People here are always saying this game is an example of Farcry done right but it looks so utterly generic that I have...

People here are always saying this game is an example of Farcry done right but it looks so utterly generic that I have to raise the question, is this babby's first Farcry?

Attached: pnl_mex_farcry3.jpg (758x426, 121K)

Far Cry 5 is the ultimate redpill. Far Cry 3 is generic shit.

Now it seems generic because the FarCry games that followed were reskins of this game

Far Cry 5 is the pinnacle of the series, in every respect but especially soundtrack. 3 is Babby's First Morally-Ambiguous Villain.

Far Cry 5 is anti-christian sjw bullshit
Far Cry 1 had a strong white male protag

If Far Cry 5 was meant to be anti-Christian, they did a piss-poor job of it. That game only strengthened my beliefs in Christ. Joseph Seed was right, about everything.

Attached: latest[1].png (665x1036, 704K)

The antagonists in FC5 made too much sense for it too be anti Christian/faith.

What are your hopes for the next far cry game?
Really hope they will go wild west to cash in on the red dead 2 fans looking for a pc port.

far cry 5 sucked because of it's railroading story bullshit. 4 is the objective best

>Far Cry 5 is anti-christian sjw bullshit
Methinks you never played the game.
>Joseph Seed was right, about everything.
Joseph Seed was wrong about his role as the Lamb of God. But his prophecy was true. Far Cry 5 is an examination of how men choose to interpret the will of God, and how this can sometimes go very wrong.

>What are your hopes for the next far cry game?
A more grounded approach. Treat violence with more reverence. Try to eliminate the wacky disconnect between narrative and open world fun times the series developed after Far Cry 3.

>What are your hopes for the next far cry game?
blood dragon 2

Far Cry 5 foreshadows the ending from the very first loadscreen. Everything that happens in the game orbits around the Lamb of God opening the Seven Seals from the Book of Revelation. Joseph says the words, "A seal has been opened" seven times during the game. You have to be either blind or religiously illiterate not to notice at least part of what is going on.

Attached: Foreshadowing for dummies.png (1920x1080, 2.32M)

But the Christians are the good guys in FC5.

Attached: 1275984261188.png (446x600, 379K)

>is this babby's first Farcry?
I don't think you have the faintest clue what those words mean.
It's the game that perfected the formula. Every other game that tried something similar ended up doing Far Cry 3 again. So yeah, it feels generic because it very much defined the genre as we know it today.
It's like calling LotR "generic fantasy".

>go very wrong
What exactly went wrong in Far Cry 5, besides the arrival of the secular police? Seems like everything would have gone great if the player character had just fucked off.

LotR didn't pioneer fantasy tropes.

Yeah, totally not.

>What exactly went wrong in Far Cry 5
Joseph believed that he was the one chosen to open the seven seals and unleash God's wrath upon the world. This is basically identical to what David Koresh believed, as evidence by his books such as "The Decoded Message of the Seven Seals".

Joseph is wrong. He isn't The Lamb. Calling him the anti-Christ is perhaps a little strong, but he did come from the City of Seven Hills -- Rome, Georgia. This is almost certainly an overt reference to the Woman that Rides the Beast.

The player character descends from the sky with a "white horse", and they eventually assemble 12 followers as they battle Joseph as the sixth seal is broken. The player character is something of a cipher and there's arguably a lot of meta "talking directly to the player" stuff going on. Faith warns the player that Joseph isn't the savior he thinks he is. She then refers to the player as "You were the start. You'll be the end." Which calls to mind "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and Last, the Beginning and the End", which is Jesus's iconic words from The Book of Revelation.

In a nutshell, the player is some kind of Christ figure sent to cause the end of the world. And it's very important to remember that scene with Faith where she starts talking about Hubris and Nemesis. On the surface she's saying that the player is defying the Gods and Nemesis will come for them. But in this scenario, the player is Nemesis. Joseph assumed the role of The Lamb, but he's not the true Lamb. (The savior chosen by The Voice, who will lead New Eden, is actually your character in New Dawn.)

I've always felt that the player characters in FC5/New Dawn are just vessels for the person controlling them, which is you, the player.

I think what he means is that a lot of modern Far Cry fans have never played the original Far Cry. They're like Fallout fans who've only ever played Fallout 3. Far Cry 3 was a wildly creative game that redefined the open world, and the game's director deserves so much more fame than he gets. But it was a super casualized, super consolized take on the original Far Cry's design ideas.

Welp, time to play Far Cry 5 again.

It's crazy how few professional games writers noticed the nature of Far Cry 5's story. There are so many hints. So many double meanings to what characters say. So much foreshadowing and introspection. When you replay Far Cry 5, it all starts to click together. Stories about predetermination are by nature divisive, but FC5 is a game where the world ends because you chose to make it end. Maybe you didn't understand what you were doing. But you were warned. The game lays on the foreshadowing so, so thick. It literally sweeps you away into a vision where Joseph stands, arms outstretched, as a nuclear mushroom rises in the distance, followed by a vision of a world consumed by fire. The Marshall tells you about free will. Faith tells you that you are the one who controls what happens. The dying Seeds tell you that the situation is not what it appears to be. It's not some crazy cult vs the police. Wheels are in motion. Cosmic wheels. "God hardened the Pharaoh's heart"-tier shit.