill people who are likely to kill themselves.

This makes me sick and angry
Why would you want to be an ugly girl and lose your dick?

Deepen plot.

That's what I've basically learned anyways, I've ended up from getting mad at reading stupid shit to just laughing because of how absolutely stupid it is

No i don't think so timmy boy.

You mean the gay setting?

Don't forget 40 tasks without missing one. That shit took me forever

Yes call me gay tranny cuck

haha yeah man, we have it good in our white male middle class life, so life also has to be easy for black people in poverty
read a book

The world hates us, they want to ruin games for you and your children. Do you think we really want to sit here talk about all this bullshit too? Cause the reality is we don’t, but it has to be said because we are under attack.

You can laugh and say that’s gay but it’s the truth. These people want us dead.

Spongebob's rainbow is backwards

Please make a mod that removes it and post it on Steam. I'd post it on Steam myself and face the sjw banhammer but thankfully I wasn't dumb enough to buy this piece of shit.

Wow okay you woman-fucking hetero wagie. Why don't you have a stable family too while you're at it so your kids can fuck someone of opposite sex to them, too. Create a whole FAMILY of families ya goddamn breeder.

No I'm pretty sure we all thought that was hilarious. Tumblr and The_Donald didn't start REALLY invading until 2016.

because supporting a mental illness is fucking dumb, support a way to cure that shit, not perpetuate it and embrace it

>false flags from /pol/ is why I'm anti lgbt

>It's a strategy to corrupt muh children!
Oh, like how rainbow flags with "Peace" written on it couldn't be considered child-corrupting by some?


>Persian white supremacist

There's already a mod and it's been up for the past month you victim playing faggot.

Have GFB confirmed more DLCs in the future or is Nyakuza Metro the last new thing?

Attached: mafia.gif (276x276, 3.87M)

>Support the cure for a mental illness
>But the cure I want!

Learn to falseflag you mongoloid

replace with drawing of a clown
replace with a graffiti of PECK
remove it altogether

Don't think they confirmed anything, so could be either.

I pirated it. Trannies and lefties are not people lmao

Peace: good
Gay shit, cutting off your dick, getting your shit pushed in by other men: not good

Also who the fuck even uses the rainbow flag, or the rainbow at all, for anything other than gay shit?

>Replace It with a drawing of a clown.
Yea Forums lingo/secret codes aren't common knowledge, dickhead.

I just wish they hadn't taking something as common as a rainbow to be the symbol of homosexuality.
It's the spectrum of visible light and is used as a theme for childhood innocence, hence the spongebob imagination scene and stories like leprechauns.
That should have nothing to do with being gay.

>all these speedrunning trannies don't get enough attention for just being trannies anymore
>so now they are "poly", as in pretending to be schizophrenic

First, forced diversity
Second, tranny shit
Third: ???

Attached: brave and progressive.jpg (1565x333, 109K)

>supporting a mental illness is fucking dumb
What if that mental illness is autism, and you build amazing redstone contraptions, colonise hell in DF, and create an entire fictional faction war within the confines of Terraria.
You could completely disregard 3dpd women in favor of 2d waifus, and in doing so counteract the problem that is a modern woman's ego!
Some mental illness is amazing. Support autism.

My conservative parents and a fuckton of other people, back when the war in Iraq was all the rage in the news and people protested it?

A fuckton of other people creating child-friendly products with rainbows in It?

Anyone not suffering of delusional paranoia?

Third: your death.

They didn't "steal" the rainbow flag, they are just using it to represent themselves. Somehow I feel like it wouldn't matter what kind of flag they picked, you would still resent them because you're a homophobe

Play videogames

Attached: STOB.jpg (701x700, 60K)

>Learn to falseflag you mongoloid
I'm trying but it's hard :(

You should make an unrelated mod but sneak the edit into it. Replace it with a confederate flag, swastika, anything that'll piss a tranny off. Bonus points if your unrelated mod is pro-trans.

Attached: 1558854729415.png (721x632, 786K)


>filter the magic T word
>Half the thread disappears

Strictly speaking they created the rainbow flag. Because nobody with any sense would use a rainbow as a flag.

I can't if they keep pushing their shitty fag agenda down my throat.

