Thoughts on KOTOR 1 & 2? Are they still worth playing?

Thoughts on KOTOR 1 & 2? Are they still worth playing?

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1 is pretty decent
2 is the best western RPG ever made and also a massive retard filter

I already know the twist in 1 the player is the sith villain with amnesia, pretty stupid IMO but eh, should I go straight for 2? All I know about 2 is that there's that weird old woman sith written by Avellone who keeps dumping 2deep4u red pills and retards seem to think that's the best writing in video games ever.

KOTOR 1 is still worth playing, even if KOTOR 2 is better. Make sure to use the cut content mod for 2 though.

1 is a standard Star Wars story with mediocre writing outside of a few characters, but fantastic, setpieces.

2 is a buggy, unfinished mess that tries to be something thought provoking and new. YMMV as to whether it works for you. I prefer it over 1.

1 is a more polished and 'better game'. 2 is a more interesting story but buggy and unbalanced as shit even with restoration mods.

I'm already subbed to these, am I good? Do I need anything else?

This guy said it best.
I liked Kotor 2 because of the patch.

KOTOR 1 pretty buggy, gotta say

I've been playing it on Xbox, and it's been fine. What sort of stuff is it missing?

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You’re good, have fun m8

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KOTOR 2 is one of my favorite titles of all time and of course it's still very much worth playing, it's one of the fines RPGs out there and the best part of Star Wars despite it's glaring flaws. I'll never stop being thankful to all the lads that spend year after year patching it out and working on that Restored Content mod, bless them!

KOTOR 1 is good as well, but not on par with 2. Although still mandatory and was among the first Star Wars titles that made Star Wars a lot more interesting. Jolee Bindo's the best.

Play 1, it's a solid game and has a lot of shit that'll enrich 2 like knowing what the fuck is up with Bastila.

2 is a retard filter because retards get frustrated about what Kreia is saying. The particular instance that most retards seethe over is a circumstance in which you can take two actions and neither provides a positive outcome for the nameless NPC you do it on. No matter which you choose Kreia chastises you over acting without thinking and you lose Influence with her if you don't tell her you'll consider your actions more carefully. That's it. The whole "2deep4u" thing is what retards complain about because it's the only RPG they've ever played where the game doesn't suck your dick for being a goody-two-shoes.

Anyway 2 also has built-in support for more unorthodox builds such as unarmed, stealth attack, demolitions, blaster-only, etc. and for that reason alone is better than 1, writing aside. Doing anything in 1 but sabermonkey or forcewizard is super inefficient.

Remove the second one, Droid Planet sucks ass and is noncanon even in the context of old EU. There's a reason it's split off separately from the main TSLRCM, it's mostly original content.

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they play like streamlined baldur's gate, but they are still really fun in 2019 and have great dialogue

Kotor 1 is an amazing game
Kotor 2 is a buggy, slow, mess

play SWG

2 is objectively faster than 1. Certain animations like demolitions are sped up, you can get Master Speed faster, turns resolve quicker, and Stealth Run exists so doing anything in Stealth doesn't take two hours.

>Soulsfag has a shitty opinion
Like clockwork.

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>Subbing to mods
Fucking faggot.

Not for zoomers

KOTOR 1 is good but KOTOR 2 is my favorite. Has a story thats a lot darker than the usual SW story. Just make sure you get the patch so it fills in the holes left by the devs.

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Pretty much this.

Replaying KOTOR2 at the moment, gameplay wise it still holds up.Visually it's fine, but the writing and dialogue are fuckin timeless.

This, people bitching about 2 being pretentious and 2d4u are morons you should ignore from the start since they have nothing of worth to contribute, nor will they ever. 2 deconstructs the foundations of Star Wars and deeply examines its ethos. It's to Star Wars what Planescape: Torment was to fantasy games at the time of its release and forming your opinion without even giving it a shot to experience it yourself is extremely stupid to say the least.

>krei is the retard filter
I was seriously wondering what the fuck people were fucking talking about retard filter.
Krei is baby's first Existentialism

I would have thought the retard filter is the many broken things in KotOR 2.
Don't forget to surrender in the Handmaidens Temple unless you want to go into a fucked devmode where you're stuck forever!

