>182 cm (6')
are french girls actually tall like this?
Samurai shodown
Other urls found in this thread:
>haohmaru refused to tap that
>cuck fantasy
>a bunch of input lag
>shit netcode
Weebs will eat it up
>>cuck fantasy
Calm down, Ukyo
what does cuck fantasy even mean
Did anyone here play the beta? What were your impressions?
I like Shiki! And Nakoruru!
Just thought I'd remind everyone who best girl is
She looks like she fucks demons
My man
For me, it's Andrew.
That's not nakoruru
the only thing haohmaru enjoys is the feel of genjuro's cock up his ass
>hyped up as the savior of the FGC
>somehow has worse input delay and netcode than games from 7th gen
Oof, big yikes. This ain't it, chief. Hate to see it happen
Galford pls
no, but she's a noble and nobles tended to be taller than the rest of the population (king françois the first was 195cm and that was gigantic for the 16th century)
>>somehow has worse input delay and netcode than games from 7th gen
how are these two things related at all? If anything older games tend to have less input lag, not more
Is the JP demo still up? I have a JP PSN
it will stay up till the last week before release
>Caffeine in the background contemplating why he's raising two gay sons
Genjuro isn't gay, he is bi and wants to fuck Shiki because she reminds him of his prostitute mother
My apologies, his two LGBTQ* sons
Very nice I can play when i get home. Charlotte is queen
>9 frames of input delay
Better now, let's just hope Yuga is in the game so we can have the trans rep too
Don't forget the new girl being blatant Western leftist shilling.
lmao no, french people are all man- and womanlets
anything south of the dutch border is automatically midget-tier
frenchie here
I fucking wish
Is 6 feet considered tall in American standards?
What’s the average height
>Those pauldrons
I can't take you seriously
Would you believe they were even bigger before?
6' is tall for a woman in any country you stupid fucking nig
4 feet, give or take. Mutt genes can result in all sorts of disfigurements.
Begone, skeleton.
this sounds like shitpost hyperbole
it's 8 frames
>LITERALLY in denial over proven facts
Says the Manlet
It’s okay to be under 180 my friend, there are plenty of women into smaller guys
Don't lie to him user, you'll just get his hopes up.
Go see Tam Tam's bio to have a laugh
I never played the 3D games and she's from one of them, right? So she's kinda of a new face to me.
She is in SvC Chaos and Neo Geo Battle Coliseum too
No I just didn't come across this so I thought people saying 9 frames were over reacting
Seems crazy because I saw people playing and saying good things without even bringing it up and it was normal FG dudes
not really
i'm 6'1 and i see girls taller than me all the time
>Litteral cocksleeve
>Seems crazy because I saw people playing and saying good things without even bringing it up and it was normal FG dudes
because they don't actually notice these things, they're just gonna start pretending they do now that the numbers are up
>SvC Chaos
>Japan and Europe exclusive
>Xbox exclusive
Yeah, now I see why I never played.
Can Battle Coliseum be emulated?
Bullshit. People were pointing out how slow and clunky the game felt compared to V Special and II, namely the atrocious walk speeds and short ranged normals. That doesn't mean the game is trash but it has a lot of problems that need to be fixed.
I think there's a way to make the Atomiswave version to run on pc
>atrocious walk speeds and short ranged normals
these have nothing to do with input lag, even though I do agree with them to some extent. Sure they might feel the game is slow but that's referring to the overall pace of the matches, not input lag. Show me a reputable person in the fgc who played the demo and actually pointed out input lag specifically. It's not like it's an obscure term nobody knows about, it's a hell of a buzzword, sure someone would have pointed it out if it was an issue
It's okay when SNK does it!
That's the thing that caught me off guard when someone said 8F lag because SFV has already happened in our timeline and mad people were blowinng it up for the input lag. So I feel like it has to be that with the pace of how Samsho works that the input lag isn't as noticable than something like SF, considering a bunch of stuff in Samsho already has long recovery and startup
I'm 184 cm, so noticeably short by Euro standards. I was one of the taller guys when in the US. Make of that what you will.
both are prime examples of characters that didn't deserve what they got
you aren't 6'1
Today I will remind them
You couldn't be more wrong user
>Thinking a "member samurai showdown" cash in game would be any good
SNK games stopped being good when they stopped using sprites. There's no correlation, they just don't have the money or the passion anymore.
fair, I'll play with it in mind
The game doesn't seem terrible or anything, but it's going to be very different if it ships with all that input delay. I know it's probably going to get patched later, hopefully before Evo.
Melee retards are still that butthurt uh
quick someone tell me the input delay of all previous samsho games
It's the spritefag, well known shitter in SNK threads
close call
Anyone getting this day 1?
Yes, on pc
I'm still trying to convince myself it's worth 60 fucking dollars
On PC for sure. Will likely come with a reduced price as well.
Her new design is the hotness can’t wait to lovingly main her.
I don't think anyone hyped up SamSho as the savior. We're just surprised we're getting another one and that it already made a profit before it's even in people's hands.
more like this , at this point their future people are brownier than germany or us (argentina) how much the mighty has fallen
a best
Iroha when.
>60 bucks
>less than 20 characters
>8 frames of lag
>shitty animations
>probably dead in 2 weeks
No way, fag.
I appreciate that SNK brought it back, even that you get the season pass with the pre-order, but that still doesn't justify the price tag.
-incredible input lag
-two hit combos
-several absurd comeback mechanics
-shit demo
-quarter armored woman
-plays great
-lots of fun combos
-no comeback mechanics
-good beta
-fully armored woman
Just stating facts
Any chance they’ll fix the input lag?
>-lots of fun combos
Granblue literally only has auto combos.
Hey, look on the bright side, even if the online is borderline unplayable, at least we still have all that single player content to look for- oh, right. In all seriousnes, how the fuck do you release a fighting game in 2019 without at least survival/time attack? Inb4
>b-but the old SamSho games didn't have a lot of modes either
Doesn't matter. It shouldn't be out of the question to expect more content from a fighting game these days, especially after games like Smash, MK, Tekken and Soul Calibur have shown how it should be done.
womanlets give birth to manlets
Cool twitter post
I want charlotte to step on me
before or after the laugh?
Oh boy I can't wait to see every single retard complain about high damage.
Just wait till Basara is in
What are the conditions for this to happen? I ve seen SS is all about footsies and counters
Counter hit rage mode on the character with lowest defense values
Max rage counter on low Hp character.
free bump
That you're getting your rocks off when somebody else bangs your significant other
maybe even watching them do it if you're that much of a degenerate freak