Attached: 1541901429952[1].jpg (1467x1000, 131K)

Representing the spectrum of sexualities Is Easy with a rainbow.


>Attempting suicide
Big deal, with that Logic we should bully 90% of teens.

>tfw only found one person online to spam Zelda CDI YTPs with

Attached: FoE-IntroFull.gif (384x239, 3M)

You can proceed to cry about how they didn't replace it with something edgy now.

I don't have a phobia for fags and trannies, I just find them profoundly disgusting. Sorry but I don't want to know you get your shit pushed in by another sweaty man you fucking freak. Especially I don't want to see this shit in my video games.

Then go to /pol/ since Yea Forums doesn't seem like the place for you anymore

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>Refuting someone by calling them a homophobe
Is this how fags think arguments work?
Immediately going for someone's character rather than their argument just makes yours look worse.

The difference is I want to fuck the one on the right so it's cool.

Not that guy but I didn't know, the workshop is a nonstop deluge of stuff. That being said I'll just wait for the "erase it from existence" mod.

I mean if you're going to be a fucking baby because you hate transexuals so much, don't puss out in the clutch.

Why so angry, feeling your skin socket closing up on you?

Test it out. Post a flag and I'll tell you if I hate it.

>I don't have a phobia, but I do

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What spectrum? You're gay or you aren't. Seems pretty basic to me.

Arachnophobe huh

Attached: muffetzh.jpg (1200x1083, 118K)

Phobia = fear
Disgust ≠ fear

stupid brony doesn't even have a preview of the mod. could have replaced it with just a transparent png.

Attached: 1557780901147.png (1080x1440, 2.29M)

why is it always a brony

I want to _be_ that spider!

Because bronies are the only 4channers that can actually accomplish anything.

People need to stop saying this

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>Immediately going for someone's character rather than their argument just makes yours look worse.
Look around user, is what you said really true? Do people really think like that? From what I've seen, not really.


Spiders are genuinely scary if you have arachnophobia, not disgusting. Spiders can bite, and even if they don't, they look intimidating, and it's a natural evolutive reaction that most humans find insects and other possibly dangerous creatures scary.

You weak ass dilating freaks are just ugly and disgusting, you're the equivalent of dogshit basically. Nobody would fear you, if anything I would laugh in your face because you look exactly like the "big stocky man dresses as woman and wears wig for comedic effect" trope.

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Yeah, but people are gonna swear they're not gay for whacking it to futanari, traps, and the 2018 april fools event. This lets them deny their own sexuality.

I can bite too, does that mean you're afraid of me? ^,,,^

It should be true. Defaulting to insults should realistically get you nowhere in an argument.
It amazes me that people think they've won because they made them out to be the worse person so their opinion no longer matters.

Liked it a lot more than Seal. Super fun level imo, and multiplayer alone was worth the price of admission. Really hope this isn't the last DLC

I live off of 400-500 bucks a month and I have it good enough, shelter and food, I won't complain. Meanwhile these upper middle class prissy drama queen blacks and SJWs are acting on Twitter like they have it so tough and are always being persecuted. Somehow it's hard not to laugh at them. The idea that all white people have it easy is laughable just because the top white people have it easy. 90% of whites are not any more privileged than blacks.

Someone please upload Nyakuza ost.

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>I'm pretty sure

Don't open your mouth if you have no fucking idea. The shitstorm was real and it happened in 2017

Unfortunately, it is what it is and you can't change it. People are fucking stupid.
Shut up wh*toid, my retard brain can't handle rational thinking.

Man I have no concept of time.

But no, it wasn't real. Just like this one isn't real. T_D needs to go back.!LGRDHCDa!NJ8kQAgQtZsa5oCMRRKb2A

As a Zone it's much better than Arctic Cruise but Seal the Deal had more content with the Death Wishes. Lack of a new bossfight especially hurts. 7/10 while playing it but drops off to 4/10 after clearing the story, the only reason to go back is to find stickers or hanging out in online play. Needed more post-story content which could've been either new Death Wishes or something similiar given by the cat lady rather than Snatcher.


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I'll just remind you of the 40%, so you'll run back to your safe space and make angry tweets at me (which would fall into the void since I'm not a fag who uses social media).