Also Force Breathe is the most retarded ability ever. Nigga just use a gas mask looooool

>mfw Witcher 1 came out there were people complaining and quitting that game over on BSN because there were "no right choices" to make

Bioware audience is retarded.

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You mean it's Axiology

>2 deconstructs the foundations of Star Wars and deeply examines its ethos

dude it's just a video game, get over yourself

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>but the writing and dialogue are fuckin timeless
Case in point. There are lots of memorable things about the game and I could talk about it forever, but something that will always stood out to me is the line Atton says about the Jedi and Sith waging their ideological wars against each other to the end of time, while the rest of the galaxy suffers. I'm sorry that I can't quote it, but I'll have to start writing shit down on my third playthrough once I get around it come summer.

Don't know what that word means, but wouldn't ethos fit judging by the definition of it? " is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology."

The video might be cheesy as fuck but man everything kreia says is awesome

The Jedi Code is a code of ethics.
Light and darkness relate to morality

>Remove the second one, Droid Planet sucks ass and is noncanon even in the context of old EU. There's a reason it's split off separately from the main TSLRCM, it's mostly original content.
Hmm, there's a combined version too:

But yeah, there are comments saying that it sucks and it's 10 hours long and unskippable. I'll probably unsub yeah.

Honestly I don't care if it's original or not (e.g. Fallout 2 Restoration Project is mostly original content) as long as it's good.

But doesn't she examine both the Jedi and the Sith code in the game and criticizes both or are you aiming at the Force in general by "Light and darkness" part of your post?

Kreia is the retard filter because retards go "hurr i do good thing therefore i get best outcome" and then get mad when the whole game calls them a fucking retard for thinking that's how choices work. It's a game that punishes you for thinking you're clever taking the route that BioWare games encourage - namely that if you pick the good boy option everything will always have the happiest outcome. I don't want to spoil it because we have a new guy here but I can explain further if you really want me to.

Also whatever the fuck you're talking about has long since been patched and 2 is less busted than 1 these days.

>tfw you find out why he cares so much about Pazaak

Trust me, everything you need is in the basic package.

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The Jedi Code and the Sith Code are ethical codes. In addition to this, each Jedi and Sith applies these codes in different ways and can have ethical codes of their own.
Light and Dark are labels for good and evil. Morality.
Morality and ethics are not the same thing.
The parable of the beggar is one application of the ethical code of the Exile.
It's literally just perspectivism the game.

Hell no

I think you're the retard because you can't even apply existential thought to your own analysis of others' opinion of choice.

>mfw that moment on Korriban in the cave where you can choose to protect Kreia from the rest of your companions
Couldn't go through that on my initial playthrough and it really got me on my second one, same as that line she says right after she dies at the end about how she's thankful that you want to save her, but she respectfully refuses. Man, she's such a well written character.

AIght, thanks for breaking it down like that. Never heard of the word Axiology until today, so I'll look into that as well.

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Are you being a pseud ironically?

Can confirm, am retard.

First area of 2 was absolutely cancer. Almost filtered me right away.

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You literally don't understand Existentialism yet praise a character like Kreia.

Does KOTOR 1 need any patches?

not on steam at least

Peragus is one of the best horror levels, I swear. Slowly figuring out the exact order of what the fuck happened is so good.
>tfw Mocking Query: Coorta? Coorta, are you dead yet?
I love that part, I really do.

I'm not sure if there are any but it's a bit jank on PC.

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I just played the steam version and had 0 problems out side of occasional crashes here and there.

HK 47s were most amusing.

>still worth playing

What the fuck is this?

the games are GREAT to play with maximum intelligence and focusing your gameplay maneurvers around building land mines, collecting land mines and placing land mines in key map location, kiting the enemies in huge blobs and smiting the foe to pieces. it's easy to build a "good" load out. can you make a fun one? can you learn something from the games? I did.... will you.........................?

max flurry + max speed + dual lightsabers

1 is truly excellent and worth playing for just about everyone. Especially worth it if you already like Star Wars or if you're looking for a larger than life adventure that doesn't take itself very seriously, like Chrono Trigger for example.