Resetrea doesn't play video games period.
I don't play shit ones.
Don't see how the two exactly correlate here.


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There is shit like this in pokemon games, though

You're using social media right now. Yea Forums is social media.

What is the best bossfight in the game and why is it 2Birds?

To add to the pile: Isn't hat kid's dance styled after the trans character from Animal Crossing?

Don't even have to explain why, it just is

It looks like a direct reference, since she does the :3 cat face while doing it.

They allow positive messages about it.

Fuck i miss that show.

So are you going to cry about that? They have their opinion on the matter and it's not up for fucking debate.

Good answer

Attached: MUSIC.png (400x750, 187K)

>tfw I keep pushing in the left stick by accident during tight situation
>dialogue wheel opens, stopping me dead in my tracks, killing me more than a couple of times

Attached: 54645646.jpg (640x405, 34K)

>thread about a cute as heck 3d platformer is probably the most toxic one on Yea Forums right now

Yeah, so basically they were waving a trans positive message in everyone's faces from the first DLC. Including the trans flag in the second DLC was just a more explicit message.

one of the best tracks in the game

There's an option in input settings to turn it off. Disable it for death wishes

>right now
Every thread is like this because of a single fucking easter egg existing. I wish they didn't include it purely so we could have actual discussions about the game or cunny.

Cry more, faggot.

>thread about most popular indie game gets shat on the hardest by the shitposting brigade.
Not big surprise if you've been here a while.

I'm just saying that the assertion "They obviously don't want to discuss it." is false. They do want to discuss it. But only one side of it.

Which in turn invalidates the argument of "they're just banning people who bring politics into video game forums". Because it goes to show that they allow politics, if it's an agreeable statement. They silence all criticism.

But "lol capitalism is evil".

Alternately the mods could do their FUCKING JOB.


>trannyposting brainlet is too dumb to understand ethical consumption
>if he did understand it he'd be laughing because it's actually a reference to the JonTron "boycott" that never actually happened.

I'm glad we can have hat threads even once in a while.

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>Cry more, faggot.
I will.

Would just be better if they didnt devolve into peoole screaming about 3 colors on a wall

Hat threads are stormy and often go off-topic but it's better than nothing. Best just to sit back and try to enjoy it the best you can. Listening to the music helps.

How is it a reference to the Jontron incident? Help me understand. Because I'm trying, and I can't see it.

Making a mod to remove the flag took less than 5 minutes. I don't care enough to upload it to the workshop, but if someone else wants to do it, here are the files. If you want to cause extra butthurt, I recommend naming it something like "Erase Trans Flag." Download the Hat in Time editor if you don't already have it and just hit Submti to Workshop. I tested it and it works fine. Replaces with a transparent PNG. This goes in

here's your stress reliever bro

Mods are doing their job just fine, its a part of the game the devs went out of their way to include and anons have every right to be annoyed and complain about it on, Yea Forums.

I think you spelled "PTSD trigger" wrong.
Or did you mean to post this one?

>>Support the cure for a mental illness
>>But the cure I want!

Thanks but I prefer something a bit more relaxing

I'm feeling nice so I will actually explain the joke. Full disclosure I could be wrong. It could be about piracy.

Ethical consumption is voting with your wallet. "under capitalism" was just tacked on there to make it sound more scholarly for the sake of the joke, since capitalism is implied. It's the idea that you will give the developers money because you liked their game. Or, alternately, the idea that even though the game is great, you will refuse to support them because of moral outrage. Both of those things are pretty much wishful thinking.

On the topic of piracy, while it's obvious that a lot of people do support the developers, the primary reason it doesn't get pirated is because it's cheap and buying it is easy. There's a paper written on this topic that kind of fudges a formula. Basically, the current (correct) theory is, if the cost of the time and effort to pirate it outweigh the cost of buying the thing, modified by how ethical you are, you're just going to buy it. There is no evidence to suggest that ethics has a major effect on the large scale.

But on the JonTron side, if ethical consumption were real, the boycott would have worked and it wouldn't be topping every sales chart for miles around.

Anyway it's not a statement about capitalism.

Another counter-example of ethical conumption is the continued existence of Wal-Mart. Like there's just no justifying that shit.

Absolutely, it's a delightful game

I think you're making some logical leaps. Giving cause to unrelated incidents. Just because the Jontron incident happen, that doesn't mean they're referencing it with such a broad term as "ethical consumption under capitalism."

I can't really buy into your theory, unless you showed a bridge of some kind. I see unconnected points.

However, if you search the phrase, and set the date prior to the game's release, what you will see is that it's actually a popular phrase. I don't know who coined it. But it's definitely a jab at capitalism. If you look at the matter from the simplest viewpoint, it's just a cheap anti-capitalist joke. It could possibly have to do with Jontron, but it's just too vague to really say.

It's trannie propaganda

It's not a jab at capitalism. It's a jab at the idea of ethical consumerism, which is a talking point in any discussion of piracy or boycotts.

> tfw Hat Kid's cunny is too small, so you'll have to use the backdoor

Not sure how having a tranny flag makes it propaganda. They have in no way influenced my opinion on trannies. Why does everyone have to use buzzwords when talking about this shit.

I admit, it's been a long time since my high school economics class. But isn't a boycott a function that exists within capitalism? If you're saying that no ethical consumption exists because boycotts are functionally broken, then you're saying capitalism is flawed.

Also, if it's not about capitalism, then why does the phrase include "capitalism" in it? You said it's because the devs wanted to make it sound more scholarly or whatever. But they're not the ones who made up the phrase in the first place. They're using a term that is a jab at capitalism.

>Implying my dick is big enough for that to matter

It can influence someone with less conviction than yourself. Maybe someone hasn't given any thought about trannies, and they don't see why they're good or bad or anything. But if they're inundated with enough trans acceptance, then they might think to go with that flow. The propaganda is illusion of acceptance. Why do you think SJWs are so obsessed with "normalization". They're telling you up front, that in order to push their agenda, they're going to try to make it appear as normal as possible.

So if every game includes that T in LGBT, then all the fence sitters in the world will just take it for granted.

Look man. I explained the joke. They're criticizing one theory about capitalism, not the entire structure of capitalism. Those red pills you keep swallowing have some seriously toxic side effects.

People who don't give much of a thought about it might not even know what a trans flag is, and just think to themselves "just another metro graffiti", if they even think about it at all.

Yeah, I'm so toxic, asking question and seeking understanding.
I'm sorry, but the explanation you gave isn't satisfactory. You're only focusing on the "ethical consumerism" part, while ignoring the "under capitalism" part, because it's hard to explain away. It goes against the supposed joke.

Propaganda doesn't need to change peoples minds to be propaganda that doesn't work is still propaganda.

Because ethical consumerism IS under capitalism. It's a theoretical aspect OF capitalism.

Still posting NEP?

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There are a mixed bag of people. I'm someone who didn't know what the trans flag looked like. But now I do. I imagine that someone else might have learned what it was through the game as well. Maybe they browse the steam forum, and they see that thread thanking the devs for including the flag. And they get the idea that trans people are accepted by a game they really like, and read all the support in the thread.(With criticism getting deleted) And it creates the illusion of acceptance in their mind. They shrug, and go "I've got no problem with trans people. This doesn't affect me".

I only see bullying and not addressing the issues with censorship

ok, so they're saying that you can't have A because B. If B was different, then perhaps A could truly exist.

This is why I can't like cute anime things without being associated with unstable people like this.

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What no. holy shit am i being trolled here?

something that reminds the players that this was supposed to be a kid-friendly game, and pushing political views to children is a nono

No it's a communist meme. spouted by morons who don't think ethical consumerism is a thing because they don't like capitalism.
it's retarded because it requires you accept a communists idea of "ethics".

>kid friendly game
>mustache girls plan invovles strangulation and removing the organs after you killed someone
>some fucking creature takes your soul
>just queen vanessas manor in general
>so much other stuff

>Criticizing anime avatars on Yea Forums of all places.
Smells like normalfag to me.

Very Cute and Funny Level

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No, I'm being serious.
Alright, let me put it another way. If I said "there's no ethical leadership under fascism". Clearly, I would be taking a jab at fascism, not the leadership within fascism.