2 is a bit more divisive. I think whether it's worth playing could be simplified to a Lord of the Rings analogy. If you read the books or just watched the movies and felt like it was way too simplistic for you and made you ask really intriguing questions like "Why didn't the eagles just fly them to Mordor" or "Why didn't the elves also send an army to Minas Tirith" then go and play Kotor 2, you'll have a blast and you can stop reading right here.

If on the other hand your IQ is above the temperature of the room you're in, you'll find Kotor 2 to be absolute garbage. It's pretty much the manifestation of "akshully" questions born of ignorance just like those, in video game format. Just an embarrassment, really. And on top of that, the game has cringeworthy dialogue, takes laughable liberties with the original concepts of the setting, senselessly brings the aesthetic and atmosphere even closer to the movies, has lots of obviously unfinished subplots, bugs, a metric ton of reused assets, and even party members brought back from its prequel because the creators must've known HK-47 or Canderous alone is a better companion than all their new additions combined. It's such a poor game.

whats the difference between the Exile cutting themselves off from the force, and the jedi cutting them off?

What incoherent mess is this post?

get the restored content mod, its mandatory

the latter puts the jedi in a bad light and also never happened

Star Wars is the only universe that BioWare's retarded morality meter even makes vague sense.

Prove me wrong.

One is a punishment and one shows a level of self awareness regarding the dangers of the force

KOTOR was that awkward mid-point between classic BioWare and Mass Effect/Dragon Age era. IMO, it didn't age anywhere as good as what came before and after it.

Exile realizes that the force is but one of an aspect/tool in his life, and can discard it when needed

Jedi/Sith sees it as a higher tier entity controlling everything and the sole source of true power, so become so dependent on it they literally die without it.

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I'm honestly surprised there weren't more games aping on the KotOR/DAO/NWNs style.
It was obviously popular and people are rabid for it since Bioware will never release kotor 3

I never finished 1. Is the second one that much better that I'll actually enjoy it?

Well, there was also Jade Empire.

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>Be one of the few beings lukcy enough to win space magic lottery
>Granted powers the when cultivated can make you essentially immortal both in and out of combat
>Dude LMAO space magic is a tool disposable as any blaster.
Fuck off kreia before I force crush your skeletal ass.


>Well, there was also Jade Empire.
Any good?

What was their fucking problem?

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so the mechanics are the same, only the context of it happening are different?

>basement dweller trying to flex about philosophy semantics on Yea Forums
>le smug "Ironic....."

It's running on the KOTOR engine, so it's pretty similar gameplay wise, but the combat is more of a beat 'em up. I think it still has those weird pseudo turn-based timings though where your character waits until attacking again.

The story and characters are very good though. If you don't know the big twist(s) yet it can be a lot of fun.

The jedi when alone are smart and see the error in their ways, when they get together they start going back to their stupid ways.

They viewed the Exile as a possible threat greater than Nihilus.

>The jedi when alone are smart and see the error in their ways, when they get together they start going back to their stupid ways.
Except for Vrook who refuses to admit that there was any other reason for exiling the exile other than him going to war.
Vrook is the worst jedi master of all time.

A story is a story, stop assuming everyone is a shallow as you are

They're about the same. Presentation still holds up, writing is still good, combat is still babby dogshit.

At least he's a straight shooter. He stays a certified retard from the second Revan met him till you ice him.

What's a fun and powerful Sith build for 1? I remember playing a bit and trying Force Lighting and it was so shit it made me drop the game.

They were too attached to the Force to ever see past the Exile and stand united against Nihilus. When The Exile comes before them and shows them the truth—that they don't need to worship the Force and let It control them—and they reject it, is when Kreia decides to take matters into her own hand to force the truth upon them.

What the difference between falling off a cliff and being pushed?

>They viewed the Exile as a possible threat greater than Nihilus.
Its more than that.
For most of the game before you encounter them, they believe that the exile IS nihilus. When they get together and compare notes, they realize this isn't true, but decide to blame the sith assassins and nihilus on the exile anyways.
Nihilius and the exile share the same source for their abilities, but it affected them differently.

High wis Sith master will all the DS powers is fun as fuck.
You perma cc everything with madness or force choke then nuke it down iwth force lightning or life drain.