How the fuck is acknowledging a group of people "pushing political views"

Ethical consumer isn't a thing because it's been demonstratively proven over the course of history that it is not a thing. Wal-Mart still exists. Coca-Cola still exists. Nobody is vegan despite it being the objectively most moral lifestyle. You go to fucking burger king and mcdonalds because they're convenient, not even because they're cheap because they're fucking not. Ethical consumerism is a joke within the theory of capitalism.

Fuck off back to T_D you uneducated shitheads god damn this is the last time I explain a joke to Yea Forums until tomorrow when I forget I learned this fucking lesson again.


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Have you watched a single cartoon in your life?
shit about stealing souls or killing someone isn't even rare
When speaking of kids, we're not talking about some below 6 year olds

Luigi's Mansion has a character who ate himself to death and another who froze to death in the bathtub. Still a kid's game.

Don't compare based gaybros with tranny mutants.

What's unethical about eating food?

>>But the cure I want!
>there is more than one cure to gender dysphoria

Attached: Yikes!.jpg (1000x262, 106K)

yeah the group of people i'm going to acknowledge is nazis in my game. that's totally non political tho so don't worry.

It has a secret boss tho

Y'all realize the devs never considered this to be a kid's game right? Like, that was never a thing.

Also you want the most un-kid-friendly example? The suicidal walrus captain whose mentor died at sea and he lost the chance to sail with him forever because he got assigned to a shitty cruise line with a useless crew. And then THAT ship mysteriously crashed into an iceberg and nobody knows who did it.

Look, even if we accept your retarded explanation about ethical consumerism(Which we're not, truly), that STILL doesn't link the joke to Jontron. It's too broad of a statement.

If I stub my toe one day, and then the next day I tweet about the shoddy stitching of my shoe. That doesn't mean my shoe was in reference to protecting my feet. I just thought the flaw of my shoe was humorous.

did you just out yourself as a nazi?

>Muffet cured my crippling arachnophobia
>Now I am afflicted with crippling arachnophobia

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Shut the fuck up you retarded communist just because the market doesn't go your way doesn't make it unethical. it's a messy & super varied shit show reflecting humanity itself.
there's thousands of companies gone under due to bad practices. Hat in Time.
There's a Spongebob episode of all things that makes suicide jokes. It's okay to enjoy kiddie things user.

Do you mean arachnophilia?

>trans people
goos joke user.

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when said "group of people" are borderline mentally ill, its an issue showing it to kids like its something normal
at some point you need to be happy with who you are and stop playing pretend, and not push the idea of genital surgery on children

At least trannies made their own flag rather than ruining something as simple as rainbows.

Most channers support Communism, or at least the stated goals of Communism.

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No I just want to acknowledge a group of people that happen to be pushing for oppressive authoritarian laws. you know just to say "we're here for you" coz they're a minority and shit. totally non political tho.

Go back to T_D. You're too stupid to use Yea Forums and too far up your ass to engage in a real conversation with a human being. You were given the explanation of the joke and now you're crying because it's not pro-communism propaganda to accompany the pro-trans propaganda so you can't get mad about it like the pissbaby you are.

That's what I meant yes. My mind was clouded with unholy images that distracted me while I was typing

Attached: spider 2.jpg (569x800, 75K)

Is this cropped shadman art?

It's not kid-friendly game. Even twitter staff suggested parents-guidance during playing the game. Also this interview here

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Whatever you say buddy

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Child B. The materials were gathered by them. Material has value, Work does not. No matter how much you change something its worth only changes in the eyes of the beholders. it is no rarer or more valuable than the same material of equal weight.


Attached: mega shadman.gif (320x180, 663K)

Fuck politics, this is a Cute Videogame Girls thread now

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Promiscuous slut with experience

Girl who caused the erection

Ugly unwanted one

Answer is unmistakeably B

meanwhile it's esrb is literally E for everyone

>Most channers support Communism
speak for yourself new fag, back to r*ddit you go.


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Thanks for the concession friend.

The stated goals of communism basically amount to a perfect utopia where everything is free and everyone is equal so yeah why wouldn't you want that?

Yeah hi >>>/Reddit/

No, your supposed joke fails even if we set aside capitalism like you want.
Really, this is just a manifestation of your autism. Creating links between things that aren't necessarily related.

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Because it never ever comes anywhere close in practice

You're out of your mind. Iron ore sitting 50 feet under the dirt is far less valuable than a finished hammer, to someone seeking a hammer.

Ok first off that's literally the exact opposite of autism.

Well yeah that's why nobody supports it IN PRACTICE, unless they're held at gunpoint (which they are, in practice).

they acknowledged that bit in interview saying that they don't want to get mature rating. Don't know why, but otherwise it gives some insight about their gamemaking. I'm not really familiar with esrb since in my country nobody cares about that

In that case, the flute also goes to Child B, since they provided the skilled labor and craftsmanship to build the flute. If Child A wants to put her skinflute skills to use, she'll have to trade for it with its rightful owner.

That's my favorite look too. Except I go with the black and red color scheme. I forget what it's called. "preppy" or something like that. Honestly, Bowgirl's design is far better. Even her colors look better. Hatgirl's design is very amateurish in comparison.

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Don't worry nobody cares about the ESRB in America either. They're an independent ratings board that gets preview copies and rates them however the fuck they feel with no real input or feedback from the developer.

>To someone seeking a hammer
So, you're agreeing with me?
That material value is static while subjective value is variable?
I think that someone working in a metal foundry would value a block of iron much more than the 5lbs that would eventually make up the hammer

Admittedly, Hat Kid's design has existed for much longer than Bow Kid's.

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>I'm not really familiar with esrb since in my country nobody cares about that
Nobody cares about the ESRB in any country. The only reason devs try to lower theirs is because kids under the age of the rating can't buy games without their parents, who always buy it for them anyway.

>That graffitti

Attached: v tan is trasn.png (1356x934, 71K)

bow kid's hair clips through many hats.

>Ok first off that's literally the exact opposite of autism.
No it's not. Look up the symptoms of autism. There's a reason why a puzzle piece is the logo for autism. And there's a reason why the wiki page uses a child stacking cans as an example of a child with autism. Autists create strange associations between objects that are sometimes about size or shape. But many times, they're abstract concepts. You saw the Jontron boycott, and understood that ethical consumerism has to do with boycotts. So that's how you "stacked" the concepts together. Despite the fact that it makes little sense.

There is no intrinsic "material value", dumb dumb. It's all subjective. The foundryman may indeed value the ore more, while a consumer might want some finished good. The only explanation is a value that varies from man to man based on his preferences.

>The only reason devs try to lower theirs is because kids under the age of the rating can't buy games without their parents, who always buy it for them anyway

Worth mentioning this is a STORE POLICY, not a LAW.

>3 months on mind-fuck juice
>looking like a born woman
I Genuinely pity trannies
they are legitimately mentally compromised and need help and comfort
and then the fucking left slides on in and is like "lmao fucking fill your body with the wrong neurotransmitters what's the worst that could happen?"

Like, fucking imagine if the left started pushing "Schizophrenic acceptance" and instead of seeking treatment, you just "Identified" as a Schizo-gender and every time you murdered someone with an axe or hallucinated you were being attacked by terrorists you just call everyone a bigot.

Fucking clown world, man.

Attached: GOD.jpg (768x431, 27K)

I've only seen it clip through one. Well, one where clipping mattered. There are hats where a little bit of clipping adds to the look. They gave her a second hairstyle to avoid clipping though. Her hair gets pulled back into twin tails.

Fuck off pol, you aren't welcome anywhere.
Videogames aren't for you

Attached: pol btfo.png (569x621, 17K)

Except for most where it would, it switches to an alternative hair style

It does clip through the detective hat though.

>being a tranny is now murdering others
Based analogybro

>schizos are murderers
Go read a book, retard.

It's a joke, faggot. Remember jokes? God you clown world fucks are obnoxious.

No one is holding you down and forcing you to change your gender and it doesn't effect you directly in the least bit, why in the absolute fuck do you even waste time and energy focusing on something as irrelevant and retarded as "trans rights"

>estrogen is a neurotransmitter

brainlet confirmed.