Just use force wave instead, it does decent damage and you can keep wearing armor.

I may be reading it wrong, but the exile wasn't truly cut off from the force. Instead, he was deafen to it because of the trauma he experienced at Malachor V.

Basically I remember playing a whatever sword build before becoming a Jedi, my karma was mostly evil, so I had access to Sith powers after finally getting my lightsaber. So I thought hey Force Lighting sounds cool. But big surprise, a single casting ate almost my whole mana pool and did pitiful damage. WTF were they thinking.

They lost control of their emotions when they were looking into the abyss that was the Exile. When the abyss stared back at them they panicked.

She deafened herself to it at the destruction of Malachor V, because all those deaths sent such a traumatic echo throughout the Force that every single Jedi who survived the battle fell to the Dark Side and joined Revan.

came into the thread and the first reply nailed it. good job user.

I wouldn't say best (BG2 is best imo) but it certainly is top 3-5.


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user it's an rpg (dnd specifically). Force is mana and stats mean things.
You can't build a barbarian and expect it to throw around spells.

I remember when i first played it as a young teen spamming force wave carried me. Hadn't played a dnd game or really many rpgs before.

That's the opposite of my experience. I was playing some non-consul class and had almost perfect goodie alignment and could still spam mass lighting until every enemy in a generic encounter was dead. Felt way too easy.

The Exile is canonically female.

Actually, I think it was the second game, maybe it works differently in 1.

>The Exile is canonically female.
Who cares about canon anyways?
Disney effectively made the EU non-canon.


2 is probably the best Star Wars RPG game every made ... that is, if you actually understand it

TOR is canon. TLJ is canon. my asshole is canonically a sith lord.

canon means shit

Basically I remember reading somewhere that force powers sucked dick in 1 and I should've played a 100% sword build instead. That's why I dropped it, because I fucked up my build and didn't feel like restarting.

>hey, master jedis, as an archaist i studied the past extensively and evidence shows that all these mandalorian faggots will burn the galaxy to the ground unless we stop it
>"let me meditate on it and hear what the force says for a few more years"
>fuck this shit, hey revan see? this is why i have been telling you about relying on the force to handle it for you is bullshit. Yeah, good idea, take charge and deal with this crap
>"WTF, your apprentice single handedly defeated the mandalorians and wont stand down to face punishment for not just sitting down and take it up the ass like we told him to. its because the nonsense you are spouting, you are exiled"
>Fuck this, I'm gonna found my own academy
>Sion you fucking twat, cant you see it will only get worse the more you cling to the force? And Nihilus stop fucking draining the other students. I dont care how bad the withdrawal it, thats the entire point. Grow a pair and resist it.
>"Stop it mom, we are stronger this way, now bend over"
>Is there a single nigger in the galaxy who doesn't turn into a junkie or think it met god itself the moment they taste the force?

Can you blame her for latching onto the exile?

Also that power feeding form enemy can be learned and how the new sith assassins operate, so its not genetic lottery.

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thanks for your valuable contribution

The only canon that matters is head-canon.

So is the Handmaiden. Canon's a joke.
In canon Revan was eventually mugged by a bunch of rainbowsaber faggots who stole his clothes, and then he split himself into Revan Jesus and School Shooter Revan

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Have sex.

end result is the same

have a penis

>Wants the exile to be female
>Despite female exile getting worst companion while jedi jesus gets Handmaiden

It's not about what I want. The Exile is canonically female, whether you like it or not.

>In canon Revan was eventually mugged by a bunch of rainbowsaber faggots who stole his clothes, and then he split himself into Revan Jesus and School Shooter Revan
This is TOR right?
That sounds awful.

>It's not about what I want. The Exile is canonically female, whether you like it or not.
Star Wars EU canon died when Disney declared it dead.
Canon doesn't matter anymore.

But the guilt is completely different, consequentialist faggot.

Not an argument

>Canon doesn't matter
Imagine being this -200 IQ. Wew

>Imagine being this -200 IQ. Wew
Explain then how anything in the EU is canon when Disney made it non-canon then?
Only the Disney SW EU + the original films are currently canon.

yes, but the thought process is:
>we can’t fathom why you would ever want to jump off a cliff, so now we’re going to throw you off a cliff
they’re just recreating this unthinkable event by force

What is the funnest way to play KOTOR one?

Kreia is a better character than anyone from KOTOR 1.

In a foreign language

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always thought this would be a fun way to practice another language
might do a German game in some RPG, maybe Baldurs Gate

I hated the Jedi for how overconfident they were in thinking they could defeat Nihilus.After Katarr, Atris and the others should have known that he could kill them immediately.

Who cares about Disney Canon? They've said kyber crystals change color based on which side you're leaning to. It's retarded. In Kotor canon, Female Exile is canon and makes more sense. Just because you can't get your waifu as a female exile doesn't make it any less canon.

>Female Exile is canon and makes more sense.
How does it make more "sense"?
The exile was made female simply because Revan was made male. Nothing more than that.

>who cares about canon? what's important is canon
absolute retard. canon doesn't matter. TOR butchered KOTOR 1 and 2, and TOR is canon. canon means nothing.

The relationship with Mical, Bao-Dur, and Atton makes way more sense. I take it you haven't ever played through the game as a female Exile so I advice you to do so first and then get back to me.

>makes more sense

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>The relationship with Mical
Yeah, the bland guy whose arc is completed in a single conversation once you recruit him is the companion the devs meant for you to get, handmaiden with her evolving story and connection to atris was the afterthought.

In no particular order
>do nothing but bitch at bastila and watch as she begs for your dick regardless.
>be bros for life with Canderous
>follow all of HK-47s suggestions
>kill the space cat jedi girl
>tell Jolee he’s full of shit whenever you can
>ignore the knock-off R2-D2
>Ignore Mission
>Ignore Carth
>Ignore Zaalbar and leave him to bond with his brother
>show both the Jedi and Sith the power of wearing actual armor and chucking thermal detonators at their best and brightest
>save korriban for last

>playing as a female so you could have a relationship with Bao-Dur
How many gigabytes of gay fanfiction you got stored?

>The relationship with Mical
Fair enough, but that is to be expected since Mical is a female only companion.
He also isn't that interesting and his backstory doesn't tie into things very well.
How does female exile have a better relationship to him than male exile?
Just adds a romantic love interest for the female exile. Not much is lost with his character.

Droid Planet is unironically the worst mod I have ever played that had effort put into it. The best part is that the entire thing is irrelevant because the master is dead anyway. The entire game is running back and forth through massive empty hallways that chug away at 10fps because the engine doesn't support it.

[Something seems to be bothering Carth. Maybe you should speak to him and see if you can get him to open up about it]

this ain't it chief

>game wants you to talk to Carth
>Carth doesn’t want to talk
>Yea Forums shits on Carth for the game being obnoxious

[Replace Carth as soon as a Jedi alternative appears]

Why are you such an emotional faggot Carth? Is it the dead wife or the betrayal?

I don't think I ever truly "beat" KOTOR I.
I originally played it on the original Xbox, and I always did the "Plug second controller into 4th player slot" thing to turn the Malek into a Twi'lek and dance.
Maybe it's time?

This, christ almighty I think I've only ever managed to complete half the companion quests. I got somewhat close to finishing Carths (the one with dustil), but I completed korriban in a way that caused a power struggle and all Carth would say until the very last screen it was possible to talk with him was, "Talk about what? blah blah blah the sith are evil find proof blah blah"
I didn't give enough of a fuck about bastila (and to be honest I don't really give a fuck about carth) to try and goad her into talking about her mom and only know about it cause I read the bullet points version of her sidequest.
Mission, much like Carth, ended up just repeating a line of dialogue about her brother. I think the trigger for the next part was broken.
With Solidus I found Jagi but then like Mission and Carth just ended up repeating the same line of dialogue.

It's funny, because one of the only other Bioware RPGs I played had bugs out the wazoo for companion quests, meanwhile I can't recall a single time in Jade Empire where it seemed like a quest was flat out broken

Kotor 2 is my favorite game of all time

Pic related

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He was right though

Calling people retarded for not agreeing with your unstated argument is not an argument