>Always wished I was born a girl
>Not delusional enough to be trans
Nothing someone does can ever change their gender. I don't understand how anybody can think getting surgery and hormones suddenly makes them a girl.
I hope nobody believes this image is what being trans is like.

Hello egg! you'd make a cute girl too

I've really liked some of the songs from this DLC, just my kind of synth.

But more importantly it made me think "Man we don't have any city build to be beuatiful like like that.". I know it would be a waste of electricity and resources to just make a shiny subway or something, but it'be so neat. I know the Olympics and world games are supposed to fill in this "Show the best, most beautiful place a human can build" but in places like Brazil it just ends up abandoned and they can't even afford to pay the people who ran the damn event.

What I really want is something to restore my faith in humanity, our 'spiritual' side. Art, moralities, something beautiful. This DLC made me sad we don't have a city like cat city, everything is still gray and ugly and build to be functional.

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my best friend went trans and killed himself
HIMself. I don't give a fuck what he wanted to be called.
His mind was poisoned by the left, he was taken advantage of by a group of evil people. the 40% meme is not a fucking lie.

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Yeah, it's good.

and then you wonder why they add these to the games

Why is it black ? It needs a bath


this. my friend was held down by trannies as they brainwashed him with hormones and tranny games.
one day i saw him with a pair of hedge clippers trying to cut off his peepee and called me a racist bigot for not ripping off his balls.

I'd like to think so

I have no idea where you live but there are places where it's colorful leds and art all around, but it's mostly for advertisements and bars, not really something that city planners designed

Join the 40% already, discord trannies

Get out of my chan

What are you waiting for? hormones are really easy to get user~

Do you still find this funny? Lost its charm for me in like a week, and this was months ago


I don't want to be a tranny though. If I ever was going to do such a thing I'd want to be a trap

Your friend sounds like a weak willed faggot.

Its a good thing that he offed himself.

I hope it was a especially painful.

His ilk deserves no mercy.

you know you living at that level doesn't mean that the imbalanced poverty spread across races doesn't suddenly stop existing right?

Sex = biological male or female, scientific, fact based
Gender = delusional jew construct, not based on anything but feelings

The day you stop using the word "gender" is the day you stop giving these retards power

>forced diversity
what do you even mean cunt

My look from the back, with no hair clipping.

Attached: 20190602093045_1.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

same thing

based retard

Bob is not a tranny
wtf are you saying?

I'm not wondering. I'm explaining.

Hat Kid is cute! CUTE!

Attached: 1558887803944.jpg (360x365, 57K)


Because people will steal my fucking property.
Video games wont exist & i'll be too busy starving to death to make my own.

From the front. You can't tell me Hatkid has anything on Bowkid.

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I understand what you mean,
but you don't turn your back on the weak
you lend them your strength so that they can become like you in time
But he stubbornly refused to grow up.
24 years old and still acting like a 15 year old.

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And trans

I'm pretty much a trap and it's not the same. People mistake me for a girl all the time and I like it but that doesn't make me a girl. I make myself as cute as I can but I can never be a girl.
It's not fair.

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with transvestites

But that's not true communism, true communism has never been tried.

Attached: efe.jpg (544x960, 72K)

That's another one of my favorites as well. Cherry Soda is another I really like on her too.

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I know, that's the part I like. Soft feminine and submissive but still packing eight inches.


The music was really fucking good. Pink Paw Station had that amusement park cadence.

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Just admit you're gay, Yea Forums

Self-hating closet trannies

I know. I mean, I don't play Animal Crossing myself. But I've heard about Bob before, and knew people get mad when you insinuate he's trans. But he is a crossdresser. That's close enough. It's wishing you could be pretty, without the delusion or being the opposite gender. But you still want the attention that women get. It's a slippery slope.

Attached: yinglet why.jpg (472x766, 130K)

Property doesn't actually exist. That's capitalism's fatal flaw.

And why would you want property anyway? Pic related is the end result of Amy market-driven system.

Not an argument.

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>Really good online friends with a tranny I met back in the Yea Forums TERA hayday
>Didn't give a damn if I called him a he or she
>Almost never brought it up anyways
>Really cool person in general
>"Last online: 476 days ago"

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How do you salute whenever you want? Is it a mod?

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*any Market driven system headed by niggers

>don't turn your back on the weak

>But he stubbornly refused to grow up.

Stop being naive

There are only two kinds of people in the world

Strong men and weak willed faggots like your friend

The strong will always get stronger and the weak will always be weak

Thinking otherwise is practically tranny talk

now release the mod doc

Do you always just post random images that you believe help your argument without doing any research into them whatsoever because I can tell you right now that video game disorder falls under the blanket illness that every other addiction falls under. Gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness but there are other illnesses that describe being uncomfortable in your own skin, stop falling for propaganda and make your own opinions you fucking sheep

literally just filter "trans" and "tranny"

hides 95% of their autism

Yo, the Jojo part 5 anime looks pretty good.

Racism isn't allowed on Yea Forums outside of /pol/.

Besides, you're not accounting for history. Africa has been plundered by the Europeans. There's nothing left there.

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shut the fuck up tranny

You have to be 18 to post here

America kicked Europe out, Africa didn't
Weird how Europe fucks everything up

that time piece was fucking easy
do people have no metal mapping skills?

I hated seeing those white bastards tear down our monuments, destroy our vast cities, level our culture to nothing.

Its one of the pose options with the camera badge. I wish it had a few extra or Separate eye options.

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>africa has been plundered by the europeans
Yeah man... them whities stole all of the peaceful african's tribal warfare supersition-fueled baby killing.

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The 40 tasks without missing one death wish though bonus though.

bit of a history lesson.
Gender was just the grammatical category used for male and female animals.

A literal pedophile & child molester named Jhon money (abused a kid so bad he later committed suicide) failed to prove his ideas through science so tried to re-purpose this word to enforce is crazy ideas using semantics to frame being male & female as no more than imaginary constructs. He failed but years later feminist academics picked up his work & that's the definition they try to push today.

It's always fascinating how malicious people try to manipulate language to just enforce a concept by default without ever proving it.

Africa has never been a land where civilization can happen easily /pol/tard, unlike Europe which has a more convenient environment

nice larp

Slaves trades did have persistent effects though

so you're admitting africa had nothing?

My fellow Dignified Bow Kid.

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>There's nothing left there
so nothings changed then.

also... NIGGER.

I saw an episode of Extra History where they showed that the Crushing was caused by Dutch capitalism. The culture of peace and prosperity that the Bantu had created was forever lost.

That alone is worthy of ire.

That's false, africa was at neolithic level of technologies before europeans arrive, the transition was happening on their own.
The harsh environment gave them a lot of problems thought, diseases, parasites, harsh weather made it hard to have a good population density which is necessary to develop a civilization

So give me your computer your house and all your money. you don't need that property.

>africans are cavemen
so you're saying all the stereotypes are true, and we should've left them segregated from the world so they could still be thousands of years primitive to us even today?

I'm gonna make some online stickers for communication now. Taking suggestions. Unfortunately I probably can't include a "you're a double nigger" sticker in official capacity.

Are you stupid?

cute and funny sticker :^)

Even though property doesn't exist, it is important to keep political officers like myself entertained, in order to be able to better focus on their duties.

Things like video games, expansive housing, and women play a key role in that strategy.

Neolitic era is basically the start of civilization though, not cave shit

can we please start talking about the hatty time game instead of whatever fucking tangent this is about

>not using filters

I wish but /pol/ doesn't

Trans rights

No, bump limit is almost hit. No point anymore.

It really is some fucked up shit. The worst part is that they never get the proper help they need.

don't you know? video games are not allowed, the mods are going to delete your threads if you actually try to talk about video games.

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Isn't that that tranny game?


>tranny propaganda
Dilate, a hat in time is SJW trash

More like 'local fake girl gamer'

Post Bow Kid, cowards

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>tfw you base you decision to buy a game if they leave a propaganda piece in the game

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Is that the girl from a cunt in time? My dick.

Goddamn, I love cunny!

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What does dilate mean? I hear this meme all the time.

You know how some of the crazier trannies cut off their dicks and turn them into vags at the hands of doctors?

That "vag" is basically an open would that tries to close up to heal. Dilating is keeping that wound open with tools to strech it out.